Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 976

Seeing that Lian Xiuyuan was flying to the remaining ice wood in the space, Xiao Hua quickly followed behind him and yelled: "master Lian, since it's going to be destroyed, I don't want to send it to you..."

Lian Xiuyuan turned to look at Xiao Hua, narrowed his eyes and asked, "do you know what this mandrill is?"

"It's the psychic beast of the demon League!" Xiao Hua answered without hesitation.

"Now that you know it, why don't you destroy it?" Lian Xiuyuan said coldly, "don't you know what it means to be a psychic monster?"

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, and said carefully: "I really know what the psychic monster means, but this thing is of great use to me!"

"Great use?" Lian Xiuyuan asked, "what's the big use?"

"This..." Xiao Hua took these kinds of mandrills to send them into the demon alliance space, but how can he tell Lian Xiuyuan?

Seeing Xiao Hua's hesitation, Lian Xiuyuan stood still in the mid air, staring at Xiao Hua like electricity, and said, "do you want to cultivate psychic demon species?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua took a look at the distant ice wood and said, "aren't these all psychic demon species?"

"Ha ha, you didn't know that!" Lian Xiuyuan laughed and said with profound meaning, "is it difficult for me to misunderstand you?"

"Please teach me!" Xiao Hua sighed, "I want to raise some demons to keep these demons. Let's not let me make a big mistake."

"Mohong is certainly a psychic monster..." Lian Xiuyuan thought for a moment, seemed to judge the truth of Xiao Hua's words, and then said, "but not all the demon species it produces are psychic demon species. In this space in front of you, all the demon species can only produce one psychic demon species, and all the demon species will be devoured by that psychic demon species!"

"Silk..." Xiao Hua took a breath of cold air, and immediately thought of the demon species in shuobing, and the space where shuobing got the demon species!

"It's just weird..." Lian Xiuyuan frowned and said, "before I passed here, I didn't notice the psychic demon. But before I could find the demon, Mohong had found me. But since Mohong appears, it means that the psychic demon species have been produced, so I can't escape Mohong's pursuit, so I just come to find the psychic demon species again... "

All of a sudden, Xiao Hua suddenly realized that the kind of mandrill found by shuobing is not an ordinary animal egg, but one of the most psychic demon species in the world. When shuobing comes to listen to Tianxue, it's not so much that she wants to solve the problem of psychic demon species erosion as it's the call of mandrill. And shuobing's own blood also obscures the breath of psychic demon species, which makes Lian Xiuyuan unable to explore.

The idea of lianxiuyuan completely kills Xiao Hua's idea of taking shuobing out of the space and asking him. Needless to say, when lianxiuyuan sees shuobing, he definitely wants to kill it.

"It's the real Mohong after the psychic demon grows up. Do you think you can control the psychic monster that even I can't resist?"

Xiao Hua pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "I think I can!"

"Ha ha..." Lian Xiuyuan laughed and said, "well, let me have a look at your true accomplishments, otherwise I won't let go of these Mo mandrills at will!"

"All right!" Xiao Hua thought, as soon as he patted his eyebrows, a blue and red light column gushed out. This light column fell into Xiao Hua's body surface, and the Yin and Yang light came out of the body, condensed into 416 pieces, which flashed rapidly. Moreover, in the light of yin and Yang, there were dragon patterns and phoenix feathers flying like the clouds.

"Oh? It's already... " Lian Xiuyuan raised his eyebrows and was just about to say, "brush..." Sixteen green and red halos began to melt each other, and there was a trend of condensation. But at this time, Xiao Hua patted his own top door, and "boom" the top door of Qingguang gushed out, covering Xiao Huaxian's body in an instant. In the "click" Qingming, Xiao Huaxian's body soared!

Lian Xiuyuan had a strange look in his eyes. Looking at Xiao Hua's immortal body, he said with a bitter smile: "it turns out that Xiaoyou already has the strength to gather Yuanxian. It seems that I've lost my sight. This demon You can barely keep it

Xiao Hua accepted the body surface vision and said with a smile: "the younger generation's method is just a small skill of carving insects. Compared with the older generation, it's nothing."

"Well..." Lian Xiuyuan looked up at one place and said, "since that's the case, I don't say much. You can do it yourself!"

"Wait a moment, master..." Seeing that Lian Xiuyuan was about to leave, Xiao Hua said in a hurry, "I remember that my predecessor once said that he wanted to exchange the wine offering code for the fruit of the underworld..."

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Lian Xiuyuan was already in a dazzle. He looked up and down at Xiao Hua and said, "what's the name of Xiao you?"

Xiao Hua didn't understand and replied casually, "young master Xiao!"

"Ah?" Lian Xiuyuan looked at Xiao Hua strangely and said in shock, "you are Xiao Xiao Hua

"This This... " Xiao Hua didn't know how Lian Xiuyuan saw through himself, but since Lian Xiuyuan asked him face to face, he hesitated for a moment and had to answer, "I'm really Xiao Hua, but But how did you see through it? "

"Hahaha, hahaha..." Lian Xiuyuan laughed and said, "I'll tell you, how can Xiao Xiaoyou be buried in seclusion? Even Xiao Liu doesn't believe it. How can I doubt it? "

"Xiao Liu?" Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment. He immediately bowed and said, "thank you for saving Xiao Liu!""You're welcome!" Lian Xiuyuan lifted Xiao Hua up and said, "I need you to break through some bottlenecks. Naturally, I want to give you a gift back

At this point, Lian Xiuyuan stopped for a moment, and then said, "besides, some nephew of my later life has a very good impression on Xiao Liu. I don't look at the monk's face, do I have to look at the Buddha's face?"

