Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 113: what glory

Just because the movie is out, doesn\'t mean the promotion can stop.

No, in addition to Europa Pictures and Paramount Pictures continuing to implant furious screening information on various platforms or news magazines, Luc Besson also personally called Lehmann and other main creators to go to French cities for roadshows to boost momentum.

So, early the next morning, Nicolas Cage, Heath Ledger and Eva Green were ready to leave.

After the group gathered and got on the plane, they stopped in such a hurry.

"Do you know what the box office was yesterday?"

Facing the curious eyes of Heath Ledger and Eva Green, Ryan smiled contentedly and happily, "$15.63 million."

Lyman, George, Thomas, and Nicolas Cage on the side were a little speechless. They already knew the news, and it was because Eva Green and Heath Ledger had no channels to be so ignorant.

In other words, it was Lehmann who thought that Eva Green could follow him. She was studying abroad alone and asked her if she wanted to go back to France.哽噺蹓帽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

She agreed, and it could be considered a downwind.

"$15.63 million?"

Eva Green\'s eyes widened, looking a little surprised.

She is not a novice who doesn\'t understand anything. She knows that such a result is very good for a commercial film, and it can even be said to be above the normal market feedback level.

After all, the production cost of Fury is only 50 million US dollars, and it is amazing to recover 1/5 of it in one day.

The key point is that yesterday was Saturday, today is Sunday, and it is also a rest day. The box office performance will definitely not be a serious dive, and it may be possible to improve.

Moreover, if we really look at this trend, Fury doesn\'t have to worry about whether it will lose money at all. What should be considered is to earn more and earn less.

"Hey... I\'m going to bed first. If you have something to do, you can call me." After that, Layman put on his blindfold and fell asleep with peace of mind.

Is there anything more comforting than a good result in one\'s own film, no.

"Did he sleep late yesterday?" Eva Green asked softly.

"I\'m not sure, I slept a little, but when I slept, he was still waiting for Paramount Pictures\' call." Ryan replied in a soft voice.

This time, Eva Green felt a little distressed for Lyman.

Her feelings for him are really complicated. At first, she was a little prejudiced against him. After all, he is a director and can help her in her acting career.

To put it simply, Eva Green was approaching with impure purposes, but Lehman just took it all.

Perhaps that night, what she was holding was a transactional and sacrificial attitude, not really any sensual attraction to Lyman.

But when Fury was filming and filming together, she saw Ryman\'s serious and responsible work attitude and her passion for filming.

The direct evidence is that he turned a blind eye to his presence on the set.

Later, at the reception, he was a little drunk but chose her to accompany him. She was really happy at that time. Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

As for why, she didn\'t know, that emotion rose from the bottom of her heart for no reason.

Since then, her attitude has changed somewhat. She no longer sees this relationship as a transaction, but believes that Lyman has a good impression of her.

Didn\'t Laiman also think of her during this time for the propaganda of returning to China?

The more time they spend together, the more Eva Green finds Lyman to be a very attractive man.

Of course, it would be better if he was willing to accept himself...

Dragging their suitcases, Lehman and his party walked out of the airport, and immediately got on the special car sent by Europa Pictures.

Along the way, from time to time, you can see the movie\'s furious advertisements, and his name is clearly printed on it, which is particularly conspicuous.

As a digression, the focus of publicity in North America is around actors such as Nicolas Cage, while in France, the focus of publicity is on him as a director.

Thanks to the media, the number of audiences who know him in France is increasing dramatically, which is why Luc Besson asked him to come to the road show.

It is estimated that even he did not expect that he just subconsciously wanted to praise his domestic director more and spread the reputation of Lehman, but what he did not expect was that the publicity effect turned out to be surprisingly good, though, the real reason made him Somewhat upset.

According to the survey feedback from the marketing department, it is said that the French people generally have a favorable impression of a local director who can make achievements in Hollywood.

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