Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 1159: Another lead actor confirmed


Game of Thrones is still moving forward at a rate of 4 or 5 shots per day.

In order to set the scene, I also took two days off at the end of September. There is nothing to do in Iceland. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it will be boring. Emilia Clarke didn\'t go anywhere. After lunch, she went back to bed and played with her mobile phone to pass the time.

Been in the group for several months.

She can obviously feel that as she becomes the heroine of a big drama, many things have changed.

No need to worry about rent, no need to worry about a little living expenses, and no need to run around like a headless fly in large and small crews. Sometimes, she didn\'t want to reminisce about those days, because there really wasn\'t any bright spot.

But memory is not something that is meant to be erased if you want to. When you think about it occasionally, you will always feel that fate is so unpredictable.

Half a year ago, he was still unknown, and the idea that came up was either joining the group or quitting the show business one day, getting married, having children, and finding another job; half a year later, he was spotted by Firefly and selected by the audience, and he became a lot of people. The unattainable heroine with a budget of hundreds of millions, with a salary of 20,000 per episode, has since taken off the label of 18 lines.

For the 100th time, Emilia thanked the show\'s producer Ryan and Firefly founder Lyman for the 100th time, as well as the examiners who were in charge of casting that day.

The big crew is really generous.

Food and clothing expenses, including travel and accommodation, are absolutely guaranteed. There is no need to let the actors pay for themselves to save money, and there will be no shortage of funds. Breakfast and dinner are not provided.

She likes this life very much, being noticed, being noticed, and being disturbed by paparazzi - well, Emilia put a stop to her thoughts, she admitted that she wanted to experience the feeling of being chased and intercepted when there was no paparazzi chasing, but Too many times is also very annoying.

It was like this when she was filming in Northern Ireland. Once she left the set to go shopping, she was bound to be photographed secretly and asked all kinds of weird questions. The other party wanted to know the color of your underwear. It was scary.

In short, everything is getting better.

The actor who plays with her is obviously more senior than her and willing to let her go. Everyone in the crew is also full of vigor, striving for excellent episodes, and taking out the ng degree of filming to consider every scene.

The agent also told her that she helped her make appointments with many brands. If the episodes are broadcast smoothly and have a certain market response, she will be able to sign several brand endorsements and save a lot of money.

That money would allow her to live a decent middle-class life in London...that\'s nice.


Lyman didn\'t finish filming the final scene of Game of Thrones.

September 27.

Since Universal and Marvel signed a new cooperation agreement and quickly hyped the news of "The Incredible Hulk 2", the popularity of the Internet has been maintained for more than half a month, according to the network publicity department of Blue Butterfly Pictures. Real-time follow-up statistics, fans have been tired of related topics after seeing no more specific reports.

Of course, "The Incredible Hulk 2" is a screening project next year. The purpose of preheating has been perfectly achieved, and there is no luxury to spread for too long.

By the time Lehman returned to Los Angeles, "Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier" had entered the next stage of painting, and the cumulative global box office at this time had reached 708 million.

"The increase is very good. It is conservatively estimated that we can earn 800 million US dollars in this project. Moreover, the increase in "Captain America 2" has a lot to do with the exposure of the Marvel brand, the public\'s perception of the characters, and even the market\'s acceptance. The degree is good. The cinema will also take these data into account when considering the film arrangement.”

As the operating officer of Marvel Entertainment, David Messo looks at the prospects of the Marvel brand, and he feels more at ease. "By the way, there is a document that needs your signature, which is an increase in the funding of the comics department."

"Okay, you can put the document on the table."

Lehman just came back, adjusted his schedule, and quickly got into work.

He was busy processing the accumulated financial documents and asked Ryan, "Has the script for "Big Shot" come out? Have you printed a copy and handed it to Cage?"

"Look, he likes it very much." Ryan affirmed, "Do you want me to call and let him come over to discuss it?"

"Yeah." Lyman didn\'t look up.

This film is definitely going to start as soon as possible, aiming for the April file.

Counting the days, preparations will also be accelerated.

When Ryan went out, he continued to review and sign the documents, "Wow, Amber Video is burning more and more money. The expenditure in September was close to 230 million, and it was still more than 90 million in August."

The representative of the accounting firm hired by the company, standing behind the side, replied: "Their finances are fine. The increase in expenses is due to the cost of bandwidth, servers, and data storage brought about by the traffic. In addition, Amber\'s technical team has expanded to There are more than 200 people, in addition to the salary, in order to improve the office environment, Mr. Perlman rented the upper two floors of the office building, you can see this list..."

"I know, I know. I don\'t doubt your auditing ability, but I think streaming media is too expensive." Lehmann continued to sign.

"Anyway, the accounts can withstand the inspection of the Internal Revenue Service. You just need to strictly implement this point."

"Don\'t worry, sir, we are professional." The other party was very confident. "In addition, your group\'s visual effects company made a sum of money to come in. The digital field is now very popular among some manufacturers in the industry..."

"The plan for administrative expenses, salaries and year-end bonuses reported by Joseph is expected to cost 840 million..."

"Red Dragonfly Games has set up bonuses for next year\'s spring championship and mid-season games in order to market lol events. This is the initial bill..."

"Then it is to inject 10 million into Eva\'s charitable fund for your personal tax avoidance needs, and donate part of the expenditure to equality, women\'s rights, and schools. According to our design, your personal financial audit can bypass some of the expenses. tax regulations."

After Lehmann signed it, the accountant award documents were packed and stuffed into the briefcase, "I\'m glad to serve you."

"Walk slowly."

When the people left, Cage also came.

This guy has acted in two movies in total this year, one "Witch Season" made a small offline profit~www.novelhall.com~ one "Frenzy Speed" lost more than 40 million, and nominated the worst actor of golden sour plum, and then Considering that last year did not fall into any good projects, it is obvious that the career is at a low point.

However, because he didn\'t go bankrupt like in his previous life, if he had money in his hand, his life would be pretty cool.

"Hi, Lyman."

He was holding the script in his hand, and it seemed that it had been turned over many times, wrinkling all the sides, "How are you going to shoot?" He gestured to the project.

"What\'s wrong?" Lyman asked his assistant to pour the coffee.

"This book is very interesting. I have asked the agent to stop acting for the time being, and the schedule will be handed over to you. But who do you want to play against this rich villain? The interpretation of this role is not small." Cage I have cooperated with Lehmann 4 times, and I usually keep in touch with him, and I don\'t get too polite with him.

"Why, do you have a suitable candidate?" Lehman asked himself, "My idea for this role is: a dog-like person. He is handsome but perverted, and he likes to trample on the dignity of others to satisfy his inner inferiority and ugliness. ."

"Uh...it\'s almost like that." Cage did not deny it, "I read the script no less than 50 times, and I also simulated how to play it in my mind. If I choose, I think Jake Gyllenhaal can do it. "

"Jack? Hmm." Lyman nodded. "He\'s alright. He\'s more handsome than Ledger, and he can bring more drama to the character. Besides, he\'s got that rich second-generation temperament."

Lyman called Johnson and said, "Make an appointment for Jake Gyllenhaal." He continued, "I\'m going to Japan next week, and I\'ll hold a script reading when I get back."

No way, in order to reflect the tradition of special photography in Japan, or the insistence of Toho Films, the Firefly version of "Godzilla" will be released in Japan first, and then it will be shown simultaneously in China, the United States, Latin America, Europe and other places...