Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1184: Tool man reproduction

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"The Artist" won the Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Original Screenplay, and became the most eye-catching pearl of this year\'s Oscars.

After the meeting, a group photo was taken as usual.

"Mr. Rust, can you stand behind the side and present a sense of handover?"

The top-level hard photo photography invited by Oscar is directing the position between the director and the winner of the golden statue. This is also a tradition. The last time Spielberg personally handed the golden statue to Martin Scorsese. The photos are widely circulated in the circle...

Thinking about it this way, Lehmann also understands why this session of the main committee has to invite himself.

The voting channel was closed on the 10th, and there was a lot of time for them to record their votes. In other words, it was precisely because the main committee wanted to award the director statue to Michael Hazanavicius that he specially invited him— - Who let them both come from the French film industry, the main committee definitely put a lot of thought into the arrangement of candidates.

"no problem."

Lyman listened to the command and did as he did, forming a form of Markle holding the golden figure with a bright smile, and he stood on his shoulders from a side angle, like an old friend with a look of relief.

But, this old man is already 45 years old. The meaning of this composition is okay, that is, the age of the two is a little embarrassing, almost 10 years apart, but I think that there is a precedence after hearing the story. After all, he was the golden man who took it first. There seems to be no problem.

After filming, and planning the full photo of the crew, there is nothing to do with Laiman here. He greeted a few people and hurried away.

Before slipping away, I unexpectedly saw a person who was interested, or in other words, there was a place for him to be useful at the moment...

"Hi, can I join your chat?"

At the dinner party that Vanity Fair paid to help run, near the long table of cold meals, Francis Lawrence was eating with his old friend and producer Thetis, chatting about off-site topics. The arrival of an "uninvited guest" made the two People are a little confused.

Which blind eye came to bother you?

It\'s Lyman, that\'s fine.

As a frequent visitor to the Hollywood power list in recent years, the names of him and Warner CEO Kevin Tsujihara are undoubtedly the presence of thunder in the circle.

"You... hello." Francis was briefly startled by such a sudden situation, and quickly stood up and shook hands with him.

"Don\'t mind me joining."

Lehman had a familiar conversation with the two, and the topic naturally revolved around the Oscars at the beginning.

In the context of the other party\'s intention to make friends, and Lehman\'s intention to make friends, the chat atmosphere is naturally not bad, and soon learned that the other party\'s work schedule this year is not only to help Beyoncé shoot MV, but there is no invitation yet.

Well, the director Francis is the person who can rank after Michael Bay and Zach Snyder in the new millennium in the cross-border achievements of the advertising and MV directors who entered Hollywood. It can also be said that it is the former The two are both prosperous, and major studios are willing to pan for gold in this line of business.

However, in 2005, his first commercial film "Hell Detective" co-directed with Keanu Reeves was not good at the box office. The production cost was 100 million, and the global box office was only 230 million. Since then, Back to the old business.

It was not until 11 years that the low-cost film "Elephant Tears" cooperating with Robert Pattinson achieved a good return on investment, which was gradually accepted by Hollywood.

Of course, Francis Lawrence\'s unfortunate situation is actually related to Lehmann. The highest-grossing "I Am Legend" in his career was intercepted by Firefly early, and he handed the guide tube to the same top MV director for transformation. The Zha Dao completed the zombie trilogy with an eye-catching return, and pushed Zha Dao to the front line in one fell swoop.

That achievement had nothing to do with him, and naturally it took some more time to "wasted".

But in fact, in Lehman\'s mind, he is indeed a substitute for Zha Dao, from the style of moving the mirror to the aesthetic level, not to mention the more impactful and exciting explosion Babe, he doesn\'t seem to have grasped it. Your own style, nothing "characteristic".

He has the ability, he was born in a major, he should be able to do it, but when it comes to the level of a top director, whether it is artistic, groundbreaking or commercial, he is a little worse than the "same class" senior...

Knowing that there is no work arrangement, under the deliberate guidance of Lehman, several people chatted about "The Hunger Games", which was popular in the American book publishing industry at the end of 2009 and the beginning of the spring of 2010.

