Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 973

"Roar..." Later, Xiaoyang immortal beast seemed to hear the pain of Xiao Hua's destruction. He became more angry and roared. The whole space was shaking, and the golden light of the sun came out from the place where the tiger's claws were raised!

"Boom..." The stars fall, the fire light tassels, without waiting for the claws to fall, Xiao Hua's wound is cracked again!

Xiao Hua forced to fly, this time, instead of holding up Ruyi stick, he sacrificed frost sword!

"Wu..." Strange wind roaring sound, layers of frost burst into the fire, "bang bang" burst in the ear, but, before the frost Sword Pierced, Juli mixed with fury has come, Xiao Hua's body is hard to resist, can only retreat!

Xiao Hua has been thinking about it for a long time. The place where his body falls is the Qingbei, but when he sees a ripple on the Qingbei, Xiao Hua's body disappears!

Xiaoyang immortal beast's claws, lightning and flint, hit on the disappearing green stele!

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the green stele and the stone beam were smashed to pieces, the stone fragments were flying around, and the light and shadow were scattered everywhere. Xiao Hua, who was covered with a blue texture, suddenly fell into a dark cloud like an arrow and disappeared!

"Roar..." At this time, the smaller xiaoyangxian beast also flew forward and roared angrily. The bigger xiaoyangxian beast looked at the collapsed body of the smaller xiaoyangxian beast and put out his tongue to lick it. The smaller xiaoyangxian beast made a sound and rubbed his head on the bigger xiaoyangxian beast!

"Roar..." Xiaoyang fairy beast looks at where Xiao Hua and xiaoxiangzi come from, hesitates a little, roars a little, and flies back to the outline of the space passage that will be closed with a little Xiaoyang fairy beast!

Xiao Hua fell into the Qingbei, and the familiar pressure of transmission was born. He was glad to know that it must be the Qingbei sent by other immortals outside of Tianxue. At this time, he could escape from Tianxue by using it.

Xiao Hua had just fallen into the transmission immortal array, and the epicenter of the whole transmission channel began to collapse. Before he used the technique of light escape, a halo of dark fog appeared in front of him, and Xiao Hua couldn't think much about it. His body had been inhaled by the halo.

"Well..." Sensing the growing ice around him, Xiao Hua knew that he had fallen into another space. He shrugged his shoulders and said in secret, "it's good to escape! One of these two Xiaoyang immortal beasts is more powerful than the other. Xiao should not be inferior in dealing with either one, but if he is superior to the other two, he will only be defeated! Fortunately, before, Xiao had a lot of heart, so he took the Qingbei away, otherwise... "

Thinking of this, how does Xiao Hua activate the teleportation immortal array in the Qingbei of nahan? After teleportation, if the Qingbei is not destroyed by Xiaoyang immortal beast, will the Qingbei fly out with him? Whether listening to Tianxue or Youji, Xiao Hua didn't see where Qingbei was after transmission!

While thinking about it, Xiao Hua's body has fallen into the dark space, which is extremely cold. Even Xiao Hua can't help shivering.

Xiao Huayan didn't dare to go far. He just swept around and found that it was a place full of rocks, so he found a rock to fall at will.

After a closer look, I didn't find anything else. My mind rushed into the space.

Xiaoxiangzi's corpse is almost a crumb of flesh. It's so miserable. Where is there a trace of life? However, Xiao Hua also knew that when he was involved in xiaoxiangzi, he also used the netherworld force. If there was no accident, xiaoxiangzi's ghost would also be brought into space.

"Alas With a sigh, Xiao Hua raised his hand to dig a big hole in the fairyland space and buried xiaoxiangzi's body. He said in a low voice, "xiaoxiangzi, the way of heaven can't be deceived. I've reminded you again and again that if you don't want to be greedy and don't find something to restrain shuobing, how can you end up in the end? It's also my fault. I shouldn't help you get rid of the earth fire, wind and thunder, and release the Xiaoyang immortal beast... "

"Now that you have come to such an end, I don't want to say anything. I hope you are still a good man who is honest and kind after your reincarnation!"

As a matter of fact, xiaoxiangzi died as early as the last time he came to hear that Tianxue had been buried. He took the eggs of Xiaoyang immortal beast and refined them into his own supernatural power. Xiaoyang immortal beast naturally wanted to seek revenge on him. If he didn't come to listen to Tianxue, xiaoxiangzi had only one death.

Of course, Xiao Hua did not understand the real cause of xiaoxiangzi's death.

Xiaoxiangzi's mysterious smile was actually caused by Xiaoyang fairy beast demon species. Xiaoxiangzi's cultivation method can't be compared with Jiang Meihua's. when he was sacrificing xiaoyangxian's eggs, he was actually attacked by the demon species, but he was luckier than shuobing, and only recently began to show.

"Xiaoxiangzi has fallen. Xiao still wants to go out!" Xiao Hua got out of the space, took out the frost sword and thought to himself, "it's too cold here. I'm afraid it's not suitable for Xiaoyin. It's not too late to let it find a way out when we get out of the space!"

Xiao Hua thinks, body shape urge, but, just as he just fly up, a sense of creepiness suddenly born.

