Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 574

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah

At the dawn of the talent, the female dormitory of the performance Department of the Central Academy of drama sent out a shrill scream. The whole building was awakened, thinking that something terrible had happened.

Ventura's two legs are speared in the movie "detective plane head 2", and his cry is so miserable.

"Well, you have to help me! If I go to pick up the plane like this, they will kill me. I will never make a movie in my life. " The tall beauty with two big black eyes covered her head and cried.

She shook her head helplessly. "Sugar, you must be too late."


The 22-year-old girl, named Tang Yan, is the heroine of Guo Xu's MV. At that time, a group of beautiful women dressed in good costume were running for the election. Guo Xuqin ordered her to play.

Her image is very sweet. At the age of 18, she won the championship in the national TV finals of the third Shulei century star beauty contest and won the "Health Star" single award. Last year, she was selected as one of the "Olympic treasures". She participated in the closing ceremony of the Athens Olympic Games in "China 8 minutes". She played the famous Chinese song "Jasmine" with traditional instruments such as Erhu and pipa, representing China on the world stage and being versatile.

However, the reason for Guo Xu's choice is that she was very famous in the entertainment industry in her previous life, and her ancient costume was outstanding. Since she wanted to choose someone to shoot MV, why not find someone to know her?

Guo Xu's selection of people is very relaxed, in a word. For Tang Yan, this is the top priority of her life, which is more difficult than participating in the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, because it was performed by a group of people. This time, she is the only heroine. She represents the country and in the name of the people

What's more, this time she's going to work with superstars, her idols, so excited that she didn't sleep all night.

Tang Yan doesn't watch NBA basketball games, but she watches movies, listens to songs, and Guo Xu's entertainment achievements also make many people can only look forward to.

In the movie, Guo Xu dances Latin so handsome that she can't wait to watch it on the screen. She also likes Guo Xu's songs, both in English and Chinese, and even the fox.

Because of the tacit understanding of shooting MV, it's better for the two stars to get to know each other first. The leader asked Tang Yan to pick up the plane at the airport, eat and chat with each other, and then shoot the MV in the afternoon and evening. She had the opportunity to get close to her idol, but she was too excited.

In any case, the dark circles could not be eliminated quickly, so she had to go to the airport on time.

Guo Xu's trip to China this time is of great significance because he has been MVP in regular season for three consecutive times and won the championship and fmvp again. He is the first person in active service of the league. He came to China to do activities, the biggest NBA star in history.

Even when Jordan came to China in 2004, he didn't have Guo Xu's big name, because it was Jordan after the Wizards fishing for two consecutive years, and his popularity could not be selected as the eastern all star. Now the NBA has entered the era of Guo Xu, he is at the height of the sun.

People in charge of the Chinese side are under pressure. They are afraid that Guo Xu will feel uncomfortable if he has made a mistake and attaches great importance to it.

Top treatment such as shuttle flights, luxury hotels, and high-end food and beverage are necessary. The daily travel "allowance" is also very high. Guo Xuhe's treatment was greatly improved when he first came here.

On July 28, Guo Xu arrived at Beijing Capital International Airport. As there are too many fans to pick up at the scene, the activity party hopes that he can go to the VIP room directly from the passenger exit. Usually, only officials at or above the vice ministerial level can directly enter the VIP room passageway.

Guo Xu's treatment at the airport alone shows how much the leaders attach importance to this matter.

The Chinese director came to shoot the MV. Because of the fear of delaying Guo Xu's schedule, Tang Yan's part of ancient costume had been shot before. Guo Xu and her partner were going to shoot the urban plot. The staff planned to edit the MV the next day and play it at a large fan meeting the third day.

The female Lord came with dark eyes, and the leader wanted to get angry.

Guo Xu was surprised to see Tang Yan's appearance and asked with a smile, "are you ok? How does it look like after I play games all night

Tang Yan is watched by a group of people, and suddenly the pressure is greater. She trembles in her heart, moves her mouth, but she doesn't know how to explain it. Finally, she cries out in a hurry.

Chinese officials felt that they had messed up. They were having a headache about how to save the scene. Guo Xu spoke first.

He asked with a smile, "would you please go out for a moment and let me talk to her alone? She's so excited. I've got experience with this kind of thing. "

Everyone looked at each other and finally decided to listen to Guo Xu.

Megan rolled her eyes and sighed, "I'm going out first. Anyway, I can't understand you talking in Chinese."

Guo Xuzhen has experience in dealing with this kind of thing. He has met all kinds of female fans in the United States. Once he went to a party, which happened to be a girl's birthday. Guo Xu held out a birthday cake and asked her to blow out the candle. As a result, the girl fainted with excitement, which shocked everyone.

Another time, the actress and Guo Xu took a suit advertisement, and the result was poor insomnia and dark circles.

Some emotional fans are so exaggerated when they see idols that it's hard for those who don't follow the stars to understand their ideas.At that time, people often fainted and were carried out at Michael Jackson concerts. It was not close contact with idols. Later, it became more and more popular. According to the Internet, Jackson's most successful concert in garrestern, a total of 5000 people fainted and lost control of their emotions on the spot. Dozens of people died suddenly. The medical team was 2000 people. All the people who fainted were carried out by the fans themselves, handed over to the staff and sent to the medical team.

How can there be a concert hall that can hold 600000 people? But it's true that star chasers often have problems with their idols.

Seeing Guo Xu let everyone go out, Tang Yan was left in the room. Tang Yan was stunned. She didn't expect this kind of development. She thought she was going to be dealt with seriously. From then on, the star road was bleak.

Guo Xu relaxed sitting on the sofa and asked with a smile, "the leaders are gone, aren't you nervous? Let me guess. Were you too excited to sleep well last night

She nodded. "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It doesn't matter. I've seen this kind of thing in America. There's a white girl who is much more exaggerated than you are. When we saw her, we were shocked and thought we saw a vampire."

Tang Yan breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't expect Guo Xu to be so good-natured and broke her tears into a smile.

Guo Xu's next words made her face pale again. "But today you are in this state, it seems that MV is not shooting."

Guo Xu explained, "don't cry. When I'm finished, I mean I'll make a suggestion to change the time of shooting MV to tomorrow. You should be fine tomorrow. "

Tang Yan asked, "will this not affect your activities?"

"It doesn't matter. I don't like to plan things well. The itinerary is all ready. There is no surprise. I'll hold a press conference to extend my trip to China. "

Tang Yan was stunned and her mouth opened into O-shaped. She suspected that she was dreaming. Now she is still sleeping in the dormitory. How could she have such a big face to make NBA stars change their plans?

However, she twisted her leg for a moment, which was painful, not a dream

Guo Xu called all the people in and said what he thought. The leader and the organizer immediately agreed.

Different from Jordan's "God of basketball" Gao Leng's image, Guo Xu has always followed the people-friendly line, and he is the most popular star in China, more attractive than Yao Ming, a local star. It is a good thing that he is willing to extend the activity time. Who will refuse to let him go back to the United States early?

Guo Xu's reason is very strong. Anyway, when he is free on vacation, he will go back to the United States for a holiday. He can spend more days in China.

He is so casual

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