Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 978

Jiang Meihua replied: "before saving Shuo fairy, Jiang needs to explain a few things to Guan Xianyou..."

"No harm..." Guan Tianyue said, "if you have any difficulties, please let me know."

"One of them..." Jiang Meihua said, "Jiang is a fallen man in Jiang's family. Guan Xianyou must not reveal Jiang's whereabouts!"

"Don't worry!" Guan Tian didn't want to answer.

"Second, Xiao Xianyou is also a fallen man. You can't reveal it either!"

"Ah? How did you fall? " Guan Tianyue is a little surprised and looks at Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua touched his nose and said, "Wei Sheng of zhanglv palace and situ Hong of penalty palace fell with me."

"I see!" Guan Tianyue nodded thoughtfully and said, "this matter will be carefully explored when Guan goes back!"

"If you want to..." Xiao Hua's heart read a way, "absolutely can't be serious, otherwise close elder's life is worrying!"

"Well..." Guan Tianyue replied, "this Guan is the best. Don't worry! My Tianzun palace is different from the penalty palace and the zhanglv palace. Guan, be careful, there will be no problem! "

"Third..." After Guan Tianyue finished speaking, Jiang Meihua said, "after shuobing wakes up, you should worship Jiang Teacher, swear that the skill can't be spread out? "

"Gongfa? The school... " Guan Tian became more and more strange and said, "is it the Jiang family? Do you worship Jiang Xianyou as your teacher? "

"Not the Jiang family!" Jiang Meihua waved her hand and said, "if you want her to worship me as a teacher, I have no problem!"

"Listen to Xianyou!" Guan Tianyue did not hesitate.

"Mr. Jiang can accept the apprentice on behalf of his teacher!" Jiang Meihua didn't dare to joke any more and said seriously, "shuobing is Jiang's younger martial sister!"

"Thank you, Jiang Xianyou!" Guan Tianyue arched his hand and urged, "is there anything else?"

"The rest is not about Xianyou..." Jiang Meihua squinted at Xiao Hua and said, "the fourth is about Xiao Xiaoyou!"

"Alas..." Xiao Hua understood and sighed, "Mr. Jiang, please say it! Shuo Xianzi is kind to you. You can't ignore her life or death! "

"Fairy friend, say it Guan Tianyue urged again.

"Jiang has passed on the skill, and Shuo fairy naturally wants to practice it..." Jiang Meihua said, "before, Jiang was planning to find a Dharma protector with Guan Xianyou, but on the way to listen to Tianxue, Jiang realized something. Moreover, Jiang had to listen to Tianxue and realized another important opportunity, so he didn't have time to help Shuo Xianzi practice. Please..."

"Do you want Xiao Xiaoyou to protect the Dharma?" Guan Tian was more and more anxious. "Xiao you, Guan Mou implored Xiao you to protect the Dharma with Guan Mou!"

"It's not that easy!" Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "it's up to Xiao Xiaoyou to explain this."

"Ha ha, it's nothing!" Xiao Hua raised his hand, took out the Haotian mirror and said, "I have a space fairy in my hand. There is a fairyland hidden in it. In the past, master Jiang was just healing in the inner world. I think Shuo fairy can also benefit from it!"

When Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue look at Haotian mirror, they don't say anything. After all, there is a trace of Confucianism and Immortality in this immortal ware.

"Can Guan go in and have a look?" Guan Tianyue tried.

Looking at Guan Tianyue for shuobing, even life can not, Xiao Hua feel Guan Tianyue more like Li Zongbao, so he said with a smile: "naturally!"

With these words, Xiao Hua urges Haotian mirror, and the light column on it falls and rolls. Guan Tianyue enters Penglai fairyland.

"Xiaoyou, it doesn't seem to be a fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland Jiang Meihua frowned a little and said, "Why are there so many spirits inside?"

Xiao Hua shirked cleanly and said, "I don't know."

"All right!" Jiang Meihua didn't want to investigate more. She said, "there are many Fairies in the fairyland, but there shouldn't be many fairyland like you. You should be careful."

"Well, I know!" Xiao Hua nodded and sent Guan Tianyue out of Penglai fairyland.

"How?" Jiang Meihua said with a smile.

Guan Tianyue nodded frequently and said, "excellent, excellent!"

"Shuo fairy is meditating inside. Can you rest assured?" Jiang Meihua said with a smile.

"Of course, of course!" Guan Tianyue nodded again, "if Guan can protect the Dharma inside, it will be better."

"Jiang Mou does not recommend you to protect the Dharma for Shuo fairy!" Jiang Meihua shook her head.


"One of them..." Jiang Meihua is quite a disciple of the aristocratic family. She speaks in a very methodical way. "Shuo fairy has a strong temper. She has you in her heart. Seeing you around her, she must be distracted. Jiang's skill can't be distracted at all, otherwise she will be doomed!"

"Oh, indeed!" Guan Tian sighed more and more, "bing'er is strong in success and strong in failure!"

"Wrong!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "defeat is also strong, success is also strong!"

"Yes, yes!" Guan Tian more quickly correct, as if he can decide Shuo Bing's life and death in a word.

"Second..." Jiang Meihua said mysteriously, "Jiang is listening to Tian Xue. He has an extremely critical chance and wants to ask Guan Xianyou to help him!"

