Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 114: first week results

When Lehmann and others started the road show, in addition to the joy of fans everywhere, the French journalists were the most happy about it.

They were so happy that they wrote the draft of "Fury" for two or three days in a row. Seeing that everything was written, what should be predicted was predicted, and what should be blown up was also blown. When there was almost nothing to talk about, hehe , Lehmann has returned home.

So, when the group of them started to go to various cities in France to promote, they could always meet almost the same group of reporters on different occasions and in different places.

They also like to ask all kinds of outlandish questions, some Lehman are willing to answer, some are not.

Another busy day has passed, and only in the dead of night can Lyman feel at ease watching some of the audience\'s truest comments on the film.

Turn on the computer, click on the IMDB website, and slide the interface with the mouse.

At the same time that the movie box office was released, online word-of-mouth has long been lifted.

"It\'s quite shocking to watch. Thank you, the director, for bringing us a masterpiece about World War II."

"Several frontal shots of the battlefield are very real and have an immersive feeling, which is highly praised."

"From "Buried Alive" to "Three Silly Raids in Bollywood" to this "Fury", director Lehmann can always bring me different feelings..."

Of course, some people like it, and some people don\'t like it.

Lehmann is not Franklin, and everyone can\'t be satisfied with him. What\'s more, movies about war are not the type that female audiences like.

And some scenes are too realistic, which will also make some viewers have visual disgust.

"Some places are too bloody, and the director is too tactful. It\'s okay to use a virtual lens to describe it from the side. It\'s too naked. I can\'t stand it."

"It\'s not as good as you said at all. I went to see it, and I just found it noisy."

Laiman can also accept these comments, radishes and vegetables, each has his own love, there is nothing to say...

At Paramount Pictures headquarters, the chairman of the board, Benjamin Casey Winter, sat in his office chair and said with some emotion, "The box office of the film has reached 34.76 million US dollars in three days. Shirley, you are the owner and Europa Pictures. The decision to collaborate and put resources into promoting Fury was the right decision."

Although there is only a smile on her face, anyone can see that Shirley Lansing is in a good mood. As soon as Sunday\'s box office results were released, although she was beaten by the competitor "007: Die Another Day" was slightly overwhelmed, but the topical gimmick brought by the hype of "Bond" and "Bond Girl" romance cannot be ignored. It has to be said that MGM has indeed made a good move.

But as the enthusiasm of their respective die-hard supporters was consumed in the first week, the audience\'s word-of-mouth will definitely be the next competition. As for publicity and lace news, they will only play a smaller and smaller role.

And compared to word of mouth, Shirley Lansing has reason to believe that "Fury" will overtake "007: Die Another Day" next week.

After all, the gap between the two is really not that big. In North America alone, there is only a difference of 3.12 million US dollars, which means that the box office of "007: Die Another Day" in the first week was 37.88 million US dollars.

The most important thing is that although the reputation of the two films has declined over the period of time, the magnitude of "Fury" is even smaller.

"The next thing I\'m going to talk about is the issue of theaters, Shirley, tell CAA, let\'s put pressure on the major theaters together, and strive for the scale of the film\'s release."

Benjamin - Casey Winter commanded with a smile.

"I will personally contact their executives to meet."

With Shirley Lansing\'s remarks, the chairman of the board of directors will naturally no longer worry. The box office figures of "Fury" are here, it is impossible for the theater chain to give up the proceeds, and he does not want to be crushed on the screen. The opponent "007: Die Another Day", as long as it can be consistent with the opponent next week, it is enough...

Running the promotion is really tiring, and the schedule is so hurried that even a big man like Lehmann can\'t stand it, let alone a delicate woman like Eva Green.

So, after only one day, she was sent home by Lehmann, and the rest continued to persevere.

After all, tired is a bit tired, but the results are also very good.

They are very clear that their movie "Fury" is reaping the box office of the movie market every day. If every day can increase a little bit of market share on the basis of the previous day, then their actions will be worthwhile.

As a result, their propaganda proved useful.

Nothing is more direct than data feedback, and the market is responding to them.

Therefore, the group is in pain and happy.

Sitting in the car, ready to run to the next event location, Lehmann suddenly felt that his previous worries were unnecessary. Once the audience\'s enthusiasm for watching the movie was activated, the box office was like a number, only to see it increasing.

In France, the first-week box office champion is naturally "Fury", which beat "007: Die Another Day" with $27.89 million to win the competition with $30.42 million.

