Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 112: with the sky

? Halle - Berry\'s acting career is very lucky, which may be inseparable from personal efforts.

But to sum it up, her complexion really helped her a lot.

However, from another angle and standpoint, her complexion is also her misfortune.

Halle Berry doesn\'t have a choice.

Let’s talk about misfortune first. She was born in the United States and grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, but because of that era, white discrimination against people of color was ubiquitous, and Halle Berry also suffered from skin color problems. A lot of suffering and a lot of anger.

Later, as the "Miss Ohio" seed, she participated in the Miss America Under 20 contest and was successfully selected as the "Miss Teen America" ​​title.

She thought she was successful and had a certain reputation, but she was still hitting a wall everywhere.

She has worked hard and persevered, and in return she still lives as a small model.

Her beauty doesn\'t matter at all in front of her skin color. The companions who participated in the competition together back then had a good time, but she was the only one who was still wasted at the bottom.

By chance, she participated in the movie "The Doll". Although she was only a small role in the play, it opened her eyes and let her know that she might be able to work hard in a different direction.

However, still because of her skin color, three years later, she is still playing the role.

Until then, Halle Berry\'s luck arrived, and God filled a big gift bag for the black people in Hollywood.

The package is called "Political Correctness".

Time has come together with heaven and earth, and it means that the wind direction has changed.

In the past, in Hollywood movies, people of color were always the villains, and white people were the protagonists and saviors.

However, among the colored people, the group of black people can\'t stand it.

They will make trouble, and they are willing to make trouble. They always use racial discrimination as an excuse to tell the injustice of the world.

Gradually, it became more and more noisy, and it took a long time to talk about it. Maybe some of those white people were mentally handicapped. They actually felt that what they said was right, they seemed a little overbearing, and they should give other people of color a little chance and respect. Hehe, the Indians have something to say.

Well, the black people got what they wanted, especially Hollywood is the stronghold of the leftists. After knowing the direction of this trend, they immediately began to act.

As for why among people of color, Latinos and Asians are selectively ignored by everyone.

Oh, this is not important, who asked you to do your duty, not to hang up?

In other words, Halle Berry is the beneficiary of this momentum.

The skin color problem that has plagued her for so many years suddenly turned into a sweet pastry and became her biggest advantage.

Haha, I have to say, life is so magical.

Lucky was gifted to her by the times. In the first year after that, she became the heroine. The movie was called "Jungle Fever", written, directed and acted by Spike Lee, a great black director in the United States. The drama, t\'s most ironic, is about a love story between a black man and a white man. Getting to know such a great director of the same skin color is not an ordinary help for Halle Berry.

Her acting career soon got more opportunities to act. In the second movie, she is the heroine again, or the type of biography. Such a theme, such a storyline, was completely prepared for the award.

Sure enough, Halle-Berry successfully won the 57th American TV Film Golden Globe Award for Best Actress for "Blood and Tears".

Such an award recognition was definitely the best career catalyst for her at the time.

In the same year, she received the role of "Storm" in the commercial series "X-Men".

Later, she won the Best Actress at the 74th Academy Awards for "Dance of Death Row".

Halle-Berry also became the first black woman in history to receive this award, and for a while, the popularity was infinite.

Many authoritative magazines and media even named her the top of the "100 Sexiest Women in the World". It can be said that Halle Berry is really on the road to success. 35xs

But not to mention that people can succeed, and they have won so many compliments, she is still not inflated or arrogant.

Halle-Berry is a real smart person, knowing that she is nothing now, even at this time, many film companies have submitted film invitations to her, and she chose to star in "007" " series of works.

In addition to the title bonus of "Bond Girl", what she values ​​more is the public foundation of this work. In other words, it is difficult to fail at the market box office.

Halle-Berry\'s idea is very simple, and she knows that as long as this work is shot, someone will definitely pay for it.

And word-of-mouth evaluation or something, it\'s not too bad. After taking so many films, so many people\'s childhood works, so emotional? You guys are embarrassed to say that the movie sucks.

People have always been very tolerant of feelings and things. Halle Berry certainly knows this, as does the shooting of MGM, so many core elements of 007 will not change, such as Bond\'s all-round handsomeness , Bond girls must play ambiguous with Bond, there must be more big scenes

It\'s a pity that they encountered "Fury", and the competitors are so strong, obviously it is not a good thing for "007 Die Another Day".

