Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1167: "veteran"

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Another weekend passed, September 17, cloudy.

A while ago, the collapse of Netflix was like a gust of wind, and it was difficult for outsiders to discuss it except for leaving a little scar and wreckage.

Time is good. As long as many things pass, it seems that there is not much need to maintain stability in terms of public opinion. However, recently, Netflix has been continuously contacting other copyright owners, film companies, and Wall Street-backed factories like Dune Entertainment and Relativity Entertainment. It can be seen from the cards that the huge losses caused by this wave may take a long time to make up.

In the movie market, "Spartan 2" received 93.59 million US dollars in North America under relatively fierce firepower, but it fell below 3 million per day on weekends, and it consumed most of the box office potential in just 17 days.

If you stay like this, it is estimated that there will be no room for you to pass the 100 million threshold before painting.

As for overseas, it is better. After all, it is also a fine art film that has spent a lot of money. At this time, the cumulative total has exceeded 130 million. In some regions, it can maintain the top three positions on the weekly list and continue to harvest the box office.

In addition, the global box office of "Captain America 2" is 683 million, and it will soon pass the 700 million mark. The situation is very good.

When Joseph came in, he had just put down his box office statement.

"It\'s the promotion schedule for "Godzilla" again? Boss, what do you think?"

Lyman was half lying on the boss chair, and yawned when he heard the words, "That\'s it, I won\'t lose money, but I won\'t make too much money. My intention for this series is to expand the Asian market, establish a marketing area and The contacts of those local big factories.”

This kind of high-intensity propaganda really has nothing to say. It is nothing more than spending money on various media to push it, and it is still more attentive to cooperative allies and various soft articles.

Joseph nodded, handed over a few documents to sign, and then went back to his own business.

Lyman turned on the TV and browsed the Fox news station casually.

One time it was about financial affairs, another time it was stock market news. After a long time, another incident in Georgia was broadcast. It was probably a white policeman who was suspected of over-enforcing the law—a Mexican-American sneaky and ran away during the parking inspection. , was brought down by the police with a stun gun. As a result, no crime was committed, and no contraband was carried in the car.

When the host extended this matter a little and skipped it, Lehmann was also speechless.

It\'s really hard to say. Many people have only seen the various deeds of the American police, but they don\'t know that there is a deep chain of suspicion in the administration of justice in the United States. The two sides do not trust each other. It is also good to understand the current social mentality-

Ethnic minorities often hear about injustice in law enforcement, and because of their skin color they are afraid of being "framed" by the police, so if they are sternly stopped, they are scared to death and are prone to excessive behavior;

The same is true for the police. There are also not a few people who are injured or even shot in the process of law enforcement. In such an environment where gun control is not strict enough, it is easy to make associations when seeing people who are not acting right, or to protect themselves. safety, simply remove the danger of the other party first.

This chain of suspicion is at the root of what happened.

After reading this report, I thought of more similar things, "Ican\'tbreathe" or something, Lehmann joked with Ryan on the phone: "Instead of criticizing the American police too much, it\'s a matter of the system and the environment. Using Violence has always suffered the backlash of violence, of course, institutional issues need people in the White House to worry about, what I can do is to write a book about the police\'s execution of justice."

"It\'s not about truth, goodness and beauty, it\'s essentially... hey, it can guide you to vent your emotions."

"Haha, didn\'t that group of politicians comment that film and television dramas are all fun, what\'s wrong with fun, some people are already under a lot of pressure."

"I just want to make money while making people emotional. You can say that I can do it with the theme of a police-gangster movie."

"The subject matter is ok, the audience is very wide, but what about the framework?" Lehmann laughed, "Why do I feel that the framework is very simple. You wait for me to sort out the outline, and I will talk to you again."

At night, in the study of Rust Manor.

One desk, one chair, one cup of coffee.

Eva went shopping in Paris, and Lehmann quietly pondered the plot against the blank document.

First of all, is it necessary to punish evil? This is the core of the police-gangster film, and it is also the most critical point of contradiction, but how evil is the only way to make the audience feel a sense of justice while being angry. Then you can bring in the role of the protagonist, a public police officer, and get emotional catharsis. There are routines to follow.

Is it a genre film? It’s always the same. The elements contained in each theme generally have their own characteristics. It is nothing more than digging out its core positioning and sorting out the story so that it can serve the theme.

For example, "Stupid Detective" with a bit of comedy; "The Wire" with a bit of horror; "Robocop" series with a bit of sci-fi, etc. In essence, while emphasizing the sense of identity, it executes justice and combats sin.

