Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 987

"Brush..." There are many star marks on the chest of the star spinning ape, trying to block the sword, but there is a faint blood light surging on the sword, and the blood light directly smashes the star Mark, "poof..." The sharp sword pierces in, and the bloodstain gushes out with the crystal light!

The star spinning ape has to struggle again!

"Brush..." Guan Tianyue suddenly raised his right arm, and a piece of knife came out of the air. It was at the neck of the star spinning ape.

The head of the star spinning ape fell to the ground, a cavity of blood "boom..." In the blood, an ape like blood shadow is chirping and is about to escape!

"Hum..." Guan Tianyue snorted coldly, patted his eyebrows and opened the immortal mark. The silver light broke through the sky and covered the blood shadow of the star spinning ape!

Xiao Hua looks at Guan Tianyue and takes away the blood shadow of the ape. His eyes fall on the corpse of the ape again. He remembers that there was a crystal nucleus in the fire wolf before.

Sure enough, after Guan Tianyue received the blood shadow, he grabbed it with his right hand, and the sword was drawn out by Binjing Yunzhu. A strange crystal nucleus flew out with the sword.

But see this crystal core is earthy yellow, in which there is a milky bright spot like a star turning slowly.

"Congratulations to Guan Xianyou..." Guan Tianyue's closer attention, Jiang Meihua has smashed the star and moon monster, and urged her body to fly. Looking at the crystal nucleus, she said with a smile, "with the white star crystal nucleus of the star spinning ape, it's easy for fairy friends to set foot on the two immortals!"

"It's a pity this ice can't be used!" Guan Tian more received the crystal nucleus, some regret said.

Then Guan Tianyue looked at Jiang Meihua again and said, "Jiang Xianyou has made great progress in his cultivation, which really makes Guan admire him. However, what about Xianyou's previous immortal utensils? You gossip I don't seem to weigh my hands! "

"Hey, hey..." Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "Jiang has been out of the house, and the previous things need not be mentioned."

Xiao Hua gave Jiang Meihua a bag of Panax, but Jiang Meihua obviously didn't know the Pearl. Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and whispered: "brother Jiang, the Panax in the bag Don't look bad, it should have a history. If you have time, you can try it! "

"Oh?" Jiang Meihua eyebrows pick, eyes flash a sudden, should be a voice, "I understand."

"By the way..." Xiao Hua looked at the countless mysterious turtles around him and said, "there are too many mysterious turtles in this space. If they are defeated one by one, they will arouse other monsters. It will take too long. What good strategies can the two immortal brothers take?"

"There is no way for Jiang..." Jiang Meihua shook her head and said, "I can't do it. We'll do it separately."

"Guan has no special means!" Guan Tian thought more and more, and answered honestly, "Guan agrees with brother Jiang, and doesn't let brother Xiao be busy alone!"

"Forget it, forget it!" Xiao Hua knew that it was difficult for them. He waved his hand and said, "it's better for me to do it!"

Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue looked at each other and said in a different voice: "good!"

Xiao Hua raised his hand, but after hearing this, he looked at them in surprise and said, "why do you feel trapped by the two immortal brothers?"

"Brother Xiao is a real immortal. There must be something we don't know about." Guan Tian was in a better mood. He said with a smile, "how dare we teach others?"

"All right, all right!" Xiao Hua has a feeling that he has hit his feet with a stone. As he says, he sends Xiaojin and Xiaoyin out of the space.

After a few words with Xiaoyin, he showed Xiaoyin the daffodils. Xiaoyin asked Xiaojin to leave.

"Is this brother Xiao's fairy pet?" Guan Tian blinked more and more and asked, "it doesn't look like a fairy beast in the fairyland!"

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua didn't answer Guan Tianyue directly, saying, "if you can use it, you can do it!"

Sure enough, Xiaoyin just flew out for a moment, and then chirped at a mysterious turtle. Xiaojin was ordered to protect Xiaoyin. Seeing that Xiaohua and others were flying slowly, he simply waved his tentacles to fight with xuangui!

It is said that Xuan GUI's strength should be better than Xiao Jin's, but Xiao Jin's victory lies in his rough skin and thick flesh, and his tentacles are extremely sharp. Without waiting for Xiao Hua and others to fly near, the tentacles split Xuan's skull, and then Xuan GUI collapsed, revealing a narcissus inside!

"Master, here you are..." Xiaojin excitedly collects the daffodils with her feet and cries to present them to Xiao Hua. However, she is at a loss to watch Xiaoyin fly away with a "Ziliu" sound.

"Take it first!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "protect Xiaoyin, I will give you credit!"

"Yes, sir, yes, sir!" Xiaojin walks away, leaving Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue stunned behind.

Jiang Meihua said with a bitter smile: "brother Xiao, if you have such means in the future, take them out first and don't let us make a fool of ourselves. How can Jiang say that he is also a two Qi immortal? Even if he can't compare with you, now he can't even compare with your immortal pet. Is this face even more important? "

Guan Tianyue also said with a smile: "brother Jiang still wants to say something. Guan doesn't even want to say anything! Brother Xiao has gone too far... "

Now that Xiaojin and Xiaoyin have contributed, Xiao Hua and others are also at leisure. The three of them are flying behind the two children, helping to plunder the array.

