Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1000

"Wu..." Xiao Hua walks at will. The immortal generals around Xiao Hua can't help flying backwards. When all the immortals are timid, there is a wind in Liuli.

"Great Bao Shan looked at Bao Qiong, and they exchanged their eyes. Bao Qiong caressed his hands and said, "Xianyou is just advanced to the first stage of Juyuan, but you have the strength of the middle stage of Juyuan. It's really an eye opener. To be honest with Xianyou, Xuantian mansion of Da Kun state is short of such immortal as Xianyou. If Xianyou wants to, the vice-president of Xuantian mansion will be vacant! "

"I dare not!" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "a certain family is not interested in the position of king of the mansion. A certain family only asks, can a certain family go now?"

Bao Shan bit his lip slightly and stared at Xiao Hua. His mind turned sharply. She clearly knew that Xiao Hua was a Juyuan fairy, far more than she had expected. However, even if Xiao Hua is the first stage of Juyuan immortal, and his means are strange, he has the strength of the middle stage of Juyuan immortal. In Liuli, there are two middle stage immortals of Juyuan immortal himself and Bao dome, and there are hundreds of immortal soldiers and immortal generals. In fact, he has a great grasp of capturing Xiao Hua!

"Do it or not?" Bao Shan had some difficulties in choosing.

Xiao Hua couldn't bear it any more, and his tongue burst with spring thunder, and he cried, "let me, or not..."

Bao Shan's spirit was agitated, and he blurted out: "let..."

Unfortunately, the word "Rang" just came out. Bao Shan suddenly woke up and said in secret: "if he has the strength of Juyuan, why ask me again? He can fly away from the emperor. Now that I use the technique of deterrence, I'm not sure how to escape. How can I win his empty city plan? "

"Do it!" Bao Shan waved and yelled decisively.

Bao Qiong was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand Bao Shan's decision, but Bao Shan had already opened his mouth. What else could Bao Qiong say? In a hurry, he took the seal of the tiger's head in his hand and ordered: "kill!"

"Boom..." On the seal of the tiger's head, the golden light is everywhere. A huge tiger's head rushes out. The tiger's head falls on the glass like a shadow. Except for Xiao Hua, all immortals have golden tiger's shadow all over their bodies!

"Kill A group of immortals will be courageous, Qi Qi high drink at the same time out of the immortal!

But seeing hundreds of fairy wares flying out, each of them, no matter how different the styles are, whether the light and shadow are colorful, is raising a wisp of golden light. These golden lights condense together and form a tiger's head, which is about to roar at Xiao Hua!

Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows and raised his hand just to break the golden tiger head's imprisonment Two winds came from his left and right sides at the same time. Xiao Hua Yan's face was livid when he scanned it. On the left side of Xiao Hua, Bao Shan patted the immortal mark in the center of his eyebrows, and an ice crystal curved moon shaped immortal tool flew out. The immortal tool was extremely cold, and the cold halo spread towards him like water. Where the halo passed, not only the void was frozen, but also the power of the stars and the moon in the glass realm was blocked. On the right side of Xiao Hua, Bao dome patted the immortal mark in the center of his eyebrows A ring-shaped immortal like Yan Xi flew out. It was extremely hot before, and the light of fire yellow was more intense than the sunlight.

Whether it's the color of ice or the hot shadow, they all avoid the golden tiger shadow and strangle Xiao Hua with the combination of yin and Yang!

Seeing such power, even Shen Ying, who has been hiding behind the immortal general, knows why Bao Shan, the king of Shaoying mansion, only invited Bao Qiong, the king of Xuantian mansion.

It's often said that two fists can't beat four hands, but can a monk be afraid of hundreds of mortals?

The friars are not afraid, so is Xiao Hua!

But see Xiao Hua mouth gave birth to sneer, raised his hand between the Star Palace seal. The Star Palace seal suddenly appeared, "brush brush brush..." All over the sky, the light of the moon and stars turns into a column of light. Xiao Hua just slightly urges the seal of the Star Palace. The column of the moon and stars condenses into a huge fist and smashes at Bao Shan with a bang!

"No!" Seeing Xiao Hua sacrifice the seal of the Star Palace, Bao Shan suddenly had a bad feeling, "how can I ignore it? Here is Tian Xue. There is no spirit in it. There is not enough spirit in it. This How did this fellow advance to gather Yuanxian? "

Then he saw star moon's fist blow, and Bao Shan's mind was full of wonder: "did he practice with the power of star moon?"

The star moon fist was only a hundred feet in size before, but it turned into hundreds of feet when it fell to Bao Shan. During this period, more stars and moon beams fell into the sky.

Bao Shan didn't have much choice. Her immortal trace opened, "boom, boom..." One after another, the silver pillars of light fall into the moon bending immortal. Although there are many eight trigrams in the silver pillars, the eight trigrams are not as clear as Xiao Hua just condensed.

"Boom..." Star and moon fist, lightning and flint fight on the curved moon immortal!

The snow light splashed, the frost shadow spilled, "Wu" sound, the ice crystal light and shadow around the crescent moon, and the ice covered space were smashed, the crescent moon oblique flying, the fist was cut off a small half, but the fist still broke to hit Bao Shan!

"Puff, puff, puff..." The broken star moon fist broke through the void and made a strange sound. The defense under the crescent moon cloth was destroyed, but it had already hit Bao Shan in the blink of an eye!

