Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 573

There have been several big deals in the NBA free market. The team that wants to win the championship must recruit troops, otherwise they can't compete with the suns. Even if Joe Johnson is gone, experts and fans are generally optimistic that the sun will establish a dynasty next season.

They are only four masters of the team, how much influence can it have?

Dalglish signed former all star power forward Sharif Rahim, traded Bobbie Jackson for Bonzi Wells from Grizzlies, plus star center Brad Miller, star forward Peja stoyakovic, and League top 10 point guard Mike Bibby, the starting lineup was strong.

Besides, there are also excellent substitutes, such as Thomas Gareth, Thomas Kenny and so on.

Some fans think the king can compete with the sun, more people do not like the king, the reason is that position 1 is still lack of defensive strong man, as long as Guo Xu can not be prevented, don't want to beat the sun.

How important is defense? Take a look at the nets last season, they introduced Vince Carter, Jason Kidd, Richard Jefferson to form a trident, and costic, the power forward with range, didn't even enter the playoffs.

The Cavaliers avoided the huge pit of previous lives and did not have high salary to dig guard Larry Hughes. He renewed Carlos Boozer's contract for about 70 million in five years, and ilgoskas of "big Z" for 5 years with 55 million.

The Cavaliers also signed forward downer Marshall and guards Damon Jones and Eddie House, all of whom built teams around "little emperor" James. He organized the forward's single play efficiency is very high, attracted the bag to clip the ball, nearby can shoot the teammate to be able to play.

The task of Boozer and "big Z" is to pull out to cover the guards and help them run to catch the ball. The two inside players can catch and shoot the ball after the cover, or they can cut and impact the basket. One has comprehensive skills and the other has height advantage.

The Cavaliers also have veteran point guard Eric snow, three-point swing man Pavlovic, big center birdlins and so on. Their strength is much stronger than Guo Xu's previous life, and they must rise ahead of time.

The Cavaliers are first-class in the East and have a good chance to reach the finals next season.

Larry Hughes didn't get a premium contract from the Cavaliers. He renewed the contract with the wizards for 55 million in five years. He cooperated well with arenas. The wizards are willing to keep him, but will not give him a big contract.

The heat is the most prominent team in the free market. Led by Pat Riley, the NBA has the largest transaction in history, involving 13 players from five teams.

The heat got power forward Antoine walker from Celtic, point guard Jason Williams from Grizzlies and wiggler James Posey.

The heat lost to the Pacers last season, largely because of the lack of strength in position 4. They didn't renew Marcus Fisher in the summer. Baxter was just a blue collar after losing weight and couldn't attack.

Although Walker's defensive ability is insufficient, but he can pull out the characteristics of shooting can help Wade create breakthrough space, and O'Neill's position does not overlap.

The heat's defects are also obvious, two fat man partner inside, anti pick and roll will certainly be worse, but the heat has no better choice. The league's star inside is scarce, all teams take big man who can shoot as treasure. At the beginning, Wang Zhizhi signed a big contract for this reason, so it would be good to trade to Walker.

As for the "white chocolate", the heat was helpless. Damon Jones refused to renew his contract and accepted the knight's four-year 15 million small middle-class contract. Plus substitute point guard Kenyon - durin was poached by magic, the heat even can start a point guard are not.

The heat would have signed veteran point guard Gary Payton in the summer, but now Payton is in the suns. O'Neill is a bit self reproach. How did he introduce Peyton to the sun?

Anyone who has seen the Eastern Conference finals the year before knows that Damon is a guard who has no ability except 3 points in the vacant position. He can't organize or break through. Unlike point guard, the Cavaliers dare to sign him to disturb the market.

Grizzlies got the heat veteran Eddie Jones, last season's four big swingers into three, Posey, wells two shooting slightly inferior people were sent away, Eddie is an excellent defender, Mike Miller and Mike Dunleavy are good at shooting three-point ball.

Grizzlies retain the core lineup, the deal at least did not lose money, Eddie's contract expired can free up salary space, 2006-07 season, Pau Gasol will get a high salary.

The Hornets and jazz are also involved in the deal, just like the green army, who exchange marginal players with unimportant players in order to clean up junk contracts or rebuild.

After signing a huge contract with O'Neal for 5 years and 100 million yuan, the heat team has added more capable players, and their goal is to win the championship next season.

It is worth mentioning that the Celtics adopted the way of signing first and then exchanging with Walker. He signed a six-year contract of 53 million dollars with Celtic. The agent said that the green army was very interesting, but it was a bit tragic for the heat.

But manager Riley is such a person, at the cost of overdraft of the future, quickly exchange for immediate interests, whether it is training players or trading, he is the way.The Rockets made a deal with the Raptors, and the Rockets sent Mike James to the Raptors in exchange for RAF Alston, a streetball king.

The reason why Alston was traded by Raptors is very simple. He has a bad relationship with the team's manager Mitchell, and has had a fight with veteran Jay Ross in the dressing room. Although he averaged 14.2 points, 3.5 rebounds and 6.4 assists per game last season, raptors didn't want such sharp players, so they traded them to the Rockets.

At this time, many Chinese fans feel that the Rockets have a chance next season. At least they can pass the first round. Position 1 looks not so bad at last. Experts also believe that Alston is now a qualified starting point guard, he learned a lot from Guo Xu in the sun.

Raptors also signed a non draft into the NBA Spanish point guard Jose Calderon for three years, plus bosh, Ross, Marvin Williams, Peterson and others, raptors fans also vaguely see hope.

Raptors fans just want more, on the Raptors that bad defense, will continue to fight for the champion next season. Raptors lack the inside line. In his previous life, Vila Nueva had height and weight. After changing to Marvin, the protective frame was worse, and he overlapped with Ross.

Rose this person, Raptors are not trading out, recognized as high salary and low ability, even the Rockets are not willing to take Juwan Howard for him. Coincidentally, both of them were members of the Michigan five tigers.

After the old Nelson became the rocket commander-in-chief, he drove away Ryan Bowen who had no data. Although this man had defended Nowitzki, he had no attack power. In the old Nelson's opinion, he was a waste.

Rockets will not give high jumper swift middle class, avoid the appearance of super bad contract, old Nelson don't look up to that brainless goods.

The Rockets signed free agent Brian scarabaren of the nets in five years with 15 million yuan. This shooting power forward is in the appetite of old Nelson, and also makes the Rockets enter a new hole.

In his previous life, this man gave his nickname "white Mamba". In the NBA, he was a magical man, famous for his "victory cigar of human flesh". He had almost no data, and his only specialty was to pull out and shoot. However, he spent 11 seasons in the NBA before retiring, winning a championship ring and making four finals.

Guo Xu has been concerned about the deal and doesn't think any team can pose a threat to the suns.

At the end of the month, he received a notice from Nike that he would launch a three-day trip to China

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