Of course, what Lehmann wants to write is not in the directions mentioned above. It is a bit similar to "The Wire", but the crime in "The Wire" is a bit romanticized. When director Michael Mann made this classic, he included everyone including The criminal\'s temperament and emotional loneliness are portrayed too nuanced and manly, but lacks a bit of the comfort of fighting bad guys.

In other words, not all the characters portrayed in "The Robbery" are the police, and the villains are not bad enough. Although the drama has been enhanced, the actors have played their roles even more, creating a sense of confrontation between the strong and the strong. when the mood wants.

What does he want?

Focus on the difficulty of law enforcement at the bottom, focus on the chicness of the bad guy to do evil, and then defeat the bad guy who was erected in advance to achieve emotional ups and downs.

If it was him five years ago, he would definitely not think so when faced with such a direction. Even if he made a police-gangster film and focused on low-level law enforcement, the final outcome would be that the bad guys used their influence or financial resources to play the protagonist, causing the protagonist\'s family to be destroyed or something. In essence, he mainly ridicules the system, and is more literary and artistic, but now it is difficult for him to care about whether it is literary or not, and whether it is profound or not.

In his bones, he really still wants to shoot some works with connotation, but it is definitely not for the sake of elevating and fully excavating the darkness of human nature.

It can be said that he has been working on topics that are not so heavy in recent years. It can also be said that he has nothing to think about the production direction of Marvel, and pays attention to the feedback of Marvel fans, which has given him a great deal about the narrative technique. Impact.

He no longer cares so much about the evaluation of film critics or the awarding of awards.

The theme is becoming clearer, and the audience threshold is more and more taken care of.

Therefore, after carefully sorting out the effect of the finished film that I wanted, a very simple main story line came out - a little policeman defeated the villain of a rich family.

Once this kind of film that is sent to prison for the sake of the rich and not benevolent is made, it is easy to break out an unparalleled upsurge, sweeping through groups such as workers, peasants, and students.


Because Huang Shiren-like characters are hated all over the world, which caters to a certain type of moral needs of the people.

If in this world, the worse the person, the better the death, doesn\'t it mean that the order is broken?

Time passed little by little.

The documentation is finally no longer blank.

"Tonight\'s consumption will be paid by Zhao Gongzi."


The title of the film is "Big Man", but the protagonist of the film is a small man.

Of course, not the bald version, but the original adapted version, "Veteran".

It was released in South Korea and won the weekly box office championship for three consecutive weeks. The number of viewers reached 13.4 million, and the box office accumulated 89.77 million US dollars. Mingliang Sea Battle" and "International Market" ("International Market" is somewhat similar to the Korean version of "Forrest Gump").

Three days later, the outline of the script was handed over to Ryan.

"Well, a very simple theme. So... what do I need to portray in terms of characters?"

"A middle-aged policeman whose family\'s trivial career is not going well, and a little ruffian; a man born with a golden key in his hand, never having to worry about money all his life, and pretending to be well-behaved in front of his father, but in fact he is a scum full of bad water and can do whatever he wants, and even Some psychologically distorted villains, in addition to these two roles, there are also high-level police officers who play haha ​​and do not want to offend big taxpayers; assistants who clean up for the younger brother; Not a warm but decent family."

"By the way, in order to make the story and ending more reasonable, you can also arrange a new commander who has long wanted to take action against the chaebol." Lehman smiled: "I\'m not mocking the incumbent, it\'s just that the chaebol has no upper-level power. Incentive endorsement, the male protagonist seems to have no chance to collide with the villain head-on, create a little political endorsement for him to reasonably search for clues and collect evidence."

"As far as I can see, this chaebol can be portrayed according to Samsung." Ryan also complained.

"Good idea. It\'s artistic processing anyway, just replace the corresponding role and region with America."

"Anything else to pay attention to?" Ryan, as a qualified detail filling tool, asked in a responsible record.

"I don\'t have to pay too much attention to it. The story is not complicated, and the narrative is relatively straightforward. As long as you describe the characters and the environment in place, and you can mobilize your emotions, it\'s OK~www.novelhall.com~ Okay, So do you have a favorite actor?" Ryan continued to ask.

"I prefer Cage to play the middle-aged policeman. When you complete the script, send him a copy."

Although the theme of "Big Shot" is very clear, the demand for acting skills is very high. If you want to shape characters, this movie is difficult to tolerate.

And Cage\'s performance in "Changing Face" is enough to support the role of the original Korean version of Huang Zhengmin. Both of them are slender and sensual, and each role can bring different freshness to the audience. Besides, Cage has been a little unsatisfactory recently. Ah, actors of his age are generally going downhill. That\'s not good. Give him more room to play.

"Okay, I\'m going to visit the "Game of Thrones" studio in a few days, the script will be handed over to you, and help me make an appointment for Cage\'s schedule."


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