Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 572

The film "happy death day" is just one month after it was launched, and it is the fastest movie that Guo Xu has ever invested in.

Director Paul Figge is a talent. He is not only fast, but also has high quality of shooting, because he is a man with a great sense of humor. He was able to tell Megan the play and bring her performance closer to the description of the script. He can occasionally change a few lines to make the dialogue more funny.

Feig has made many classic comedies in his previous life, such as the bridesmaid, the spy girl, etc. He is also very good in the TV circle. After making this film, he will make the funny American TV series the office.

Megan Fox is very happy in this crew. No matter whether Guo Xu comes to visit or not, she often laughs like she won the grand prize.

In this play, her acting skills broke out and touched the essence of the role, which is a word - let go!

When Guo Xu was at home, she often discussed with her how to play the role well. It was very simple. She tried to make the female star into a mobile "expression pack".

It doesn't matter how much exaggeration the female host's expression is. Anyway, she knows that she is in the time cycle. Other people will not remember her ugly appearance. Moreover, if the number of cycles is more than one, she will certainly become a little nervous.

Megan did it, and then he broke through. In her previous life, she played a lot of movies. All the characters were Megan with a different name. She always showed off her sexiness and seductive expression. This time, she will let people see a different self.

In this movie, she was hot and decadent, did a lot of stupid things to die, and practiced Kung Fu to be a woman. When she blew the candles on the little birthday cake, she was cockeyed

After the movie is released, it will tell everyone how cool and handsome a woman will be if she dies.

Because of this superpower, the terror created by the killer is nothing. Women will continue to progress, gradually understand understanding, communication and care, reflect on their own life, and learn to help others. In the constant reincarnation, the leading actor and heroine are getting closer and closer. Occasionally, they can make the audience laugh.

Megan also showed Kung Fu in the movie, which made the runaway serial killer in the hospital helpless.

The original version is that the female owner first robbed the police gun in the hospital, and then went to deal with the serial killer. This is out of circulation and has to go to prison. After the magic reform, she became a female owner and cooperated with the police. She told him that the criminal might escape. She opened the door and looked at it.

The black police opened the door and found no one on the bed. When they rushed into the door, they were kicked from behind by the female owner, just avoiding the swing of the killer's chair. Then the woman and the killer PK, a set of neat combo down each other.

It's not just Megan in the crew, but Jin Xiuxian also has a big acting explosion. When she plays with Megan as a sister, she will show some embarrassing expressions only when she says something against her heart.

Actually, it's not acting, but Jin Xiuxian hates Megan, just as most female cookers hate Megan.

When she saw Guo Xu, she always looked like a fan Mei. She wanted to talk to Guo Xu when she had the opportunity. She asked for a group photo, for a signature, and took a lot of photos.

Megan looked at those photos and thought that Jin Xiuxian was provocative and wanted to be a junior. Her character has always been very straightforward, do not know how to hide, in the crew naturally will not give Jin Xiuxian a good look.

Seeing this, Jin Xiuxian felt that Megan's fox tail was exposed and pretended to be a very good person in front of Guo Xu. In fact, she is a person with a very bad character. This kind of person is not worthy of Guo Xu. How can she be?

The relationship between them is similar to the plot in the movie, but Jin Xiuxian doesn't really stab Megan with a knife.

Megan's advantage is that he can blow the pillow and say bad things. "She must have an intention to you. She wants to use you to gain a foothold in Hollywood. I don't understand. You are Chinese. Why do you help Korean? Why are you so nice to her? "

Guo Xu explained with a smile, "I just treat fans normally. She likes me, and I can't hate her any more. I'm so principled that I can't hate a person with vision. Just like when I first met you, how bad you were. I also generously forgave you. "


"I like your immaturity, but you have to change your character a little. Why expose a person? Why do you have to turn your face when you hate a person? There will always be people who can't stand it, just like many people can't stand us. "

Megan pouted. "I feel like you're talking for her."

"I speak for her, because she is not so bad as you said, and she is an outsider. Are you not, I need to talk with you in vain?"

Megan said, but Guo Xu, she is only 19 years old. With the time cycle, Guo Xu does not know the actual age.

Guo Xu found that aimeber Hilde is much smarter than the two girls. Although she is only 19 years old, she has a mature personality. She knows to keep a distance from Guo Xu, just like an employee and a boss. She just wants to be an ordinary friend.

Therefore, ameber has not been hostile to Megan, but also left a good impression on Guo Xu. In the next film, he will really consider letting her play an important supporting role in the blockbuster.

The children taught by businessmen are very intelligent, which is why ameber divorced Johnny Depp in a previous life and donated millions of eyebrows without blinking. She became more famous after she married Depp. Her purpose has been achieved and she doesn't care about the money.Soon came the last scene. The director Feig was a little worried. He had been pretending to be a close friend of the hostess. The gentle and kind-hearted Jin Xiuxian couldn't be cruel. As a result, Xiuxian's acting skills were amazing. When he told the truth, his expression was a little distorted and his tone was perfect.

Her voice is not very high, but the whole person is like a volcano about to erupt, once the anger can't restrain, it can burn everything.

The truth of the film is that the villains like the school doctor, but the school doctor is close to the female leader. This is not brain burning. The audience can understand it as soon as they see it, because the school doctor is too handsome. It's hard for the audience to understand the original version. What's the charm of the school doctor's actor?

"You don't deserve him at all. He should find someone as gentle as I am."

"You kill for a naughty man who's cheating. What's your gentleness? You madman

If Marius was the hostess, she might try to influence the villain with love. Megan's heroine was obviously not. She just broke up.

The two staged kung fu movies in their dormitories. The fight was as fierce as he Jinyin locked the elder martial brother. The female leader practiced the unique skill of life-saving, Brazilian jujitsu.

The turning point of the battle was that Xiuxian drew out his prepared watermelon knife to cut down Megan. How could he know that Megan took the white edge with his bare hand. In the circulation, he had already practiced to the level of "100000 cold jokes".

Xiuxian is shocked and defeated by Megan's ancient Chinese boxing. She has no intention of sending Xiuxian to prison. She feeds her poison cake and kicks her out of the window with a shot of Zhen Zi Dan.

This is the woman Lord. Marisu farts. It's the king's way to cut off the roots. I'm just defending myself.

Weiya was hanged in this play, and the effect was very good. It was very wonderful.

And then there's the happy ending, and the time cycle is over. One day later, the man and the woman went to the coffee shop for a date. On TV, the news of ameber talking about it in an interview was on.

The woman told the man his own strange story. The man said that it sounded like "Groundhog Day", which was a tribute to the classic.

The man's heart is big enough. The one he likes just killed someone.

Guo Xu watched the final shooting, and he felt his back was cold. What he said could not open the harem in reality. It was too dangerous.

As long as a little bit of Mars, the harem will become a Shura field, and women's vinegar has no reason to talk about

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