Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 980

Seeing the light wave passing by, the old man carefully took out a biyou bead from his arms. A mouthful of blood essence spurted behind, and the bead rushed straight into the sky.

With a low sound of "boom", there is a grass leaf like light and shadow on the falling place of Bizhu. The light and shadow shrink like withering. Bizhu is like a bug on the grass leaf, creeping and disappearing.

About a few breath, a vague voice came: "who?"

The old man's body shape has always been, bowing his hands respectfully: "Weiying was ordered to welcome Yingshuai..."

"Just a moment..."

With the sound, the grass leaf like light and shadow that almost disappeared began to brighten up again. Finally, the old man was covered by a brush. But for a moment, the old man's body was reduced to the size of a bug and disappeared in the grass leaf.

The old man's figure reappeared in a huge space. The space looked boundless, and in the center was an altar shaped immortal array condensed by green stones. Around the immortal array, there are 7749 people of different sizes guarding the immortal array.

And each guard immortal array is composed of hundreds of immortal generals in immortal armor.

The place where the old man fell was just a small platform. In front of the platform was the void of blue light. Dozens of immortal generals were flying around with weapons in their hands. It seemed that they were patrolling.

On the platform, there was an immortal who was shining with silver. The immortal raised his hand to return the blue pearl to the old man and said in a low voice, "there is no message from yuanmingshu. I'm afraid Yingshuai hasn't started yet!"

"No harm, no harm..." The old man named Weiying said with a smile, "I'm going to come here first. There's still a lot of time left for Yingshuai's lower bound."

"Well, in that case, Mr. Weiying is here for a moment..." The immortal general nodded, looked around and said, "I'm going to patrol."

"My Lord, I'll go on duty by myself..." The old man arched his hands in a hurry.

The immortal flew away, leaving the old man standing on the platform.

After a little half an hour, the whole space only had orderly human form flying, and there was no abnormal sound. The old man bowed his head, and Yannian did not dare to release it. Even so, an indescribable pressure flowed with the array, like a millstone rotating slowly, which made the old man unable to straighten up!

"Brush..." All of a sudden, a flame like red light and shadow came out of the space from far away, and then a platform was formed around the fire.

Just now an immortal general was on duty here. He stopped and raised his hand to catch the shadow of the fire. It was a glowing bead of fire. The immortal general frowned and asked, "who?"

"Shen Ying was ordered to welcome Yingshuai..." A charming voice came from the fire.

"Well?" The old man was stunned, and his eyes flashed to the immortal general.

He turned to look at the old man, but his eyes were full of doubt.

The old man shook his head slightly, and the immortal general said, "just a moment!"

Then the immortal took out a token from his waist, put the fire bead on the token, and then raised his hand a little. A black-and-white light spot flew out of the nearest immortal array. The light spot fell on the token and triggered the fire bead. Immediately a leaf shaped ripple mark appeared over the platform. When the immortal shocked the token, a pillar of fire came out of the token light spot and fell into the ripple mark.

"Whoosh..." At the convergence of the pillar of fire, a charming fairy flew out.

When the fairy settled on the platform, she immediately arched her hand and said, "I've seen Liu Tongling..."

"Oh?" The immortal general was supposed to pass the bead of fire. He was stunned for a moment and said, "you Do you know a family? "

"Hee hee..." The fairy covered her mouth and said with a smile, "I'm afraid General Liu has forgotten that the last time I came to Zhenhong to break Tianzhu, General Liu welcomed me in."

"Ha ha," said Liu, who gave the fire bead back to the female fairy with a smile. "It seems that there is something moving in Tianzhu, but it's strange. It's like Yuanming lifting the sky..."

"Damn it The old man of Weiying was a little angry when he heard that. He waited here for a long time, but the immortal general didn't remind him. The Shenying female immortal just stood firm. In a few words, he asked about the news of the change of Qiyao moyitian. Can Qiyao moyitian be the same as Yuanming jutian?

"Who is it?" The old man who hasn't been shadowed thinks about it. Shen yingnv smiles and asks, "haven't seen you for a long time. Are you ok?"

"Average!" The old man didn't want to pay attention to Shenying fairy, but he was still vigilant, "Shenying, why are you here to listen to Tianxue? This should be the area I'm not responsible for, right

"Hee hee..." Shenying female fairy said with a smile, "listen to Tianxue, it's natural that you're not responsible for it. Shenying won't set foot in it, but listen to Tianxue..."

Shen Ying just said, "hum..." The altar shaped immortal array suddenly gave birth to a roaring sound, and immediately saw a flame like vortex rushing out of nothing from the center of the altar shaped immortal array, "Wu..." The flame sweeps over the sky and condenses into a column of light through the space!

In the light column, countless black-and-white overlapping massive air masses fall, until the light and shadow gradually go out, and a nearly 700 Zhang silver figure falls out of thin air.

