Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1156: warm up

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"Marvel\'s new manifesto: "The Incredible Hulk 2" will be launched with Universal!"

This is the headline of the entertainment section of the "Chicago Daily". Just when Universal negotiated the placement of advertisements and the crew was starting to prepare for the construction, the press officers of the two sides stood together and released some news to the audience, attracting fans. Notice.

Subsequently, similar exclusive interview reports appeared on the Internet, and then quickly reprinted and spread everywhere.

No way, Marvel is hot, and it has only been affected by the viral publicity of "Thor 2" and "Captain America 2", so movie fans are naturally very concerned about other news of Marvel\'s project establishment.

Furthermore, whether it is Thor\'s single-line sequel or the sequel of Captain America, its quality and storytelling are stronger than the previous one, which makes people have to imagine what kind of story the Hulk\'s sequel will tell.

So, why did Marvel become one of the top IPs with the hottest upward momentum in just a few years?

It is inseparable from this high-intensity serialization and closeness. One link is linked, and the character pushes the character. Each part can do some new tricks, unlock new characters, and give the audience a sense of expectation, just like upgrading web articles. You never know what will happen next time.

There is no doubt that a large volume, full control, and appropriate changes can bring a strong sense of immersion to the audience, so Marvel\'s popularity will not face the embarrassment of long narratives like some series, resulting in a rapid decline in popularity. On the contrary, as long as Marvel is worried that the newly filmed chapter will not serve the overall idea, even if the effect of the new character is not good at other times, it can be marginalized, and the play space can be adjusted according to the market at any time.

Hulk fans breathed a sigh of relief.

It has been a long time since Marvel has made new moves against the Hulk, and they are still a little anxious. A more convincing statement circulated before is that the copyright of the Hulk is not in the hands of Marvel, and the Universal Party negotiated with Marvel to no avail, and then shelved it. .

It really made them very worried that Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man will all come out with the second part, but Bruce Banner has no hope, and there is no movement at all, so anxious that some people ran to Universal\'s official Twitter to scold write.

Well now, Universal and Marvel are working together again, and fans who should know the news are no longer worried, and began to speculate about the content of the adaptation.

This is also a favorite thing for Marvel fans. On the Internet, a lot of related content and brand output are almost the spontaneous actions of fans, such as connecting story lines, analyzing easter eggs, analyzing characters, and analyzing appearances in films. of equipped weapons.

Invisibly, many passers-by who accidentally noticed similar manuscripts entered the pit.

In the era of self-media, a steady stream of topics have emerged, and guidance in this regard is still quite important. Otherwise, Lehman would not have let go of Marvel\'s second creation at the beginning and left it to fans to play freely.

The advantage of this move is that, in just three years, thousands of Marvel-related videos have appeared on YouTube, especially the videos with spoofs or mixed-cut styles in the clips. Among them, The highest one specially recorded more than 1.7 million followers of Marvel bloggers. Even Blue Butterfly’s network department wanted to market new Marvel movies or lead topics, and they had to ask him to give him a soft push, plus YouTube’s creative incentives. System, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars a year is not a dream at all.

You see, this is a very mutually beneficial move.

The brand has gained popularity and influence, and the public opinion index is easily disseminated by the public, and it is easy to gather fans. Related bloggers and content creation are not only to satisfy the people\'s own creative desire, but also to make money when they are done well, so why not do it.

Of course, not everyone likes similar news...

"Oh, Marvel has another movie coming out. The speed at which they are producing makes me suspect that those producers have an industrial thread in their minds, just throw the relevant characters on it and they will automatically package a movie, to be honest, I really don\'t know why such movies are so popular with today\'s young people, or if young people today think that the original face of movies is like Marvel...

In the past, people watched movies because they hoped to learn something from the movie, expecting to learn something, get some inspiration, learn some knowledge, and get some inspiration. But I don\'t know who gets anything out of these cookie-cutter movies. "

"Why did he scold us?"

In the office, Lehmann put down a not-so-selling film review magazine for no apparent reason. In the media touts after Universal PR, it was quite surprising that there was a sudden noise, especially when the speaker was an Oscar jury— —Although the Oscar jury is up to several thousand people, but Marvel is not offended.

