Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1182: The situation is different

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"Haha, happy."

Mann Media, the people in the copyright department can basically sum up the mood of the past few days in this sentence.

The outside world is hotly discussing the drama, and the media and the public are very fond of the adaptation of "A Song of Ice and Fire", and the popularity of the drama has been continuously spreading to attract new audiences, which makes the manufacturers who see the wind direction come to seek cooperation in an endless stream. Incessantly.

Looking at the luxury cars coming in and out of the parking lot, they can basically achieve something as long as they follow up a little.

Foods such as wine, Oreos, potato chips, candy, and chocolate are the easiest to achieve cross-border marketing results. Although it is only a name and some iconic images, it can be bought and sold in one go, but the accumulation can also bring benefits to the company. To make tens of millions of income;

As for some deeper authorizations, although it is more troublesome, the positioning of both parties must be taken into account, but everyone is willing to promote cooperation, and after several rounds of talks, it is basically done.

Just like what has been happening in Hollywood, there is no shortage of monetization channels for successful content, and no good IP.

Under the gaze of countless complex eyes, Mann Media has transformed into a fully powered money-making machine, desperately digesting market feedback.

For those venture capitalists who wanted to get on the bus but felt that the itinerary was too expensive and hesitated, the popularity of "Game of Thrones" far exceeding expectations also made them unable to get excited.

The Big Apple, in an office building lined on both sides of the Manhattan block.

Well-dressed elites came in and out with briefcases and shiny hair, but most of them had jackal-like eyes.

They smell the smell, smell the wind, look for every opportunity.

Coincidentally, the weather is not bad today. The temperature of Financial Street in early February was already around 10 degrees. The breeze mixed with the fragrance of the city\'s steel buildings added a bit of warmth.

In the room scented with essential oils, the air maintains a refreshing smell for the brain.

Leighton Kent, director of the Holdman Fund, sat in a chair, frowning.

The Foundation\'s subordinates gathered together, standing or sitting in the room, and everyone looked solemn.

"what to do?"

Leighton pointed to the report, "Look, Amber has 5.5 million paying users, which is three times higher than our previous estimate of 1.5 million. Is this our analysis?"

"Cough cough. It\'s hard to tell about Hollywood. Who knew that "Game of Thrones" was so popular." The subordinate explained in a low voice.

Creation is always full of surprises. Who can count how many people watch the show after it is broadcast?

Besides, mistakes in judgment are also common in the venture capital industry, and it is impossible to accurately calculate every step. If so, then each company does not need a lot of preliminary research and market statistics to prove anything, and just rely on intuition to invest.

Of course, even if you know this truth, you know that the fault is not that the research is not accurate enough, but Leighton-Kent is still very uncomfortable.

The explosion of "Game of Thrones" has not only increased Amber\'s active volume, member users, and popularity, but also attracted the attention of a large number of venture capitalists in the United States. For a time, Amber\'s A round suddenly became The sweet pastry.

In particular, they have been following this investment project for a while. For the sake of Red Shirt\'s entry, after preliminary consideration, it is not that they have no intention to board the ship. If that\'s the case, he will regret it for a while at most--

FxxK, "Game of Thrones", the big director always emphasized the point, and the red shirt came in at a premium first, all kinds of behaviors were expected, but they were stupid and didn\'t raise the corresponding vision?

Oh, yes, it\'s not that I have no vision, but I don\'t believe that a drama can bring such a great market feedback.


I’m very sorry, isn’t it just a few hundred million, I can still get it out, but due to the limitations of my thinking, I always feel that the quotation does not match, and I don’t want to be taken advantage of. In addition, the VCs rarely do it for a bit of falsehood. Something to cup bets.

Financing both parties is a game, and it is foolish to always follow each other\'s wishes.

But the idea at the time was like this, which does not mean that it can adapt to the current situation.

Against the background of higher-level venture capital, especially Dadi Capital and **** have hearts, and have already dealt with Amber, the Holdman Fund is not so good.

Since the day it went live, their people have been calling those decision makers, including the big director, but they never got a positive answer, as can be seen from the general statement of "direct quotation".

