Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 975

"Go..." Xiao Hua doesn't dare to let the dark thing take the lead. He urges his body to flee into the space!

"Brush..." It's dark. It's chasing like a shadow!

However, after chasing a cup of tea, the dark thing was already familiar with Xiao Hua's routine. Several times, it stopped in front of Xiao Hua's head and almost let Xiao Hua Run into it!

Seeing that the space behind him is more and more on the edge, Xiao Hua is suddenly surprised and says in secret: "is this thing just to force Xiao to get nowhere to escape? Is Xiao still fooled by it unconsciously? "

With this idea in mind, Xiao Hua intended to escape to the other side of the space. Sure enough, the dark things blocked the way, and Xiao Hua could not fly by!

"Damn it Xiao Hua low scold, just about to stop in mid air to show means, "roar..." Just listen to Xiao Hua's roar behind him. Isn't it the Xiaoyang immortal beast before?

"It's blocked by monsters!" Xiao Hua was surprised.

"Brush..." At this time, not far away from the space, there are blue light and shadow flash, the void was torn, previously a cactus will Xiao Hua knocked over immortal flying back!

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua couldn't help stealing music. Needless to say, the immortal had to turn around when he met Xiaoyang immortal beast. But before he finished laughing, Xiao Hua suddenly came to realize that the immortal was much more powerful than himself. What strength was Xiaoyang immortal beast that even he wanted to avoid?

Sure enough, behind the immortal, a golden light is like the rising sun, flying from the void. There are five or six of them!

"My God! This is not for Xiao's life! " Xiao Hua's smile was stiff on his face. Two Xiaoyang immortal beasts forced him to escape. Six Xiaoyang immortal beasts were enough to kill himself!

"Haw..." Seeing the golden light in the sky and the immortal turning around, the dark thing screamed twice, seemed to be sneering, and immediately stopped chasing. With more than a thousand feet of wings in the air, the blood light in the eyes flashed, and the inexplicable sneer showed.

"Hum..." The immortal fell down, looked back and forth, received the silver light, and hummed coldly, "what about the seed of the mandrill? Why don't you take it out now? "

"Lian Master Lian Xiao Hua looked at the immortal showing his true face and exclaimed in surprise.

I see that the immortal with more than a thousand immortal bodies is not the Lian Xiuyuan of chaobi Pavilion? But at this time, Lian Xiuyuan was much stronger than before. Although he had received the silver light, there was still a slight distortion on his body surface, which should be the Space folding caused by Xianli's introverted.

"Oh?" Lian Xiuyuan looked at Xiao Hua and said in surprise, "do you know me?"

Xiao Hua woke up and quickly nodded: "I've been to chaobi Pavilion, and I've tasted xianjiu..."

"Ha ha..." Lian Xiuyuan was embarrassed and said with a smile, "there are too many immortals going to chaobi Pavilion. I can't remember them clearly."

With these words, Lian Xiuyuan said solemnly again: "since you know me, I'm not polite. Take out the eggs of Mo mandrill and lead these Xiaoyang immortal beasts to devour each other!"

Xiao Hua just wanted to raise his hand, but he looked at the Xiaoyang immortal beast behind Lian Xiuyuan and said with a bitter smile, "if it was OK before, I'll take it now It's a bit of a cover up, isn't it

"Hey, hey..." Lian Xiuyuan looked back and saw that six Xiaoyang immortal beasts were also standing in the air, blocking the space, so he had to say, "really!"

Just at the right time, the ink mist around the mandrill in front of Xiao Hua's head covered the air, and a fierce murderous spirit gradually forced Xiao Hua and Lian Xiuyuan. Behind Xiao Hua's back, the Xiaoyang immortal beast has a dazzling golden light all over its body. It pierces the dark space. Six Xiaoyang immortal beasts form a row and slowly move towards Xiao Hua and Lian Xiuyuan.

"Master Lian..." Xiao Hua said in a hurry, "we What shall we do? "

"What to do?" Lian Xiuyuan's eyes turned quickly and said casually, "naturally, he ran away. The skin of these Xiaoyang immortals is rough and the flesh is thick. I can only hurt them but I can't kill them. If I want to hurt one of them, I have to risk being besieged by several Xiaoyang immortals. It's really unwise! As for this mandrill, NND, I can only confine it for a few breath. It's harder to hurt it than to set foot on a real immortal! "

With that, Lian Xiuyuan shook his figure and said, "you and I are going in the same direction. If I don't predict, there will be two Xiaoyang immortal beasts chasing you..."

When Xiao Hua's heart turns sharply and his body moves in the other direction, he says: "master Lian, I have some immortal tools that hurt Mohong, but I can't catch up with him..."

"I understand!" Lian Xiuyuan listened to this and was very happy, but he said faintly, "go your own way first, look at my signal!"

Xiao Hua understood that the messenger agreed and urged him to escape. Sure enough, two of the six Xiaoyang immortal beasts flew out. They were the two who had fought with Xiao Hua before, and they were roaring after him.

Xiao Hua may not be the enemy of the two Xiaoyang immortal beasts, but it's much easier for him to escape in the space. Especially Xiao Hua sometimes holds out the wishful stick and "boom" on the slightly smaller Xiaoyang immortal beast, causing the Xiaoyang immortal beast to howl.

