Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1158: "Game of Thrones"

The initial establishment of the "Veteran" script did not cause any waves.

Ryan was busy filling in the details and deepening the psychological description of the character, but Lyman flew to Iceland.

He has been here a few times, and "Daydreamer" was filmed here, and manpower has not left too many traces on this land.

this day.

Located in Hafnarfjordur, about 1,000 meters east of the "Game of Thrones" temporary studio, the shooting atmosphere was relatively warm.

It took them more than 3 months to film the scene of King\'s Landing in Northern Ireland. After turning here, they stopped for about a week to lay out equipment and consign costumes and props. Finally, they could officially start filming the rest of the scene this afternoon. Shots of Winter City.

In this situation, 2d, the two chief screenwriters who have been controlling the shooting direction, became excited and arranged for the filming team.

The personnel spread out in an organized manner, each shooting different clips.

After all, the entire crew has three directors, five assistant directors, a photography crew of more than 20 people, a costume and prop art team of more than 70 people, and a lighting and recording team of more than 30 people, including those in charge of on-set communication. More than a dozen people, not to mention the actors and group performers who were not much less than the film crew, worked together to make the film. Except for the set that took some time, the actual shooting of the required shots was not slow.

In a dense forest with scattered pine and birch trees, the scene of the Night\'s Watch is about to be filmed. The actors are wrapped tightly, and the props team leads out the local Icelandic horses.

There was no wind today, and the snow stopped. The snow was not thick, but it could be compensated for by visual effects later, which made it easier for them to film snow scenes.

The place they chose has snow in August, which is the longest snow season in Iceland.

"Are you all ready? Group 2 over there?" D--Weiss asked.

"It\'s all ready."

"That\'s fine." Weiss ran over to discuss it with the director, and filming soon started.

"The first shot of Game of Thrones Game 2.—"

"Sasha." The three actors ran on the snow on horseback.

Because it was inconvenient to install the railcar, the photographer also carried the camera with his bare hands to move the camera, but the picture displayed on the monitor did not shake much. It can be said that the basic skills are very solid, and it is worthy of being the top card of the photography union.

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"Crack, turn the angle and make another one." The assistant director picked up the loudspeaker and shouted.


The film crew re-checked the equipment, and the actors led the horses back to their original positions.

"A few special effects shots will be inserted in this section, the big panorama, please mark it." Weiss took the storyboard and continued to order, "Wait for the photographers of 2 and 3 groups to shoot together, one for the scene, and two for the follow-up. Actors."


After communicating with the field managers and assistant directors, they will carry out the rest.

Next to them, some of the leading actors have not yet reached their part, and at this time are staying in the shelter with nothing to do, watching the quick movements of the crew.

This is the beginning scene of the White Walkers.

The three people from the Night\'s Watch Legion patrolled as usual. One of them noticed movement ahead. He was lying on the ground and saw people\'s limbs not far away. It was bloody. After he was afraid and reported to his two companions, one of them must be Asked to investigate the clues that the corpse was killed, they were finally executed by the White Walkers, and only the one who found it first escaped.

Of course, betraying one\'s companions violated the oath of the Night\'s Watch Legion, and that\'s why in the latter scene everyone watched the execution of Eddard, the leader of the Stark family.

When Lehman came, the filming of the dense forest had not been completed, so naturally he did not turn to the tundra.

He watched 2d lead the crew with great interest, felt the enthusiasm the actors wanted to show, and even the parents of some child stars found a reason to be close to him.

These actors have read the original book many times, and know that the plot span of this play is very large, and they also understand that Firefly spends so much money and engages in such a big battle. First, we need to have a good relationship with the screenwriter 2d or Mr. Martin. Of course, Iceland is not suitable for living, and the old man is not here. Second, we need to have a good relationship with the director team. The third point is to have a good relationship with the investor. .

It\'s a pity that, after being in Hollywood for so long, Lehmann knows the psychology of some people very well, and he basically ignores all kinds of hints.

Near 4 p.m., the crew began to call it a day.

The place where they live is more than an hour\'s drive away from the shooting location, and it takes more than two hours to commute to and from the filming site every day, so the daily shooting time is not long. Generally speaking, they can solve 3 or 4 shots. The work is over.

