Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1189: crazy

Chapter 1189 Crazy

The more freedom of wealth, the more people breed other things to satisfy their desires.

Lehmann is not noble, but as a filmmaker, as the owner of two production labels, having the opportunity to express and express a certain attitude through his works is better than too many people who have no channels and conditions for wide dissemination. countless times. Standing in a high position, it is normal to have responsibility.

For example, his company never makes films with political risks and regional discrimination, nor does it make religious films that promote sects and beliefs. ") do not shoot.

Business and art, entertainment and depth, but there are more works that have both, while entertaining the public, giving the audience some points that can be recollected and comprehended.

on the sofa.

After listening to the big boss\'s creative motivation, Runier said with great interest, "It sounds good, have you thought about how to design this story?"

"Of course."

Lyman took out a small stack of manuscripts from the filing cabinet and handed it over, "I have already written the frame, and the rest needs to be filled by your writing department. My idea is to make it into a mini short film like "Black Mirror" Season, each episode is limited to 45 to 80 minutes, the specific time is not fixed, and the background is not fixed, just grasp the element of black public opinion to arrange. I designed an episode by myself, and you can watch and write the rest, and give full play to your own initiative. , this show will be put on Amber and pushed to those paying members."

"Black Mirror" is a British drama produced by bbc. The first season has only 3 episodes, but the famous scene of the Prime Minister\'s Day and Pig was born. Of course, this unit drama with the theme of absurd technology is the source of this Amber purchase. One of the packaged episodes of "Game of Thrones", and Amber also signed an exclusive supply source cooperation agreement with bbc, which is also a major incentive for "Game of Thrones" to be launched on bbc.

Speaking of which, "Black Mirror" was still popular in the British TV circle at the end of last year, mainly because of its bold intentions and sharp production. Therefore, it is not difficult for Runier to understand the big boss\'s shooting direction for this new drama.

He took over the manuscript, glanced at the title of "Headline Murder" on the cover, and quickly browsed the frame of the first episode. Sure enough, the same black style as "Black Mirror"—

"A star passed away at the age of 28, and people who eat melons began to mourn online, which is a normal reaction to hearing such news.

But soon, in order to tie up the publicity, a certain movie said that the star had a special fetish. Knowing that this artist was still a third-tier before his death, and can compete with the first-tier artist after his death, how good, how great..."

A single room in a basement.

Our protagonist, 30-year-old Louis, sat in front of a second-hand computer and followed this reversal and retweeted public opinion incident. He knew that the film party relied on this hype to attract a large number of passers-by who ate melons and ran into the theater to watch the sm star\'s last episode. Works and made a lot of money.

He is envious, and he also has the "American Dream".

But as a poor dick-si who can only sell things secretly for money, he has no conditions, but when he saw this kind of plan, he deliberately led him to eat human blood steamed buns, and after the incident took the initiative to clarify and eat human blood steamed buns again. , but also call on the audience to watch the posthumous works, make another sum of money, and then publish the book "One Day I Worked with xx", publish a personal biography, and then rely on the gold mine triggered by the death of this unfortunate person to make money, It\'s really cool (no fiction, there are too many things like this on the Internet, does art come from life, maybe it\'s better to directly apply Warner\'s marketing to Heath Ledger?)

The self-media is really amazing. It was the first time that Louis had the urge to do this business. He never thought that he would be able to "call the wind and call the rain, and passersby would take the initiative to cooperate." You have to be beaten up, no matter how comfortable you are, someone will send you money.

Yes, done.

Louis spent most of his fortune to buy cameras and found an intermediary to help him authenticate the reporter\'s name on Twitter and Facebook, searching for "big news" everywhere like a hunting dog.

Soon, Louis tasted the sweetness. He passed through a block with high crime incidents at night and witnessed a carjacking shooting. The victim was shot several times, bleeding profusely. Driven by the instinct of "we media people", he After the murderer left, he approached and dragged the victim\'s body, took several photos carefully, and posted them on his social account.