"Uh... Maybe it\'s because we didn\'t take care of them when our movie was released." The only thing Liam can think of is the conflict, "The previous movie distributors needed to take care of the film critics in advance, and the hush money was a lot, but Now the audience is more and more distrustful of the reviews of film critics, and many of them are very picky in order to be unconventional, let alone how much they like Marvel movies, and they can\'t say anything good if they give money, so we generally also Ignore them and just focus on guiding the audience\'s public opinion."

"Okay..." Lehmann doesn\'t think there\'s anything wrong with not giving money to print media columns. If you have the strength, it\'s better to give money to some bloggers with a large number of Twitter followers and let them help promote it. Maybe the latter\'s radiation The face is wider, "But, are there many such arguments? Marvel movies are not movies or anything."

"It shouldn\'t be much. To put it bluntly, this is just a creative method. If it is true, most commercial films are included in it." Liam said very interestingly, "After all, movies are for the audience to watch. , if someone supports it, we will go to production."

In the face of these harsh words, Liam\'s behavior is quite indifferent, even if the IP of Marvel is already the most profitable gold mine of the group, it is a gold mine that absolutely cannot go wrong, and the whole company\'s salary and bonus depend on it. Push up.

He started by taking Coppola\'s famous "Godfather" series as an example, saying, "My parents\' generation usually liked to see Clint Eastwood in those Westerns, like the "Red Dead" trilogy or something. My generation, boss, as you know, the "Godfather" series is our favorite subject matter. They all think smoking cigars and family style are cool, but my parents usually think that most gangster movies are similar and the same, and they are easy to teach badly. Children go to crime and pursue so-called stimuli."

"So, in my opinion, superhero movies are actually just gangster movies in this era. Western movies or space adventure movies are all conforming to the trend of thinking in a certain period and were recognized by the public years ago and become the mainstream of the market." ——It can be said that Western films were born entirely due to the cultural and regional characteristics of the United States in film history. Gangster films were hardly bought by the public before the birth of the "Godfather" series of films in the 1970s, and space adventure films were not. Inspired by the intensifying space hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union, presumably it will not be born so early.

Liam is right. From the development history of some types of films, we can realize that the birth and development of each type of film is actually a reflection of the current era.

In other words, what are superheroes mapping?

"Boss, you didn\'t realize that when "Spider-Man" was the most popular, it happened that anti-terrorism was prevalent. To put it in a bad way, it was the White House government at that time that was endorsing Colombia... Turn on the TV, where are the news stations? There is another war, and there have been vicious terrorist incidents. Under the current situation where the problem of war is particularly prominent, I think that the people also need a kind of inner stability or a manifestation of strength when facing the unknown fear.

And Peter Parker\'s sentence: With great power comes great responsibility, which can be said to have resounded the audience\'s psychological identity for these. Just this sentence, at least brought tens of billions of dollars to Colombia. "—

From 2002 to 2011, the value of Spider-Man IP has exceeded 20 billion, and it has become a product in the derivatives market because the Spider-Man image is less limited in terms of product type, gender and age group——

It can be cool~www.novelhall.com~ or very cute, it can follow the trend, it can go retro, the color matching is classic and durable, so it can fully harvest the products, with a complete range, including peripherals, figures, 3C digital products , daily necessities, small household appliances and even pet supplies, all aspects of consumer life are taken into account, and the consumer group almost covers the middle, young and young generations.

Unlike after the MCU fire, Marvel’s derivatives market is still relatively profitable with the most direct toy figures, and the consumer group has not spread to other people who don’t watch movies.

Of course, it\'s not so much a dissatisfaction with the broad category of superhero movies that these folks are more dissatisfied with Marvel\'s unrestricted sequel and series production.

It\'s too much, and it\'s too fast. The Marvel Universe, which was dominated by Disney in the previous life and explored, can be stimulated from the beginning of the year to the end of the year with the news of 2 or 3 projects per year. This time and space is simply bombed most of the time. Information, film and television resources continue.

This is a very hateful thing, because Marvel has grabbed too many viewers\' attention.

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