Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 996

The immortal mark is closed, and the green and red light belt on the body surface is naturally hidden into Xiao Hua's body, but the eight trigrams light knot never dissipates.

Then look at the place where the water waterfall sky pattern and thunder land deed fall. Each side of the eight trigrams light knot is carved like a magic work, and every stroke is extremely clear. When the blue red sky pattern land deed falls to Xiao Hua's feet, it suddenly turns back and rushes into Xiao Hua's body. As a result, the two sides of each eight trigrams light knot are carved again!

It was just a cup of tea. The green and red color rushed through Xiao Hua's face and fell into the immortal mark in the middle of his eyebrows, ignoring Xiao Hua's seal.

However, the blue and red color in the center of eyebrows disappeared, and the eight trigrams light knot on the body surface was hidden, "brush..." In the immortal trace, another eight trigrams burst out. The eight trigrams are different from the previous ones. They are the condensation of strokes and water. There are the virtual shadows of the river map and Luoshu where the light and shadow appear. The eight trigrams rush into Xiaohua's dingmen and immediately spin down to cover Xiaohua.

"Strange, what is this?"

Although Xiao Hua is a little puzzled, he clearly realizes that after the eight trigrams rotate for one big week, he suddenly reverses. After another big week, he rushes into his body and disappears.

At the same time, there is a place where the five thunders roar. The thunder column of the great Zhou Tian's art stretches the heaven and the earth. Under the thunder column, the huge green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, Xuanwu and Qilin condense into a solid body, which revolves around the Tianji old man in Qianji Pavilion. In the space fault between the five elements Yuanling and the Tianji old man, countless lights and shadows flow, and countless scenery changes. This scene is very beautiful Inside, there are mountains, rivers, city walls, people, scenes, stretching or compressing. Gradually, the speed of distortion slows down. It seems that there is an endless ocean, and it also seems that there is a little bit of green light like flowers. Just when the ocean and the green light are reflected, "Wu..." A strange wind blew up.

This strange wind seems to have no trace, but where the wind whistled, 365 thunder pillars collapsed, and the thunder light of the five element spirit suddenly turned into blood, "roar, roar..." Green dragon and other spirits rush into the blue light and the sea like crazy. Before the light and shadow are broken, the five elements spirits rush through the light and shadow and rush to the old man's body!

"Boom boom..." The thundering sound smashed the thunder on the surface of Tianji old man's body, and a golden flame gushed out like a spring!

"Poof..." Tianji old man's body is exposed in the golden light, and his mouth is a mouth full of fire essence and blood!

"Pa..." Tianji old man's face is like light gold. He claps his own top door in a hurry, and "boom" the golden light falls into the sky. It's like destroying the five elements spirit that bumps into the body!

Then Tianji old man got up and rushed into the sky. Ignoring the thunder between heaven and earth, he raised his hand to wipe away the thread of blood at the corner of his mouth. He looked at it carefully for a moment and said in a thunderous voice, "Damn, what a power of backfire! Is it true that heaven is planning Huang Zengtian? How is that possible? But if it wasn't for heaven, who could have such a strong power of divination? "

"I have already divined some clues before. It seems that things have nothing to do with Qingyu gate. Is it It's what Xilong said What's wrong with that fairy baby? "

"If so, it is that I am too indecisive when I am in the first day. I have some scruples about the influence of tianzunfu. If I am a little decisive, how can I be passive today?"

"Just, just..." A moment later, Tianji old man made a decision and said, "I'll have a rest for a while. I'll just give up my face and make it clear to Qinglan fairy of Qingyu mountain. But if I kill her several dust fairies, can she eat me?"

Seeing the inexplicable crisis, the old man decided to give up his face. In an unknown heaven, the "Ka Pa Pa Pa" like thunder wave suddenly gushed out like a long river. Through the darkness here, the wave penetrated countless lotus like halos and submerged a huge shadow.

When the shadow was falling, it suddenly flashed blue light all over its body. The blue light looked like a fox shadow, and there were many colors at its tail. There were eight or nine layers of colors, and each layer had an inexplicable illusion. The blue light was just a flash, and the fox shadow was immediately hidden in the dark.

Immediately a voice without smoke and dust sounded: "eh? Is it really him?? How did he grow up so fast, and how did she not show any trace? "

The voice suddenly came out of the dust, but sometimes it was rough, sometimes it was gentle, and even the tone was big or small. It was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman!

But after the sound, everything turned into calm, no mountain, no dew, no shadow, no shape!

Naturally, Xiao Hua didn't know about the unknown world. Seeing that the light and shadow of the eight trigrams disappeared, he didn't rush to move his body. After a while, there was no movement. Then he looked around.

The space is still dark, not affected by the changes in Xiao Hua's body. But Xiao Hua's eyes looked in the dark and felt transparent.

Darkness is really common for monks, not to mention immortals. Even monks in the world can see light in the dark, but Xiao Hua's transparency is different from that of ordinary immortals. It's a kind of freedom to get out of bondage!

"Could it be that..." Xiao Hua was overjoyed and said in secret, "will Xiao not get lost in the future?"

Xiao Hua didn't know if he would get lost in the future, but Xiao Hua looked around and felt that he was flying in a direction.It's about half a cup of tea time. The light and shadow of broken fireflies have appeared in front of him. Xiao Hua is very happy. Thunder light comes out under his feet. His body is like lightning and flies to the light and shadow. When he gets close, Xiao Hua can see clearly that it's a place where clusters of glass fragments are scattered!

"Is this liulijing?" Xiao Hua's eyes turned quickly, and he was not sure about it. However, he looked around, and there was no other immortal. After thinking about it, he took out the light purple petal that Huan Ji had given him.

Sure enough, the purple petals hovered in the air and flew towards one of the glass fragments!

"Great goodness!" Xiao Hua caresses himself and urges his body to follow him.

Flying close, the pieces of glass turned into bright stars, but the stars were mostly in the form of clouds. The light purple petals did not stop for a moment, but still fell into the stars.

Xiao Hua was also not worried and flew in, but just as he fell into the star fog, the whole starry sky hummed, which was similar to what Xiao Hua had seen in xuangui.

"It's weird..." Xiao Hua's heart moved, too far away to see the glass realm, where it is still dark, but Xiao Hua feels that there is an inexplicable current hidden in the dark.

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Xiao Hua finally arrived at liulijing. It seems that everything has just begun