It was about a long time when Xiao Hua suddenly heard Lian Xiuyuan's voice. Without turning his head back, he flew up to the mandrill like a flash of light.Originally, it was Lian Xiuyuan who was fighting with Mohong. At this time, he turned his head and saw an immortal vessel like a wine bottle The sound of a smash to a Xiaoyang fairy beast.

When Mo mandrill saw Xiao Hua coming, "chirp" hissed like a sneer, and rushed to Lian Xiuyuan's figure in the middle of the sky, a beautiful whirl, "brush" rushed to Xiao Hua, especially in the water like body, which also gave birth to a sharp claw, which was more powerful than before. The dark light and shadow condensed into a spiral, and there were fine grains in the fog. The faint strange hissing spread from inside Out!

The sharp claw just detected that Xiao Hua had a sharp pain on his chest. Xiao Hua quickly patted his eyebrow, and the immortal mark in the starry sky opened, "whoosh..." An ordinary fairy piece flies out just in front of the chest.

As soon as the artifact fell, "Peng" burst, and mandrill's claws came out of the void!

"Fight..." Lian Xiuyuan, who rushed to Xiaoyang immortal beast, suddenly turned his body and raised his hands, "Wu..." Another wine bottle shaped immortal vessel flew out, and the wine bottle was filled with a sweet wine light column, which just covered the mandrill!

"Haw..." Mohong neighs twice, and the ink gas around him is washed to the extreme by the light column of wine color. Moreover, the light column will confine the space of thousands of feet to the left. Mohong can't even struggle.

Only the dark body of mandrill whistling again, giving birth to the size of the mark, the mark flashing Xuan disc spin, began to resist the light column of its imprisonment!

Xiao Hua knew that his opportunity had come, and his figure urged him to "brush..." With a loud sound, beyond the light column of wine color, then the immortal trace of the star sky opened, and the chance had already revealed a crack in the eye of the broken and false method. At this time, "hum..." The sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling, the sun shooting arrow flashing, biyou and Baisen Guangyao shooting at Mohong!

"Haw, haw..." Mo mandrill was extremely afraid of shooting the sun arrow. He hissed wildly in his mouth, and his whole body was so big that even Lian Xiuyuan's wine bottle could not be imprisoned!

"Damn it Lian Xiuyuan scolded, just about to raise his hand and pat Xianchen, "boom..." Wine color light column broken, ink mandrill body instant dim!

When you see Mohong, you're about to run away, "poof..." With a light sound, the arrow goes through the mandrill and fades into the outline of the smoke Haw Haw... " Mohong's shrill scream was very long, but when the arrow passed by, Mohong's body flashed a little red flame, and then a wisp of fog, which was three times darker than Mohong's, flashed in the air. When it was inhaled by the arrow, Mohong's body immediately turned into a light of different colors and quickly disappeared!

"Great goodness!" Lian Xiuyuan saw this and couldn't help laughing. "I didn't expect you were really powerful!"

Xiao Hua was about to speak when his face turned white and his figure fell more than a thousand feet!

Lian Xiuyuan "Wu..." The sound of a blow, Xiao Hua suddenly under a cloud will hold Xiao Hua.

"Master..." Xiao Hua said with a bitter smile, "I'm afraid I can't help you any more."

"Hey, hey..." Lian Xiuyuan laughed and said, "I've never heard of using the technique of taboo, but also the immortal power!"

In other words, the immortal mark between Lian Xiuyuan's eyebrows suddenly brightened up, and a bud like nine colors came into being. The nine colors fell on the wine bottle that had stopped in the middle of the sky. Suddenly, the glory burst through the void and smashed into a Xiaoyang immortal beast not far away.

Xiao Hua killed Mo mandrill. The four Xiaoyang beasts who attacked Lian Xiuyuan crazily were stunned on the spot. The two who chased Xiao Hua were afraid and retreated slowly.

And at this time, see wine bottle hit, that Xiao Yang fairy beast out of shock, quickly wave claws to resist. Unfortunately, this wine bottle is quite different from the previous one. It just waved its claws, and the wine bottle has been hit in front of its head. With a bang, it overturned Xiaoyang immortal beast.

"Ouch..." Xiaoyang fairy's skin opened and meat burst. He hissed in a low voice and ran away!

What makes Xiao Hua even more incredible is that as soon as the Xiaoyang immortal beast escaped, the others also ran away in a hurry without saying a word!

Looking at Xiao Hua's dumbfounded, Lian Xiuyuan said with a smile: "don't look at the valiant and powerful beasts, but they like to fight in groups, and they are timid, but if there is something wrong, they run away immediately..."

"Yes, yes..." Xiao Hua nodded and looked at the Xiaoyang immortal beast who had just been hurt by himself. Occasionally, he looked back at himself, and his heart moved. "Do they have to go to find help?"

Sure enough, Lian Xiuyuan continued: "when they find more of the same kind, they will come back to encircle and suppress. Let's destroy the seed of Mohong here. Let's go!"

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The silver figure turns out to be Lian Xiuyuan. Xiao Hua and Lian Xiuyuan work together to kill Mo mandrill. If Mo mandrill in Shuo ice is mature, what magic power it is!