Xiao Hua looked back in a hurry, and saw a pair of flashing blue footprints appear in the dark!

Isn't it just where Xiao Hua was?

"This..." Xiao Hua was startled and said, "how can this green light be similar to the space where Shuo Bing got the demon seed before? What's more, Xiao didn't really stand on the rocks... "While thinking, Xiao Hua will release Yannian!

This does not matter, Xiao Hua surprised on the spot!

but the space as like as two peas, Xiao Huayan could not sweep the edge. In the upper part of the rock, the ice wood was straight into the darkness, and at the top of the ice wood there was a dark, blue and light cold rotation. It was a breath of breath from the ice of the Shuo Bing.

"I'll go..." Xiao Hua shivered and said, "did Xiao fall into the old nest of psychic demon?"

It's just a moment of horror. Xiao Hua's greed rises again. He wants to put it into space when his mind is cold. Unfortunately, when his mind is cold, it's like holding a slippery object in his hand. He can't exert himself at all!

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua sneered, and his body flew up. He waved the frost sword with his right hand, "brush!" The ice cold is cut off from the ice wood by the frost sword, and Xiao Hua's mind is wrapped up again, just about to enter the space, "pa......" That cold burst, inside a fist size demon species "haw" called to rush to Xiao Hua!

"Damn it Seeing the demon species as sharp as electricity, Xiao Hua immediately understood, "this must be the same demon species invading Shuo ice body!"

"Poof..." Without saying a word, Xiao Hua spewed out five colors and rolled up the demon seed.

"Squeak..." The demon species screamed and turned into ice debris like blood in the air!

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed. He could already imagine the situation that shuobing encountered on the first day of the Yuan Dynasty. Faced with this demon species, shuobing had no resistance at all and was invaded by the demon species.

"Either destroy this place, or put it into space!" Xiao Hua has made a decision.

"Brush..." The ice sword in Xiao Hua's hand waves again, and the straight ice wood is cut off like tofu. At this time, Xiao Hua's mind rolls the ice wood again, and the ice nest on it is brought into the space together with the demon species!

Seeing the contribution of the frost sword, Xiao Hua no longer slights him. In a flash of his body, he turns into hundreds of virtual shadows. He raises the frost sword and cuts off the ice wood one after another. His mind is full of income space.

The space is huge, and there are many ice trees. There are more ice nests and demon species hanging on the ice trees. After a long time, Xiao Hua thinks it's too slow, and immediately thinks of Xiao Jin.

Xiaojin is a little master of harvesting and moving. He moved the evil dragon yuan into Xiao Hua's space. Isn't this right for him?

Send Xiaojin out, "hum..." The sky's golden light and the dragon's appearance suddenly reflected the darkness, and little Jinxiong flew out bravely. Unfortunately, when he saw Xiao Hua, he withered and shrunk into a ball. He said carefully: "master, you Do you always call me

Xiao Hua was very excited to let Xiao Jin out and prepare for a big fight, but he was not happy with Xiao Jin's shrinking head. He said faintly, "you are the Dragon ancestor. How can you be so obscene?"

"Long Zu? "Obscene?" Xiao Jin is more nervous. How can he understand these two words?

"Well, well..." Kim would do nothing but nod.

Xiao Hua glanced at him angrily, raised his hand and cut down an ice wood. He held it in his hand and said, "do you understand? I'll take all the things in this space! "

"Yes, sir!" Listening to Xiao Hua's effort, Xiao Jin immediately revived with blood. She nodded her head vigorously and waved her tentacles, "brush..." The ice wood is cut off from the root. When the tentacles turn, the ice wood and the ice nest shrink into the texture of his tentacles.

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua nods with a smile. Xiao Jin shakes his head happily and cuts bingmu crazily!

"The child..." Listening to the disorderly sound, Xiao Hua scolded and hurried to the other direction to "harvest"

even if Xiao Hua and Xiao Jin took half an hour to harvest at the same time, they could harvest more than half an hour.

When he was in high spirits, "Wuwu..." There was a faint whimper in the dark in the distance. Xiao Hua ate it and collected the magic power. He approached carefully. When Xiao Hua heard it clearly, "Wuwu..." The sound is human!

Xiao Hua quickly released Yan Nian, and saw two ice nests hanging on the two ice trees in the distance. These two ice nests did not have the smell of demon species spilling over, but near the two ice nests, one ice nest was several times larger than before, and the smell of demon species in it was also several times stronger!

"Mo Is it shuobing An inexplicable idea came into being. Xiao Hua's eyes turned and flew to the huge ice nest!

Sure enough, in this ice nest, Shuo Bing had turned into a demon, and his dark wings hugged him and sat there with his knees crossed, as if he had been frozen. In the ice nest nearest to shuobing, Guan Tianyue huddles up in a huddle. He doesn't know whether it's alive or dead. It's Jiang Meihua's ice nest that makes the sound. Jiang Meihua's body is surrounded by a unicorn shadow, swimming under the stimulation of dragon Qi, barely supporting. He looks at where Xiao Hua comes from and makes a sound.

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Finally found shuobing, how to deal with the poor shuobing??