Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 979

Xiao Hua quickly comforted him and said, "a lucky man has his own appearance. Isn't master Jiang here?"

"Yes, yes!" Guan Tianyue bit his lips and said, "Jiang Xianyou is really trustworthy. With his help, bing'er will be able to get out of the bitter sea!"

Speaking of this, Guan Tian hesitated for a moment and said: "Xiao Xiaoyou, you Who was the immortal elder in your previous life? Zhanglv palace and penalty palace.... "

"Well, I'm in a muddle myself!" Xiao Hua sighed, "it's just some vague skills that are inexplicable, and then it's chasing and killing..."

"Can you be more specific?" Guan Tianyue asked.

Xiao Hua knew that Guan Tianyue wanted to repay himself, but he didn't want to let Guan Tianyue get involved in it. He thought for a moment and said, "I understand what I think, but I only say a few names of the cactus law palace fairy. I can help you pay attention to them, but I must remember that you can't take the initiative to inquire..."

"Well, Guan knows!" Guan Tianyue said with a smile, "as an immortal official of Tianzun mansion, Guan still knows this point!"

Xiao Hua didn't dare to talk to Guan Tianyue more. He just said the names of Wang Lang, Yu Miao, Mo Feiyan and others.

Then, what did Xiao Hua think of? He said, "master Guan, how many tianzuns are there in the enlightenment mainland?"

"Only one!" Guan Tianyue replied, "Yuezhen Tianzun's Tianzun mansion!"

"There is only one heaven in the enlightenment continent?"

"Ha ha..." Guan Tianyue said with a smile, "tianzuns are all above the color world, and Yuezhen Tianzun is not in the enlightenment continent. And Tianzun mansion In fact, it is different from Tianzun's residence. The so-called Tianzun residence is where Tianzun's daily life and teaching disciples are located. Tianzun's residence is more similar to penalty palace and zhanglv palace. Yuezhen Tianzun was in charge of the enlightenment mainland, so he could be in charge of Tianzun mansion. This Tianzun mansion could reach Huang Zengtian, his old man There may be another mansion! "

Speaking of this, Guan Tianyue explained: "in fact, these Guan are not particularly clear, because Guan is only the middle rank immortal officials in Tianzun mansion. Tianzun mansion goes directly to other celestial realms, and there are many high-level immortal officials and many Xin secrets that Guan can't know. You'd better not make more inquiries... "

Of course, Xiao Hua didn't want to ask more about tianzunfu. He took out an object with a smile, but he saw that the object was like a scroll, and there was a layer of pale gold light and shadow on it. When the light and shadow flickered, a virtual shadow of tianzunfu came out and said, "I occasionally get this object, but I don't know if it belongs to tianzunfu, so I asked. If it's useful, you can take it! "

"This This is the mark of Tianji hall! " Guan Tianyue was so surprised that he said, "Tianji hall is an important place for Tianzun mansion to manage and select forbidden areas. Their things are extremely important!"

"I picked it up..." Xiao Hua handed the scroll to Guan Tianyue and said, "since it's a hot taro, please deal with it."

Guan Tianyue took it in his hand, and his eyes glowed with light gold. He said, "well, there is no damage to the prohibition of this thing. If you take it back, it will be a great achievement!"

"Ha ha, congratulations to master Guan!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "master, please put it away. Maybe master Jiang will come out."

"Thank you, little friend!" The more carefully Guan Tian put it away, he said, "the kindness of my little friend Guan keeps in mind!"

"Why be polite when you and I are so friendly?" Xiao huayizhen holds Haotian mirror in his hand. When the light column falls, Jiang Meihua flies out.

"How?" Guan Tianyue asked again.

Jiang Meihua turned pale and said, "although Xiao Xiaoyou helps, Shuo fairy's body surface is too confined. Jiang is barely able to live up to his life. As for how he will live in the future, Xiao Xiaoyou needs to explore more!"

"So be it!" Looking at Guan Tianyue, Xiao Hua wants to enter the space again and says, "master Jiang needs meditation, master Guan needs meditation just after he gets out of trouble, and younger generation also needs to explore the scenery of Shuo fairy. We can't wait to find a place for meditation first, and it's not too late to find the chance after everything is well!"

"So good!" Jiang Meihua said, "Jiang just knew there was a secret place! Let's go... "

Now that Jiang Meihua has said it, Guan Tianyue doesn't have any refutation. He winks at Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua takes in the star array, and they follow Jiang Meihua.

Jiang Meihua first identified the direction, and finally took Xiao Hua and Guan Tianyue to find a rather secret space.

This space is not big, there is a little thin spirit. After Jiang Meihua enters, she nods to Xiao Hua and immediately sits with her knees crossed. The sword shaped seal between her eyebrows flashes, and yellow light and shadow appear on her body surface.

"Why?" Xiao Hua was stunned and said in secret, "Jiang Meihua's eyebrows are clearly marked by eight trigrams. How can they become sword marks now? May he have another adventure... "

Looking at Jiang Meihua's meditation, Guan Tianyue did not dare to neglect him. He sat down with his knees crossed and did not mention his work.

Xiao Hua naturally sat down with his knees crossed. He thought for a moment and knew that it was Jiang Meihua's secret. Since he didn't mention it, he couldn't ask more, otherwise he might reveal his secret space.

Then Xiao Hua entered the space.

Shuo Bing is in the Taoist space at this time, and Xiao Hua's figure falls down. A little exploration has already made it clear.

