Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1181: Innovation? Efficient integration!

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Just as Amber was all cheered for the splendid start of Game of Thrones, an industry leader who was on the sidelines could not sit still.

Netflix headquarters.

The content officer Theodore Sarados quickly browsed the information about the screening of "Game of Thrones" on the Internet, and muttered: "I didn\'t expect this, I didn\'t expect it to be like this... Ha, the way to break the game has been found, found. ."

Although it is an enemy station, the streaming media industry is still in the stage of competing with traditional TV companies for users. Seeing that "Friends" is so fierce, or that the audience is willing to accept online dramas, Netflix is ​​boiling.

Just like in the previous life, being forced to take a risky step by price increases and blockades, relying on self-made content to be self-sufficient, the unexpected results have instead strengthened users and deepened their dependence on the platform.

Later generations said that the attraction of content that expands the exclusive ratio is undoubtedly the second key point for Netflix\'s rapid take-off. Of course, it is correct.

Without self-made content, the lifeblood will always be controlled by the content provider, but with its own system, the dominance changes instantly, and the platform integrates resources, at least there is a certain amount of room for maneuvering, and it will not be as complete as the predicament encountered before. passive.

Streaming media is an emerging industry, and it is an entertainment channel that has begun to change people\'s daily lives with the expansion of the 4G+ smartphone market.

February 10, 2012, is destined to be a day to be remembered by all streamers and entertainment practitioners, because it allowed everyone to find another way.

Even if BAT, who has just ended on the mainland, is still troubled by the fact that the audience is unwilling to pay, and guides the audience to pay for the copyright, it is difficult to devote energy and financial resources to self-produced online dramas, not to mention 100 million US dollars of online dramas;

Even the rich local businessmen in the UK and Germany who have a cutting-edge sense of the times are also tinkering with "British Netflix and Germany\'s Hulu". After watching the grand scene of "Game of Thrones", they secretly shook their heads and did not dare to bear such a high risk of project establishment, but they knew it anyway. Efforts for self-control pay off.

The people who are in it naturally absorb all the good changes to the streaming media industry, and the new understanding of the direction has never been so confusing. The "smart people" from various countries and regions and even some financial analysts with a sense of smell. And the bloodthirsty Wall Street elites almost talked about the words "Amber, Homemade, "Game of Thrones" in the following days, and one conference room after another was filled with crowds.

They all want to know what height "Game of Thrones" will reach. They also watch the market performance of the first self-made drama all day, and then make corresponding market assessments.

Just like Netflix proves profitability with 30 million paying users;

Just like the iPhone 4 and 4s leading the global 4G business to seize the market crazily, a generation of magic machines has long been unable to resist;

Every event with a great influence always makes the people in it boil and discuss, and becomes the focus at that time. In short, the world does not stop for a moment. Massive information is carried by the high-speed network diffusion, and many people are either active or passive. suffers from the flood of information.

As long as you think about it, everyone understands the king: without leaving home, you can know the world, understand the trends and trends, and have a good grasp of fashionable things.

It is also a blessing for netizens. The index of "Game of Thrones" is increasing day by day. Everyone has running water, and they don\'t need to spend any money, so the drama has been pushed into the vision of thousands of households.

In the past life, how popular HBO\'s "Game of Thrones" was, Netflix will only be more popular than him, because HBO is a weekly broadcast, and the audience is anxious to wait. .

It must be said that political dramas like "House of Cards" can attract tens of millions of people to watch. The market acceptance of more atmospheric fantasy epic themes other than "Game of Thrones" is even wider than that, and the threshold is still high. If it is lower, the radiation surface should be larger.

Nothing is impossible, "Game of Thrones" brought HBO, an average of 2.5 million viewers for its first broadcast over three months, and an average of 9.3 million viewers for its re-broadcast, i.e., on-demand (the number of chasing, quite live in a single episode).

After all, with the diversification of people\'s entertainment methods, there are not many people willing to sit in front of the TV. The grand occasion of "Friends" can no longer be replicated today. If HBO uses the calculation method of Netflix, conservative It is estimated that there are about 78 million people, not counting the disc party, a large number of overseas parties.

