Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 986

Guan Tianyue is like this. How can Jiang Meihua let him be alone? After struggling to fight a few Xuan turtles, he came back empty handed, looked at Xiao Hua one by one, clapped his hands and encouraged him: "brother, our chance depends on you! Come on... "

"Are you a little shameless?" Xiao Hua looked at the two people behind him and muttered.

"No, no, how can our brothers say that?" Jiang Meihua was obviously more shameless than Guan Tian. He said with a smile, "it's hard work for those who can do it!"

"Hey, hey..." Guan Tianyue also laughed and encouraged, "come on, little brother!"

Xiao Hua shook his head helplessly, still like picking watermelon to smash the tortoise!

these star moon essence condenses the mysterious turtle is also unlucky, meets Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua is not only great, but also proficient in the power of the stars and the moon. His strength is far beyond xuangui. Facing Xiao Hua, he is a dead man!

But even so, after being busy for most of the hour, Xiao Hua didn't find a few daffodils. There were only a few of them in the hundred tortoises!

"It won't work!" Xiao Hua didn't worry. The idle Jiang Meihua frowned and said, "the light and shadow in the ink fairy pupil, but there are many Narcissus. Little brother, you have to work harder!"

Xiao Hua just wanted to speak, "brush..." Over Jiang Meihua's head, more than a dozen stars and moons gathered madly, but after several breath, they condensed into a light and shadow like a fierce Yang immortal beast, and rushed to Jiang Meihua.

Jiang Meihua felt the wind blowing on her face. He was puzzled. He looked at Guan Tianyue not far away, and then at Xiao Hua in the distance. He said strangely, "why do these monsters come to me?"

"Roar..." Without waiting for Guan Tianyue's reply, the light and shadow of the immortal beast are approaching, which is comparable to the breath of the real demon beast. Jiang Meihua can't ignore it.

"Brother Jiang!" Xiao Hua finally accepted Ruyi stick and said with a smile, "is it necessary to say? It's your bad character

In fact, Xiao Hua knew that it was the Dragon Qi and Qilin essence and blood in Jiang Meihua's body that attracted the attention of the monster.

"Roar..." Xiao Hua just finished, not far away a wisp of light was torn apart, and a monster like an ape flew out. The monster's eyes flashed white starlight. There were scattered stars in the white light, and there were stars dripping like water drops between his manes.

The monster flew out, his eyes fixed on Guan Tianyue, and his arms of several hundred feet were waving towards him.

Looking at the white light in the monster's eyes, Guan Tianyue sneered and said, "it's just the star spinning ape who is close to Bai Xingheng. How dare you be arrogant in front of Guan?"

With that, Guan Tianyue opened his mouth, and the cloud beads came out from the shore. There was an immortal vessel, and the water and light gathered around him immediately. The Dragon attacked the star spinning ape!

"Roar..." The ape's arms never shot down. First, he opened his mouth and roared. He threw the starlight like water and smashed it at Binjing Yunzhu!

Xiao Hua slowly urges his body to get closer. He can see clearly that the starlight is slightly different from what he saw before. Each star seems to have a rotating star.

Xiao Hua thought that the star rotation would have great power, but he was surprised to see Guan Tianyue's Binjing Yunzhu blocking the star. He said in secret: "is it that the star light controlled by the star rotation ape is not as powerful as the fire wolf before?"

Guan Tianyue had been a high-level five element immortal before, then he got Yin and Yang Qi Sha, and gradually approached the two Qi immortal. Today, after hearing that Tianxue is imprisoned by Mohong, it's a bit like breaking through and then standing up. Although there is no immortal vitality in this nameless heaven, he urges Xianli, and there is a faint image of yin and Yang being isolated, with 7749 faint green and red light bands on his body surface.

And as Guan Tianyue fought with the star spinning ape, the 49 green and red light bands became clearer and thicker.

Looking at Guan Tianyue and Jiang Meihua fighting hard, Xiao Hua is a little embarrassed, but he looks around, there is no demon clan or demon beast flying out, it must be his body of the beginning light that did not attract the attention of the demon clan!

"Do you want to help them?" Xiao Hua just had this idea in his heart, and immediately put it out. Both Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue didn't make a sound. They didn't have any reason to help in the past. Isn't it a shame?

Xiao Hua wants to wipe out xuangui, but some of them are not at ease. They just stand in the air and plunder the battle for them.

Looking at the fierce star moon beast, Jiang Meihua's eight trigrams immortal weapon defeated the beast behind, and the nearby Xingyun immediately added, Xiao Hua suddenly felt a move in his heart and said in secret: "Xiao tried to separate the Yuanshen for cultivation. Although the cultivation method was ordinary, it seemed that he entered the country very quickly, which indicated that Xiao's conjecture was correct. Xiao's body, blood and so on are the same as before, and he can practice alone. In this way, Xiao has to find suitable skills for every place. "

"Xiao's body was given to Fengwu before, but now it can cultivate the power of the stars and the moon! The power of the stars and the moon in the fairyland may be different from that of the demon alliance, but it is also the power of the stars and the moon after all. If Xiao uses Fengwu's cultivation method, he should also be able to cultivate the body, right

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua enters the space and finds out a few demons among the mammoth whale shells given by Fengwu and Huangtong. After a look at the jade die, Xiao Hua finds an extremely common method of demon cultivation.

Xiao Hua didn't really want to practice this skill, so he took a general look and got out of the space.Later, Xiao Hua pays attention to the two people's fighting and secretly realizes the skill of the demon clan.

If he was an ordinary immortal, it would be extremely difficult to cultivate the skills of the demon clan. However, Xiao Hua was different. He had already split the original gods in the mortal world to practice. When he arrived at the fairyland, although he didn't ask Fengwu deliberately, his understanding also fell into Xiao Hua's mind, so Xiao Hua could practice it with a little understanding.

Xiao Hua recited it several times in his heart. After knowing that it was correct, he slightly urged the demon family to practice, "hum..." But Xiao Hua's whole body was covered with extremely weak light and shadow. A virtual shadow like a lucky bird gradually condensed. Within hundreds of years, the stars and moon light began to fall into this virtual shadow, and then penetrated into Xiao Hua's body!

"It's a little interesting!" Feel the body surface, a little bit like hungry baby open mouth sucking star moonlight silk, a quite comfortable feeling, Xiao Hua mouth revealed a smile.

After about a cup of tea, Guan Tianyue urges Binjing Yunzhu. Ten pints of water light are separated from Binjing Yunzhu to bind the limbs of the ape. The ape roars and tears at the water light. Guan Tianyue's blood essence spurts out. Yunzhu coagulates into an ice crystal sword and penetrates into the ape's chest.

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Xiao Hua's first test of demon alliance skill seems to be feasible!

The realm of demon clan in demon alliance Galaxy:

Cloud Star: dust fairy

starlight: leakage fairy

Star rotation: (planet) Yan fairy, five element fairy

Star balance: (star) white star, red star, Li star (yellow with black), green, green, blue, purple, star gathering (two Qi, gathering yuan, Hualing...)

Star flow: (flowing stars) Jiugong, Daluo

Star overflow: (stars all over the sky) Taiyi

dark annihilation (white annihilation): (black hole, white hole) Hunyuan