Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 997

Flying into the star fog, there is a bouquet. The bouquet is the condensation of fine glass. The light purple flowers fly by, and the light purple light column comes out. When the light column shines on the glass, a dream like halo emerges. After the halo is put in, circles of purple halos come out in a spiral shape. The light purple flowers seem to fall into the water wave, hover and fly in. Xiao Huayan sweeps it, and his body falls into the sky Among them.

Inside the space, there are stars, moon and water with large and small mirrors, which look like a lake. The lake is not flat, but scattered around the space.

Xiao Hua's body kept on following the light purple flowers, flying for thousands of miles. A lake appeared in front of him. The lake was like two intersecting axes. The purple flowers gave birth to a dazzling halo, and rushed towards the intersection of the axes!

"Ha ha, here it is!" Xiao Hua smiles and ignores the purple flowers.

"Boom..." The light purple flowers fall on the mirror like meteors, and the mirror is covered with the virtual shadow of countless flowers. These flowers condense into a bouquet similar to the glazed landscape and begin to bloom in the space.

Xiao Huafei falls into the bouquet and comes up with the obscure formula that purple imperial concubine sent to her mind. However, before reciting, Xiao Hua still sent out Yannian to explore all around. Seeing nothing special, he began to recite

Although it was the first time to recite it, and the formula was very obscure, Xiao Hua had repeated it many times in his mind. At this time, he recited it slowly, and the flowers on the bouquet gradually condensed together and turned into a huge one, and the petals of the flower swayed slightly in Xiao Hua's recitation.

After the last word was recited, Xiao Hua shut up for a moment, "boom..." The huge flower burst suddenly, and infinite stars burst out of it.

Xiao Hua's eyes fell, but he was stunned for a moment, because it was half of the star lock that looked quite familiar inside!

"What is it?" Xiao Hua slightly thought about it. With a big hand, Xingguang took the half of the star lock. Then he looked around and said with a smile, "that's what Zifei left. Did chongyunqian wear it on her chest when she was young?"

With that, Xiao Hua took half of the star lock and flew away.

Seeing Xiao Hua's figure disappear, "Wu..." High above the sky, there was a slight wind in one of the lakes, and Baoshan and baoqiong flew down like stars.

Bao Shan's body never fell. A crystal card in his hand had already flown out. The crystal card passed by, and a wisp of crystal light as thin as hair flew out of the void and fell into the crystal card.

"Congratulations, Lord fu..." After Bao Shan, Jing Yuhan watched Bao Shan take the crystal card. He arched his hand with a happy face and said, "don't worry. Congratulations, Bo Le. You take Weiying and Shenying with you. Go and follow the man first..."

"To kill?" Pollard asked in a low voice, hesitating for a moment.

"No need!" Bao Shan shook his head and said, "he is also in the dark. He can save his life Just keep it

"I'll obey you..." Park music should be a, with no shadow and Shenying fly away, with the flying, their body shape like shadow.

"Ha ha, I see!" Bao Qiong said with a smile, "this is a fake fairy prohibition, but it's just a formula to deceive the man. This layout It's so seamless that no one can imagine it! "

"But..." Jing Yuhan whispered, "Lord Fu, just that star lock..."

"That's not true, of course!" Bao Shan said with a smile, "but the record didn't say what it was. I didn't know it was a star lock until I saw it. As for why it is a star lock, my ancestors must have seen it before! "

"No!" Bao Qiong suddenly remembered something, patted his forehead and said, "there's something strange in it..."

"What's the matter?" As Bao Shan said, he raised his hand and "brushed" a red light up into the sky. The crystal column that had previously changed the glass environment space "boom" with a light and shadow blooming. Then, with the crystal column rotating, the real glass environment that had been previously covered was displayed like a picture scroll.

At this time, under the cover of the guard immortal generals, the Xiaoquan demon clan who entered the Liuli realm has been defeated. The immortal generals who participated in the selection of zhuochong immortal will follow the guard immortal generals, and the whole Liuli realm has become a little desolate.

"Bao Shan..." Bao Qiong flew in with Bao Shan and said, "do you remember Is it a big blockade recorded in the history of China? "

"A total blockade?" Bao Shan Leng for a while, strange way, "is the desire boundary six days?"

"Yes Bao Qiong nodded for sure.

"I don't remember!"

"Well, maybe!" Bao Qiong explained, "that part of national history I'm just one of the few people who can look it up. "

"What's the matter, you say it!" Bao Shan looked around and said, "Oh, let the immortals leave here first!"

After the order was issued, Bao Qiong said with a smile: "the blockade of the whole territory of Kunming was to search for half a star lock. It looks similar to the one just now..."

"Ha ha, I see!" Bao Shan laughed, looked at the crystal card in his hand, and said, "the ancestors must have got half of the star lock by means, and the half star lock is still in the hands of purple imperial concubine, so the ancestors just made such a situation. Then, because of the loss of that half of the star lock and the growing strength of our country, we no longer pay attention to this matter! "The well wants cold slightly to add to ponder, didn't realize to admire sincerely, praise a way: "the mansion gentleman adult is fierce!"

