Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1186: 1 absurd thing

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After sorting out the approximate development direction of money-burning about the pace after the A round, the rest of the execution link does not need Lehmann to watch.

Wait until the next day and go back to Firefly.

Piece by piece work arrangements are organized into the log:

First of all, the A round will be finalized in the past two days, and then the directors of "The Hunger Games" and "Dallas Buyers Club" have to be settled, and the team will be prepared; in March, "Big Shot" will be released; in addition, Wan D\'s side He was also invited to the platform acquisition ceremony, and considering such trivial matters as Marvel\'s successive relocations into new buildings, there are still a lot of things to do.

"Boss, Director Lawrence\'s agent made an appointment to come and talk in the afternoon."

"OK, when he\'s here, he\'ll take him to the reception room."

As Mace left, the office phone rang.

"Hey, who are you?"

"Mr. Rust, I\'m Michael Hazanavicius\' wife...sorry to bother you, but Michael is in a bad situation right now, and Hollywood is questioning him...he drank a lot last night. , Those words hit him a lot. Everyone told me that only you can help him. I beg you, can you say something nice for him, so that those people don\'t smear him any more... woohoo."

The phone was only connected, and a woman spoke inexplicably with a crying voice. Lyman was confused, and a slightly familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, "Call me, Penny."

"Lyman, do you remember me?" The phone changed.


"Well, I\'m in Paris now, and it\'s Michael\'s wife, Berenice Bejo, who just spoke to you, and here\'s the whole thing, we want you to do me a favor..."

As a member of the Cannes main committee, he once helped prepare "Untouchable", and took care of Lehmann\'s acquaintances at the Cannes Film Festival. After he finished talking in detail, Lehman also understood the meaning of the call.

The 84th Oscars ended, and "The Artist" won the highest honor. As the pride of the French world, Director Michael can be said to have returned home with a great reputation after returning to China, and the scenery is infinite. Winning was boycotted and belittled by many American audiences. In addition, this film is a black and white silent film, very retro, and it cannot please the tastes of literary and artistic youths. It is conceivable that this film has suffered a lot of pressure from public opinion.

This is also a matter of Lehman being busy with Amber, and he didn\'t pay attention, otherwise he would know that many people outside are criticizing "The Artist", and the argument of "deliberately catering to" is also arrogant. Michael Hazanavicius\' nose scolded him for hypocrisy, praised the stinky feet of the Oscar judges, and the intention was ugly, and even the remarks of "how can such a person be a director" came out.

And, having said that, the scolding is so ugly, the gunfire is a bit like hitting the French film industry. After all, people are also in the French film circle. If you say him, you will indirectly disgust those who helped him or cooperated with him. Actors, screenwriters, photographers and a long list of film workers.

"It\'s just a formal statement. The current public opinion is too much. I can\'t wait to kill a person. He just made a movie. What\'s wrong with him."

Even a good old man like Edmund was angry, one can imagine the pressure from the outside world.

This reminds Lyman of an interview with George Lucas announcing that he will no longer be the director of "Star Wars", "It\'s okay without the Internet, since the Internet, the criticism has become more vicious and personal attacks on him. What\'s wrong with me? So what?"

The more transparent the information is, the more the information is amplified, and the more channels there are to receive information, the people seem to have a fire in their hearts. , believing that he holds the truth in his left hand and the truth in his right.

In Edmund\'s broken thoughts, Lyman couldn\'t help but have some images.

A 45-year-old winner of the Little Gold Medal is in high spirits, and he can\'t hide his laughter when he speaks and behaves. Maybe he is a little proud in his heart and has a sense of looking down on other colleagues. He is talking loudly, surrounded by praise from "friends and relatives", but only one or two. God, he was crushed in the cesspool by a mountain of cold words, and he only escaped with alcohol...

This is killing people. Even if you make a bad film, I’m sorry for the investors and the audience who bought tickets to enter the venue, but it’s definitely not under the pillar of shame and can’t turn over. Besides, “The Artist” is not a bad film without sincerity. , even if it is, the personal attack is too much...

"I will," Lyman agreed.

