Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 981

Yingshuai has just said this. Suddenly, there is a roaring sound in the altar shaped immortal array. A bigger and more majestic column of light rises from the sky.

"Here comes the vice governor..." Looking at the light column annihilation, a more than 800 Zhang silver figure flying down, Yingshuai adult whispered to remind, "follow me!"

"Yes..." Weiying and Shenying don't dare to neglect. They answer and follow behind in a hurry.

Sure enough, the silver figure flew out of the immortal array, revealing a strong middle-aged Juyuan immortal. Yingshuai came forward in a hurry, and just about to bow his body to open his mouth. The middle-aged immortal looked at all the immortals in the space and cried out: "generals, welcome Shao Yingfu and Xuantian Fujun quickly!"

"Ah?" Shen Ying and Wei Ying are very surprised. They look at each other and kneel down on one knee. Naturally, Yingshuai is not slow. He kneels on one knee.

Then look at the 7749 immortal arrays around. In the roaring sound, all the immortal generals give birth to silver light. There are light columns in the center of the immortal array, which gather in front of the altar like immortal array and transform into a beam bridge. All the generals say in unison: "finally, I will welcome two mansion lords..."

"Ha ha..." The voice of all the generals fell, and a loud smile came down. Nearly nine hundred feet of silver armour male fairy slowly flew down, and said, "I don't have to meet you. I want to meet the Lord of Shaoying mansion!"

"Yes..." All the generals once again said in unison, "at the end of the day, I will welcome the Lord of Shaoying mansion!"

"You're the only one with a lot to do!" After the male immortal in silver armour, a female immortal in Palace Dress in the realm of Juyuan stepped on the clouds and fell. The voice of the female immortal, which was slightly coquettish and angry, rang out, "all generals, don't you have me? Why do you make people shout so much that it seems that this is the immortal array of xuantianfu? "

"Listen to Tianxue, I come here often, but you have never been here. Naturally, I want to let them see..." The silver armour male immortal said with a smile, "it's a pity that you still don't see people as you really are. This is the first place in Da Kun Kingdom..."

"Cut..." Without waiting for the silver armour male immortal to finish, the palace dress female immortal sneered and said, "is there only beauty in your male immortal's eyes?"

"Ha ha..." The silver armour fairy laughed and said, "why don't you wait for me to finish? Is shaoyingfujun beautiful enough to convince the public? What I want to say is the first talented woman of Da Kun state! "

"Hum..." The fairy in Imperial costume snorted coldly, "it's almost the same!"

With the sound, two fairies flying out of the fairyland array. The silver light around the male fairyland converges, revealing the extraordinary temperament. The female fairyland still covers her face with a light silver light, and can't see clearly.

"I've met two Fu Jun adults..." Yingshuai comes forward in a hurry, kneels down on one knee again, and shouts. With his voice, Weiying and Shenying are also kneeling down on one knee for hundreds of feet.

"Well, it's Park Lok!" The fairy in Imperial costume looked down at Yingshuai and said, "get up. You've done well this time. The well is chilly, and you'll get a reward when you look back..."

That Shao shadow mansion vice mansion gentleman arch hand to smile a way: "is!"

"Look at you..." Silver armour male fairy also smiles to shake head a way, "just still say I Xuan sky mansion numerous generals, you Shao shadow mansion shadow Wei same address, why don't you say?"

"I like it. What's the matter?" "They are my shadow guards. They have made great contributions to Shaoying mansion. Even Even your majesty never praises me. Do you think I can treat you differently

"Your Majesty?" Silver armour male fairy a little surprised, ask a way, "his old man isn't in..."

Where is your majesty? Naturally, the male fairy in silver armour will not tell. The female fairy in palace costume also immediately replied, "yes, so I'm here? I invited you, too? "

"I can't believe it's so important!" The silver armour male immortal frowned slightly, looked left and right, and said tentatively, "if so, will there be too few immortals in xuantianfu?"

"That person is just the middle level strength of the five elements fairy after no shadow test!" The female fairy in palace costume said with a smile, "even if he hides his strength, it's also the top of Er Qi fairy! To say the least, he has the primary strength of juyuanxian, don't you and me? "

"Ha ha, that's true!" The silver armour male immortal nodded and said with a smile, "I am the immortal General of Xuantian mansion, but I am appointed by the Lord of Shaoying mansion! As long as it can help you fulfill your Majesty's important task.... "

"Thank you so much!" The fairy in Imperial costume replied, "what's the matter with you in xuantianfu, just talk to Jing Yuhan!"

The well wants to be cold to smile to sing to follow to say: "yes, the mansion gentleman adult is useful up my Shao shadow mansion shadow guard's affair, although say with the despicable duty!"

After that, Jing Yuhan turned his eyes and said, "but at this time, xuantianfu is listening to Tianxue's selection of immortals. Two things happen together, but they are in some trouble!"

"No harm, no harm..." The silver armour male immortal waved his hand and said, "the left and right red immortals are selected in the glass realm. You can arrange them in other celestial realms!"