Because of this, he became popular, and many newspapers\' official microblogs reprinted his reports. There is no way, who made the videos he shoots closer, bloodier, and more sensational, and the traffic that attracted him made money. $2300…

At the same time, his ambitions became more and more inflated, and his style of conduct became more and more bold. In the end, he finally planned a topic that set off public opinion just like the reversal event he saw at the beginning...

Runier closed the script and sighed.

In this story, human life is just a tool for making big news, and the media industry\'s blind pursuit of traffic is the source.

Is the video legal? shit.

How do the victims\' families feel? shit.

Journalism ethics? shit.

Except for news topics that need to be sought after, everything else is shit.

It can be said that the core of "Toutiao Murder" is like this, the irony of deliberate irony-

Faced with some sensational news, everyone will be curious. As an ordinary person, curiosity is instinct.

But isn\'t the professionalism of the media reflected in the fact that we should answer the curiosity of the masses with facts?

What "Toutiao Murderer" wants to say is, why not reply to curiosity to attract more attention.

"This intervention point and expression perspective are great, and I feel itchy when I see it."

Runier\'s eyes lit up as if he had tasted something delicious.

Not only him, but also Wareck, who watched a paragraph, admired these ideas.

"Ha, write this out, change a few angles later, and write several stories with the same elements from the perspectives of eating melon passers-by and planners, and integrating them together is an online series. I will shoot the first episode. Later units will find other directors."

Lehman said about his plan for this mini-unit drama, "The cost of filming will not be very high, and the corresponding candidates will be screened and sent to those economic companies. I will start it in a few days when I have the time, and I will finish filming. Let\'s make "I\'m Not the God of Medicine" again for this scene."

The description of the plot is a bit familiar, doesn\'t it?

The template of the first episode of "Toutiao Murder" was changed according to "Night Stalker" in 2014. After all, the biggest disadvantage of "Night Stalker" is that the narrative is a bit boring, and it is more to persuade the audience to turn away. To put it simply, its context is too long. (It cost 85 million, and the global box office is 40 million), so Lehman processed it, removed some of the branch lines, focused on public opinion to guide this theme, and directly told the audience to the online world with a short and fast black ending. heart of.

Compared with the fact that the movie requires the audience to spend money, the advantage of launching Amber into a unit drama is that those members who have subscribed to the monthly service already have content needs, which greatly widens the audience threshold.

The exclusive drama source of the film library is enough to retain users. It does not need much, and it can reflect the value.

A very simple fact is that the performance of literary films and those less popular entertainment films is far more prominent on streaming media platforms than in theaters, because there is a relationship between value measurement.

For the audience, if you ask him to spend 7-8 dollars to go to the cinema to watch a more in-depth movie, he will feel that it is not worth the money, so he will not watch it, but it is on streaming media, especially if it has already been spent. For those who have paid monthly or annual members, the money has already been spent, and it is a waste not to look at it. Driven by this kind of thinking, they are much more inclusive.

This is also the internal reason for the success of Netflix\'s unpopular movie recommendation mechanism, and Amber also works.

Noon the next day.

When Brian and Ron and other Amber executives knew about the project, they thought much more realistically than the big boss out of some delicate filmmaker feelings.

Is the creative core of "Toutiao Murderer" deep? profound.

In some respects, what this unit drama carries is even more moving than the cowboy spirit expressed by "Dallas Buyers Club", because it directly shows the dark side of the "knife and blood" of the media industry.

With extreme opposite character charm, giving the plot a unique viewing experience.

But just because it is profound, it is destined not to be those projects that will make people secrete dopamine, focus on rhythm and visual effects, and will be bought by more people.

Of course, it won\'t be too bad. The foundation of the script is that it is a good script. All they have to do is to select good users. When the episode is launched, they can be vertically recommended to audience users with similar tastes, and do Good technical and schedule warm-up support.

"In short, we have work to do again. We originally planned to broadcast "American Terror" in April. Now it seems that it may be better to broadcast in June."

After carefully inquiring about the big boss\'s shooting plan, Brian made an arrangement and said, "At that time, this mini-series and those newly purchased film sources will be launched in batches in a cycle to maximize the drainage."

