Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 985

"Ha ha, isn't that good?" Jiang Meihua was overjoyed and said, "after that, some family will follow brother Xiao!"

"Don't, don't..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "didn't you say that before? My younger brother should be reincarnated as a real immortal, and his previous cultivation should be very high. That's why he practices so fast! "

"Maybe!" Jiang Meihua said with a bitter smile, "the art of reincarnation is very mysterious. Jiang only knows a little bit about it and doesn't dare to talk about it. What brother Xiao says is what he says!"

Just talking about this, Xiao Hua suddenly pointed to the top of his head and reminded him: "another sneak attack!"

"Hum..." Jiang Meihua gave a cold hum and tried her best to activate the immortal weapon, "hum..." However, the light and shadow of the eight trigrams that they were protecting gave birth to a roar, and a series of virtual shadows came out one after another.

Jiang Meihua just started to activate the immortal weapon, and a cloud like water light came out of thin air at the top of their heads Compared to the rain, the dense light silk is pouring down!

The light silk is thinner than the ox hair, and it has great strength. Although Jiang Meihua's eight trigrams virtual shadow has dozens of layers, these virtual shadows are still easily penetrated by the light silk!

Jiang Meihua turned pale and was about to use another magic power. Not far away, the voice about Tianyue came: "this is the spider of stars and moon. Guan will break it!"

With Guan Tianyue's voice, I saw two gorgeous green and red lights rush out. The light silk which was originally penetrating into Jiang Meihua's eight trigrams suddenly changed its direction. They were all into the two green and red lights!

"Wuwu..." As the light fell, the green and red light suddenly sank, and Guan Tianyue's body also fell hundreds of feet.

"Broken..." The lower Guan Tian roared, the two green and red lights suddenly circled, and the light filaments were annihilated between the green and red lights.

Jiang Meihua looked at the purple gourd in Guan Tianyue's hand. She was a little envious and said, "it's Tianzun's means that are powerful!"

"Oh, by chance!" Guan Tianyue took the purple gourd and sighed, "this double Qi gourd of yin and Yang was originally used to dazzle the demon realm to protect binger's body. I didn't expect to use it here!"

"Master Guan or..." Xiao Hua just opened his mouth, next to Jiang Meihua was not happy, light cough two, "cough..."

Xiao Hua grinned bitterly and said, "brother Guan, you'd better hold it in your hand. The appearance of this spider is very abrupt. Maybe it will attack you at any time!"

"Guan Xianyou..." Looking at Guan Tianyue's sacrifice of yin and Yang, Jiang Meihua patted him on the shoulder and said, "you and I are in the same boat! Do you know why he called you brother Guan? "

Guan Tianyue didn't care about this title, but since Jiang Meihua asked, he thought a little bit: "is it Xiao Xiaoyou's strength Is he a high-level Er Qi Xian

"You're good!" Jiang Meihua thumbed up and said, "I didn't even think of it."

"That's because you know Xiao Xiaoyou so well!" Guan Tianyue looked around and said with a smile, "when he just saved us, Guan had some insight! How powerful is the mandrill? Can ordinary two Qi immortals kill it

"They are already the middle class of Juyuan!" Jiang Meihua said, "you're still an immortal!"

"No?" Guan Tianyue could not help but be surprised. He looked up and down at Xiao Hua and said, "when a family first met you, were you still a dust fairy? How... "

"Forget it!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "I'm still a little proud when I explain it for the first time. If I explain it again, I'm going to vomit! The stronger the left and right younger brothers are, the more confident they are? "

"Well, well, well..." The more Guan Tian nods his head, the more he pecks rice with the chicken. No, the more powerful Xiao Hua is, the safer shuobing will be! I don't have to take care of myself any more.

"So it is Jiang Meihua looked at the distance and said, "in this way, we will have a great chance to get the chance! Let's go... "

The fragments of light and shadow mentioned by Jiang Meihua are naturally some memory fragments left by the Taoist master when he engraved the seal. Although Xiao Hua doesn't understand, he also knows that Jiang Meihua is in fact in great luck.

Because the space is huge and there are too many similar images, this image can't be fully seen only by Yan Nian. It can only be determined by seeing it with one's own eyes.

"Boom, boom, boom..." All of a sudden, the whole space vibrated a little, and the stars and moon shining and condensing turtles swayed from side to side, as if they were about to live.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Hua and others stopped to look at each other and were puzzled.

"But Maybe it's a good match Guan Tianyue said.

After waiting for a moment, nothing happened. The three of them then flew forward. Strangely enough, not only was there no attack from the spider, but even the tortoise was dead. The whole space was silent.

"It's not right." Jiang Meihua finally said, "this space It's different from what I know... "

Jiang Meihua's words haven't been finished yet, "whoosh..." A red starlight suddenly flew out of a tortoise, faster than the lightning to rush to Jiang Meihua's vest.

"Damn it..." Seeing that Jiang Meihua was talking, some of them couldn't escape. Xiao Hua scolded him and urged Guangdun.