"Nephew of the elder generation?" Xiao Hua suddenly said with a smile, "is that Xiao Qi?"

"Ha ha, Xiao Qi is different from an ordinary immortal. He is a little jumpy. Please forgive Xiao Xiaoyou for offending him!"

"Where, where!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "I like Xiao Qi's temperament very much. Those are all jokes. I don't care much."

"Xiao Xiaoyou found Mingguo?" Lian Xiuyuan looks even more anxious than Xiao Hua, and can't help asking.

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded, his mind fell into the space, and took out some of the dark fruit seals.

"Great!" Looking at the perfect Mingguo in Xiao Huajing's box, Lian Xiuyuan could not help but caress his hand and said, "it's really powerful to come to the business alliance in an endless stream!"

With that, Lian Xiuyuan looked at Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "do you know why I guess it's Xiaoyou?"

Xiao Hua touched his nose and said with a bitter smile, "naturally, it's the fruit of hell!"

"It's not Pluto!" Lian Xiuyuan explained, "it's the code of offering sacrifices to wine."! Although I have talked about the ghost fruit with many immortals, it is different from the price promised by each immortal. Only Xiao Xiaoyou is interested in the old man's law of offering sacrifices to wine! "

"The younger generation can't concentrate on the cultivation, but it's a joke for the elder generation to have some distractions."

"Concentrate on cultivation?" Lian Xiuyuan's face showed a trace of strangeness and asked, "what do you do with your concentration?"

"Since Nature is to make a real immortal... " Xiao Hua was also surprised and stammered, "and then set foot in the great Luoxian to become the God!"

"Ha ha..." Lian Xiuyuan laughed a little, as if he heard the funniest joke in fairyland.

"Isn't that right?" Xiao Hua suddenly thought of something and asked with a slight frown.

Lian Xiuyuan stopped laughing easily and said, "If heaven is the one who can get it, I'm afraid the immortals in the fairyland will try their best to cultivate it! But then again, if the fairyland is heaven, heaven is not worth any money. "

When Xiao Hua was about to say something more, Lian Xiuyuan waved to him to stop talking and said to himself, "in fact, there are many things in the fairyland that are more interesting than cultivation, such as alchemy, casting utensils, making amulets, and even making wine. Xiao Hua, listen to me... "

Then Lian Xiuyuan clapped his hands and sang: "great, the way of wine! Its taste is suitable to be sweet and sweet, and its interest is intended to be refreshing! It can guide human nature and reason, and can melt every inch into confusion It can promote the mind, guide the Qi and nourish the form, eliminate the worries and eliminate the troubles, and suit the mood. It can sell thousands of people because of yesterday's dream, and it can measure the robbery from the dust Make the quality of the text, just benevolent, humble forget cheap. Difficult forget poor. They are wise and stupid, but they are good at the same thing. Taste the flowing clouds and drink carefully, sweep the sky Mind wandering, heart longitudinal Yaoyao. The light of heaven is calm and leaves everything behind, and the root dust is free and forgets six uses. Tao's temperament makes him naive, and he seems to forget Qi Jun The so-called "three cups lead to the main road, one fight is natural!"

As soon as the word was finished, it seemed as if Xiao Hua had drunk three glasses of immortal wine!

Xiao Hua couldn't help but caress his hand and said: "good!"

"Alas..." When Lian Xiuyuan looks at Xiao Hua, he raises his hand and sends out a ink immortal pupil which looks like a wine bottle. It is in front of Xiao Hua, while Lian Xiuyuan himself goes away. A voice of regret remains in the air. "With your strength, you may not be able to help me find the legendary wine country. With your understanding, you may not be able to brew the legendary baying sad liquid. It's a pity that you don't like wine, but you should be more professional It's a pity, a pity, a sigh, a mistake, a mistake, a mistake

"Congratulations, master..." Xiao Hua takes over Mo Xiantong, and Yannian sweeps it. He knows that it's the code of offering sacrifices to wine he wants. He quickly bows down and says, "I hope you can give me Xiao Liu's whereabouts."

"Xiao Liu followed Xiao Qi to Xieyu palace, but I tried out Xiao Liu. He didn't want to be attached to Xieyu palace. As for where Xiao Liu went, I'm afraid only Xiao Qi knows!"

Since Xiao Hua knew that Bai Xiaotu was safe and satisfied, he raised his voice and said with a smile, "thank you, master!"

There is no accident for Xiao Hua when Lian Xiuyuan leaves. After all, the Tao is different and does not conspire with each other. In the hands of Lian Xiuyuan, the code of offering sacrifices to wine is just a secret of wine making, while in the hands of Xiao Hua, it is the key of cultivation. Lianxiuyuan is just like Yu Yazi who Xiao Hua met before. They don't care about cultivation, they only care about their own enjoyment.

Although it is the same fairyland, but the pursuit of each immortal is different, perhaps only in this way, the fairyland will be rich and colorful!

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Xiao Hua not only got the news of Bai Xiaotu's safety, but also got the "code of sacrificial rites". This time, the harvest is not small!