Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 983

"Little friend..." Looking at Xiao Hua's hesitation, Guan Tianyue asked, "what's the matter with you?"

After coming out of that secret place, Guan Tianyue was very interested in Xiao Hua, as if Xiao Hua was a new ice mirage.

Xiao Hua came back to himself and said in a low voice: "master Guan, I'm ok. I just feel that the water and flower border of Mie Wang Tian is a little strange..."

Guan Tianyue looked at Jiang Meihua and said with a bitter smile, "it's true! Guan thinks that Jiang Xianyou has a plan in mind. How can he know that he is also looking for it at random... "

Speaking of this, Guan Tian coughed twice and said: "cough, little friend, Bing er..."

This is Guan Tianyue's 38th inquiry. After more than ten previous inquiries, Jiang Meihua made a few jokes, which made Guan Tianyue extremely embarrassed, and then he just passed on the sound.

"Shuo fairy is OK..." Xiao Hua understood Guan Tianyue's mood and said, "and master Jiang's secret skill really works. Although I can't see the real situation of Shuo Xianzi, her situation is getting better, and the evil spirit of those demon species is gradually changing..."

Xiao Hua is right. He didn't stay with shuobing, but the great mercy Guanyin Buddha is on shuobing's side. If shuobing has any change, Xiao Hua will know it when the great mercy Guanyin Buddha thinks about it.

"That's good, that's good!" The more Guan Tian smiles, the more he can't close his mouth. He clenches his hands and says, "if bing'er recovers, Guan..."

"Yes, this is it!" Without waiting for Guan Tianyue to finish, Jiang Meihua stopped drinking, which scared Guan Tianyue. However, Jiang Meihua excitedly said, "the smell here is right, and the location is almost the same..."

"Master Jiang..." Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "you have said this seven times. Let's go and have a look first."

"Go, go..." Jiang Meihua said with a grin and a big hand in the air. "Wu" is a red yellow eight trigrams, spinning and rushing into the lightning like entrance.

"Click..." At the entrance, red Leisi surges, revealing a space channel, but even if it is the channel, the Leisi hidden in the void is still as dense as a cobweb.

"No..." Just as Guan Tianyue was about to step up, he suddenly stopped and frowned, "this thunder doesn't belong to fairyland."

"Master Xiao Hua couldn't help but say, "do you see it now? Just now master Jiang took us to a space, the smell of demon alliance is very strong! "

Guan Tian feels his nose more and more. He just focused on Shuo Bing. Next to him are Jiang Meihua and Xiao Hua. He really doesn't care about the situation around him.

"What if it doesn't belong to fairyland?" Jiang Meihua did not care at all, replied, "the chance Jiang is looking for is not from fairyland."

"What do you mean?" Guan Tianyue was puzzled and said in a low voice, "what's the chance Jiang Xianyou is looking for?"

"Didn't you say that?" Jiang Meihua shook her head and said, "I don't know!"

Xiao Hua was a little surprised by Jiang Meihua's words, but when he thought about Jiang Meihua's background, he gave up questioning. The Jiang family should be the so-called archaic fairy family. They knew too much about the secrets.

"Xiaoyou, be careful..." Guan Tianyue is very intimate. There is a crystal card between his hands. On the crystal card, the shadow of Tianzun's house rushes out and pierces the space near him. All Leisi turns into nothingness.

Although know Guan Tian more care about is shuobing, but Xiao Hua's body is still a layer of goose bumps.

"Master Guan..." Xiao Hua clapped at the top door and said in a low voice, "the younger generation is very proficient in thunder, so there should be no problem with the water flower border."

"Oh, OK, ok..." Guan Tianyue nodded and agreed, but he still saw that Xiao Hualei was really strong, so he took the crystal card.

Flying through the channel of thunder light, there is a space full of water light. Countless giant fairy like trees grow everywhere in the space, and the strong power of stars and moon flows like water light.

In Guan Tianyue's eyes, the light and shadow of light gold flickered. After a moment, he said, "if you didn't know that this is the fairyland, Guan almost suspected that he was in the demon League!"

"Who told you this is fairyland?" Jiang Meihua, who is exploring, suddenly says something.

"Well?" Guan Tian was more stunned and asked, "is this the demon League?"

Xiao Hua's heart moved, and his figure swayed to the edge of a huge fairy like wood!

"Xiao Xiaoyou, be careful..." Jiang Meihua reminds a way, "don't want to leave that demon wood too close!"

"Well, I see!" Xiao Hua answered and looked closely.

Fairyland trees are bigger than ordinary trees, and the demon wood is bigger than fairyland trees. In particular, there are blood spots between the grain of the demon wood, which looks like flashing eyes.

"Brush..." All of a sudden, the demon wood will rush towards Xiao Hua without wind. A triangle tree hole will appear instantly. There are circles of spiral star pattern in the tree hole. The strong suction will come out with the rotation and cover Xiao Hua firmly!

