Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 575

That night, Tang Yan had a good sleep. After chatting with Guo Xu, she had no pressure. Originally, she was afraid to leave a bad impression on her idol. She found that Guo Xufei was not angry, but also concerned about her. She felt so good.

Tang Yan's fear is not unreasonable. If she cooperates with the stars of Hong Kong and Taiwan, she will be doomed. She will be caught by the handle. I don't know what kind of irony she will be.

Zhang Ziyi once said that Hong Kong actors despise mainland actors. At that time, Zhang Ziyi was already an international film queen. Her roles in "ambush on all sides" and "Memoirs of a Geisha" won many international awards. But Zhang Ziyi said bluntly: "Hong Kong people discriminate against mainlanders. They always say that I am just a mainland actor and can't become an international star. They all think that the mainland is a country."

Tang Yan feels Guo Xu is too easygoing and has no airs at all. In this year, some of China's top-notch filmmakers are "one drag several" lineups. Even when shooting in Beijing, they have to Book Presidential suites in luxury hotels for them to show the value of stars.

If it's a star from Hong Kong and Taiwan, they usually have four or five attendants. Makeup artists and hairdressers should have their own separate rooms. In contrast, it seems much easier for the film makers to cooperate with Hollywood stars. Hollywood actors have never been to China to play big names, nor will they be in the future.

As for Baodao actors, in Guo Xu's previous life, even his agent asked for first-class talks about contracts. It seems that without this person, we would not be able to see such divine lines as "Meng Meng Meng Zi Qi", which is a great pity for the film industry.

The second paradise Yan's dark circles disappeared, and she took part in the MV shooting.

Guo Xu announced at the press conference that his trip in China was directly extended from three days to seven days. In addition to the activity planning of Nike, other arrangements were made. Anyway, he would not leave.

The move has been highly praised by Chinese media and netizens. It's not empty talk for Guo Xu to regard China as his hometown. He likes to interact with Chinese fans. If you look at the God who is proficient in eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, the gap is too big.

Tang Yan is in a good mood. She is in a very good state on the set. Her modern dress is also very amazing, and the shooting progress is very fast.

Guo Xu is not as serious as the leaders and will not force her to be perfect as she is assigned tasks. Guo Xu that means that MV can shoot at will, can shoot the best aestheticism, not into comedy can also accept, because he likes comedy.

Since the other party's requirements are not high, what pressure does she have?

Tang Yan likes Guo Xu's Chinese song "Huaxin". After it was officially launched yesterday, she repeatedly listened to it. It's unbelievable that it was written by Chinese of mixed blood. The artistic conception and melody are perfect.

This song is of course very perfect. In Guo Xu's previous life, "painting heart" and "fireworks easy to cold", "Tianya Mingyue" and "Liangliang" were rated as the Four Golden Songs of Chinese style.

Tang Yan prefers MV, which tells the love between man and fox demon.

Guo Xu's script is made in two versions, one is a 15 minute full story micro film, and the other is a 5-minute MV, which is edited with micro film materials. It's very good to shoot. Even the sub lens has been refined.

When he was in the United States, Guo Xu wrote a first draft and threw it to a professional Hollywood screenwriter to refine it. He just sang. What he sings is Zhang Liangying's version. In recent years, he has asked a professional teacher to practice his voice and can sing it.

The Chinese side has arranged all the costumes, venues and locations. They have already coordinated before coming here, and we fully support them.

The story is divided into two times, one is ancient, the other is modern.

The ancient plot has been shot, and Guo Xu was very satisfied with it. The background is the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Guo Xu doesn't appear in ancient times. A half breed has a strong sense of disobedience in ancient costume. He tried playing the role of Bai Niang and Xu Xian with Megan.

This MV has agreed to shoot two versions. One is Guo Xu himself. After that, the Chinese side can find an actor to make another version. The Chinese side can think of a new version of the plot.

Guo Xu also gave the Chinese singer the right to cover the song. When he did, he said it. Both men and women could sing the song.

His stories are his own, purely for fun.

At the beginning, the micro film is a monologue of Guo Xu. He stands on the mountain and looks at the scenery in the distance. Then he jumps down from the height and lands steadily, telling all the audience that he is not an ordinary person.

For more than a century, I have lived in secret, hidden in the dark, alone, until now

I'm a fox demon, and that's my story.

I've lived in secret for more than a century, and I know it's risky, but I have no choice but to know her.

Those who like American TV series in previous lives will not be unfamiliar with this passage, because this is the opening remarks of Staffan savatore, the hero of the first episode of the vampire diaries, but changes the vampire into a fox demon.

This opening simple and clear introduction of the protagonist's background, very classic, now "vampire diary" is far from shooting, Guo Xu directly used it.

Then the fox demon played by Guo Xu goes to find the heroine Tang Yan. They meet in a coffee shop. He wants to be friends with her, but he is rejected. Tang Yan says that he already has a boyfriend.

When Tang Yan turns around, the peach blossom red birthmark on her neck flashes. Guo Xu looks at her back and falls into memory. At this time, the ancient story will be edited in.Tang Yan, dressed in ancient costume, rescued an injured white fox. She took good care of the white fox and helped it to be released after the injury. However, the flying white fox did not leave, so she lived with her mistress for several years.

Later, the female master was seriously ill. Bai Hu went to lingcao to save her, but it was a little late

White fox ate spirit grass, and did not die, with the passage of time, it grew a number of tails, and finally the main body is the nine tail fox, the hero of the incarnation into a human form.

The story to the modern, fox demon puppet met the reincarnation of the female master, want to know her, continue to protect her.

Fox demon went to the female owner's company and found that she did not have a boyfriend, but secretly fell in love with the company's boss, but the boss has been married, she has never confessed. The boss and his wife are in a family marriage, and they have no feelings. He likes and cares about the female owners, but they respect each other as guests and have no real development.

In the second half of the story, she is always paranoid and has a strong sense of control. She thinks that the female owner is a junior and wants to kill her. She puts her in the car after she is dizzy. She wants to create the illusion of driving down a cliff. The man appears on the edge of the cliff in time and presses the car with both hands.

The man saved the woman and left in the moonlight. The woman woke up and saw his back.

At the end of the MV, the female host faintly recognized Guo Xu's back.

Which is MV? Clearly, it can be made into a TV play, and the plot is very attractive.

The story of the micro film has not been finished. The villain who harmed the female owner has not been brought to justice. The married man No.2 has already pursued the female owner and has the idea of showdown with her. The fox demon and the female owner's follow-up development have not been explained.

Guo Xu's inspiration comes from the Korean drama "you from the stars". Who stipulates that the fox spirit must be a woman? He played Professor fox demon. Originally MV is not like this, after audition, he changed his mind, who let him know Jin Xiuxian?

The 15 minute micro film and MV are finished in one day, and the rest just need to be edited. Everyone thinks this story is great and fans will love it very much.

The male commander-in-chief, the female Lord is pretty, the infatuated male lord or the fox demon, will have some super ability, too installs B. The only regret is that the two were not together in the end. This love is very exciting.

After shooting the MV, the Chinese directors and crew are all in service. Guo Xu is really a genius

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