MGM immediately teamed up with major news media to prepare for backhand promotion, grabbing topic traffic, and attracting the attention of the audience.

First, a few tabloids with lace news released a few photos, saying that it was suspected that Bond and the Bond girl were swimming together in the same street, and the two sides behaved ambiguous; then several newspapers took pictures of the two sharing a room, Halle-Berry all night not return; come again

A blue supercar drove fast on the road, and when it came to Beverly Hills, the speed inevitably dropped.

Suddenly, a large number of reporters rushed out from both sides of the road, carrying cameras, video cameras and tape recorders to flock to both sides of the sports car, and the two people in the sports car are naturally the most talked about recently - "Bond" and "Bond Girl" .

The windows of the car slowly rolled down a little, and the reporters became even more excited, and they kept asking questions with loud voices.

"Mr. Pierce, what is your relationship with Miss Halle-Berry?"

"Some people say that you came together because of the drama. Is this statement true?"

"Mr. Pierce, have you both moved in together?"

Hearing this question, Halle Berry, who was sitting in the co-pilot, inevitably flashed a hint of disgust, while Pierce Brosnan, one of the protagonists of the incident, slowly showed a loving smile on his calm face. .

He looked at Halle-Berry affectionately, and his tone was very firm, "Yes, during the filming of "007 Die Another Day", I met Miss Halle, and I was attracted by her unique sassy temperament. Until now, the two of us have finally come together."

"I love her."

As soon as the words of the oath of sovereignty were spoken, the reporters became more and more excited.

What a good selling point, and tomorrow\'s newspaper sales can\'t be increased by one or two percent?

"Mr. Pierce, can you tell us your specific pursuit?"

"Miss Halle-Berry, can you tell me what you think of Mr. Pierce? Also, are you thinking about going on forever and getting married?"

"Have you thought about these things?"

More questions were thrown out, but Pierce Brosnan did not need to continue to answer.

Do you hype up scandals? Of course, you have to reveal it little by little. How can you tell everything from the beginning? Isn\'t this in line with everyone\'s ideas and methods of maximizing interests and topics?

So, he rolled up the window again and honked his horn to give way.

The car started slowly, and finally, under the unwilling eyes of a group of reporters, it drove into Beverly Hills.

After staying away from those annoying flies, Halle-Berry no longer concealed her bad mood, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and her bad mood was completely written on her face.

Although it is a fake relationship, it is always not so friendly to actresses.

In particular, even though Halle Berry promised to work, she still had a grudge in her heart.

Women, always want to do both, like Pierce Brosnan has no sense of this.

While driving, he asked, "Where are you going?"

"No, just take me home, thank you."

Pierce Brosnan turned his head and glanced at Halle Berry without saying anything, let alone dissatisfaction.

It was a fake deal, and he didn\'t care.

It doesn\'t matter if the woman doesn\'t cooperate in private~www.novelhall.com~ and doesn\'t like to play.

Will he be short of women?

"It\'s almost 12 o\'clock, why are you still not sleeping?"

Ryan watched TV boredly, and found that Lyman had been lying at the computer desk for a long time, and his body was full of absent-mindedness.

"Go back to sleep first, I\'ll wait for today\'s box office statistics."

Lyman didn\'t look up.

"Can\'t you watch it tomorrow? Pay attention to your body."

"Isn\'t this just not being able to sleep? After listening to the report, I must feel more at ease."

Don\'t look at the box office results in the market in the past two days, but I always want to see "Fury" go further, such as defeating "007" and taking the position of the box office champion last week.

After all, the better the grades, the more confident he will be, and the more help he will be. The next film he is going to shoot is also a big production. The data obtained in this film is a bit more gorgeous. When the time comes, when negotiating their respective worth share, they can also negotiate better conditions.

"What, well, I see."

"Have the results come out?" Ryan asked curiously after seeing Lyman answering the phone, "Have the statistics been done so early today?"

"No, Luc Besson just called and asked us to go back to France, bring the main creator, and go there to promote it."

"So complicated."

Lehman was deeply impressed, but in order to achieve better results for the film, he agreed. After all, France is his base camp, and some supporters and fans also want to meet him. If he goes back, it will definitely promote the growth of the box office market there.
