Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1183: The 84th Academy Awards

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From December 1, 2011, the deadline for submitting the official list of cast and crew; to January and October 2012, the Academy announced the list of nominees for the nomination award; and on February 6, 2012, the nominees luncheon was held and a group photo was taken. Oscar\'s process has been very standardized or even too standardized.

And just two days before the Oscars night, "Game of Thrones" swept the UK and continued to open up new markets.

"Boss, the premiere rating of 27 points."

The assistant ran into Perlman\'s office excitedly, Perlman looked up and asked, "Is it really 27 o\'clock?"

"Really, Amber is not online in the UK, but Facebook and Twitter are very popular there. Our drama is so highly discussed now that British audiences have long been looking forward to it. After the BBC introduced it, it was put on the evening. The file focuses on the promotion of inclined resources, and it became the champion of the same period of time as soon as it was broadcast."

The female assistant put a pile of British newspapers on Perlman\'s table, "Look, boss, the entertainment headlines of several major newspapers are talking about this."

"Let me see."

After looking through it for a while, while feeling happy, Perlman felt a little pity, "This achievement was divided by the BBC, if we take advantage of this wind to set up Amber\'s UK server, I don\'t know how much promotion fee we can save. , and I don’t know how many users it can consolidate.”

"The broadcast rights given by the BBC is more than 50 million US dollars. According to this situation, the advertising share will not be lower than this amount at the end of the final ranking. In addition, with the help of the BBC, if the company has plans to expand the stream in the UK The media market, the foundation is there. The copyright is still in our hands.”

The assistant knew that his boss was just habitually dissatisfied, and laughed and counted the future benefits of the UK region.

You must know that when the company promoted the streaming media business, the TV department instantly lost a large amount of revenue from domestic TV stations. Some people were still a little dissatisfied. partial.

But for the current situation of the entire group, many people also have to admit that production and broadcasting are separated (Amber is different from Netflix, Amber’s self-made drama essentially uses big data to indicate the direction of users, and the original Firefly TV Department is responsible for implementation) + main line It not only reduces the travel cost of the TV department by 30%, but also makes the production more efficient. Just looking at the profit in the first quarter of this year, it is actually comparable to the scenery in 2009 and 2010.

If you take into account the changes in the industry environment, more and more young people of the new generation do not like to watch dramas, or watch dramas in front of the TV, and the overall ratings of various TV networks are declining.

Intellectually, this trend will continue for another 10 years. When the next generation of young people become the mainstream of the market, the business prospects of traditional TV networks will only be worse. This is a very successful direction transformation.

But then again, from a very single point of view, the TV department has changed from a film department that was only slightly worse than the film department led by the big boss in the past to an incomplete structure, basically becoming a lower-level administrative unit of Amber. What should Amber’s content department do? , they have to do what they have to do, and they have lost too much initiative in project establishment, and these people will definitely not be very happy.

Fortunately, Ryan, who was leading the TV department, didn\'t fully focus on the TV department. He was the boss. How could he let the people below fight, how to fight?

For an enterprise, the development has a focus, and the interests of some departments will always be sacrificed because they do not stand in the general direction of progress. This is unavoidable. Lehman himself just asked a few middle managers to talk to each other, to talk about ideals and other slightly vague things...

As for Perlman\'s idea of ​​"taking advantage of the popularity of "Game of Thrones" and expanding the UK market, Lehman did not expect it, but as soon as the A round was not over, he had nothing on hand;

Second, not only the UK, he and Ron and Edward mean to complete the initial development of the streaming media business in the UK, France, Germany, Australia and other four regions within this year, which is basically the next few years in addition to improving local In addition to the number of users, the second priority is to deeply cultivate the share of these markets.

And because of the smooth debut of "Game of Thrones" in the UK, the international influence of the series has also been raised. When other regions are authorized and screened one after another, "Game of Thrones" will basically be the most influential and most profitable since the beginning of 2012. episodes.

Affected by the play, the starring actors who played Snow, Daenerys, Ma Wang, and core members of the Stark family also suddenly became regulars in major newspapers and TV stations in various countries, and many people jumped into Hollywood\'s current darlings. Advertisers\' performances and film and television invitations are soft-hearted.

