Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 988

"Let's go!" Although Jiang Meihua can't hear Xiaoyin's words, when he sees Xiaoyin drilling around, he also thinks of something and hastens to say.

"Well, there's a gap here!" Guan Tianyue's eyes were full of light gold, reminding him, "it's extremely secret. If it's not for brother Xiao's favor, I'm afraid it's not easy to find it!"

passes through the space gap, and indeed it is a great space.

Xiaojin and Xiaoyin get Xiao Hua's orders, and then fly to look for daffodils. When several daffodils are found, Jiang Meihua's face is a little embarrassed.

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "brother Jiang, I don't know the shadow in your ink fairy pupil Which space is it? "

Jiang Meihua gritted her teeth and said, "if you look for them one by one, I won't be able to find opportunities."

One by one, it's easy to say, but it's really troublesome!

There are more demons in this layer of xuangui space. They besiege Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue from time to time, which makes them very embarrassed.

The two Qi immortals and the five element immortals are all like this. Xiao Hua is really worried about hearing from other immortals in Tianxue.

After nearly two hours, Xiaoyin finally explored the whole space and found more than ten daffodils. This time, Xiaoyin has a heart. When he is looking for Narcissus, he has found an equally hidden space crack. There is no stop at all. He takes Xiao Hua and others to go into another mysterious turtle space.

"It's a little strange!" Looking at the still dense tortoise, Xiao Hua pinched his chin and said, "there are some man-made traces in this space, especially the cracks in the space, which seem to be hidden in places that are not easy to find."

As the saying goes, "the speaker doesn't want to listen, but the listener wants to. Xiao Hua says casually that Jiang Meihua's face has changed slightly. He looks away in a hurry and says," I don't believe it. There are 18 layers in the same mysterious turtle space? "

Jiang Meihua's voice has not yet landed, "boom" outside the space and there is a sound of tremor, followed by the whole altitude trembling again.

This tremble doesn't matter, and there are a lot of Xuan turtles that seem to wake up and start flying!

"What are you doing? Do it Jiang Meihua urged, "I'd like to see how many mysterious turtle spaces there are!"

Although Xiao Hua did it, it still took two or three hours to find the space.

Jiang Meihua was right. In the following ten hours, Xiaoyin found three similar mysterious turtle spaces and found nearly 80 daffodils!

Looking at Jiang Meihua's long face, Guan Tianyue said with a smile: "don't worry, there are still ten layers..."

At this time, Xiaoyin, who was looking for daffodils, suddenly burst into shape and flew backwards towards Xiao Hua, saying "haw, haw..." Cried, in the heart cried: "not good, mother's mother, have..."

Unfortunately, he didn't wait for him to finish, "boom..." Just where little silver flew, a stream of stars and moons across several tortoises burst, and a silver figure nearly thousands of feet flew out from inside!

"Ah?" Looking at the familiar figure, Xiao Hua can't laugh or cry. Although the figure is covered with silver, Xiao Hua can still see clearly. Isn't it Lian Xiuyuan?

Lian Xiuyuan flies out, but he doesn't see Xiao Hua. Instead, he glances at Guan Tianyue, who is closest to him. Yue says, "let's go..."

With that, Lian Xiuyuan's figure is the same as before. He flashed over Xiao Hua and others' heads and was ready to fly away.

However, when Lian Xiuyuan's eyes swept over Xiao Hua, his figure was a meal, and he even meant to stop.

"Master Lian..." Xiao Hua said strangely, "is it the Xiaoyang immortal beast that chases the general?"

"Wu Wu Wu..." When Lian Xiuyuan was about to answer, there was a strange sound of wind whistling in the light of the stars and the moon. Immediately, he saw a lot of fine crystal light gushing like a volcanic eruption.

"Ga..." Then, all the space near the starlight and moon was torn apart, and a bird's song sounded! Then I saw a huge human foot stepping out of the tearing space!

The foot looks very strange, thin and skinny. The strange texture is like fold engraving. The texture converges towards the tip of the foot and turns into a shining green nail. And when people step out, it seems to penetrate dozens of spaces, and the space debris is like dust.

"Why are you always there?" Lian Xiuyuan was also very surprised. After confirming that it was Xiao Hua, he finally stopped and asked, "what are you doing in xuangui?"

"I've seen you before..." Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue return to their senses and come to the ceremony in a hurry.

"Sorry..." Lian Xiuyuan said, "I'm still..."

Unfortunately, before Lian Xiuyuan finished speaking, another one stepped out, and two of them fell into the mysterious turtle realm. The strange texture on it flashed rapidly, and the stars and the moon all around suddenly boiled up, turning into sharp pieces of blue light towards Xiao Hua and others!

"This is the law of the wind fragment..." Lian Xiu was not as good as a greeting. He rolled up his sleeves and quickly reminded him.

"Puff, puff, puff..." Lian Xiuyuan is also a spirit changing immortal, but the big sleeve falls out, and the strange law of the wind blows his Taoist robe into a thousand holes, and four of the ten green lights come out of his confinement.

"Ga..." There is another birdsong, a sound wave like a water wave plummeting down, the sound wave over the place, wisps of water burst!"Haw..." Xiaoyin didn't like this kind of attack. He screamed and fell into Xiao Hua's hands.

As soon as Xiao Hua's mind rolled, he put the little silver into the space. At this time, a long red beak had pierced the void and poked out a bird's face that looked like an owl.

It's just that the bird's face is too fierce. There is blood gushing from its red eyes. There are strange images engraved on the blue demon script around the face. Xiao Hua's eyes are trembling instantly!

"This is the number of demons..." Seeing the monster chasing into the xuangui realm, Lian Xiuyuan couldn't explain anything. He said, "Xiao Xiaoyou, I can't kill it. Where's your bone arrow?"

"Easy to say!" Xiao Hua's body was shocked, and he said in a loud voice, "I'm very lucky to be able to join hands with you again to resist the enemy."

"Don't be careless..." Lian Xiuyuan was overjoyed and cried, "this is different from that mandrill. It's a real wind constant bird demon clan. Its strength should be in the realm of Li Xing!"

"Master..." Guan Tianyue was shocked and said, "how can the demon clan get to Huang Zengtian?"

"You ask me, who do I ask?" Lian Xiuyuan didn't reply angrily, "this guy is chasing me. I don't know who to ask!"

In other words, several Si had already torn the void and flew out, but he saw that the demon bird was more than a thousand feet long. On the huge wings, there were black and yellow star marks. The light and shadow on the star marks floated up like twinkling stars, directly smashing the space.

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Yes, it's really strange to hear that Tianxue has repeatedly appeared the demon clan in lixingjing!

Jisi is a kind of strange bird recorded in Shanhaijing xishanjing. It looks like an owl, but its feet are the same as people's. it is said that eating its meat can cure epilepsy and so on!