Weiying old man and Shenying female immortal did not dare to neglect, hastened to urge the platform to fly more than 100 Zhang, bowed and said: "Weiying, Shenying, come to meet Yingshuai..."With the sound of the two immortals falling to the ground, the silver figure also flew out. When the figure flew closer, the silver light of the whole body converged. When it fell in front of the two immortals, the silver light of the whole body completely converged, revealing a handsome and cold male immortal in a black robe. The male immortal picked up the two immortals and said faintly, "get up, you two are working hard..."

"I dare not!" Weiying and Shenying answered in unison, "my Lord, you are laboring."

"No shadow..." Yingshuai looked at the old man and said, "what about that man?"

"I've been in listening to Tianxue..." Weiying replied in a hurry, "according to the instructions of the adults, I dare not disturb you."

"Well..." Yingshuai nodded and said, "well done, isn't the place of liulijing well arranged?"

"Yes Weiying was relieved and replied, "I've reexamined my position, and I don't miss it. Besides, I'm not only sending six Wuxing immortals around liulijing, but also asking xuantianfu to break Tianzhu Garrison and send more than 100 immortal soldiers to ambush around, so as to ensure that everything is safe."

"Six immortals of five elements?" Yingshuai frowned and said, "there are only six five element immortals near Tianxue."

"Yes..." The old man was so nervous that he said in a hurry, "it's too urgent to hear about Tianxue. I don't have many five element immortals under my command, but I've already explored that man's strength, but six five element immortals are enough! And there are more than 100 garrisons in Poxi Tianzhu... "

"Where's Shen Ying?" Without waiting for the old man to finish, Yingshuai turned to ask the fairy.

Shen yingnv immediately bowed herself and said, "I've got to be summoned by my Lord. I'll immediately allocate my staff. Now, 18 five element immortals and 28 high-level immortals are waiting outside Liuli!"

"Good..." Yingshuai couldn't help praising, "if it's successful this time, I'll give you a credit!"

"Thank you, my Lord!" Shen Ying was very happy, and she quickly bowed to her body and said, "but he is more hardworking than before."

"Well, I understand!" Yingshuai nodded, looked at Weiying and said, "Weiying, you You are a little slack! "

"My lord..." The old man said hastily, "I dare not. I have tested the immortal's strength for three times. I've done everything I can!"

"How can there be anything safe in this world?" Yingshuai said with a sneer, "you said that the immortal five element fairy middle level must be five element fairy middle level? He won't have other fairy friends to help him? Can you guarantee that he will never escape after he enters Liuli

Weiying has the heart to say a word, but he swallows it again.

Even without waiting for the shadow, Yingshuai reminded him: "do you know the importance of liulijing?"

"Know, know..." Weiying breathed a sigh of relief and said in a low voice, "the adult once reminded me that I must not scare the snake. Even if he doesn't listen to Tianxue and liulijing, I can't disturb him. I know this is a big deal."

"Actually Yingshuai said faintly, "you don't understand what I remind you, and you don't understand the importance of liulijing! Otherwise You won't just arrange six five element immortals! "

"Yes..." Weiying looked at Shenying. Knowing that it was in vain to say anything at this time, he nodded.

"Actually..." Yingshuai adults smile, said, "I don't know how important liulijing matter is, but I know that I shaoyingfu vice Fu Jun adults want to come personally, do you think this matter is important?"

"Silk..." Even with a smiling face, Shen Ying, who no longer spoke, couldn't help but take a breath of cool air

Yingshuai ignored Shenying and asked Weiying, "is Xuanyi's affair over?"

"Not yet..." Weiying's face was slightly red, and he said in a low voice, "the seven spirits are still missing, but It seems that the seven Spirits really fell into Xuanyi's Huoling holy palace. I haven't been able to get hold of Xuanyi all the time... "

"Don't tell me about it, just keep an eye on it..." Yingshuai adults light said, "seven spirit residual chapter is not ten years of things, don't worry too much. After all, Xuanyi is a vassal state of China's Dakun state, and its face can't be torn. "

"Shen Ying..." Yingshuai turned his head and looked at Shenying fairy, "what about the war among Xuanyi, Moqing and Jipan, besides the information reported, is there any other secret?"

"My lord..." Shen yingnvxian replied in a hurry, "there's evidence to be found. The despicable positions are all written in Mo Xiantong. In the name of Xianxuan, there are wars in the Three Kingdoms, which are fueled by Juling mountain. In addition to these, there seems to be a mysterious organization. I'm not able to explore it! "

"Weiying, is that what you call Jingfei and Lingfei?"


"Don't pay attention to them. There are too many enlightenment forces in mainland China. Let's do our own thing well in Shaoying mansion..."

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The state of Da Kun finally shows its shadow