Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 974

Seeing that Jiang Meihua can't even transmit sound, where doesn't Xiao Hua know that his immortal power is frozen? Looking at the Dragon Spirit in him, Xiao Hua knows that if Xiao Jin had not just left the space, the Dragon Spirit from the Dragon space would have inspired Jiang Meihua's dragon spirit, and he would not have found this strange place.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to act rashly. First, he looked around and found no ambush. Then he sacrificed the Kunlun mirror. Xianli urged the light to fall down and cover more than ten ice trees, including Shuo Bing. Then, with a wave of the ice sword, his mind rolled all the ice trees into the space.

Just as Xiao Hua wanted to enter the space to explore, he heard a loud bang. The sky seemed to be hit hard by a big hand, and the whole space was shaking. Immediately, a bright light came down from the sky. Within the light and shadow, a silver figure with a height of more than 1000 feet fell down!

"Ah?" The silver man's eyes swept away, and he was surprised. His eyes were in a mess, which was beyond his expectation.

Xiao Hua's heart was filled with joy. After all, he was the first to sweep away the space psychic demon. However, when he saw the immortal figure and heard that the immortal population was surprised, he was frightened again. Needless to say, this immortal must be Hualing immortal. What Hualing immortal wants is taken by himself. Does he have a good end? He couldn't help cursing himself: "Damn it!"

It seems that Xiao Hua has something in mind. While Xiao Hua scolds him secretly, the immortal's eyes also fall on Xiao Hua. The immortal's spirit is defeated and says: "Damn it! You are not good at my big business... "

With that, the silver figure waved his hand and slapped him. Xiao Hua was slightly angry. He didn't intend to share some with the elder, but the elder wanted to kill himself without saying a word. How could Xiao Hua bear it?

"Hum..." Xiao Hua snorted coldly. He rubbed his hands to resist, but just as he Xianli urged, "brush..." The light and shadow of a big hand passed through the space early and fell into Xiao Hua's eyes!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was surprised by the silver figure method. His body flashed quickly. He hit Xiao Hua with a big hand on his shoulder. The strength of his palm was strange. Xiao Hua felt that his strength was not strong enough, but he couldn't resist it, so his body rolled in the air!

"Well, you can do it yourself..." With a sigh, the silver figure kept moving towards the end of the space!

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua stood still in mid air, looking at the silver figure in a daze.

"Old Master... " Xiao Hua hesitates, Xiaojin flies over and carefully raises many tentacles.

"Well..." Xiao Hua knew that Xiao Jin's tentacles were full of ice wood, and he answered casually, "Wu..." Little golden hair hands and feet a Yang, a lot of ice wood such as meteorite fell down!

"Hum..." Xiao Hua was a little angry. Xiao Jin didn't do it once or twice. Why didn't he have a long memory?

Xiao Hua's heart and mind are rolling, and the ice wood is the income space, while Xiao Jin shrinks and is scared by Xiao Hua's cold hum.

"Haw..." Just at this time, where the silver figure flew in, a strange voice sounded. As soon as the voice came out, it was cold all around. Xiao Hua's spirit was dancing in his mind, as if he was going to come out of his body.

"Not good..." Xiao Hua suddenly understood the meaning of the silver figure words. He didn't even want to think about it. He covered himself with gold and said, "let's go..."

It's a pity that Xiao Hua is still late. Before his voice falls to the ground, "brush" a dark light and shadow that is three points faster than the lightning, passing through the previously torn space and falling on the top of Xiao Hua's head!

The dark light and shadow suspended in the air, a pair of blood red eyes staring at Xiao Hua, unspeakable horror from the bottom of Xiao Hua's heart, Xiao Hua did not even see the shape of light and shadow, Xianli immediately urged to escape, but at this time, "no..." Xiao Jin's trembling voice rang out. Xiao Jin got out of Xiao Hua's mind and rushed towards the dark light and shadow!

"Damn it Xiao Hua low scolds a way, "you want to seek to die?"

Xiao Hua said that the art of Guangdun had already been urged. He had already made up his mind to arrange everything. However, Xiaojin's stay was out of his expectation. It was too late for Xiao Hua to stop Guangdun at this time!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua's body faded like water, and there appeared a halo like cotton wool in front of him. Xiao Hua naturally could not give up Xiao Jin, but his body still fell into the light and shadow like inertia. However, what made Xiao Hua's soul fly out of the sky happened!

But see dark light and shadow suddenly open wings, "Peng..." Like ink, the wings cover the space instantaneously, and a sharp claw protrudes from the front chest of "brush" light and shadow, which hits Xiaojin. On Xiaojin's golden body surface, "Ka" gives birth to a thin impression, and Xiaojin's body shape rolls in the air.

At the same time, another claw appeared on the body of light and shadow. The claw "brushes..." Qingxiang goes into a space where Xiao Hua just enters the flocculent halo and sees a whip like shadow coming. This is the first time Xiao Hua meets him after he has refined himself into Guangdun. Xiao Hua is caught off guard.

