Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 989

"Ga..." He looks like an owl, but the sound is quite different. With a clear sound, the space is broken, the stars and the moon are broken, and Xiao Hua's ears are buzzing, as if the waves are rushing in!

"Roar..." Xiaojin roars and pours on Jisi bravely. It looks like a newborn calf!

It's a pity that Jisi disdains Xiaojin. He raises his left foot and "slaps..." with a flash of lightning The sound of stepping on Xiaojin's back, the sound of "Ka Pa Pa", Xiaojin's whole body burst one after another.

"Xiaojin..." Xiao Hua was so anxious that he flew to several Si's side with a flash of his body. As soon as he explored, he was about to pull Xiao Jin out!

"Wu..." How do you know that Jisi's left foot was lifted again, and he stepped down towards Xiao Hua's head!

Previously, Xiao Hua scolded Xiao Jin for being incompetent when he saw that Xiao Jin was trampled by several Si. But it was his turn. Xiao Hua realized that Lian Xiuyuan was being chased!

However, when he saw that Ruoshi's feet were falling, an extremely strong force of confinement fell like a star. Xiao Hua looked at it with his eyes. There was a yellow planet in the palm of his feet, slowly turning, as if it had been controlled by this planet for hundreds of miles! Don't say to avoid, that is, the mind will be dyed by the light yellow of this planet!

"Is the realm of the demon clan so powerful?" Xiao Hua was really shocked.

Seeing the stars fall, Xiao Hua thinks all over the world about how to deal with it. He still holds the stick out when his mind turns suddenly. However, at this time, he does not simply wave it out. Instead, his right arm is shining and his flesh and blood withers quickly. His arm, which looks like a phoenix claw, waves the stick "Wu..." The sound of a fight will pass!

The wind annihilation of Ruyi stick is really good. Although there are stars under his feet and the law of wind above the stars, there is a loud bang under the blow of Ruyi stick!

The law of the wind is annihilated and the stars are broken.

Several Si left foot trembles, "Ga" a sad cry, wings spread, "boom" countless stars annihilate, even heaven and earth are one of the dark!

"Thank you, master..." Xiao Jin was so grateful that he cried out in a hurry, but he realized something just after shouting and quickly changed his words, "no, no, it's mother's mother, no, it's father's mother, no, it's father's father..."

At the end of the day, Kim was about to cry.

But at this time Xiao Hua didn't have time to pay attention to Xiao Jin, because Lian Xiuyuan had already moved!

Lianxiuyuan is still the wine bottle like immortal vessel, but where is the wine bottle comparable at this time?

Lianxiuyuan's wine bottle is engraved with flowers, birds, fish and insects. At this time, all of them appear. The dragon head on the edge of the wine bottle comes out, and the Dragon roars and spews. Even the two pillars on the wine bottle are like dragon horns flashing green and red. Let alone the three feet under the wine bottle, it shows the strong suppression power of heaven, earth and man.

"Fall, fall, fall..." Lian Xiuyuan roared three times, and the wine jar vibrated three times.

But when he saw the first tremor, he raised a pillar of wine color light, which was divided into seven pillars to break through the sky, opening up the gloomy world and directly binding his wings.

"Ga..." Several Si low Ming, wings suddenly flash, countless stars and moon light column into, to tear the wine color light column, but, that light column tear between, "brush brush..." They are divided into seven hundred and forty-nine stubborn ones to fight against the pillar of wine color and light.

After the second shock, two sharp light curtains burst out on the green and red pillars of the wine bottle, similar to Xiao Hua's zhulingyuanguang, and fell flat on his chest.

Of course, the green and red light curtain has not yet approached. Countless stars condense and fly out of the bird's feathers, and form a star curtain to block the green and red light curtain!

Immediately, the sound of "crackle crackle" was heard all the time.

Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue wanted to move their bodies and attack several Si from both sides. Their bodies were blocked by many powerful forces. Moreover, where the power of the stars and the moon was submerged, their flashing silver gradually disappeared.

At this time, the wine bottle vibrated for the third time, and the three feet under the wine bottle gave birth to strange runes. The color of the runes was dark blue. Once they fell into the air, they made strange sounds of gods and ghosts.

Xiao Hua's face looks strange. Aren't these three runes the "heaven, earth and man" of green seal script?

No wonder Lian Xiuyuan stopped immediately when he saw himself. He thought of his own arrow!

The three green seal characters of heaven, earth and man are growing rapidly, and the unspeakable power of suppression is surging wildly, falling to the center of several eyebrows!

"Ga..." Several Si exclaimed, which was more pitiful and shrill than before. Guan Tianyue's eyes were dark, and he almost fell down. But Jiang Meihua's immortal seal trembled between her eyebrows and gave birth to a sword light to protect him.

With the Jingming of several times, a slightly rotating star burst out of its eyebrow, which is very different from the star that just suppressed Xiao Hua. Not only is there blue light and shadow surging in the core of the star, but also there are countless star patterns radiating out of the star, which distort the space and create many broken marks instantly!

At this time, the force of repression falls, the space fracture breaks again and collapses one layer at a time. You can see that the stars are about to penetrate. But before the blue light penetrates, the stars rotate again, and the force of repression immediately distorts. You don't know where they fall into the space fault!