Jiang Meihua passed the as like as two peas of his practice to Shuo Bing, and there are some signs of his deeds in Shuo Bing, which are exactly the same as Jiang Meihua's coma before.Xiao Hua, a yudie, wants to send shuobing into Longyu space, but there are three female immortals in Longyu space, and the Longyu space has been formed. Although the dragon spirit is strong, the dragon spirit is masculine. Xiao Hua, a yudie, dare not let shuobing in at will.

As for the space of demon alliance, Xiao Hua was afraid of the change of psychic demon species.

"That's all!" Xiao Hua's eyes finally fell on the kingdom of Buddha. He said thoughtfully, "maybe shuobing is predestined with the kingdom of Buddha!"

With that, Xiao Hua sent Shuo Bing into the Buddhist space and fell to the lotus terrace under Jiang liu'er. However, because Xiao Hua had forbidden Shuo Bing, Jiang liu'er didn't know it!

Looking at the Buddha light slowly falling into shuobing's body, Xiao Hua suddenly had an idea: "Damn, shuobing won't cut off his love directly, will he?"

If shuobing cuts off his love directly, Guan Tianyue wants to cry without tears, so Xiao Hua wants to take shuobing out of the Buddhist space. However, at this time, Jiang liuer, as Sakyamuni Buddha, opened his eyes slightly.

Xiao Hua's magic power is that Sakyamuni Buddha can't see it, but the flow of Buddha light in the Buddhist kingdom is very clear to him. The river may not know what happened, but it's different to see the Buddha light. It's just that he smiles at the corners of his mouth, picks up the Sanskrit flowers, and proclaims the Buddha's name: "Amitabha Buddha in the South..."

With the sound of the Buddha's name, the Buddhist flowers are falling, and the light and shadow of the lotus on the lotus stand are blooming one after another.

Xiao Hua could see clearly that the Buddha light had just slowly infiltrated into Shuo Bing before, but now it directly grew lotus everywhere in Shuo Bing, and the Mohong alien species that had been fused with Shuo Bing's blood and spirit also changed quietly!

Xiao Hua felt something in his heart. Standing in front of Sakyamuni's throne, the great mercy Avalokitesvara Buddha immediately realized and declared the Buddha's name: "Nanwu great mercy Avalokitesvara..."

"Namo Amitabha..." The Buddha Guangming Buddha immediately announced the blessing of the Buddha's name. For a time, the Buddha's voice was loud and clear, the Buddha's light was bright, and all kinds of bright life fell into the ice.

"Good!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, stood up with a smile and instantly disappeared the idea of taking shuobing out of the Buddhist space. He praised, "who can know the cause and effect?"

But in a word, the big hand of cause and effect in the sky has some changes. Little bits of broken light mixed with red light and shadow flash through the starry sky. It seems that some of them have been taken away and some of them have been left behind. Even Xiao Hua, the jade die, has only a little insight between the gains and losses.

Xiao Hua's mind gradually became clear. When she met shuobing earlier, Xiao Hua wanted to save shuobing and send her into space. At that time, Xiao Hua's space was far from being formed. Although Xiao Hua found the psychic demon species in shuobing, he didn't know the cause and effect, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

Later, the demon alliance took shape, and Xiao Hua moved to send shuobing into the demon alliance space to solve the danger of shuobing's channeling demon species. At that time, shuobing and Xiao Hua met as early as dazzle and spoil the demon realm. If shuobing entered the space, there would be no subsequent disaster.

But shuobing doesn't agree and leaves, leaving Xiao Hua's plan empty.

After that, the Dragon Kingdom took shape, and Jiang Meihua got into it, got the dragon spirit, gathered the Kirin Dharma, and made the first seal of the immortal kingdom. At that time, Xiao Hua met Shuo ice in the sea.

As long as Shuo Bing nods, she will be able to follow Jiang Meihua's footsteps and have no chance.

It's a pity that shuobing still leaves behind his back, which has already produced a dark fog, and he goes away.

Until this time, shuobing step into the demon clan, it seems that there is no way back, she finally entered the Xiaohua space, body into the Buddha space has never been formed.

Although they are all Xiao Hua's space, the opportunities of demon alliance, dragon Kingdom and Buddha kingdom are very different. Not to mention shuobing's stepping into the dark abyss, but shuobing's skillful opportunity, even from the perspective of Xiao Hua, it seems that it is predestined that it is not Xiao Hua who can control it.

As a result, a thought is born, and the perception of cause and effect is clear again.

"I hope Shuo fairy has good cause and effect..." Xiao Hua's body was covered with red spots, which were like tides and waves. There was a scorpion outline inside. Xiao Hua whispered, "although the cause and effect is small, it is also cause and effect after all. It's just a good introduction. But the cause and effect of the former hematite and xuanjing is really heavy. This introduction just moves them! "

Let's not say that Xiao Hua followed Tianxue to a retreat. It was a more secret place. More than ten faint lights, like the shadow of a whirling tree, rushed in from all parts of the space. When they got close, they gathered slowly. After half a cup of tea, these lights condensed into a human shape. Didn't they happen to be the old man who tested Xiao Hua's strength in Huoping mountain?

After the figure of the old man was revealed, he didn't rush to move. Instead, he patted the top door, and a circle flew out. The circle was rotating and expanding. When the circle was about tens of miles in size, the old man puffed out a breath of fairy Qi, and the circle burst and extended towards the surrounding space!

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The cause and effect in the world is so mysterious that it can't be done sooner or later, but what's the right time?