It\'s not a compliment, a TV series that has been dubbed the king of dramas doesn\'t have such influence, and it wouldn\'t dare to compare it like this.

Breaking down the data, it should be said that a drama that crushes the golden period of the same period should say this-what "Prison Break" is the enlightenment of the mainland American drama, and it is so popular that it only conforms to the taste of the moment, although it is also popular and makes money, But like "Game of Thrones", "The Sopranos", "Grey\'s Anatomy", "Lost", etc. (if you don\'t bully people, "Friends" is not listed) can be grabbed on the audience base of several continents A large portion of the production.

Men, women and children, blacks, whites, and people of the yellow race all have different tastes for watching dramas. When a drama can be proud of spanning the market and age, it can basically say that it has a profound impact.

The reason why TV companies such as HBO are so jealous is not because they found that this drama has the potential to rush out of the United States and is a real continental drama.

Don\'t say anything else, just take a closer look at "Game of Thrones", you may be shocked at the beginning by the opening song kimono transformation, the input of the filming location, and the details, and stubbornly complained: The money is burning, but keep watching, watching After finishing, I was moved by the plot again, so I couldn\'t examine it anyway.

For a successful film and television work, the script cannot be overshadowed. No matter how good the director is, the story must be given play to it, and "Game of Thrones", or 2DB, based on the context of Mr. Martin, is the actor\'s brilliant performance and the audience\'s interest can be aroused. key.

In terms of performance, many of the actors in it are show-loving people, and they complement each other to achieve their careers as actors. This is also the basic performance of drama popularity.

"How can they hit the market every time."

This is what HBO executives, whose luck was taken away, likes to say the most recently.

Seeing that it is getting hotter and hotter, the audience has been attracted, and it is rare to have resentment against the fireflies.

Although HBO still laughed at Firefly when it was just preparing for the shoot, and didn\'t rely on TV to see how you promoted it, but now I can\'t even laugh, and I even had to make phone calls and make friends, hoping that the other party could sell the rights to the second round. Give HBO, preferably an exclusive license to the US network.

Lehman\'s mobile phone was blown up again, day and night, even France, the United Kingdom, and even a certain penguin and a certain art in the mainland want to introduce it at a suitable price (in the middle of 2011, it was already a BAT war. Continuing to the streaming video platform, at that time, the average daily traffic of several companies together exceeded 100 million, and the battle for copyright began to heat up).

Alas, is this the charm of the drama king, the money is given by others, only for the region\'s exclusive.

In addition, Sony is also building relationships, and they want some cooperation in the original soundtrack and high-definition disc markets. Perlman\'s copyright department just met with people from various companies. Selling for a good price, not to mention, seeing the cooperative brand that traffic takes the initiative to come to the door.

For example, a winery in Germany submitted a plan smartly, saying that it could help Firefly produce champagne and beer representing the symbols of various forces. table top.

Busy, lively, painful and happy, meeting big and small has become a must-do thing every morning. Including Mr. Martin\'s manager team and the novel publishing house, everyone is doing their best to create the "Game of Thrones" IP , enhance the added value, and live a prosperous life.

It\'s busy here, and Netflix will have a lot of meetings.

It\'s just that Firefly is busy with how to expand the benefits and reasonable realization of the popularity of the series, while Netflix is ​​busy with how to copy the "Netflix version of "Game of Thrones" to save their declining user activity and user loss.

Yes, "Game of Thrones" not only affected the evening ratings of the TV side, but also affected the top streaming media platform such as Netflix. In addition, the cost of copyright increases has long made Netflix\'s shareholders and management quite unhappy, negotiating. There are too few chips, and I hope to counter it, so that I can\'t be ridden by others at a premium.

It can be said that the performance of "Game of Thrones" on the Amber platform is the most excited and the most distressed and struggling to find alternatives is also Netflix.

The external environment + the internal thinking that is eager to change has led to their constant and busy meetings.

In fact, how to push Netflix\'s assets to a new height is also a great advantage of self-made solutions. Multiple analyses and foreseeable prospects are called how Netflix can endure?

