Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 999

With that, Xiao Hua turned and flew away. Seeing that he was about to fly out of the glass realm, Bao Shan suddenly grinned: "Xiao you is really good at acting. He is so calm at this time! Bo Le, go and take him down... "

"Yes, my lord..." Bo Le is also a big Leng, things turn too suddenly, he did not understand what happened?

"My lord?" Xiao Hua stopped and turned to see Bo Le. He frowned and said, "what's the matter? Why do you have to make things unpleasant that are easy to talk about and easy to break up? "

"Are you teasing me?" "As like as two peas, I would not have thought much about it. If you have made two identical axe, can I not imagine that your star lock is also a fake?" he said with a laugh.

"Ha ha, that's right!" Xiao Hua laughed, touched his nose and answered seriously, "how can I forget this? However, even so, as you can see, I didn't enter the immortal's prohibition at all when I stood there, and I couldn't do anything to steal heaven and change the sun! "

"Who knows!" Baoshan shrugged and replied, "I dare not take risks until I'm sure it's real!"

Xiao Hua looked at Bao Shan with great interest and asked, "in other words, you don't intend to let me leave at all?"

"What do you say?"

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed again and said, "I didn't intend to stay at all. Do you think you are very beautiful and will make me change my mind?"

"Damn it Bo Le was very angry. He raised a snake like black rope and cried, "how dare you tease my Lord!"

With the strange fluctuation on the rope, the space around Xiao Hua was covered. Weiying and Shenying had already turned into shadows and flew down on both sides of Xiao Hua. They surrounded Xiao Hua like horns.

"Why, alas?" Xiao Hua looked at the black rope flying down. He raised his hand and flicked it. A five color flame flew out, which had already destroyed the fluctuation of the rope. The rope fell like a dead snake.

"Up..." Bo Le lost his face. Although he was a little frightened by Xiao Hua's strength, he still roared. He patted the top door, and the power of the two immortals came down like a mountain.

Weiying and Shenying naturally listen to what they say. At the same time, they sacrifice immortal utensils and rush to Xiao Hua.

It has to be said that Bo Le's abacus is very good. Now he can't figure out Xiao Hua's strength. He simply suppresses Xiao Hua with the power of two Qi immortals and lets Weiying and Shenying capture him. Even if he is defeated, he won't suffer any heavy damage!

However, Baile underestimates Xiao Hua's strength. Xiao Hua sees that Baile's authority has fallen, and his mouth is full of ridicule. He knows in his heart that since Bao Shan has seen through his own means, he will never let him go. Baile is just her asking for directions!

Xiao Hua slaps himself on the top door with his backhand, and the two Qi Immortals' top steps are released.

Fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland!

Of course, if the strength of the immortal world is too far apart, this coercion becomes a powerful means.

Xiao Hua's authority collided with that of Bo Le from the upper air, "boom boom..." In the sound of the earthquake, park music turned upside down, almost unable to stand in mid air, not shadow and Shen shadow is like falling leaves!

Weiying's face is pale as if he is mourning. He looks at Xiao Hua's body slowly growing up with trembling eyes. He already knows that Xiao Hua's strength is far beyond himself. If you think about it again, his repeated explorations are like dancing on the tip of a knife!

Seeing that Xiao Hua suddenly revealed the strength of the two immortals, Bao Shan and Bao Qiong were a little flustered. The well next to him roared and rushed up into the sky. With the same slap on the top door, "boom..." He let out the prestige of Juyuan immortal, and said coldly: "it's just Er Qi immortal. Do you want to be arrogant in front of Da Kun immortal?"

Naturally, Jing Yuhan had the idea of returning him by the other way. However, seeing that Jing Yuhan's power fell, Xiao Hua was not surprised at all. He gently put a little between his eyebrows and said, "brush..." As soon as the silver light touched the surface of Xiao Hua's body, "boom..." One after another, the sound of tremor sounded, and the eight trigrams in Xiao Hua's body came out of his body. More than ten green and red light bands around these eight trigrams roared like dragons.

Seeing the rapid circling of the green and red light belt, there was a faint dragon and Phoenix around Xiao Hua at the green and red light knot. The strong breath rose to the sky, blocking the pressure of the well to be cold and gathering Yuanxian. Bao Shan and Bao Qiong's faces changed slightly.

Bao Qiong couldn't help saying in secret: "it's actually the top stage of Erqi immortal? The five element fairy in Shaoying mansion is really blind

"This This is to get together with Yuanxian. "Bao Shan was a little shy and angry," he How dare he advance in front of me! Why? This What's the matter with this image of dragon and Phoenix? "

It was in the dismay of the immortals, "Wuwu..." The strange roar of wind and the sound of wave rise again. The ten light bands blend with each other and turn into nine. Nine are singular. Entering this stage means that the two Qi immortals have entered a state of great fullness. What ordinary immortals have to do is to find a place to shut down, stabilize the light knot condensed by the green and red light band, and then see the machine again to integrate the green and red uncertain light band into the light knot, so as to steadily set foot in Juyuan immortal.How can Xiao Hua compare with other ordinary immortals?

