Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1187: special contribution mechanism

March 4, 2012, at 10 am.

In the harmonious atmosphere of laughter and champagne, Amber\'s A round was officially settled.

This is a foregone conclusion.

According to the red shirt, "Game of Thrones" is popular in the United States. When it is postponed overseas, the user growth is greater than the expected influx of the stage, so there is no need to worry about no one betting. Get more convenience.

Of course, the rush to finalize is also because Amber is in an extremely critical position at this time. Although the current drainage effect of the big drama series is so good, the funds on the book are close to a deficit.

After all, a large part of the copyright operation and i promotion money of "Game of Thrones" must be shared with the parent company, Mr. Martin\'s studio and the publishing house. It will not be fully calculated in the output of the streaming media business. If the accounts are calculated separately , For Amber, the operation of this drama list is only filled by the positive surplus of membership fees, TV networks, DVDs and other series-related income, so probably 10 to 20 million yuan in network promotion and crew production costs are added.

On the whole, it is very profitable, but the operation of the Amber platform alone needs capital subsidies.

Therefore, if there is no huge cash flow coming in in the short term, let alone relying on "Game of Thrones" to enter overseas markets and allocate servers, even consolidating the existing traffic advantage is powerless. It doesn\'t make much sense, but it feels like a waste of market heat.

The 1.3 billion from Red Shirt, Google, and Apple is enough to burn for a long time. Be optimistic and burn to the round. It can directly support the most stable streaming media income in the part of member income to almost level the market operation. maybe.

In the final analysis, streaming media is similar to other Internet products. If you don’t build a sufficient number of users, you can’t talk about standing still and not afraid of competition.

Of course, according to the normal financing process, venture capitalists generally do not make money immediately after signing the contract. It is common in the industry to delay for three to five weeks. You have to wait for others to raise cash. Seeing that Amber established an advantage as soon as possible to burn money and pave the way, so just after the contract was signed, the document to change the shareholding structure was filed, and the three companies sent the money.

In the afternoon, in addition to leaving their respective management directors, the teams of the three companies all left.

After sending off the management, Lehman summoned the senior staff of Amber Video to the reception room, and everyone sat down with joy, knowing what was going on in their hearts.

Lehman pressed the thick financing agreement in his hand, and he was quite high-spirited, "From today, Amber will enter the second stage of development, the server should be increased, the equipment should be purchased, and the film source has been negotiated. The bill can be paid, and the previous plans, including the barrage and comment and like mechanism, can be done.”

"Ha ha."

Everyone laughed, with uncontrollable excitement, an eagerness to do things.

For these entrepreneurial backbones, the valuation of the company they are working for in the capital market has raised 1.3 billion in less than a year, and the post-investment valuation is 13 billion, although it is not as good as some abnormal Internet myths. It’s a little bit more expensive, but with an investment of less than 1 billion to leverage such a large piece of the valuation cake, there are still people rushing to pay, which at least proves Amber’s prospects or the gold content of the company’s business.

Lehman continued to make remarks to motivate the management, "The next two years are our most critical two years. After we are targeted by the American TV network, can we continue to achieve the accumulation and migration of the original audience and change the market? The big-headed way of watching movies will be the basis for us to occupy the long-term video content market. Therefore, everyone must be clear about our focus, which is definitely based on rapid development, team building, operation and promotion, etc. First, we must consider efficiency issues, and secondly It is the return output of spending small money to do big things, and saving money is definitely the last resort for us.

It\'s all other people\'s money, so why save outsiders? They don\'t want us to save. "

Speaking of this, everyone laughed. Is this the truth? The money from the employer is really a strong wind for them.

"I\'m serious, I\'m very serious, my idea is that the 1.3 billion financing must be reasonably and efficiently transformed into the company\'s strength within 2 years. If the money is burned within 2 years, Amber will pay. The user can\'t even reach the 15 million round threshold that I ideal and guarantee with the outside world. What are we talking about competing with Netflix? Isn\'t it?

Right, Netflix\'s natural increase is already dominant, and the user volume is there. Even if they have experienced a collapse in user reputation, they have tried their best to make up for it. I don\'t think they will stop there.

To put it a bit harsher, they still have more than 28 million paying users, they still have more than 28 million paying users, and they will recover quickly, and give them another 2 years to operate. In 14 years, it should not be difficult to have 40 million. 40 million, we don\'t have 15 million, a new platform can\'t even touch the development efficiency of the old platform, isn\'t it a pity. "

Lehman\'s words stirred everyone\'s hearts.