However, Netflix\'s Internet attributes in 2012 were too strong, and few of the top executives were related to Hollywood or film and television production.

Reed Hastings, chairman of Netflix, is very irritable. He now feels like he is sitting on the crater that is constantly heating up. He clearly knows that he has to learn the self-made mode of Amber, but he has no clue about how to do it. I know how to break the game, but I let the pungent sulfur smell spread, but I can\'t dispel it.

What to shoot, how to shoot, who to shoot, who to shoot with, each question is more difficult than the other, he can only hope that the content department can discuss a path that belongs to Netflix.

After all, they are the most familiar with the media field.

"Chairman, Theodore Sarados asks to see you."

One day on February 16, the assistant secretary walked into Hastings\' office and reported softly.

Hastings, who was looking at the current month\'s expenses, raised his head with a tired face, "Please come in."

The content department led by Theodore has spent the most energy in discussing how to shoot Netflix\'s self-produced dramas in addition to screening film sources, listing and removing film sources in the past few days.

In addition, although the company\'s stock price has collapsed once, which has attracted many shareholders\' dissatisfaction, the supporters are still supporting, and they have also explored some directions.

"With a loose capital budget and relatively clear audience preferences, if we convene excellent directors and screenwriters to shoot under our guidance, we should be able to connect with our member users vertically and accurately."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Well. We asked the technical department to analyze hundreds of movies and TV series that have been relatively successful on our platform in recent years, and found that politics and colorful topics are the content that our platform audience prefers, and may also be bigger than our users. Part of it is about young people, and shocking themes are more likely to arouse their agitation..."

"Stop, stop." Theodore said eloquently, but the words were full of too many words "maybe, compare", which made Hastings, who was used to talking about data, uncomfortable, "I just want to know what you said. If these are filmed, can it have the performance of "Game of Thrones"? Can it bring us positive feedback?"

"Eh, not very sure. It is impossible to fully control film and television production. This is a team game, and the director, screenwriter, producer, and actor can bring new changes. It is not 0 and 1, but, we Must try.

Although I don\'t want to admit it, before the emergence of "Game of Thrones", streaming media was an accessory of the TV industry and the film industry. Our video library can only provide some out-of-season movies and TV shows. In addition to convenience and personality, the user experience is good. , is the lack of core competitiveness, which is why the copyright price increases, we are so passive.

And the existence of self-made dramas is the key to complement the core competition of streaming media..."


An Internet service provider itself can become a video content push platform without relying on the TV network, and still has the attributes of precision, verticality and convenience. What is the industry innovation?

Before February 2012, one of the reasons for the huge increase in streaming users was simply that the fees were lower than that of cable stations such as HBO - HBO and Showtime were mostly hundreds of dollars in annual expenses.

But if you just watch the drama, you can enjoy the content for a few dozen dollars after accumulating it, which has really touched the hearts of a large number of users.

In addition to being relatively cheap, these people like to use streaming services because they are not limited by the number of seasons and hours of broadcast.

No matter how popular a TV series is, the TV network has to consider the limit of the total length of broadcasts per week. It is normal for a drama to be delayed for a month or two before it ends.

Streaming media companies are completely different. Although they are all old dramas, they at least meet the needs of users to watch videos at any time. The planning of fragmented time is very suitable for the rhythm of contemporary people\'s life. These are impossible for traditional TV networks to do. thing.

To be fair, TV networks have also been researching users, and trying to recommend products to viewers and use resources efficiently, but they are limited by the basic classification of video content. single demand.

This is exactly where streaming companies based on research results can compete with TV networks, but this competitiveness has shaken TV networks, and it is too difficult to replace because the TV networks are still producing episodes. If you want to completely change people\'s video viewing experience, streaming media platforms in the production link must start by themselves and continue to strengthen the core competition of the business.

For the audience, they will only think "Game of Thrones" is good-looking, so watch it;

But to the outside world: the signal released by Amber is affecting the pattern of the entire supporting industry and opening up the target market.