Regardless of his position, he has no reason to refuse.

The phone hung up, and Lehman called Johnson, who bought a lot of newspapers—

"Another Oscar without any suspense, "The Artist" won three awards for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor. There were no surprises, no dark horses, no surprises, and no bright spots. Of course.

As we all know, the average age of Oscar judges is as high as 57 years old. Among them, less than 2% of the judges are under the age of 30, and 64% of the judges are over the age of 60. There are 5,783 judges in the Academy, and almost 3,700 are over the age of 60. \'s judges.

So, how can we expect these more than 3,700 elderly people to appreciate movies that are younger and more up-to-date with the times?

That\'s why the 83rd Best Picture was "The King\'s Speech" rather than the more vocal "The Social Network."

Likewise, old-timers are unlikely to like films like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Dangerous Method, which are more in line with younger tastes, although the latter films don\'t even have a single nomination. "

"There\'s no way, there\'s no suspense that \'The Artist\' won. It\'s too speculative, it\'s too tricky, and it completely captured the heart of the academy.

It is speculative because it caters to the psychology of old men in many ways.

First, the choice of black and white silent films. The silent film era is not far away from them, and it is easy to feel close psychologically and feel back to the old days.

Secondly, the overall theme of the film is more appropriate to deliberately create the atmosphere of the silent film era. Finally, the idea of ​​authentic Parisian style is so high that it seems so unusual in a group of young movies, which is not to blame for the elderly. Everyone chooses it..."

"It\'s too biased. If silent films can win awards, can everyone win awards for silent films?"

In the office, Lyman rubbed his eyebrows.

"It\'s like those very photogenic actors who contribute disfiguring performances to win the best actors and actresses. Many unscrupulous editors like to write like this. If they question it, it will be more topical, and they will do whatever they can to guide the reading volume. Because they are from Don\'t give an example of those who have contributed to the disfigured acting in the Oscars and still can\'t win the award" - such as Charlize Theron, many people say that she was very deliberate to win the award for her performance in "The Devil", but I don\'t know if there are hidden rules first. , and then some works.

The Oscars discriminate against handsome men and beautiful women not once or twice, but also because such people are naturally attracted to their looks rather than their performances.

"No matter how tricky you are, the rules will win. If you have to be picky, if "Titanic" can win the best picture, you can\'t question its commercial attributes and old-fashioned plot design, right? If you can escape, there is no perfect work in this world that can meet all the judges and the public\'s taste." Johnson said something quite philosophical.

"But not everyone thinks so. Since they want to fight for "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and other unsuccessful works, it is strange not to scold the winners, and they will scold them. Everyone has their own hobbies. , aesthetics, but it rises to insulting the director personally, clinging to his life and family, and not worthy of a guide tube is too much. It\'s just a movie."

"There is no reason to express emotions." Johnson shrugged and spread his hands.

"Make a statement for me and find some magazine PR."

"The effect will not be very big." Johnson, who is used to seeing such things, suggested: "It will be fine after this period of time, how can the public\'s energy be focused on one thing, such as this level of Internet popularity They forget in a few days. The internet has no memory.”

"Edmund and the others have asked me for help, so what if you don\'t help?"

What\'s more, Lehman himself felt a little bit of the same feeling. In recent years, there have been many voices calling him "degenerate". In the eyes of some people, it is wrong for him to make commercial entertainment films, and it is even more wrong to make popular films. How can there be any reason? Word.

"As soon as possible, from my personal point of view, I can send some announcements, which can help alleviate a little pressure of public opinion."

He is now a director in France, with the highest appeal to movie fans from all over the world, international reputation, etc. Those people come to him because of their identity, geographical factors, not who they are looking for, and secondly because they are recognized by too many movie fans. his energy.


Johnson agreed.

While he felt it would be wasteful to do so, he had no intention of putting Lehmann\'s local connections in the French film industry into a quandary. Some people who knew him over there rarely asked him for help.

After such absurdity, Ryman checked the time, it was already 11:30 in the morning.

"Go have a meal."