With a bitter smile on his face, Lian Xiuyuan quickly said, "Xiao Hua, I've tried my best. The rest is up to you!""Easy to say!" Xiao Hua nodded solemnly, accepted Ruyi stick, patted his eyebrows, broke his eyes, and held the arrow in his right hand.

Then Xiao Hua pulled his hands and made a bow to shoot the moon!

With the pulling of Xiao Hua's hands, his arms gradually give birth to blue light, and strands of mysterious green seal script appear on the surface of his arms, which is the same as the arms of Taoist witches!

"Boom boom..." In the roar of space, archery gives birth to blue light, extremely brilliant!

"Gaga, Gaga..." Several Si heart alert, a few Jingming, wings again flapping, unfortunately several Si wings are wine bottle light column entangled, how can not break free.

"Buzz..." A dozen virtual shadows burst out of his face, tearing at the green seal script of the wine bottle crazily, and the pair of feet rose up, and the sharp blue light tore the green and red sword screen!

"Whoosh..." At last, the arrow was shot and flashed across the sky. Without waiting for the green light to come near several Si, a little red inflammation in the arrow had already ignited several Si's chest!

Seeing that he didn't have time to break free from the confinement of the wine bottle, the sun arrow was approaching, "Ga......" Several si a sad song, raises in the bird beak has the blue blood spurts out!

"Boom..." Blue blood falls into the stars on the top of the head, and there is the sound of thunder!

Immediately see that the rotating stars suddenly stop, a wisp of blood light from the inside!

"Poof..." At this time, the sun arrow appeared, and it really penetrated into the body!

But see the archery over the place, a few pieces of demon body withered.

Lian Xiuyuan saw that, not only did he not have ecstasy, but also his face changed greatly. His body was in a flash, and he flew backward without hesitation, three points faster than before!

Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue have the same color change. The silver light is surging all over her body and she flies away towards the distance!

Only Xiao Hua, seeing that the blood light was exposed, a flash of darkness gushed out, and the smell of destroying heaven and earth gushed out. His face changed greatly, and he said urgently: "flash!"

And he himself rubbed his hands, a pair of five color thunder hands "boom" up and down towards the stars

"Xiao Hua, run away..." Jiang Meihua hears, a little impatient way, "this wind constant bird wants to explode!"

"Self explosion?" Xiao Hua's face was as pale as paper!

This is comparable to Hualing immortal's self explosion! Don't talk about yourself, even Lian Xiuyuan can't resist it! Until this time, Xiao Hua found that lianxiuyuan didn't know when it was gone!

"Damn it With a low scold, Xiao Hua is just about to urge Guangdun.

Xiao Hua believes that although he finally understands it, he can definitely escape the fastest with Guangdun!

"Dad's Dad..." Unfortunately, without waiting for Xiao Hua to escape into the light and shadow, Xiao Jin, who had fallen under the crowd before, suddenly came out, and the dragon pattern around him was surging, and instantly turned into a thousand Zhang dragon to block Xiao Hua's face, shouting, "here comes the child!"

"You You child Xiao Hua's eyes are a little wet. As he thinks, Xiao Jin's skin is rough and his flesh is thick. If he tries his best to escape into the deep space, the self explosion won't hurt Xiao Jin. Moreover, if Xiao Jin doesn't turn into a dragon, Xiao Hua's mind will bring Xiao Jin into the space.

Now Xiao Jin's body is transformed into dragon. Xiao Hua can't protect Xiao Jin easily any more, and let him fall into danger all of a sudden!

But even so, how can Xiao Hua easily export his abusive words?

Father's father, this title is so pleasant to hear in Xiao Hua's ears!

Then, Xiao Hua still did not return to escape into the light and shadow.

Seeing that Xiao Hua had gone, Xiao Jin didn't complain at all. He roared and rushed to several Si, shouting: "dare to hurt my father's father..."

However, before Xiao Jin could fly near, just in front of his head, it was like the crystal nucleus of the stars. It cracked with a "click", just like the violent burst of the stars. Xiao Hua's five color hands collapsed in this violent burst!

Lian Xiuyuan's wine bottle fairy ware also tumbled in this fury. Except for the three green seal characters of heaven, earth and man, the green and red light curtain has been torn, and the 49 light pillars have been broken long ago.

In the face of such power, Xiao Jin is not afraid, but he does not know where Xiao Hua fled, he is still brave on.

"Brush..." At this time, under the broken stars, Xiao Hua's figure appeared strangely. As soon as he appeared, his left hand immediately stretched out. At this time, the Youbi of Xiao Hua's arms had disappeared, replaced by a kind of stone arm made of withered ash and blood!

As Xiao Hua raised his right hand of stone arm, a sickle like black flash past!

"Brush..." The darkness is faster than the lightning. It has passed for several seconds The void above!

Isn't the dark scythe the ghost weapon that gave birth to the ghost king?

But see this sickle over place, a dead air all over, what stars and moon water, what space debris, what law of the wind have been cut off, even the bleeding stars also instant fade!

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Dear little Jin, I can afford this "he"!