Streaming media went from buying copyrights and earning video rental fees, acting as a service middleman, to producing TV dramas and owning copyrights by themselves, and their status finally became detached.

Although in the short term, self-made is definitely the expansion of investment, the operating cost is higher, and it is accompanied by the high risk of not recovering the cost, but in addition to directly reducing the reliance on various content providers, does high risk also mean high returns?

Anyone who knows a little knows that in the vertical industrial chain of production, promotion, and screening, the most profitable thing is definitely not to be a porter to expand the value, nor to the large-scale screening capacity of the screening port, but to connect the content. In the consumer market of production and copyright marketing, this is the "manipulation" to make a lot of money.

Through the establishment and maintenance of the distribution window system, a product life cycle of more than one year or even several years can be realized, and continuous profits can be generated by virtue of copyright.

Netflix has never eaten such a big piece of cake before, but that doesn\'t mean they don\'t want to eat it.

Especially when you are forced to be anxious by content providers, and see that friends and businessmen have tasted the sweetness, and they have really made a head, the confidence will increase.

And the way Amber is released in one season is very helpful for the audience to pay for guidance. On the other hand, this kind of filming is only broadcast after the completion of the filming, which gives the crew more voice and space to play, which is undoubtedly a driving force to attract Hollywood talents.

All kinds of benefits have been confirmed and listed. Even if Hastings did not get too many accurate answers from the content officer, he has no doubts about the rationality of Netflix\'s vigorous development of the self-made content business itself.

At the meeting, he told shareholders representatives: "We have now entered a new stage. Before reaching the goal or getting enough benefits, all resources will be preferentially tilted towards self-made content."

As usual, what he told was a decision that had been decided, or a notice, "Everyone, those unresolved film source copyrights have been temporarily suspended, and many people have told me that there will be new changes in the premium environment, and it will definitely not be worse. isn\'t it?"

Different from the price hike, this time the resolution went very smoothly, these representatives are not stupid, and many things, Wall Street\'s analysis is accurate enough.

After the meeting, the assistant pushed open the door of Hastings\' office again, "BOSS, there is a new situation."

"Go ahead."

The assistant\'s face was a little weird, "Amber has more than 5 million paying users, and it is still growing rapidly."

"Heh, is one week worth the increment we have made over the past few months."

Even if it can be understood, Reed Hastings is not in a calm mood.

What base is Netflix and what base is Amber? The contrast here is striking.

"If "Game of Thrones" were ours, we would be able to restore the previous bad situation..."

He just held onto a report released by the statistics company, grinning incredulously, as if he saw some unreal fantasy.

Since the creation of Netflix, he has never experienced such rapid traffic growth and such efficient paid conversions.

Before the United Front, when the TV station that blocked the content of the new drama suddenly digested this message, all of them could not help but lose their voices for a while.

"Streaming has grown beyond our expectations."

As the nation\'s second-largest provider of broadband services and IP telephony services, Comcast\'s executives also discussed the changes in the streaming media field, "I have a hunch that the continued blockade may not achieve the desired results, but will be more streamed. The media platforms ostracize them and inspire their fighting spirit. Since we don’t want to suffer the loss of the network, we better prepare for it.”

"what do you mean?"

Everyone looks at Brian Roberts (born in 1959, son of Comcast founder Ralph, who has led a series of acquisitions and built a more brilliant empire with more than 22 million TV and Internet users each ~ www. .novelhall.com took over the CEO role in 2018, and their family actually retains 33% of the shares).

"Legal screening rights, TV channels based on satellites and communications."


If you don\'t stop going out, you still choose to lead "wolves" into the house?

"Certainly not without limits," explained Roberts Jr., 53, "if it\'s up to us, it\'s like those cable-channel ports that get franchises to show. Since it\'s not going to stop, why not try to collaborate? This is also an opportunity for us to expand our influence, an opportunity that we can seize.”

Showtime and HBO are also additional services that the set-top box has gradually added later, and it is not impossible to access ports such as streaming media such as Netflix and Amber.

If you can\'t stop it, then join forces, a very simple strategy.

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