"It's natural!" Guan Tian didn't want to answer."Where's Xiao you?" Jiang Meihua suddenly turns to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment and said seriously, "if it's the chance of master Jiang, I'd better not go..."

"No harm, no harm..." Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "this chance is not only Jiang's, but also related to his fairy friends. Previously, in chenxiaohai, Jiang had the intention to invite Xiao Xiaoyou, but at that time, Jiang felt that Xiao you's strength was too poor, and there were many opportunities to listen to the fall of Tianxue. Now that Xiao you has the strength of two immortals, he is naturally qualified to meet opportunities. Besides, you and I have no mustard, isn't it better? "

"Cheng..." Xiao Hua didn't think much about it, and said, "I'm going to fight for the two elders."

"Binger, she..." Guan Tianyue is still thinking about shuobing.

"Mr. Jiang is going to spread the Dharma!" Jiang Meihua said, "after passing on the Dharma, Xiao Xiaoyou will bring it into the space. Jiang is only 20% sure of this dharma, but he has Isn't it better than nothing? "

"Yes Guan Tianyue was disappointed, but he looked at Shuo Bing and said with a bitter smile, "it's better to have something than nothing!"

"The most important thing is..." Jiang Meihua explained, "in Xiao Xiaoyou's space artifact, Xiao Xiaoyou can control the ban on Shuo Xianzi!"

"Jiang Xianyou, please Guan Tianyue thought for a moment, he had no choice but to bow and plead.

But Jiang Meihua didn't do it immediately. Instead, she prayed for a moment and kowtowed in the air. Then she got up and raised her hand to Shuo Bing.

However, when Jiang Meihua's fingers fall on shuobing's eyebrows, it's embarrassing. Shuobing's immortal prohibition can't penetrate!

"This What can we do? " The more Guan Tian rubs his hands, the more anxious he is.

Xiao Hua can't laugh or cry. The prohibition on shuobing is what Xiao Hua did. Although it's restricted in the fairyland, it's not something Jiang Meihua can break!

He thought about it for a while and said tentatively, "master Jiang, don't you want to go into the space of the younger generation

"Good, good!" Jiang Meihua's face is a little feverish, and she nods her head in a hurry.

Xiao Hua urges Haotian mirror, the light column falls, but the mind rolls two people into the space.

"Little friend..." Watching Jiang Meihua and shuobing disappear, Guan Tian becomes more and more confused, "such as How about it? "

"Well, it's already preaching the Dharma!" Xiao Hua closed his eyes and didn't answer. Then he opened his eyes and said, "don't worry, master Guan!"

"Thank you Xiao you Guan Tian was more and more overjoyed, and he quickly bowed himself again.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua quickly lifted Guan Tianyue up and said, "master Guan is infatuated. I respect him very much. I think it's similar to a senior brother in Fan Jie!"

"Where's Xiaoyou's elder martial brother?"

"It's time to fly!" Xiao Hua didn't know the news of Li Zongbao's rise from the wizard and Tianren. He only knew that after Cai Zhuoxia's fall, Li Zongbao's will was extremely eliminated, and then the blissful sect almost disappeared in the world of ten thousand demons. Li Zongbao rose strongly and saved the blissful sect with his own efforts.

After that, Li Zongbao was a dragon, but he was no longer depressed. He crossed the world of ten thousand demons and killed the demons alone. Because of Xiao Hua's reason, the disciples of Zaohua sect respected Li Zongbao very much.

However, Xiao Hua knows Li Zongbao's qualifications. He gives Li Zongbao a nine turn gold elixir. With that, how can Li Zongbao not rise?

"I'd like to see this man!" Guan Tianyue was eager in his eyes. "I wonder if Xiaoyou can tell me something about his past?"

"Of course Xiao Hua nodded and told the story of Li Zongbao and CAI Zhuoxia.

After hearing this, Guan Tianyue showed perseverance in his eyes: "yes, even in the ordinary world, as long as a lover gets married, Guan admires Li Zongbao and his lover. He should stick to his heart like Li Zongbao!"

As he said this, Guan Tian remembered something and said, "don't worry, little friend. When Guan goes back to Tianzun mansion, I'll help you find out where Li Zongbao is flying. If you can, Guan will invite him to Tianzun mansion. His character My adult must like it

"So good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and said, "elder martial brother Dai Zongbao, thank you for your help!"

"Well, you are so polite!" With a sigh, Guan Tianyue raises Xiao Hua up and says, "although Guan came late and didn't see Bing Er, Bing Er has a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. If it wasn't for you, she would have fallen long ago. She once told Guan to take care of you, but But now it seems that Xiao you is our benefactor. Why do you need to take care of him? "

Seeing that Guan Tian was more polite, Xiao Hua quickly asked, "what? Master Guan didn't see Shuo fairy? "

"No!" Guan Tianyue smiles bitterly and says, "Guan learned from his friends that bing'er came to listen to Tian Xue, and immediately rushed to her. He thought he could meet her on the road, but when he came to listen to Tian Xue, he never saw her..."

Speaking of this, there are some tears in Guan Tianyue's eyes. "If she's not careful to be seen by other immortals, it's that she's desperate to fly here. Things have come to an irreparable point..."

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