Ron, who was sitting in his right-hand position, was being talked about with enthusiasm—it always felt like something wasn\'t right, but it seemed so.

After thinking about it, come on, compare the development efficiency with the industry leader, is this a human word? If you spend money, Netflix will only spend more. Ren’s peak stock market value is 300 billion yuan. Now the total value of the stock price has recovered to more than 190 billion yuan, and it will soon become a 200 billion-level large company.

But when I think about it carefully, I inexplicably feel that there should be such an impetus. When Mann Media first acquired fotv, he came here to apply for a job, and he never thought that Amber Video could achieve this kind of user volume in less than a year.

Not to mention that the big boss often thinks very aggressively, but whether it is core resources that must be paid to watch, or new content from TV networks that restrict the flow of content copyrights to the Internet within 2 years, when the market environment is not good, he dares to spend 100 million on it. The self-made dramas are only launched on the Amber platform to engage in confrontation. These ideas are also being implemented and implemented, and one by one has achieved good feedback.

Under such a concept of continuous success, Ron feels that 15 million in 2 years seems to be nothing, and he is very confident to do it. Even the CTO thinks so, not to mention those company employees who have changed their bosses from fotv and continue to work. They I also believe that after this wave of burning money, I should be able to touch Netflix\'s ass. At worst, it will open the gap with Hulu and become the second-ranked online video site in the United States.

Drum up.

Lehmann said to Wallace, the former deputy director of talent management of Mann Media, one of Joseph\'s deputy, and now Amber Video cho (chief talent officer) Wallace: "Those few headhunting companies that have regular cooperation, let them continue to publish recruitment in related fields. Talent announcements, especially in the ports of entry into the UK, France, Germany, Australia and other regions, the corresponding technical personnel are fundamental, even if there is a surplus, I do not want to see that technical support is stretched."


Wallace nodded in response.

Lehman added: "I don\'t need to say more about salary. Old employees should be raised appropriately. The corresponding work incentive bonuses, including half-year bonuses and year-end bonuses, must be in line with Firefly\'s welfare system."

With a large amount of cash, the salary must be raised. Speaking of which, at the end of last year, the salaries and benefits that Mann Media\'s middle and senior management can get are much higher than Amber\'s. To make employees feel a sense of belonging, just shout slogans. How to draw cakes, over time, there is resentment in my heart, **** is the end.

For migrant workers, nothing can improve the employee\'s corporate identity with the company more than substantive treatment. There is no one.

For the Internet industry, many founding teams will set aside part of their employee shares. Once the feedback from the listing is good, creating hundreds of thousands of millionaires is the best reward for their hard work.

Lehman is very concerned about this part. Like other studios who are still changing their laws to restrict co-directors, he directly offered Nolan, Gyro, Zha Dao and others sky-high salaries in the industry. The personal projects they find themselves are all treated as project partners. Even if the company approves the project and asks them to direct, they will never be stingy in terms of salary, but the billing standard issued will be changed.

For so many years, the first-line directors like the past have basically run from each other, and those who have a close relationship with Lehman basically stay with him.

No one is stupid. Love is a thing, money can\'t be negotiated, and it will fade away over time, or even strangers.

Back then, Cameron and Fox had such a good relationship that they had a falling out.

When it comes to money, especially those who have the ability to make money, who hasn\'t had a clear understanding?

Under such circumstances, it is a rare thing to make profits. For some managers, you clearly know that he can make a lot of money for you, but you can\'t help but measure the income in the middle, repeatedly evaluate, evaluate, Re-evaluate, and then make a conflict.

This is the case with all these big studios, not to mention some Internet companies that are not listed on the market but have no revenue reserves.

Most of the unlisted Internet companies are stingy. Aside from the pressure of venture capital on their founders, they dare not spend much financing funds on employee treatment. They can only repeatedly promise equity to keep people’s hearts. And once the io is unfavorable, it is basically impossible to escape the curse of disillusionment.

In such a big environment, Amber and some Internet companies that are willing to make profits are like a clear stream. If nothing else, the employees\' minds will be more stable.

In the conference room, everyone did not feel that the big boss\'s idea of ​​improving employee benefits was inappropriate, and even the management directors dispatched by the management like Edward had no objection.

The reason is very simple. Edward and other directors recognize Amber\'s potential very much. What inspires people\'s hearts is only a small thing. If it is the kind of development prospect that is relatively rough, but still thinking about spending money to buy people\'s hearts, it is a big fool. If you don\'t have that ability, don\'t do anything beyond your strength.