Bao Shan's face changed greatly. She never thought that her immortal weapon could not resist the fist of a star and moon.

Bao Shan's body retreated quickly, and a purple gold diamond shaped immortal flew out like a star when he patted his chest."Hum..." With a light sound, the immortal weapon turned into a purple gold shield, which stood in front of Xingyue's fist.

"Boom..." Like the bell, the stars and the moon are scattered and broken, and the purple and gold on the shield are shining like the sun.

"Hoo..." Bao Shan took a long breath, but her eyelids didn't lift up. She immediately grabbed xianjue to control the curved moon immortal, and the immortal power gushed out crazily. She was really ashamed and angry. She was just a face to face, and she was forced to such an embarrassing situation by Xiao Hua, the immortal of the first stage of Juyuan immortal.

However, when her eyes swept, ready to use curved moon to deal with Xiao Hua, not in time, Bao Shan suddenly found that Xiao Hua under the confinement of Bao Dome Ring fairy suddenly disappeared.

"This..." Bao Shan was a little shocked, because she heard Bao Qiong say that in the immortal array controlled by his seal, not to mention the early stage of Juyuan, even the immortal with high-level strength of Juyuan could not be invisible!

"Bao Shan, hide quickly..." Bao Qiong certainly some Leng Shen, but he instantly wake up, scream.

"Hey, hey..." It's a pity that Bao Qiong's warning is too late. Xiao Hua's sneer has already sounded in Bao Shan's ear.

"Damn, damn!" Bao Shan's soul flew out of the sky. She cried out in silence. She gave up the crescent Moon Fairy weapon and didn't want to urge the shield like Qian Jing.

And Bao Shan in exclamation, also did not forget the left hand in the waist a beat, a thick engraved cloud like texture of the joints quietly broken.

Xiao Hua showed his figure, and he was really in front of Bao Shan, but he was still blocked outside the shield. However, Bao Shan didn't see the sneer in Xiao Hua's eyes at all, "poof..." With a loud noise, the shield had been knocked over by Xiao Hua, and immediately, the fist that hit the shield flew across the sky and hit Bao Shan's face!

"Boom..." With a loud noise, Bao Shan's Palace Dress opened like a peacock, and the Colorful streamers converged madly towards Bao Shan's face, turning into a whirlpool to block Xiao Hua's fist!

Seeing that Xiao Hua's left fist was exhausted, Bao Shan was about to retreat again when Xiao Hua suddenly grabbed it with his left hand, "Wu Wu..." Some of the crystal symbols floated out, and the crack of the crystal symbols caused the space fluctuation to burst, which not only pulled the colorful streamer into, but also broke Bao Shan's palace clothes!

Bao Shan's eyes shrank. Everything happened in front of her eyes. She could be killed in a minute!

"Boom..." Bao Shan's gall is still behind. The streamer has just disappeared. Xiao Hua suddenly has a stick in his left hand. The light and shadow of the stick are broken, and the space is annihilated. A tearing pain comes from Bao Shan's eyebrow and immortal mark!

Seeing Bao Shanxian under threat, "brush..." In her bun, a phoenix hairpin is automatically activated!

"Ga..." The hairpin turned into a Phoenix, but it just spread its wings and whispered, "pa..." Ruyi stick has fallen down, which has broken the Phoenix!

However, the hairpin was smashed, and the power of Ruyi stick was blocked.

"Poof..." Ruyi stick fell down and only scattered the silver light on Bao Shan's face, revealing a pretty face in panic.

To Xiao Hua's surprise, the pale face was just a flash, and there was a blue flame in the surrounding space. Bao Shan's body was like a streamer rushing into the flame!

"Want to go?" Xiao Hua sneers. Just as he wants the Ruyi stick to poke into the flame, there is a "zilala" flame sound behind his vest. It's not until this time that Bao Qiong's ring immortal weapon hits Xiao Hua!

"Hum..." Xiao Hua hums coldly again, turns back suddenly, does not pay attention to that flame at all, but a finger half empty in the explosion Star Palace seal.

"Boom..." More than ten stars and moonbeams smashed into Bao dome with the power of destruction.

Xiao Hua naturally wanted to encircle the Wei and save Zhao. Unfortunately, Bao Qiong pointed to the seal of the tiger's head and "roared" the golden tiger's head into the sky to meet the pillar of stars and moon.

Xiao Hua also tilted for a moment, and there must be a flame that was disappearing. He knew that Bao Shan and Wei Sheng used the technique of taboo to escape. When Xiao Hua killed Wei Sheng, the two immortals of Qi, on the first day of the first day, he broke Wei Sheng's seven layers of defense in a row. Now only Bao Shan has four layers of defense in a row. It can't be said that Bao Shan's strength is poor. It can only be said that Xiao Hua's progress is too shocking!

"Just..." Xiao Hua knew that Bao Shan had more means, and there was a Bao dome in front of him, so he swayed his body and used the technique of light escape again. He saw many thin strands of light and sparks like smoke, and Xiao Hua flashed into the thin strands of light.

As soon as he stepped into the light silk, Xiao Hua felt the immortal power pouring out of his body. With a smile, he came out of the light silk again. His body was just standing in front of Bao dome!

"Ah?" Seeing Xiao Hua's strange appearance, Bao Qiong was shocked. He finally understood why Bao Shan would escape like hell!

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Who can live without immortal Xiao??