Seeing nothing different, Xiao Hua said with a smile: "I have a question to ask. I don't know if the two immortal brothers can solve the puzzle?""Don't ask strange questions!" Jiang Meihua waved her hand and said, "I'm just a Qi immortal. I don't know much about it."

"Brother Xiao, please speak up!" Guan Tian nodded more and more.

"What is the cultivation system of demon League?" Xiao Hua asked, "I've heard about huoheng wolf before, but now I've heard what brother Guan said about xingxuan ape..."

"Oh, you ask that!" Guan Tian understood and replied, "the demon alliance is the interface of many demon domains, so the cultivation system of the demon alliance is extremely chaotic. However, different demon domains, even the same demon domain, have different ways of cultivation, so there is no system that can be summarized comprehensively. "

"For us in fairyland, what we are most familiar with is the method of Galaxy cultivation, which is commonly known as the power of stars and moon."

"The core of Galaxy cultivation lies in the crystal nucleus of the demon clan. According to the crystal nucleus, it can be divided into Seven Realms: Cloud Star, Xinghui, xingxuan, Xingheng, xingliu, Xingyi and xuanannihilation."

"The Cloud Star is equivalent to the dust fairy in the fairyland, and the Xinghui is equivalent to the leakage fairy! The demons in these two realms stand in the majority of the demons League. The reason why it is called a cloud star is that the crystal nucleus at this time, such as a cloud, cannot condense. As for Xinghui, it's that the clouds have formed! "

"Then, naturally, there is the star spin, that is, the star spin ape that has just been killed. Their star cores not only condense, but also begin to rotate, melting the remaining clouds into the star core! The demon clan in this realm is equivalent to Yanxian and wuxingxian. "

"Xingheng, also known as Xingheng, is divided into several small realms, such as white star, red star, blue star Xingju is equivalent to Erqi immortal, Juyuan immortal and so on... "

"The star stream is the condensation of more star nuclei besides a star nucleus. These star nuclei flow regularly like a river of stars. At this time, the strength of the demon clan is close to Jiugong and Daluo!"

"As for Xingyi, you can imagine the starry sky with star cores all over. At this time, the strength of the demon clan is Taiyi or Hunyuan!"

"The highest level of Galaxy cultivation is Xuan annihilation. At that time, the star core no longer exists, and it is a dark nothingness. It is said that all attacks of the demon alliance will be swallowed by the dark nothingness! This kind of strength is afraid that only Tianzun and Xianwang can match. "

Hearing this, Jiang Meihua chimed in: "there is another kind of white annihilation in the highest realm of Galaxy cultivation. It's said that it's just the opposite of Xuan annihilation. The star core is white, and all attacks will be counterattacked back, and the strong one who starts white annihilation will not be damaged at all!"

"Ah?" Even Guan Tianyue was stunned. He said strangely, "there are such experts?"

"Jiang Mou doesn't know..." Jiang Meihua shrugged and said, "it's just some records in the clan. Just tell them freely."

"Roar..." Xiao Hua wants to say again what, not far away of small gold roar, obviously have not long eye of monster to come to seek trouble!

"I'll go and have a look!" Guan Tianyue took a look at Xiao Hua and Jiang Meihua and said in a low voice, "after all, Xiao Xiaoyou and Jiang Xianyou are very popular. Jiang Xianyou doesn't have the tools to take advantage of them."

Xiao Hua said he didn't need it, but he knew that Guan Tianyue's character was similar to shuobing's, so he simply arched his hand and said, "thanks for everything, brother Guan, I'll take the battle for you!"

Looking at Guan Tianyue flying away, Jiang Meihua said: "what do you mean by the immortal utensils in the bag?"

Xiao Hua replied helplessly: "the one like a fire pile Immortal, brother Jiang might as well spend some time to sacrifice and refine it! "

"The one half broken and incomplete?" Jiang Meihua couldn't help but confirm.

"Ha ha, yes!"

"Well!" Jiang Meihua was very good at this. He trusted Xiao Hua. He nodded and said, "I understand. What's the name of this immortal weapon?"

"Zhushenzhuang!" Xiao Hua casually took the name of niucaohuo.

"Ha ha..." Jiang Meihua laughed and said, "I'll help Guan Tianyue and get ready to kill the gods!"

Xiao Hua has a fever.

With the protection of Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue, Xiaoyin concentrated on searching for the mysterious turtles with Narcissus flowers. It took him more than an hour to find more than ten!

Xiaojin takes time to present these daffodils to Xiao Hua, who has a lot of income.

However, when Xiaoyin found another two or three, there was no Narcissus in the whole space. Xiaoyin ran around in the space and didn't find another one!

Xiao Hua realized something and took out all the daffodils, but the space remained unchanged.

Xiao Hua and Guan Tianyue look at Jiang Meihua.

Jiang Meihua scratched her head and said, "look again. In the shadow of Mo Xiantong, there is nothing else but Xuan GUI and daffodils."

"Haw..." Guan Tianyue wants to say something more, Xiaoyin suddenly sniffs and flies to a place!

"Go..." Xiao Hua knew what Xiaoyin had found, and quickly waved with him.

But see small silver rush to a wisp of stars and moon water next to, body shape in a flash, drill into it, unexpectedly disappear.

Xiaojin rushed in with him. The water flashed, and Xiaoyin flew out again, shouting: "mother's mother, there are many bastards below!"

Xiao Hua has a black thread. Is Wang Ba the same as Xuan GUI?

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