To put it bluntly, VCs are always double-standard.

"Just these few days, your administrative department will spend some more time, come up with a regulation and regulations for outstanding contributions, and reward employees who have made significant contributions to the company every month, and reward small-sized hardcover houses, cars, etc. accordingly. The equivalent of the value, if the contribution is particularly large, some of the reserved shares will be given out as an option reward. In addition, if I can io, I will personally help him identify the circulating share capital of about 5 million..."

After the meeting was over, the corresponding news of the meeting reached the ears of the middle and lower-level employees, and the entire Amber Building immediately cheered.

For high-level executives, similar benefits such as cars, houses, etc. do not burden them, and they are not aimed at them, but Amber\'s options and the promise of tradable shares are very attractive. Although it is not a normal selection, it is enough. Speaking of which, the salary increase mentioned above is already a happy event, and the tangible rewards such as a car, a house, etc. are even more attractive.

You see, the quarterly quota is calculated by group, and if there are 7 to 8 people, the corresponding equivalent does not add up to more than 8 million.

For the current Amber Video, let alone after financing, it is not a big expenditure before financing, but once this mechanism is implemented, the incentive for employees is very high, and many migrant workers ask for it. Isn\'t it the things that can really improve the quality of life, such as houses and cars.

Los Angeles, as a core city in California, its housing prices, especially in Burbank, where the entertainment industry gathers together, is difficult for ordinary working class to afford even if they overdraw their future income.

Oh, not to mention the working class, ordinary young actors can\'t afford it, they all live in rented houses, and there are a large number of employees living in the company\'s staff dormitory, and they don\'t have freedom of housing.

And Amber Video may count 200 or 300 overseas teams to expand in the future, 8 million per quarter, or in the form of a group, and the chances of getting it are not small. After all, this kind of employee-oriented contribution award or simply say The Diligence Award is to send out a signal: as long as you work hard, you will have the opportunity to obtain blessings.

996? Just for the standard of living.

For those companies that have the ability to lead everyone to become rich, it is easy for employees to have a sense of belonging, and corporate culture also depends on what they can do, not what they boast.

After performing his duties as chairman, Lehmann went back to Firefly, where there were still a few things to take time to sort out.

"Oss, Wareck and Runier are here."

Inside the office, Mays reminded.

"Okay, I\'ll come."


Melissa Warrek has been working at Firefly for more than a week. On weekdays, she just writes and writes episodes and polishes stories as required, but she is quite leisurely.

"But, when will "Dallas Buyers Club" start?" He always wondered, and sometimes asked his boss -- not even a boss. The screenwriting department just reviewed the scripts in the script library and did a good job of classifying and rating them. Even if there is a writing task, it is not compulsory to go to work~www.novelhall.com~ It doesn\'t matter if you write a script at home and communicate the progress by email. There is no obvious division between superiors and subordinates in the whole department. This is the characteristic of the creator. In other words, Runier It\'s just the most senior person in charge.

"The boss met with us today, and the project has been approved. Don\'t worry, it\'s only a matter of time before it starts up."

Runier gave an accurate answer, but he was always a little empty in his heart before he fully implemented it.

Recently, the company\'s writing work is mainly about the second season of "American Terror" and cooperating with 2D to sort out the script of the second season of "Game of Thrones". On the other hand, some colleagues will fight after finishing their day\'s work or feeling that they can keep up with the progress. Play poker, or add fun activities like blowing water online.

Creation is sometimes boring, some entertainment, very effective for soothing the mind.

"The story of "The Artist" is not bad. Just because it is a silent film, it cannot be criticized for its research.

"That\'s right, baseless scolding doesn\'t hold up at all."

"Its clothing is very good, it can give people the atmosphere of old Paris."

"If every criticizing audience can read it first and then express their opinions, it won\'t cause such a fuss. It\'s subjective, and it\'s the most terrifying thing to do. Even one\'s own feelings are established by others..."

When the screenwriters of Firefly were resting, they expressed their opinions on some news in the circle as usual. Naturally, "The Artist", which was ridiculed by the audience after the Oscars, became the talk of everyone.

Just in the chat atmosphere where everyone felt that there was too much controversy about "The Artist", Runier walked in quickly, "Melissa, the boss wants to see you." He shouted.

"Oh oh."

Melissa Wareck hurriedly stood up, her heart was beating fast as she followed, he knew what he was expecting...