Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 571

This year, the NBA's free market is very cold, and no all stars have been traded for a week.

The strong teams that aim for the championship don't want to see the Suns dominate, but there are not many teams with salary space, and there is also a lack of big stars in the free market. Now there is no environment for NBA stars to group together. The salary cap is too low. Although it is 5.6 million more than last season, it is only 49.5 million US dollars. The price of holding a group is to pay a lot of luxury tax.

It's a miracle that the Knicks can't make it to the playoffs with a salary of over 100 million. If the manager's mind is normal, he can't put so much rubbish on a team.

Sports media with no big news to dig had to edit the sun's news, saying that the sun's strength was due to too many stars, and stardamel and Marion were seriously underestimated. One was a super rookie in 2002, and the other was an all star before Guo Xu joined.

League officials held another discussion after the finals, and decided to "attack" the suns in the summer, just as they used to hold the sun's core stars high, so that the "two masters" can expand and become the boss of other teams to prove themselves.

The league can only take this way to crush the Suns, because their salary space is well controlled, and they can't reach the salary cap next season, but they just passed the poor line.

Two super offensive inside and outside star team, the effect is 1 plus 1 more than 2, the opponent is very difficult to carry out the package. If he doesn't leave, the Suns will make the game less competitive.

But Xiaosi does not eat this set, he will not easily leave the sun, he and Guo Xu cooperate very well, the relationship between the two is very good, and OK combination is fundamentally different.

Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe like to attack from the low back, even if the League doesn't add fuel to the flames, there are contradictions.

Sun star ball style is not completely conflict, the forbidden area is mainly Xiaosi, Guo Xu is responsible for the long-distance shot. Why does Malone want to cooperate with Stockton all his life? To put it bluntly, they can achieve each other, help each other brush data, rather than grab each other's data.

In Guo Xu's previous life, Xiaosi and Nash cooperated very well. People have always been kwanash, and the Suns couldn't win the championship. Xiaosi decided to leave in 2010.

In addition to the Suns star, the most eye-catching is the new number one player Andrew Bogut. He is always full of confidence, amazing words, making big news in interviews.

He became famous in the Athens Olympic Games and was praised as "Duncan's second" by the American basketball circle. However, his character is completely different from that of Duncan. He is a master who is not afraid of heaven and earth.

Before signing the contract, Bogut let people see his big mouth. "I'm finally in the NBA, and it's great to be a Laker. I won't let the team down. I'm going to play the level I deserve to help the team rise again."

After signing, Bogut added: "I'm going to get a lot of money, I don't need that much. Frankly speaking, many people will never see so much money in their lifetime. I want to use this money to help those who have nothing, especially those who are tortured by crime and drugs

it's nothing to say that he doesn't love money, but Bogut then scolds many NBA stars for their high salary and low ability, for the problems in the construction of "dream team", and for the immature players of senior high school students in NBA, which seems to be a bit full of food.

Especially other side said that high school students are immature players, while boasting, it seems that he is the most immature person.

What's more, Bogut was still demoralizing his star center in an exclusive interview.

Bogut said of Duncan. "I played with him. It was at the Athens Olympics when I represented Australia. He was nothing special."

Ben Wallace? Bogut didn't take the name seriously.

"I've been playing with big adults and a lot of European players are as strong as Ben Wallace. I'm ready for everything. I've played with people over 300 pounds many times, and I've learned a lot from them. I don't care about the impact of Ben Wallace

when the reporter tried to compare the versatile Divac with Bogut, he seemed insulted and immediately interrupted the reporter. "I'm not as slow as Fred. You'll be surprised to see me play. I've played for the University of Utah, and maybe a few times I look and play hard because I have to make personal sacrifices to help Utah win

Bogut's eyes lit up when O'Neill was mentioned. "It's a challenge to play with shacker. He's a great player, a future Hall of fame player, but I'm not going to be intimidated by his momentum. He's also a person. I'm a rookie, but I'm not ready for the challenge

it is not difficult to see that Bogut's goal is not to compete for the best rookie next season, but to defeat Shaquille O'Neill, the first center who has begun to decline, and replace him as the new interior ruler of the NBA.

Yao Ming? Sorry, Bogut didn't mention the name at all.

Who is that? A composer who has taken over the music of the sequel of journey to the west? Does he know six studies? I don't understand. Why, I'm so embarrassedIt's not just that he doesn't respect the veteran basketball players, but Bogut doesn't respect his retired fellow countrymen. He contemptuously says that we should not compare him with Luke Langley.

when someone called him "the enhanced version of Langley", he disdained to say: "what kind of player is he? Please don't mention him in front of me. It's unfair. My college career in the United States is more prominent than any other Australian player. I am very aggressive on the court, but unlike Langley who is slow on the court, my physical condition, shooting and competitiveness are much better than him

when talking about North Carolina forward Marvin Williams, who competed with him for No.1 in the show, Bogut was also disdainful: "my vertical jump height is only one inch less than him, and you even say that his sports cells are extraordinary. Am I not like this?"

recently, it was very embarrassing that when reporters interviewed Kobe and asked him to evaluate Bogut, Kobe refused to comment. The reporters were acutely aware of the abnormality, and Kobe seemed to be unhappy with this champion.

Kobe is a arrogant person, he dares to challenge Jordan in the star game in 1998. How can he look at Bogut with the same arrogance? Besides, this guy doesn't look up to Duncan and wants to replace O'Neal. What does this mean? Come to Los Angeles to be Kobe's boss?

After watching the news, the Laker fans discussed the future of the team on the Internet. Many people thought that the situation was a little bad. They didn't know what record they could play, but the low position competition in the team was expected to be very fierce.

The reporter also interviewed Guo Xu, who was on holiday in Los Angeles, and asked him to evaluate Bogut.

Guo Xu said with a smile: "very good, he has successfully attracted my attention, I hope he can play a dominant role in the interior, the stronger the better, that will be very interesting to play against him."

"Do you think Bogut is up to Duncan's standard?" the reporter asked

"I can't predict that. I haven't seen him play. I'll know when the game starts. I'm looking forward to that day."

Guo Xu didn't satirize Bogut because he was in the Lakers, not in the bucks.

With a lot of money and the lobbying of Jennie bass, Phil Jackson has returned to Los Angeles. Jackson and Kobe made up on the surface. At the signing conference, Kobe welcomed him back, and Jackson praised and appeased Kobe in public.

Maybe Bogut can play better under the guidance of "Zen master"?

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