The day before the Oscars, at noon on February 25, Liam put aside his own affairs and came to Lyman\'s office.

Tomorrow, Lehmann is responsible for attending and awarding awards; he is responsible for the Vanity Fair dinner after the end, taking care of contacts and networking. The same is true in previous years.

Of course, Liam was actually busy with public relations for a while before. Of course, it was not his public relations, but his search for a professional public relations team.

At the 84th Academy Awards, Firefly also has feature films such as "Beautiful Mistakes" and "Tsunami Miracle" nominated for Best Editing, Best Art Direction, and a series of technical awards brought by A-category commercial films, such as costume design, Visual effects, sound effects.

Although these awards are not grand prizes that can be remembered by the audience in the traditional sense, they can bring added value to the works, but they are also a reputation.

"Our main rivals are the crew of Hugo and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

Martin Scorsese has devoted a lot of ambition to "Hugo". This is also the first time since 1991 that he did not find Xiao Lizi to star in, and the first PG film directed (without violence, blood and other scenes), there are Many critics said it was a film he created for children;

"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is deeply loved by adult audiences. The initial attendance rate of on-demand has been high. David Fincher\'s black atmosphere for the movie still carries his unique cult temperament. I like it very much, not I like it but I don\'t like it..."

Liam briefly introduced the company\'s award-winning situation.

"It\'s all acquaintances." Lyman complained.

The longer you stay in the circle, the more you will find that there are always a few names that meet and compete with each other.

Every circle reaches a certain height, it is the same.

"Well, so... our situation is not optimistic, the technology award is not bad, either in the digital field or Weta Digital or Industrial Light and Magic, we rely on the nominations of "Thor 2" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" to win. However, there are more people competing for other awards, and the judges’ intentions are highly overlapping, so it is difficult to get a more positive answer.”

"It\'s all right, as long as there are nominations, it\'s not bad to be able to show it in front of tens of millions of viewers at home and abroad who watch the live broadcast even if there is nothing to gain." Lehmann was very calm.

Furthermore, although the three Mexican heroes are all talented, they also need time to refine their talents. For example, Alejandro\'s "Beautiful Mistakes" is not as artistic as his "Babel" three years ago.

Well, perhaps, with the growth of experience, the things you want to express will be different and more appropriate. "Beautiful Mistakes" is not as harsh as "Babel Tower", it directly points to the nakedness of certain systems and human nature, and the camera is relatively restrained. , the impact is not strong, but unexpectedly a little warmer.

"By the way, I plan to release "Big Shot" in mid-March. Our summer schedule is already full, and it will be difficult to adjust until the second half of the year." After talking about the Oscar dinner, Liam mentioned the release plan. arrange.

"You are the professional. I will give them a call and cooperate with the promotion schedule. Mace..."

Lehman called an assistant to ask her to add these schedules, "In mid-March, the sprint period will begin after Oscar, and I will let Cage and other leading actors enter the state before the 28th."

"Okay, let\'s talk about it when we\'re done tomorrow."

Waiting for the people to leave, Lehmann stayed in the office until 4 pm, and then went home.

The next afternoon, everyone gathered at the Kodak Theater.

For such a small task, Ryman had to keep a standard smile, walk casually with several senior judges who recommended him like visiting his own garden, and kept shaking hands with people who hadn\'t seen each other for a year.

According to their status in this circle, there is no problem at all in doing so, but in fact there is not much scenery or enjoyment at all. Communication is actually a tiring task. Everyone speaks good things to each other and tries to maintain their dignity.

On the contrary, some academy judges really liked him. These older filmmakers held his hand and chatted with him. They were really talkative, reminiscing about the past.

There are also people who seem to really want to persuade him that he shouldn\'t be so focused on entertainment movies like Marvel.

"Well, I always thought that without commercial support, art would be impossible to talk about. I actually have no discrimination against both. Whether it is business or art, shouldn\'t the focus be on the works, be responsible for the production projects, and be worthy of the audience. ."


"Ho! It\'s really tiring. I\'m not here for a debate. A good attitude is more important than a choice. Bad films should be boycotted, rather than works that have made great achievements in catering to the public." Lehmann thought to himself.