Such days lasted until 3 days later, when we switched to the tundra, the shooting time was relatively more, and the shooting time could be increased from less than 4 hours a day to 5 and a half hours.

After the "execution" is over, the relationship between the next generation of the Stark family will be portrayed immediately...



In mid-September, Blue Butterfly\'s release schedule also included an R-rated vulgar comedy "Jeff the Otaku" in collaboration with Jason Reitman\'s studio, which received 580 theaters in terms of opening.

The general plot of the film is this: the protagonist Jeff is an otaku who doesn\'t like to go out and lives in his mother\'s apartment.

Everyday life is full of uninteresting things.

Suddenly one day, Jeff\'s mother called Jeff and asked him to go out to run errands. Jeff, who couldn\'t be stubborn, had to go out and buy wood glue.

On the way, Jeff ran into his brother.

His older brother was married and bought a new car, hoping to surprise his wife.

But when Jeff and his brother gave a surprise together, they found that his sister-in-law seemed to have another man outside.

Through a day of investigation, research and speculation, Jeff gradually matured in the relationship between his brother and sister-in-law...

Well, there were all kinds of jokes and **** jokes in between, and after this series of hilarious events, Jeff hadn\'t even gone to buy glue—he had forgotten.

How should I put it, this is a badly choreographed and not very funny comedy, but you can watch it if you just want to pass the time.

In addition, the two brothers, Jay Duplass and Mark Duplass, the directors of the film, have not filmed many works. The two works under the name of "Paper Bag Head" and "Cyrus" are very different in style. Nor did it earn them market acclaim in Hollywood.

And in this "Otaku Jeff", the Duplass brothers have great ambitions, but the results are mediocre. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that they want to use the shell of comedy to discuss the relationship between mother and child, family relationship and even brother relationship, but they are not. Not in place.

Jason Reitman also said before the project: "\'Jeff the Otaku\' is a comedy, but also a drama. Sometimes, people think that comedy is just laughing, but that\'s not always the case. In this film, I just want people to see the other side of things, to see the relationship between the characters and the change in their mentality." - This is also the reason that director Reitman funded the Duplass Brothers and brought in Firefly to help The biggest reason to make a release.

Arguably, the film\'s executive producer, Jason Reitman, is helping because it\'s not a complete comedy.

To this end, he also brought in Ed Helms, who became popular with "The Hangover", to play his brother\'s role.

Out of trust in him, Ed came to the crew.

However, the results of this trust are not good.

Not everyone has Reitman\'s directing skills and can incorporate a warm atmosphere into a comedy. In addition, Reitman is only a producer, and he is busy writing "Teen" himself, so it feels a bit strange to shoot. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

According to the evaluation of the "Arizona Republic": this is a strange style of comedy, approachable, short-lived, but not pleasant to watch.

A comedy doesn\'t have enough emotions to make people laugh. During the schedule, there are action thrillers "Kidnapping" starring Lily Collins and 3D movie "Dolphin Story" starring Morgan Freeman. Beaten can\'t find the north.

After the first weekend, "Otaku Jeff" earned 857,000 US dollars, ranking 14th. Fortunately, the investment of this film is not high, and it will not lose too much.

Seeing this result, Jason Reitman felt sorry for it. He wanted to pull over a project, but he lost money to Blue Butterfly Pictures, so he immediately called Lehman.

"It\'s okay, no one can accurately predict the movie market. The script itself is fine, but the results after execution are not good."

Mann Media has a small number of direct line directors. In order to maintain a certain output, Jason Reitman is one of Lehman\'s best efforts to win over.

At any rate, in the production of low-cost projects, the rate of return is not low at all - a "Thank You for Smoking", a "Juno", and a "In the Cloud" are all awards and box office receipts. Interest rates are as high as 2.67.

"Of course, if you have a plan, I\'ll tell Liam."

"Do I need to invest in a new project?"

"It\'s okay, we can also help release it."

"Ok, that\'s it."

The phone hangs up, and Jason Reitman\'s new work "Youth", a story about a ghostwriting young woman seeking justice for herself, was successfully negotiated by Reitman.

Not to mention, the other party is obviously not short of investment, so only the right to issue is given, but this is not bad...