What\'s even more terrifying is that the next day, a new week of movie screenings also started. "Fury" still received 13.24 million US dollars, while "007: Die Another Day" fell to 10.32 million US dollars, and the gap was further widened. .

Some gossip media will naturally not let this topic go. "Lyon Entertainment" made a big headline: "The direct confrontation between French films and Hollywood blockbusters, Lehmann defeated 007 and defended the glory of France."

With a sensational title, the content states the achievements of the two parties in the box office market, which can easily attract the attention of the audience.

There are not a few such media, but more serious news magazines such as Le Parisien and Ta Kung Pao are relatively fair.

It is a more objective evaluation of the contest between the two sides. The difference in the performance of "Fury" in North America and the French market also gave reasons, "We have reason to believe that the French people are more supportive of the works directed by their own directors."

Lehman can only get a rough idea of ​​all the noise. He doesn\'t have the habit of paying attention to news magazines all the time. On this day, he woke up early in the morning as always, ready to go to the next target city roadshow.

The name of the next city is Toulouse, which is a big city located in the southwest of France, also known as the "City of Roses".

It has beautiful scenery and pleasant climate...

Forget it, let\'s not talk about it, Lehman and his party are not interested in urban humanities at all.

Besides, I\'m exhausted to death, so what\'s the mood to visit the scenery?

As the car was driving on the road, Lehmann forced himself to close his eyes, ready to sleep for a while to recharge his batteries.

Just about to fall asleep, the voice of Ryan and Thomas discussing next to him reached his ears, "Wake up, isn\'t he the most concerned about this?"

"Let\'s wait for him to wake up. The schedule has been so busy recently, and everyone hasn\'t slept well. Take a rest if you can."

"Alright. It\'s good news anyway, so there\'s no rush."

"What good news?"

Lyman opened his eyes and looked back at Ryan.

"You\'re awake... Actually, it\'s nothing. It\'s just that George sent a message saying that the box office performance of "Fury" in North America is already higher than that of "007: Die Another Day"."

"How much more?"

"Not much, maybe more than two million dollars."

Sure enough, the market feedback was just as Shirley Lansing predicted. After the second week arrived, after the enthusiasm of the core audience fans was exhausted, the people who really decided the market became passers-by audiences.

And this group has always valued the reputation of the movie. After just one day, the gap between the two sides was close to nothing. On the second day, on December 1, at the box office, "Fury" sold for 11.46 million US dollars. Beat the $9.13 million of "007: Die Another Day".

When Lehman heard this, he was also a little happy.

Being able to be better than his competitors is obviously the best news, and it also makes him feel that his hard work these days has not been in vain.

Although their publicity here has little impact on North America.

But, who cares? Feel good and it\'s over.

"Recently, the romance between Halle Berry and Pierce Brosnan has been hyped. It seems that MGM is determined to take this kind of publicity." Everyone was in a good mood, and Nicolas Cage also took the initiative to make fun of it. The hottest news hotspot in North America.

"Everyone in the industry knows they are pretending, but fans on both sides and some viewers are immersed in it~www.novelhall.com~ I heard that there are many **** Halle Berry fans who threatened Pierce Brosnan as unworthy. What. Haha." Ryan also echoed.

Heath Ledger also laughed, but he didn\'t say anything. He never paid much attention to these. At this time, it seemed to him that he was listening to a story.

"It\'s a pity that we can\'t hype up scandals. I have to say, this trick is very useful." Ryan analyzed, "As long as you take the initiative to provoke a wave of attention, those news media will automatically follow up. It\'s easy, it\'s not like Our kind of exhausting on-the-spot running publicity."

"I don\'t mind, but there isn\'t a decent female character in the movie, not to mention the heroine, not even the supporting actress. Alas." Nicholas Cage sighed with a look of approval.

I have been with him for a long time, and the more I feel that he is very boring.

For those who are not familiar with him, he is very dull and doesn\'t like to take care of him, but once he gets to know each other, he dares to try any kind of cowardice.

"Come on, it\'s hard to make a pair of screen lovers to make a movie. I don\'t have the skills. Besides, are they so useful, I don\'t think so, the eyeballs are enough, but how many people are there? Why don\'t you care about the movie? Just watch it for fun, and it doesn\'t help much in terms of direction." Lehmann waved his hand, not at all aware of how clever MGM\'s publicity methods are.

It only simply attracts the audience\'s attention, but the movie itself is not good, and it can\'t really make them willing to go to the cinema to support it.


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