But after the nine light bands condense, the eight trigrams light knots flash all over the body, and the inexplicable stars and moonbeams swarm down, but the eight trigrams between the fingers will solidify!

"Broken..." Watching Xiao Hua step up to gather Yuanxian in front of him, Jing Yuhan is ashamed and angry. With a roar, he opens his mouth and flies out a wooden fish like immortal weapon. The immortal weapon is half empty, and it turns into a huge animal whale. Between his mouth, thousands of thick icicles spray on Xiao Hua's body surface.

Seeing that icicles are extremely cold and powerful, how can Xiao Hua not know the intention of Jing Yuhan? Extreme cold power has the power to disturb Yin and Yang, and strong power can break the unstable eight trigrams light knot!

Xiao Hua also opened his mouth. With the sound of "boom", thunder flying sword came out of thin air, "poof..." The sound of a loud noise, has penetrated into the animal whale body!

"Oh..." The whale howled, the icicle scattered, "boom boom" then thundered, thousands of thunder light gushed out, the icicle was broken.

The whale was seriously injured, and the well was cold, but he didn't wait for him to activate the magic power.

"Boom boom..." Within the trace of Xiao Huaxian, there is thunder light gushing out. Thunder light falls into the light knot of eight trigrams, and the green and red colors fade like ink falling into the water.

Seeing that the green and red light band was annihilated, and the eight trigrams were formed by the naked eye, a force of heaven and earth protected Xiao Hua's whole body. Jing Yuhan gritted his teeth and said, "OK, OK, OK! I'd like to see how you can escape when you set foot on Juyuan Fairy Queen! "

"The well is cold..." Bao Qiong worried about his bad face. He was surprised and said in a low voice, "don't be careless!"

"Well, I know!" Jing Yuhan's immortal ware was defeated by Xiao Hua. Naturally, he didn't dare to be careless. He raised his hand and offered another Ruyi like immortal ware. After that, he didn't blink at Xiao Hua.

As for the whole glass realm, it was surrounded by the immortal generals of Da Kun state. Bao Shan was determined to capture Xiao Hua.

About half an hour later, Xiao Hua's thunder light gradually disappeared, and the big and small eight trigrams poured towards Xiao Hua's eyebrows. These eight trigrams were close to each other, and the other side was a fusion, but it was just a matter of counting. The clear and abnormal eight trigrams between the eyebrows were already in sight!

"How could it be?" Jing Yuhan was a little stunned. He was the first stage of Juyuan immortal. When he condensed the eight trigrams on the first day of the Yuan Dynasty, the eight trigrams were vague. Until today, he didn't know how much effort he had spent. The eight trigrams are still not very clear. Compared with the eight trigrams that Xiao Hua had just condensed, they are really different! What he knew better was that if the eight trigrams were still unclear at the middle level of Juyuan, it would be difficult for him to evolve the unity of Liangyi and Juyuan.

For a moment, unspeakable jealousy came from the bottom of Jing Yuhan's heart, "poof..." The cold well is almost a bite, a mouthful of blood essence spurts into Ruyi, Ruyi suddenly turns into shape, condenses into 7749 giant pestles hanging around, the faint blue light in front of the giant pestle head surging, and the void around is twisted in the blue light!

It is obvious that Jing Yuhan wants to smash Xiao Hua into meat mud while Xiao Hua's advanced astronomical phenomena disappear!

"Brush..." Clearly, some of the eight trigrams fall into Xiao Huaxian's trace like a tired bird's homing, and the sky around them vanishes like a ebb tide. The well wants to be cold, and a big hand says: "kill!"

The forty-nine pestles were smashed down!

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughs and disappears in the shadow of a giant pestle!

"Why?" Jing Yuhan had already released Yan Nian, but Xiao Hua's strange disappearance from his Yan Nian made him feel chilly!

"His means are too strange!"

This idea just came out, "Wu..." In front of Jing Yuhan's eyes, a dark shadow appeared. He only heard a roar of the wind and a loud bang. He felt that his eyebrows were aching and wanted to crack!

"Help..." The well wants to be cold, the soul flies out of the sky and shouts, the foot gives birth to the water light, the whole body shape is toward the direction of Bao Shan and other immortals.

"Hum..." Xiao Hua sneered. Instead of pursuing him, he only sneered, "it's just a Juyuan fairy. Do you want to be arrogant in front of me?"

Jing Yuhan was so angry that he just wanted to spit blood when he heard Xiao Hua return what he had just said, but he didn't dare to get close to Xiao Hua, because at this moment he already knew that his immortal scar was broken!

Xiao Hua broke the immortal mark in the early stage of the Yuan Dynasty with his bare hands. What a strength!

Don't say the well wants to be cold and cold. Even without shadow, I almost fainted in the air. I have repeatedly provoked It's actually the high level of Er Qi Xian!

Xiao Hua didn't pay attention to Jing Yuhan at all. He looked at Bao Shan and took the first two steps. He said coldly, "do you still want to stay?"

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