The demand-led environment is bound to be different.

At the beginning, it was called courage and vision;

The prospect of the project is very bright, that is, the strength, financial resources and what it can bring to the project itself.

The financing game is complex and complex, simple and simple. The financing party hopes to accelerate incubation and enhance competition, and the financing party hopes that the resources invested in it will have high returns. Essentially, it is a "profitable" interactive game.

It\'s just that things such as management, relative independence, and the right to speak slowly become more complicated.

There are many examples of founders being kicked out in the industry, and there is no shortage of introducing intricate stakeholders in order to balance equity and board of directors, weaving into a web that is more restrained than efficient.

Don\'t you see, Netflix\'s equity is scattered in the hands of hundreds of stakeholders. Roberts, the founder of Comcast, will also use a series of means to acquire and grow, and the equity has to be reduced to divide shareholders. A fund of family members was also established to control the voting, holding the dominance firmly in the hands.

What happened around the profit cake is repeated everywhere, just to see who is more clever.

After all, the reason for many broken things is that investors do not want to see their own assets suffer losses, but they still have the ability to change.

"I think we may be able to draw an ally to make a bid together. On Amber\'s side, we must end the A round and get enough resources to continue paving the way."

After a long time, someone mentioned it.


"Google Ventures."

"You can try."

Matching quotations is easy to say, but this kind of thing that has no specific standards and attracts attention in the industry is troublesome. The system of the red shirt itself determines that each team responsible for the project will not pretend to be others, so a few weeks ago , they can filter out Google Ventures in the list, which must be the needs of Amber itself.

How to put it, for example, Facebook has an investment from Red Shirt, but they will not give up looking for the next social software. There is no single resource tilt, and if Facebook wants to acquire other companies invested by Red Shirt, Red Shirt will not Will definitely help, at most be a middleman and let the two families talk about it themselves.

There is no saying that VCs such as red shirts are tied to death. It is the most fundamental thing in this industry to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and have some free attributes.

Because of this, the Holdman Fund never thought of using the red shirts in the past. There is a cost to this type of people or this type of industry. Once it exceeds the line defined by people, it will turn a face faster than a book. A friendly conversation in a second, and a passerby in the next second.

In this industry, not grasping the opportunity will lead to ridicule, business is business, out of demand and long-term development considerations, no one will be grateful, they will only think that they are smart, visionary and means.

The ringing of the phone broke the condensed atmosphere, and Leighton-Kent stared at the subordinate who was on the phone in a daze, thinking very confused.

A few minutes later, there was a burst of curses in the room.

They are well aware that they have lost their chance to compete.


over the phone.

Google Ventures director Burns Newman hangs up in disdain.

Contrary to what the Holdman Fund thought, Amber and Red Shirt Director Edward\'s faction matched the offers from those interested in investing, but that didn\'t mean they didn\'t have a favorite choice.

The people in the red shirt are still very rational. What Amber’s A round needs most is the support of the traffic port. The film library or the audiences around the world have such a huge demand for film sources that no one can buy them all. In terms of current conditions, it is enough to filter some of them to meet the needs of the moment, and the rest must be focused on guiding new users.

Layton Kent may have thought of this message, but they have no ability, and Burns of Google Ventures will not remind anything.

In fact, just the day before yesterday, he also met Edward, because they had talked before, and they both figured out some positions for each other. Seeing that the existence of "Game of Thrones" has greatly increased the value of amber, he did not hesitate. Decided to raise the price.

"Funding is not a problem. Since Amber hopes to use Google\'s search diversion to gain continuous exposure, establish an image, and cooperate in some e-commerce, we only need to get the top management of the headquarters to take care of the downstream traffic, and the negotiation chips will be enough... …”

A few hiccups didn\'t stop Google Ventures from continuing to talk business.

Or rather, it\'s happening all over the VC world.

A phenomenon-level performance that exceeded expectations, attracting a large number of potential players-I want to know that a streaming media platform that is strong enough to challenge Netflix and is rapidly expanding the market is hard not to be interested .