"I read it on the recommendation of my agent. It\'s a very interesting story. Under the setting of dystopia, it mixes the atmosphere of ancient Greek mythology and "Homer"."

On the side, Thetis also commented: "The author Susan Collins is a master of writing, and there is no nonsense in her writing. There is also cold humor in the words, and the picture is full of sense. It is an excellent adapted play. I heard that the novel is popular. Later, many people went to buy the film adaptation rights, but all came back without success.

I had a chat with a Warner executive at dinner last year. They were also one of the buyers. I heard from him that someone bought the novel when it was first serialized, subject to a non-disclosure agreement, the author and the publisher. I don\'t want to reveal which one is so insightful, and I found a masterpiece one step ahead. "

Francis was a little surprised when he heard it, "No wonder, no wonder no newspapers have talked about this matter, you know, the news that the most popular novels in the past would sell the adaptation rights was enough for some tabloids to follow the reports over and over again to open a special topic, I thought it was The author is not easy to deal with, I didn\'t expect it to be sold early."

"I got someone to buy it."

"Uh... I\'m sorry, what did you just say?" Francis was feeling it, his attention was a little bit out of focus and he couldn\'t hear it clearly.

"The Hunger Games, I let someone buy the adaptation rights." Lyman told a fact plainly.

"Ha! Haha... I\'m just saying who is so insightful? After reading such a dystopian novel, it turns out to be you, so that\'s right. You have always been the most insightful person in Hollywood."

Thetis, who was the first to react, followed the topic very nicely and flattered.

Saying that, he pushed Francis, who was still stunned by the message.

"Oh oh..."

Suddenly digesting such a piece of news, for a time, I couldn\'t turn my mind around.

At this time, he had not yet had a relationship with a superstar like Will Smith, and it was difficult to get in touch with the upper-level people in Hollywood, and naturally he had no experience in dealing with such people.

Looking at Francis who was panicking and responding, Lehman smiled and said straight to the point: "I actually watched "Elephant Tears", which you directed, and discussed it with Ryan at the time, saying that the director has a lot of his own in the film. I want to know you then."

"It\'s just my work, I\'m still immature..." Being praised by the famous director in the circle, Francis smiled heartily, and his mood was much brighter, and the more he felt that Lehmann was not on the air.

"Then have you thought about putting "The Hunger Games" on the big screen? I mean." Lehmann finally talked about the purpose of his visit, "My company has it in the project plan for this year, but we still lack an idea. The director who became reality..."

It would be too slow to react to such an obvious hint.

"Or say you don\'t like the story."

"No, I like it very much." Francis got serious...

On the side, Thetis just listened to Lyman verbally finalizing the matter, and he stopped talking about all kinds of speeches in his heart. Even Francis Lawrence himself expressed his excitement about his possible shooting ideas for "The Hunger Games".

“It shows not a bizarre future world, but a devastated totalitarian society. Established after a devastating war, Shi Huiguo (the regime in the novel) divides the country into 13 districts, each of which provides labor for the Congressional District. various resources.

So the congressional district is very developed, while the other districts suffer from starvation and blood transfusions, and their dissatisfaction is suppressed by violence. It is conceivable that, just like the nobles of the kingdoms in the past, people in the Congress District have an innate sense of superiority and identity, showing that people in other districts are slaves.

If I were to design it, I would magnify this contradiction, the congressional district is hedonistic and crazy, dressed in weird clothes. Everyone\'s clothing and makeup are as exaggerated as possible. "

After knowing that there was a director of this project, Francis said more and more excited, "I mean, remember the development of the Colosseum in ancient Rome. It started with beasts and beasts, but then it was not exciting enough to develop. A man and a beast fight.

Author Susan also wanted to express this totalitarian oppression of people, so she created a gladiatorial game to warn against rebellion.

Once the rules of the event were introduced, they were deeply loved by the people of the Congressional District. They followed the show like a star, and it developed into a grand event... a story that is ironic and enough to describe.

There is war, there is hunger, there is ideology, there is dictatorship, there is abuse of power.

It clearly contains a larger theme and political appeal.