"Why, alas?" Xiao Hua sighed. With a flick of his right middle finger, a group of five colored fire flew out and fell into the tree hole."Roar..." The demon wood didn't care. There was the sound of wind howling behind the tree cave, like an angry roar.

However, when the five colors of the fire ignited the demon wood, and the stars in the spiral condensed into a net, the flame could not be extinguished, the roar of the demon wood turned into a hiss.

But for a moment, the whole body of the demon wood was full of flames, and strands of blood flowed out of the flames!

Xiao Hua's eyes narrowed slightly. He could see clearly that the blood was human blood, not demon wood itself.

"Wuwu..." The fire around the demon wood is not big, but in the fire, there are hurricanes. The demon wood is far away.

Together with the surrounding water light, it also condenses into a ring, as if ready to attack at any time.

"No, no..." Jiang Meihua didn't pay attention to Xiao Hua's killing demon wood. He circled around a few times and shook his head: "not here, let's go!"

Xiao Hua is speechless, but he is very aware of Jiang Meihua's blind search. Before, no, now, as long as it is not empty, he will still search aimlessly.

Seeing the fairyland of water and looking around at Jiang Meihua, Guan Tianyue wants to speak again. Xiao Hua quickly says, "master Guan, Shuo fairy is very good!"

"No!" Guan Tianyue shook his head and said, "Guan didn't ask binger. Guan wanted to ask you about Tian Xue?"

Xiao Hua's heart is bitter!

It seems that from cultivation to now, he has never really understood the place of experience, even all preparations are versatile, so he has formed the habit of not preparing for any dangerous place or secret place. Anyway, Qi Yun is a part of his dragon vein.

Of course, Xiao Hua couldn't say that. He thought for a moment and said, "I didn't intend to listen to Tian Xue, but when I saw master Jiang coming, Shuo Xianzi also came. I also wanted to see if I could help Shuo Xianzi, so I came in a hurry and didn't know about Tian Xue carefully."

Guan Tianyue is so moved! He whispered again: "Xiao Xiaoyou's kindness, Guan remembers it."

"No, no..." Xiao Hua still needs to explain. Guan Tianyue asks, "what do you think of Jiang Meihua's words? Listen to Tianxue Guan doesn't know much about... "

"Just ask him?" Xiao Hua's wonderful way.

"Well..." Guan Tianyue hesitated and nodded, "I'll ask."

Mie Wang Tian is different from shaoshen Tian, where Xiao Hua went before. It is the place where the clouds are filled with clouds. Jiang Meihua takes Xiao Hua and Guan Tianyue to fly out of the clouds. She pinches her chin and looks around. She looks confused.

Guan Tianyue took the opportunity to fly forward and said, "Jiang Xianyou, just heard what you said, Guan is a little puzzled. Isn't Tian Xue the junction of Huang Zengtian and Yu Wantian? How does it have anything to do with the demon League? "

Jiang Meihua looked at the front, with a faint light and shadow in her eyes. She replied casually, "I don't know exactly what Jiang is. Jiang just recently I know something about Tian Xue. Oh, Guan Xianyou is an immortal official in Tianzun mansion. Do you know the battle of mending heaven? "

"This..." Guan Tian hesitated for a moment and replied, "Guan once in a while has heard of it, but it's not very detailed. It seems that the immortal officials he talked about have some taboos."

"Indeed Jiang Meihua nodded, "Jiang didn't know about the battle of mending the sky before. He came to listen to Tianxue recently, and then After getting a word, I know that the so-called battle of mending the sky is a battle to guard our fairyland territory. I hear that Tianxue may be connected with the demon Alliance for some reason, and also has something to do with the battlefield of mending the sky... "

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua Leng, asked, "is this listen to the sky snow is a fragment of the demon alliance space?"

"Not a fragment..." Jiang Meihua corrected, "or six pieces, or 72 pieces of space connected with the demon alliance!"

"How could it be?" Guan Tianyue shook his head and said, "if so, there should be a clear statement in the records of Tianzun mansion that Guan could not have known anything. As for the battle to mend the sky, we will not... "

Jiang Meihua frowned, rubbed the seal between her eyebrows, and said with a bitter smile, "Jiang just knew it recently, not very clear..."

Jiang Meihua's eyes were wide open. She raised her hand and said, "that's fast..."

However, when the three had to fly to the nebula, the dark was long gone.

"I'll tell you!" Jiang Meihua said excitedly, "Taoist How can the message left by Zu be wrong? "

When Jiang Meihua finished, he looked at Xiao Hua and Guan Tianyue. They didn't seem to hear each other clearly.

Even Guan Tianyue said strangely: "the message left by Daozu?"

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It turned out that Jiang Meihua was looking for something left by the Taoist. Unfortunately, he brought Xiao Hua. This chance may be cheaper for Xiao Hua!