The stronger Amber\'s performance, the more the investment bank wants to "help".

Goldman Sachs, ****, Dadi Capital, Pioneer Investment Australia Co., Ltd., Northern Trust, BlackRock Japan... and many investment banks with banking backgrounds at home and abroad, everyone wants to use the springboard of the A round to hold the equity of Amber.

"Actually... if we delay it until April, with the performance of "Game of Thrones", we can win more."

The red-shirt representative to Amber, Edward Wifred, was leaning against the door of the office, looking at Lehmann with a smile.

In this round of operations, as the first batch of people to board the ship, Red Shirt is very willing to cooperate with the performance of "Game of Thrones" to raise the ticket.

"I said it will be done before the end of March, you just need to help."

Lyman shook his head slightly.

"Uh... We don\'t need to play all the cards at once." Edward seemed to care more about Amber than Lyman, and continued to persuade.

"You want me to deny what I said?"

Lehman\'s view is different from that of investment banks, "The more I want to do things perfectly, the easier it is to miss opportunities for development. Now I just want to close the A round as soon as possible, and then get the resources to pave the way for the next stage of Amber.

15 million to 20 million users, I will start the B round, and some things can be saved until then. "

Although Lyman was busy with some trivial matters these days and didn\'t pay attention to Netflix, but after a little deduction, he knew that Netflix would definitely develop Netflix\'s self-produced dramas as vigorously as in the previous life after seeing the performance of self-made online dramas.

If you drag it, drag it over there and release the corresponding news, will "Game of Thrones" still be as unique as it is now? Think about it and know it\'s impossible.

The first person to eat crabs may not always eat crabs alone. For some things, taking the opportunity to earn is enough. In this regard, Lehman is still very sober, and he is not immersed in the high returns brought by "Game of Thrones". complacent, lose vigilance.

Happy is happy.

Whether it is those merchants who can bring real benefits and mutual win to the company, or the 5.5 million paying users that have stabilized as of today, just relying on these two weeks of subscriptions has brought 5648 to the company. 10,000 member income, the room for growth still needs to be tapped (5 million miles, 64% of monthly members who paid to watch "Game of Thrones", 22% of quarterly members, 11% of half-year members, and 3% of annual members).

In this situation of gradually expanding the audience, even if everyone knows that the growth rate will slow down, even if everyone knows that this is not a "Game of Thrones", so many viewers are willing to spend money and stay in Amber, the film Other sources of the library must have played a role as well.

But what everyone knows more clearly is that a drama with a total cost of 120 million and a production cost of 100 million yuan and a large promotion fee of 20 million does not need to worry about not recovering the cost.

After a few days of operation, the copyright of "Game of Thrones" has been operated on a considerable scale.

Although the TV licenses at home and abroad are still in contact, the situation is very good. It is estimated that if they sell multiple rounds of broadcasts, they can earn a net profit of about 150 million to 200 million;

Family entertainment is more profitable, and the revenue will be about 600 million. If you divide it with Mr. George and other channel merchants, you can earn about 90 million;

The streaming media license on the mainland has also received a price of 100 million yuan for a penguin for exclusive broadcasting in the mainland for 4 years and priority renewal.

In general, a lot of incoming projects are underway. Besides, this is still the first season. Firefly\'s drama production department has already planned to start the second season from July to August, following the spring schedule in February next year.

Lehman said so absolutely, Edward had to justify that he was joking and step back to formulate the terms of the contract.

Lehmann doesn\'t have much time left for him, so it\'s better to hurry up and finalize the details~www.novelhall.com~ The Oscars will be held in a few days, and the main committee wants you to be the best director award presenter this year. "

At 3 p.m., Mays came in to report.

"Why don\'t they keep hiring Spielberg? I remember him as a regular."

Since Spielberg became famous, he has won more than ten best director awards, and he still knows many of them.

Of course, there is no need for Lehmann to reject the good intentions of the academy. In any case, this also represents the approval of some authoritative judges (please invite the presenters to be particular about it).

"Help me reply and say I\'ll be there for sure."

"Okay, boss."

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