It\'s not so much a youth novel, it\'s more about growing up, against totalitarianism and the genre with futuristic fantasies, and it feels like a call to a new generation of youth to pay attention to politics..."

Listening to the interpretation of the other party, Lyman always listened.

To discuss a work, a work that is widely loved by the public is enough to have a topic to talk about.

Basically, Lyman has determined the guide tube of this play, and Director Lawrence has enough experience and experience to control it.

The Hunger Games, what can I say, good and bad.

The good thing is that the original novel has been portrayed very well, and it is enough to shoot the part that the novel wants to shape;

What\'s not good is that for such a youth fantasy movie with a big heroine, the director\'s excavation of the actors is very tested outside the plot combing.

He didn\'t shoot it himself, because he had another story in his heart. After winning "Dallas Buyers Club", he had a book and two shoots, and he planned to talk to the original author in a few days.

If it is basically feasible, the two works have already hit the schedule. He has no energy to be responsible for the shooting of the two projects at the same time. To be selfish, he prefers another script, and he does not want to take over the director of another series of projects. It is too crowded. energy.

In other words, if you find out that Francis Lawrence has the ability to be a tool after chatting, let him do it.

Although he bought the adaptation rights of "The Hunger Games" at the beginning, Ryman also thought about Zach or Wachowski, who was in charge of "V for Vendetta", but it took two years for Zach to finish filming "Rise of the Planet of the Apes". I have been working on the front line for a long time, and I really want to rest for a while;

Wachowski was too neurotic, and Lyman really didn\'t want to deal with the "troubling geniuses" if necessary.

Under such circumstances, just in time for the convening of the Oscars, and meeting this director businessman, many things went on naturally.

Counting Francis\' resume, he is undoubtedly a director who can adapt to the rules and is willing to "compromise".

You must know that "The Hunger Games 1" was in the original time and space. Lionsgate took a fancy to it and asked Gary Ross to direct it. It stands to reason that this kind of series is generally not easy to change directors, especially the first one is a big hit and the audience has a good reputation. Under the premise, Taking the risk of changing the style of the film is actually a taboo. For example, "Pacific Rim" changed the top, completely lost the sense of heaviness, and was resisted by fans.

The studio is essentially willing to win each other with the crew, and everyone is not an enemy. If someone shoots well, if you change someone, the relationship will collapse directly. Even if they don’t have a schedule, it is common in the circle to give a producer position.

Therefore, Lionsgate is replaced. The problem is not from any party, but Gary Ross did not get along well with Lionsgate during the filming process. , The director who was more humane and caring watched the Lions Gate project quickly after filming the first film. It was just like urging his life. After three days and two quarrels, he couldn\'t stand it, so he quit.

In comparison, people like Francis who have been struggling for a long time in order to integrate into the circle cherish the opportunity more, which is why he went to the end with Lionsgate after taking over the "Hunger Games" series.

"Go back and think about it. This drama will be ready to start in the near future. The producer Firefly and the publisher Blue Butterfly, the budget cost is completely aimed at the A-type production."

When Lehman left, the words were still in his ears.

Thetis shrugged, and his earnest eyes no longer concealed, "Man, such a good job, you must seize it."

"Huh, of course."

Francis was suddenly stressed.

It\'s not that he has never acted as a director of commercial masterpieces, but it is precisely because he has acted and suffered losses~www.novelhall.com~ that he returned to the MV world in despair, so he was even more afraid of failure.

"Hell Detective" did not meet expectations. He was implicated for 6 years without holding a guide tube. He didn\'t want to taste the feeling of being beaten to the point of questioning his own ability.

I can do it. he thinks.

Of course, Lehmann would naturally not understand the thoughts of others.

He returned home and rested for the night, and the exhaustion from attending the dinner dissipated immediately.

Sunlight poured in through the windowsill, he was eating breakfast at the dining table, and the TV turned on by the housekeeper was not unexpectedly broadcasting the grand occasion of last night.

"The 84th Oscars ended last night, and at its peak, 34.8 million people watched the live broadcast... At this awards ceremony, director Michael Hazanavicius from France won the best award for "The Artist" Director, the entire crew won 5 awards and became the biggest winner..."

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