Although the colors were different, it was better to see the clear light and shadow, which was very beneficial for Xiao Hua to show his light escape. Xiao Hua slightly distinguish, body shape into a thin streamer before!When Xiao Hua's figure was revealed, the red light hit Jiang Meihua's vest!

Xiao Hua did not hesitate to squeeze out, "boom..." With a loud noise, a long snake like monster was broken!

"Ah?" Only at this time did Jiang Meihua wake up and lose her voice, "are the monsters here too powerful?"

"Roar..." Xiao Hua just wanted to raise his hand to catch the snake. He wanted to see the corpse of the monster. With another roar, the tortoise circled and rushed over.

Looking at Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue again, they looked at each other, and their bodies soared, "whoosh..." Not only did he not help Xiao Hua, but he flashed for more than ten miles!

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed and said, "Why are you two immortal brothers like this?"

"You are all Juyuan immortals. Do you want us two Erqi immortals to help you?" Jiang Meihua held her arms in front of her arms and replied with a smile.

Guan Tianyue also nodded and said: "Guan also wants to see the means of the little brother!"

"All right!" Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and looked at the tortoise. In a flash, he didn't offer any immortal utensils at all. He met the tortoise with bare hands.

"Little brother, don't be careless..." Guan Tian more see this, can't help but remind.

Jiang Meihua disdained and said, "don't worry about Guan Xianyou. The sharp star moon spider just now can't stab him at all. The giant turtle condensed by the star moon is really nothing!"

"Ah?" Guan Tian is more big Leng, strange way, "Xiao Hua congeals after body unexpectedly so fierce?"

"What do you think of the chance of Youji's annihilation?"

"Well!" Guan Tianyue answered. He knew that when he saw Xiao Hua in Chenxiao sea, Xiao Hua was still an immortal baby. Now goodbye already has a body, so Xiao Hua must be in the secluded world!

While they were talking, Xiao Hua had already rushed to the front of Xuan GUI, and he clenched his fists with both hands to "boom..." The sound of the tortoise turtle's right leg was shattered, and then his whole body rushed into the tortoise shell and directly pierced the tortoise with the essence of the moon and the moon.

Waiting for Xiao Hua to fly out, with the sound of "boom", the tortoise's body was broken and turned into scattered pieces of light falling into the flowing water around!

"I'll go, too How wonderful Jiang Meihua fought with Xuan GUI. Seeing Xiao Hua so fierce, she couldn't help but gape.

Guan Tianyue looked at Xiao Hua's chest with twinkling eyes and said, "what is Xiao Xiaoyou holding? Narcissus

"Ah? Daffodils Jiang Meihua was surprised and overjoyed. She cried, "yes, yes, this is the place, this is the place!"

Then Jiang Meihua flew to Xiao Hua, pointed to the narcissus and said, "where did this come from?"

"Inside the tortoise Xiao Hua was puzzled and replied, "I thought there was a star nucleus in Xuan GUI's body. Who knew there was only such a narcissus!"

"This is it!" Jiang Mei Huaxing said, "the space in the pupil of the ink fairy has Xuan GUI and Narcissus. Just now, there was only Narcissus in that space, and there was no Xuan GUI. I thought Xuan GUI would be in the water light. And I haven't found Narcissus in this space. It turns out that Narcissus is hidden in the body of Xuan GUI

"Maybe there is a turtle hidden in the narcissus in that space?" Xiao Hua asked.

"Search this space first, if not, then go to that space!" Jiang Meihua said, while flying to another Xuan turtle.

"Brother Jiang..." Xiao Hua looked at the narcissus in his hand and cried, "what about this thing?"

"Take it first!" Jiang Meihua said that he had already sacrificed the immortal. The eight trigrams whirled rapidly and fell on a mysterious tortoise. The mysterious tortoise had closed her eyes. Seeing the eight trigrams coming, she suddenly opened her eyes, and the stars all over her body poured out and rushed to Jiang Meihua like a tide of water.

Although Jiang Meihua is a two Qi immortal, xuangui is not weak either. After half a cup of tea, Jiang Meihua breaks xuangui to pieces.

However, what depressed Jiang Meihua was that Xuan GUI had nothing in her body!

"Guan understands!" Guan Tianyue said, "I'm afraid to kill some Xuan turtles and produce a certain number of daffodils. The chance mentioned by Jiang Xianyou will appear!"

"It must be so..." Jiang Meihua flew to other Xuan turtles and cried, "there are a lot of daffodils in the space that Jiang knows!"

"Puff, puff, puff..." Xiao Hua is far more powerful than Xuan GUI. After he tries his physical strength, he doesn't want to be dangerous any more. After holding the Ruyi stick, he can easily smash the Xuan GUI he meets one by one.

Guan Tianyue originally followed Xiao Hua. Seeing that Xiao Hua was so easy to capture, he simply did not sacrifice the immortal weapon and looked at it with a smile.

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Is there Narcissus in xuangui's belly? Not every tortoise has it. What's the chance? Why does it look so weird?