"Even so..." Bao Shan takes out the crystal card and crushes it with a sound of "pa". Inside, Xiao Hua sings a formula. Bao Shan says proudly, "it's also a great skill. If you get half a star lock, you can find another half!"

Bao Qiong gave Bao Shan a thumbs up and waited for the singing to finish.

Thinking about the layout of the ancestors of the state of Kun, I don't know how many years of things I have to get. Not to mention Bao Shan and Bao Qiong, I can't help but feel excited and hold my hands tightly.

However, Xiao Hua's singing voice disappeared, the crystal silk also disappeared, and there was no movement in the space!

"Damn it Bao Shan suddenly changed his face and said, "hurry up, get that man!"

"Yes, Lord Fu!" Jing Yuhan was also surprised. He didn't expect such a change.

However, after hearing the news in a low voice, Dejing Yuhan's face turned even whiter and cried out: "Lord Fu, that Is that man gone? "

"Why How is that possible? " Bao Shan completely angry, hysterical cry way, "quick, quick to find that person, otherwise want you to wait for life!"

"Yes, yes..." The well wanted to be cold, but he didn't want to answer. His body turned into streamer.

"Bao dome..." Bao Shan said with a sharp voice, "lend me three hundred immortal generals, I owe you a favor!"

"No problem!" Bao Qiong also knew that the matter was urgent and agreed without hesitation, "I'll lend you 500!"

As he said this, Bao Qiong took out the seal of the tiger's head and gave a few orders in a low voice. There was light and shadow splashing on the sky, or there were immortal generals flying in, or there were messengers sending out. Bao Shan stood there in a bit of anxiety. It was so easy to wait that Bao Qiong said, "OK, five hundred immortal generals have been mobilized around the liulijing..."

"Make them look around, and never let that man escape!" Bao Shan said, and his figure urged him to fly out of the glass realm. "I don't believe it. He can still escape from me!"

"Ha ha, don't worry!" Bao Qiong waved his hand and let the four immortals fly out with him. He said with a smile, "that man is just the strength of the five element immortals. Maybe he's a good escapee. We've closed the glass realm all around. How can we not find him?"

However, after a few breath, the liulijing is already clean. There is no more immortal soldiers and immortal generals. There is only the roar of some demon clans and immortal generals fighting in the distance.

"Brush..." In the distance, a faint silver light flashed. Xiao Hua touched his nose and flew out of the hiding place. He looked at the entrance of the glass realm and said with a sneer, "if it doesn't come out of Xiao's expectation, there's a trap in it. Thanks to Xiao's leaving some points when he just recited the formula, otherwise you'll be waiting for him to succeed?"

In other words, Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect. His figure fell to where Bao Shan was standing. He patted his eyebrows and broke his eyes. After a moment, he began to recite.

As the pithy formula was recited, some lines began to appear in the empty air in front of Xiao Hua's head. At the end of the pithy formula, a huixiaofan was condensed in mid air.

Huixiaofan is not as big as before. It's only a hundred feet in size. When Xiao Hua's pithy formula is finished, huixiaofan emerges a very vague figure. The figure says in a kind voice, "qian'er, you've come back at last. No matter what you do, your father won't blame you, because you're the father's qian'er, the unique qian'er in the fairyland!"

It was a kind voice, but it made Xiao Hua shudder when he heard it. He resisted the cold in his vest and exclaimed: "ghost "Ghost king?"

Isn't that the voice of the ghost king who fought with Xiao Hua twice and was finally killed by Xiao Hua?

"How can the ghost king be the Lord of Zihuan?"

But it was a cry of surprise, and Xiao Hua had a kind of insight in his heart. There was no Zihuan Kingdom leader in the light and shadow of Zifei, and he didn't mention the whereabouts of Zihuan Kingdom leader later. Not to mention Xiao Hua, all immortals thought Zihuan Kingdom leader had long fallen.

However, combined with what Bao Qiong just said, and the half star lock Xiao Hua got before killing the king of Xingling and the king of Guiling, Xiao Hua already understood that this complete star lock must be the treasure of Zihuan kingdom. Bao Luo of Dakun Kingdom failed for the first time, and then he must have tried many times, which was the only way to get the other half. The Lord of Zihuan Kingdom sealed the last half here.

Zihuan state Zifei stays in Zihuan island to hide her eyes and ears, while Zihuan state leader goes to Dakun state to take revenge. Of course, Zifei may not know the arrangement of Zihuan, just as she does not know the existence of Huanji.

The Lord of Zihuan Kingdom snatched out the other half of the star lock, but he also turned into the ghost king himself? Or is there another change that makes him not come to listen to Tian Xue take this half of the star lock?

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Xiao Hua is here. It seems that there are many secrets in liulijing