Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 998

At this time, it is impossible to know what kind of changes happened. Maybe it is possible that Zihuan, who turned into the ghost king, wanted to give chongyunqian this half of the star lock!

"Alas..." Xiao Hua's heart suddenly turned, and he could not help sighing, "poor parents all over the world, if he had known that the ghost king had such a heart..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua can't say any more. He has killed the ghost king. Even if he doesn't, is the ghost king still the leader of Zihuan Kingdom at that time?

The voice of Zihuan disappeared, the hundred Zhang huixiaofan gradually withered, and the light and shadow seemed to be time lost, revealing the two marks behind.

"I'll go..." When Xiao Hua saw that the two marks were just two axes, he scolded, "no wonder the Lord of Zihuan mentioned chongyunqian. The mystery is here!"

"But it's ok..." Xiao Hua smiles and raises his hand to take out two hatchets from the space. His tone is ironic, as if to himself or to others. "Some family has a heart, but they don't give the real hatchet to Huan Ji!"

How can Huanji identify the real or fake star cards that Xiao huazhineng can easily build? Don't say that Xiao Hua didn't disclose the formula. Even if he did, Bao Shan couldn't open the immortal ban!

In other words, Xiao Hua put two axes on it, just as Xiao Hua thought about whether he still needed chongyun Qian's blood essence, "Wu..." There is a strange wind roaring sound in the impression, and then you can see the purple huixiaofan's Flower Shadow gushing out under the axe. After the Flower Shadow cascading open, there is a rather dark space!

Xiao Hua didn't fly into it. Instead, he looked up at the sky and said coldly, "I've seen it for a long time. Don't I plan to come out to meet you?"

"Pa pa..." Xiao Hua saw where she was, and the sound of caressing her hands came. However, when she saw Bao Shan flying down, the light covered her face, but the slight redness of her neck showed her unspeakable excitement. "Fierce, fierce, I really can't think of it. It's just a five element immortal. Ju Ran has such a clever invisible means and such a careful calculation. If you don't see it with your own eyes, I'll be very happy I can't believe it

"Fu Jun?" Xiao Hua frowned and looked up and down at Bao Shan, followed by Bao Qiong and Jing Yuhan. He said strangely, "who are you?"

"This is my lord Shaoying Fu of Da Kun Kingdom, and this is my Lord Xuantian Fu of Da Kun Kingdom..." The well wants cold to scold a way, "still don't hurry son to knock to see!"

"Hum..." Xiao hualeng snorted and said, "a certain family is not a member of the state of Da Kun. Why do you kowtow?"

"Ha ha, no need!" Bao Shan waved his hand and said with a smile, "I don't know how to call Xiaoyou?"

"You don't have to have a name!" Xiao Hua a hand a way, "crystal volume?"

"Ah?" Not to mention that the well is getting cold, even Bo Le is stunned for a moment and says in secret, "this Is this immortal the arrangement of the Lord Fu

"Gege, gege..." Bao Shan covered his mouth with a smile and said, "Xiaoyou is really a hero. I have to admire you even if I don't admire you! I want to give you a chance. I don't know if you are interested. "

"Chance?" Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment and replied, "I'd better give it to Jing Juan first, and then talk about the chance!"

Bao Qiong quickly stopped Bao Shan and reminded him, "don't you look inside first?"

Bao Shan said with a clear mind: "things are naturally in it, and this little friend didn't give out any ideas. Little friend is so sincere, and we can't help showing our sincerity..."

With that, Bao shanchong nodded to Jing Yuhan. Without saying a word, Jing Yuhan took out a crystal roll from the bag and handed it to Xiao Hua.

"Not bad!" Looking at the amount on the crystal scroll, Xiao Hua was extremely satisfied and said, "thank you very much. In fact, you don't have to be so troublesome. You've already told me the truth. I'll offer you something."

Watching Xiao Hua make way for the entrance, Bao shanchong nods to Jing Yuhan. Jing Yuhan carefully flies into the space, but for a moment, Jing Yuhan flies out and hands the other half of the star lock to Bao Shan.

"Hey, hey..." Looking at Bao Shan's star lock, Xiao Hua said with a smile, "can I go now?"

"Don't you think about the chance I said?"

"This..." Xiao Hua smiles, looks at the shadow behind Bo Le, and says, "I'm not interested in being the leader of these mindless immortal generals. It's not good to try twice or once, but I have to try three or four times. If not, how can I be suspicious?"

"Damn it Not the face of the shadow suddenly rose red, but he in addition to heart low scold, what can say?

"Ha ha, no matter!" Bao Shan said with a smile, "since Xiaoyou is not interested, that's all. Please..."

Xiao Hua didn't expect to let him go so easily. He looked at Bao Shangong and turned around.

"Slow..." Sure enough, Xiao Hua just flew out of the sky, Bao Qiong called.

Xiao Hua stopped, looked at Bao Qiong quietly and said, "what advice do you have

"Where's the star lock you just took away?"

"Oh, that one!" Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "I'll take it back to the cave as a souvenir, or if I'm happy one day, I'll send it to Xianwei for a good price!""Give it to me!" Bao Qiong stretched out his hand.

"I'm sorry!" Xiao Hua's face tightened, and he said, "that's my heart..."

Bao dome fingers a bullet, a crystal roll fell in the hands.

Xiao Hua turned his eyes and shook his head: "impossible, my heart..."

"Brush..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish speaking, Bao Qiong's fingers continued to play, and three crystal rolls appeared in a row!

"Whoosh..." With a big hand, Xiao Hua took the four crystal scrolls, glanced over the amount, and said with a smile, "my Lord is really forthright. It seems that I can only bear to give up my love!"

With that, Xiao Hua patted the bag around his waist and took out the fake star lock.

Bao Qiong took the star lock and did not put it away. Instead, he handed it to Bao Shan and said, "can you see if the two can come together?"

"Well!" Bao Shan suddenly took over the half of the star lock and took out the star lock that had been put away before. Seeing that the two star locks were perfectly matched, Bao Shan's heart was released.

"Don't you mind?" Xiao Hua asked in a low voice, with a smile on his face.

"Well, you go!" Bao Shan waved his hand and said, "don't say more about things here."

"Don't worry Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I've got some advantages. What's the trouble for me if I have nothing to do?"

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Xiao Hua is very obedient. It's weird!