Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 982

“…… After several fierce battles with the enemy, Zihuan's control area became narrower and narrower. At last, Zihuan's former territory was divided up by several countries and the state of Dakun. "

“…… Seeing the decline of Zihuan state and the prospect of its subjugation, several other countries paid no attention to it and let the Zihuan King's family live and die on its own. However, the former Emperor knew a great secret of Zihuan state, that is, the foundation of Zihuan state and its prosperity. If this is obtained by the state of Dakun, the state of Dakun will surely prosper. "

“…… It's a pity that the former Emperor only knew about it. Only the Lord of Zihuan knew what the foundation was. Therefore, the layout of the clan is to get this fundamental message from the Lord of Zihuan state.... "

“…… According to the records, this matter was arranged by the Fu Jun of Shaoying mansion, but there was a mistake in the layout. The Fu Jun He suddenly disappeared, or even trapped himself in the layout. As a result, Xianhuang and others were helpless... "

Hearing this, Bao Qiong could not help but ask: "that What's the name of this unfortunate Lord Fu? "

"Why?" Bao Shan said with a smile, "do you want to know whose ancestor it was?"

"No, no, no!" Bao Qiong shook his head and said, "I just want to know who is so unlucky!"

"It's Bao in the record, but it's not the ancestor of any branch!"

"And then?"

"Then Xianhuang and others racked their brains to get a lot of information from Zihuan King's room..." Bao Shan replied, "for example, the foundation is hidden in the sky snow, for example, the foundation is hidden in the glass realm of breaking the sky. He even knows that as long as a pithy formula can open the glass realm and find the foundation, but unfortunately, there is no way to get that pithy formula."

"That is..." Bao Qiong agreed, "it's strange to listen to Tianxue. Many places are opened by pithy formula. If the pithy formula is wrong for one syllable, the fairy prohibition can't be opened. It's safest to hide it here!"

"Now you see?" Bao Shan said haughtily, "you Xuantian mansion are listening to Tianxue's immortal selection for such a long time. The main purpose of our country's longest existing Xuanchong immortal selection is not to supplement the immortal soldiers for the Xuanchong team, but to open a place in the liulijing. No one knows where the immortal prohibition is!"

"Understand, understand!" Bao Qiong said with a smile, "the meaning of Xianhuang is to see if it can be opened by chance, or to see who has the chance to open it. However, after such a long time, liulijing has been How many times has Xianxuan been broken? Does Xianxuan still exist? "

"Yes, no one knows!" Bao Shan shrugged his shoulders and replied, "and the state of Da Kun has become more and more powerful under the administration of the former Emperor and other ancestors. The so-called foundation of Zihuan has become a chicken rib, and no one will care. Your Majesty must have attached great importance to this matter, but you'd better think about a long cherished wish of the former Emperor and find out the news of the ancestor Bao

"And then?"

"What then? No, then

"I ask you, what's the matter with the five elements fairy? What is the layout? " Bao Qiong helpless way, "this matter already can tell me?"

"Hee hee, of course!" Bao Shan said with a smile, "I've brought you here. How can I hide it from you? In fact, the layout of Xianhuang is Zihuan island and Sea city in Chenxiao sea... "

“…… The Zihuan island was discovered by the three clans of chenxiaohai long after the destruction of Zihuan kingdom. In order to find chongyunqian, Zifei took the foundation of Zihuan kingdom as Xieyi. In fact, Zifei didn't know the existence of Huanji, but Huanji was the immortal puppet left by the former Emperor... "

“…… Recently, a five element immortal suddenly appeared with chongyunqian's axe and said that chongyunqian had been exiled to the forgotten River... "

Hearing this, Bao Qiong asked: "forget Sichuan? How is that possible? "

"Yes Bao Shan nodded and said, "I don't think it's possible, but it's not important. What's important is that Zifei believed it. Zifei gave the formula to the five element fairy. Huanji doesn't dare to disturb him. She follows the tone of Purple Princess and gives him a fake keepsake. She sends a message to Shaoying house according to the previous layout. Well, she also leaves chongyunqian's axe... "

"Oh, I remember. Some time ago, you came to liulijing with a hatchet to see if that hatchet could find Xianjin?"

"Yes, that's one of the choices of the previous layout. I don't need your consent!"

"And then?"

"And then it's easier!" Bao Shan replied, "Weiying is around the five element immortal. He doesn't dare to disturb him. However, to be on the safe side, he tested the strength of the five element immortal. According to the strength of the five element immortal, he arranged in liulijing in advance, waiting for the five element immortal to say the formula! "

"If that's the case, it can be suspended..."

"I think so, too!" Bao Shan said with a bitter smile, "it's a pity that it happened that the five element immortal met the immortal generals who took part in the selection of zhuochong immortal. He came to listen to Tianxue with the immortal generals. If the election is suspended, it will arouse his suspicion. He may not come to liulijing! "

"What a nuisance Bao Qiong frowned and said, "what about the five elements fairy?"

"He has already entered Tianxue, and no one knows where he is!" Bao Shan shrugged his shoulders and said, "but since he's here, naturally he's going to liulijing. No, you and I will come. As long as he goes to liulijing, won't the layout of the former Emperor come to an end?""The problem is..." Bao Qiong was so sad and laughing that he said, "I don't know the real purpose of the selection, and I don't know that the layout will be at the end of the selection. I have already ordered to open the Senluo road! As you know, senlo road is not under the control of Da Kun state. As long as it is opened, it will be closed after the election of Chen Chong Xian. "

"Why is it so early?" Bao Shan couldn't help frowning and interrupted Bao Qiong.

"It's getting late!" Bao Qiong shook his head and said, "the scurrying troops are seriously injured. They have urged them several times."

Bao Shan frowned, looked up in one direction, and said in a low voice, "that's a bit annoying!"

"Disgusting?" Bao Qiong frowned, "it should be trouble! What if they meet? "

Bao Shan left hand a Yang, take out a shape if four edges of crystal column, sigh a way: "that can only use this thing..."

Shaoyingfu's big tree has been planted, and xuantianfu's urn is ready. Unfortunately, whether it's waiting for a rabbit or inviting a gentleman to enter the urn, Xiao Hua, who is waiting for the autumn water, has no intention of going to liulijing.

At this time, Xiao Hua was looking at a lightning like entrance, looking a little trance

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Xiao Hua, a clever rabbit, will bump into it. Don't worry! And this rabbit will knock down the tree