"Hee hee..." The fairy in Imperial costume covered her mouth and said nothing more.

Silver armour male immortal Leng, strange way: "isn't it that you also arrange in Liuli realm?"

Looking at Jing Yuhan, the fairy in palace costume said, "take them to arrange it."

"Yes, my Lord!" Jing Yuhan said to Yingshuai, "Bo Le, wait for you to come with me!"

Yingshuai, Weiying and Shenying get up and rush to the two mansion Lords. After they salute again, they follow Jing Yuhan and go in a hurry. Silver armour male immortal Chong a fairy general to transmit a few words, that fairy general also hastily took a few fairy generals to follow in the past.Then the silver armour male immortal waved around, and all the immortal generals who bowed to salute stood up, still running the immortal array.

Silver armour male fairy looked around and said: "Bao Shan, what's the matter? How to arrange things in liulijing? What's wrong with it? "

"Bao Qiong, it's better to lay a ban on immortals!" The fairy named Bao Shan was about to open her mouth, but she looked around and said carefully, "I just know about it!"

"Good!" The silver crested male immortal named Bao dome carefully took out a tiger head seal. At the urging of the immortal force, a golden bell shaped immortal came out of thin air.

"You can say it!"

"Do you know the real purpose of the selection?"

"It's true that he chose the immortal The real purpose? " Bao Qiong was a little silly and said in a low voice, "isn't the purpose of selecting the right immortal soldiers and generals to fill in the lack of immortal soldiers in the Taichong team?"

"Yupeng, Huihong, Haohui and so on are all for this purpose The real purpose is not for our da Kun national team! "

"I'll go..." Bao Qiong felt that he had heard the biggest joke of the fairyland, and said, "is it difficult to be a supplement to the fairyland soldiers in the Taichong corps, just by the way?"

"Not bad!" Bao Shan said with a smile, "the real purpose of the selection of shaochong immortal is what Shaoying mansion is doing this time!"

"Yes Bao Qiong woke up and said with a bitter smile, "I was suddenly pulled to Huang Zengtian by you. I still don't know what you want me to do. What do you want shaoyingfu to do?"

"It used to be a very important thing for the improvement of the national strength of our country..." Bao Shan explained, "but with the passage of time, the national strength of our country is becoming stronger and stronger. This is not extremely important, but if it can be done, it will also be very beneficial to our country!"

"Baoshan, can you make it clear?" Bao Qiong was a little dissatisfied.

"Hee hee, don't worry. This is a bureau laid by my ancestors long ago. I didn't notice it when I took over Shaoying mansion. I didn't expect that this bureau would be opened one day. Oh, I didn't expect that this bureau is related to the immortal selection of Xuantian mansion. It's really interesting! Let me explain to you

"Go ahead, go ahead, as long as you don't delay your business!"

"It's all right, there's a well to be cold!" Bao Shan said with a smile, "in fact, he can come alone, but with your Majesty's strict order, I have to come..."

"Ha ha, it seems that you don't care too much!"

"It's just a five element immortal. It's enough to have a well to be cold. It's just that I happened to meet the Xuanchong immortal selection. There are some conflicts. I'm afraid there will be mistakes."

"It's true that a long-term layout should be related to the national strength of our country at that time. Now that our country is strong, the success or failure of this layout is not very important!"

"Bao Qiong, do you know?" Bao Shan's eyes turned slightly and looked around. He began to transmit the message. "After I received the message, I was really scared. The secret level of the message was that I had never seen it before. I didn't dare to delay half of it. I immediately sent it to the palace. Of course, I know your majesty is not in the palace. Then, while waiting for your Majesty's will, I immediately look for the previous record, which is also very high in secret level, and I can't even visit it. "

Bao Qiong's curiosity was completely aroused, and he said directly: "don't talk so much nonsense. After your Majesty's will comes, you naturally have the right to explore. Speak quickly..."

"Do you know how our country was founded?"

"It's clear in the history of the country that the former Emperor started from scratch?"

"Can you believe the words in the history of China? Do you believe that I can find another national history from Shaoying mansion? "

"Go ahead, I won't talk!"

"Actually Bao Shan whispered, "before the state of Da Kun, there was a Zihuan state in the enlightenment mainland. The Zihuan Kingdom has a huge sphere of influence, but its foundation is Huang Zengtian. When Zihuan Kingdom develops to yuwantian, it encounters a bottleneck.... "

“…… The descendants of King Zihuan's family withered away, and it was difficult for him to achieve his national strength by relying on his family strength, let alone to develop in the world of desire. Later, his national strength gradually declined under the eyes of other enemies around him. "

“…… In this way, our Bao family had an opportunity to take advantage of it. The former Emperor began to plan for the national destiny of Zihuan. Of course, the specific means are not recorded in Shaoying house. If you want to know, you need to go to the royal family. At that time, our country began to take root and stand out... "

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History is always different from what ordinary people think, so is fairyland. The moment when the mystery is solved will make people very surprised!