"Well, technically no problem, we\'re already preparing."

On the other side, after finishing all this, Lehman quickly set off for amc\'s headquarters in New York, where they will hold a press conference.

2012, March 6.

The well-dressed Lehmann stood at the right hand of Comrade Big Pharaoh, with a smile on his face.

Underneath, many media and financial reporters who were invited flashed on frantically, causing people to lose their minds.

No way, this news is really exciting. Who would have thought that a mainland group bought the second largest theater chain group in the North American theater chain market, or even a brand that accompanied many American audiences to watch movies.

When they first heard the news, many people couldn\'t believe it, but watching the chairman of the amc shake hands with the old man, he really declared that there was no doubt about the real murder case.

"I remember that the "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" we worked on together was scheduled for June this year?"

The vice president of Wand Film and Television asked in a low voice.

"Yes, this is something that has already been said." Ryman replied.

The other party smiled and seemed to be in a good mood.

Yes, for Universal and Firefly, this is just a co-production project, but for the direction of film and television that Wand has set out to plan, it is their attempt to enter the production side to see if they can achieve good results.

Of course they expect.


The chairman of the amc, oh no, the former chairman of the amc, symbolically spreads a text in front of the reporters and smiles at the reporters.

After signing, the two shook hands in front of the camera and continued to smile.

It is a foregone conclusion. As unlisted companies, as long as amc and Wand want to hide the details of the transaction, they can do it, but it is not necessary, isn\'t it? Wan d is definitely not pure and good.

They chose to make it public on this day, not to pave the way for certain things, such as the return of news to the mainland, to further increase the bargaining power to get the power of import, which is why the big old Wang flew to New York and was interviewed by Time Weekly. , he just wants to increase the influence of this matter.

"I am very optimistic about the cinema market. I also have my own cinema brand in the mainland. The acquisition of amc is an important component of the international market."

Question: But in the past two years, the global theater economic situation has been declining. Isn\'t the capital chain broken for amc to embrace the giant screen and 3D projection specifications? Is Wan D\'s choice of mergers and acquisitions at this time for the bottom line, or are there other considerations?

Comrade Wang: As a company, we must not have any bottom-hunting mentality for overseas mergers and acquisitions. Bottom-hunting itself is a kind of gamble, and it may be possible to copy to the bottom or to the top.

We have been operating this since 2010, in order to make the cinema brand bigger and stronger. There are only three industries in Wand, commercial real estate, cultural industry and retail department store.

We position ourselves to be a world leader in these three industries. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Looking at it now, it is the most difficult for the cultural industry to become a world leader. I think this industry must rely on mergers and acquisitions to grow. This is also the reason why I contacted AMC 2 years ago.

Question: According to the public data released by amc, their various liabilities are close to 2 billion US dollars. How do you assess the liabilities of amc?

Comrade Wang: There is a misunderstanding of corporate valuation by the outside world. I found that some financial guides reported that the valuation of amc was 1.5 billion US dollars, and Wand bought it at 2.6 billion US dollars, saying that our premium rate is 73%, which is a completely wrong concept.

AMC is not a listed company, why is it a premium?

Secondly, this valuation is the valuation of the five shareholding funds except for the company\'s liabilities, and only for the valuation of share assets. From our perspective, a valuation of $1.5 billion plus nearly $2 billion in debt makes sense.

What can be disclosed is that we have a considerable discount on this acquisition. Pharaoh\'s earned expression jpg.

What we value in M&A is that the two places complement each other. One is the largest market and the other is the largest growth market. The fusion of the two will definitely bring new value.

Big Pharaoh is as domineering as ever, and he is also not silent in the face of interviews with the US imperialists.

Of course, some people have gone crazy since the deal was revealed.

"Hua-guo\'s enterprise won the amc? What\'s wrong with this world? Not only the Japanese can enter our market, but even Hua-guo can enter at will. This is an invasion! Invasion! I seriously suggest that the relevant departments intervene and re-examine this transaction. ."

It\'s a pity that the so-called hatred is worthless in front of capital...

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