"Pa" of a, that long whip draws on Xiao Hua body, living to beat Xiao Hua from light escape!

"Roar..." Xiao Hua's body appears in the space in a mess. Xiao Jin's body is rolling. He immediately feels Xiao Hua's breath. With a roar, the golden light comes out of his body, and the dragon pattern is crazy in the air. You can imagine that the mountain like momentum is climbing up, and it has turned into a strange dragon shape in a moment!"Wu..." Xiao Jin didn't wait for the dragon shape to condense, and the clouds came out all over his body. He threw his teeth and claws at the dark light and shadow, but he still cried in his heart, "master, you Go on

Xiao Hua's eyes are slightly moist, but he is not the little centipede who only obeys his own orders!

"Haw Click, click... " The dark light and shadow made a strange sound, and immediately saw the wings of the light and shadow agitate, "poof poof poof" countless pieces of dark light falling towards Xiaojin like a storm.

"Law fragment?" Xiao Hua's eyes swept, and immediately exclaimed, "Xiao Jin, flash..."

Although Xiaojin has the image of the Dragon ancestor in the Dragon Kingdom, he is still small after all. How can he resist such a strong law attack?

The rule of "boom and boom" falls, and Xiaojin's whole body explodes like a firecracker. The explosion seems to be very common, but when you look at it and tear Xiaojin's whole body to pieces, Xiao Hua knows that if the explosion is placed in any world, it's afraid that one side of the world will be destroyed!

"Xiaojin..." Xiao Hua's voice was hysterical. He raised his hand to sacrifice the sword. Xianli didn't want to fall like Qian Jing. "Brush..." The object with nose and eyes appeared on the sword gourd. At this time, the object's eyes flashed with biyou light and shadow. When the dark light and shadow saw the object, their body trembled slightly, and their open wings closed with a "whoosh", as if they were afraid!

Without hesitation, Xiao Hua said, "brush..." The black-and-white zhulingyuan light poured out and fell towards the dark light and shadow. Seeing that zhulingyuan light was about to penetrate into the dark light and shadow, "Peng..." Dark light and shadow body, suddenly blooming Epiphyllum black halo, this halo rapid rotation, it is zhulingyuan light hold!

"Destroy..." Xiao Hua roared, and Xianli urged him again. Unfortunately, he didn't wait for Xianli to fall into Jianhu With a loud noise, the sword Hu was dark. Then the sword Hu rushed up into the sky. Xiao Hua saw that there were claw like cracks on it!

Xiao Hua's heart and mind rolled, and quickly put the sword into space. Just after the sword disappeared, "brush" a claw to scratch the virtual shadow of the sword!

The dark light and shadow failed to capture the sword Hu, and a "chirp" appeared in his mouth Sound, body shape is a flash, like lightning rushed to Xiao Hua in front of a claw quickly catch to Xiao Hua's heart!

Xiao Hua color change, but not too much panic, his body is also a flash, light flash!

"Haw..." The dark light and shadow were a little surprised and rushed to Xiao Hua again. Xiao Hua's eyes turned slightly and flew towards the deep space.

Xiao Hua's evasion is not regular. He jumps East and West. Although the dark light and shadow are fast, he can't catch up with Xiao Hua for a while.

"Haw..." After chasing for a moment, the dark light and shadow suddenly wake up and turn to look behind him. Xiao Jin doesn't know when he has been taken in by Xiao Hua!

"Haw "Click..." Black light and shadow again issued angry voice, black light with wings scattered!

"Hum, is Xiao afraid of you?" Xiao Hua hummed coldly, patted his eyebrows, opened the immortal mark in the starry sky, and the green and red light column fell down, so did the "brush" fire wave!

"Wu Wu Wu..." The law of fire touches the law fragments of dark light and shadow, and instantly turns into a sea of fire to block those light and shadow. Watching the light fragments smash in the fire, the dark light and shadow roar again.

By the light of the fire, Xiao Hua could see the dark light and shadow clearly, but he saw that the light and shadow was very strange. A black body with no shape flowed like liquid. On the body, two wings appeared suddenly. The style of the wings was also strange, such as thin wings, such as plumes. Wisps of fog rolled out from the wings. At the top of the liquid body, inside a pair of oval black holes, there are blood red light and shadow in the fire light, which shows the anger of the dark light and shadow.

"This thing is powerful..." Xiao Hua thought to himself, "I'm afraid we have to use some means! Xiao has already used Pangu axe and wanmietiandou. These two weapons can't be used for the time being. Bianan and Yabi don't know whether they can make contributions. However, the speed of this object is too fast. Even if Xiao has some means, he is afraid that he can't show it! "

Xiao Hua thought more and more, he was more and more sad. For a moment, he didn't know how to kill it!

Xiao Hua thought that the sea of fire was about to go out, and the dark thing's wings trembled again, looking ready to attack again.

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Xiaojin is really good, more and more atmosphere! Who was the spirit changing immortal just now?