The hall was gradually filled with people, and people who knew him constantly greeted him, as well as acquaintances such as actors, directors, screenwriters and even trade union representatives who had dealt with him, as well as acquaintances such as Warner and Sony\'s distribution department...

Nodding, shaking hands, smiling, it took a long time for the hall to quiet down, and they all took their seats.

Lyman sat with the crew members of "Thor 2" and "Beautiful Mistakes" who came to cheer. The actors who needed to be exposed sat in a position relatively in front of the camera, and the workers behind the scenes gathered in the back to chat and pass the time. .

Compared with artists, behind the scenes, it is less necessary to be upright and pay special attention to the image in public.

It\'s even more boring to wait until the awards ceremony starts.

The host was so boring to talk jokes and ridicule the winners; some honorary awards or technical awards were also ranked at the top, with little suspense and low competition.

Just like the process of awarding all awards, the higher the gold content, the more need to appear at the finale. In addition, singing and dancing should be interspersed between awards and awards. Whoever accepts the award, everyone must maintain a graceful applause and congratulations.

The men are okay, but the actresses have to endure the inconvenience of all kinds of dresses, even if they want to slip to the toilet in the middle.

Fortunately, sentimental speeches and procrastination are only held once a year, otherwise it would be too boring.

"Sir, get ready..."

When the best actress began to read the nominations, the staff came to remind Lehmann.

Lehman stood up and breathed a sigh of relief: It was finally time to end this ceremony that wanted so much a sense of ceremony.


"The 84th Best Director is...Congratulations, The Artist, Michael Hazanavicius..."

Lehmann opened the envelope in a formulaic manner, and pronounced his name in surprise.

He is irrelevant, so he has no special emotions.

Below the stage are all beings—

Hearing the result, David Finch and the direct-line photographer and old friend Fordrick Buck complained and applauded after whispering a few words.

David Fincher is also a big director who is not so favored by the Oscars, with numerous nominations, most of whom accompany him to run, even if he does not deserve to run, he will be dismissed with a technical award;

Woody Allen, who was shortlisted for "Midnight in Paris", simply didn\'t come. The "poet director" who roamed the East Coast was famous for ignoring Oscar;

Terrence Malick, who lives in France for a long time, but is an American director, picked up the guide tube again after 20 years and was shortlisted for "The Tree of Life", but he did not lose his temper.

He has got what he wanted. Martin Scorsese, who has won the director\'s golden man and is also a big man in the East Coast director industry, is very calm, and he can\'t see any emotional fluctuations...

Of course, no matter what these "losers" think, no nominations won\'t show any ill-mannered behavior in front of the public.

This is a live broadcast, surrounded by peers, can\'t afford to play, can\'t afford to lose, it\'s very bad.

No one wants to lose their share, especially public figures.

Standing on it, Lehmann, who experienced the competition for the best director from this perspective for the first time, perfectly fulfilled his responsibilities as a bystander and a well-wisher.


Looking at the excited Michael Hazanavicius, Lehmann first handed the statue to him and hugged him.

He is Lehmann\'s French fellow. The two have met at the Cannes Film Festival before. They are not familiar with each other, but their identities can be closer.

"Thank you." His mouth trembled, obviously excited.

"This is yours." Lyman released his hand and left the stage to him.

"Thank you, thank you," he just repeated.

Such a sense of ceremony is the highlight of the director\'s career. Lehmann felt that his fellow villager was stunned, and he couldn\'t control the turbulent wave in his heart at all.

"Uh... I\'m sorry~www.novelhall.com~ I\'m so excited..."

The old man held the little golden man, took a few deep breaths, and managed to organize his words, "First of all, I would like to thank the judges of Oscar Academy, you gave me this opportunity to stand here..."

Accompanied by bursts of applause and encouragement from below, at least he made a suitable testimonial.

At this point, the 84th Oscars are almost coming to an end.

Best Actress went to Meryl Streep - work: "Iron Lady: Solid Tenderness"

Best Actor in a Leading Role - Jean Dujardin - Work: "The Artist"

The best foreign language was won by "Nader and Simin: A Parting" in the Iranian region; the best picture at the end was also "The Artist".

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