When the lunch was over, Johnson naturally went back to help arrange and guide the public opinion from a small number of fans who were hostile and were led away by some bad editors to watch the fun and even want to pour more oil. Lehman went back to receive Lawrence. a group of people.


Accompanied by Liam, they met Francis Lawrence, Thetis and Lawrence\'s agent in the reception room on the third floor.

"We have no reason not to accept it, don\'t we, we admire you very much, and thank you for giving us this opportunity, my buddy has been bothered by the conversation that night since he went back, but it should not be needed now..."

Thetis got close, and Lehman only valued Francis\' ability, not his. If he wanted to join the crew, or even the production team, he had to say good things.

On the other hand, Francis was not so explicit. Although he also wanted to seize this opportunity and win the guide tube to prove himself, he was a director after all. At least his brokers are more direct, and he is just about to ask how much the salary is and when to start work.

The two sides chatted about the contract while rhetorically, "Let me talk about our conditions first, resolve this part of the differences, and the other talks will be faster." Liam is already familiar with this process.

As a well-known label in the industry, Firefly is not as lacking in appeal and attractiveness as it used to be.

"The first is the director\'s rights. We were going to find Zach Snyder to direct, but he didn\'t have time. I said in advance that he will definitely serve as the producer of the series in the future to assist the filming crew."

Seeing the disappointment in the corner of Lawrence\'s eyes, but it was well concealed, Liam introduced himself, "The script has already been written, and I will give it to you later. In terms of salary, according to the industry price, 2 million And the incentive share of a portion of the box office target...are there any questions about that?"

After a rough introduction, it is also a necessary introduction to dispel the unrealistic delusions of some people.

In the previous life, Lionsgate asked Lawrence to shoot the last two films. Objectively speaking, they were better than the first film in terms of narrative shots, but they were a little weaker. They were weak in portraying the taste of gradual awakening and people\'s uprising to overthrow tyranny. , the rhythm control is a little less interesting, it will be better if there is a guide and a handle.

To put it bluntly, even Liam doesn\'t think Lawrence can perfectly control the trilogy plan adapted from such a hit novel. The existence of Director Zha is an insurance for the crew.

The underlying meaning of these words is understood by anyone who has been in the entertainment industry.

Lawrence\'s agent looked at his employer, and Francis smiled, "No problem."

This also means that his right to speak is not as high as imagined. At least, no matter how good he does, he can only be named as a co-producer, but for such a big project, it seems that people who have more insurance can understand.

"If you sign a director\'s agreement, you won\'t be able to change it easily in the future, right? And you said that you would treat this project as a Class A production, so is it the same for the announcement and release specifications?"

The salary of 2 million is not much, but it is in line with the value of the employer. Besides, the large-scale guide tube is much more important than the money. Lawrence\'s agent did not bother, but mentioned two more professional ones along the way. It can be regarded as a requirement for Firefly to protect the rights and interests of directors.

"These will be added to the terms of the formal agreement, don\'t worry."

"That\'s fine." The agent was satisfied.

"Cough, he and I are... helpers during filming, can I ask for a production manager position." Seeing that everyone was negotiating, Thetis said. Lawrence naturally agrees.

"Small things, if you want, you can help with the preparation of the crew." Liam didn\'t refuse.

The director team is done, and "The Hunger Games" is also counted.

Next~www.novelhall.com~ Firefly will contact major guilds and brokerage companies to conduct interviews and selections, basically aiming at the schedule from October to November this year, because the top and the corresponding screenwriters in Monster Universe are not ready yet. Good third, this year\'s schedule of Blue Butterfly Pictures is missing a work of corresponding weight, this one just fills in.

the next day.

Marvel\'s relocation work was almost completed, and Yongdao\'s accountants came over to reconcile the accounts. "The purchase fee, decoration fee and some professional equipment of that building cost nearly 170 million, and the tax season in April is coming again."

"I see."

A lot of financial expenditures, and next month\'s large-scale tax payment season, no matter how "tricky" to avoid taxes reasonably, the cash lying on the company will shrink a bit.

After a while, Edward called to chat, and the other party had only one meaning inside and outside the words: the A round was settled, and he wanted to come over.

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