Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 970

Zhou Xiaoming is entering. His body is lengthened and twisted out of six corners with the whirlpool. Suddenly, Zhou Xiaoming turns his head and says with a bitter face, "master, can I not go in?"

Zhou Xiaoming's voice is also elongated and buzzing, which sounds extremely strange. Xiao Hua ignores him and "brushes" Zhou Xiaoming's body surface with clusters of ice crystals, and his body shape is not included in it.

Xiao Hua as like as two peas, and just now he has come into contact with the milky white halo. A familiar feeling has come out of his heart, and there are a lot of pressure on the overlapping space fault. This pressure is exactly the same as that of Xiao Hua's entry into the zine ladder.

"Is this the spatial fault between Huang Zengtian and Yu Wantian?" Xiao Hua has some insight.

But just when a layer of ice crystal like faults appeared in front of Xiao Hua's eyes, Xiao Hua suddenly felt a move in his heart. He looked around and urged Guangdun!

When Xianli was born, black-and-white light and shadow appeared in front of Xiao Hua, most of which were white. Besides the white, there were silver rocks, and black-and-white light and shadow scattered in these silver gaps.

Xiao Hua's body easily passed through some silver and fell into the white light and shadow in front of his head, "brush..." Where Xiao Hua's body is exposed, it is a sky like a star.

This sky is extremely desolate, except for a few dim stars scattered everywhere, there is no other light and shadow, on the contrary, it is an inexplicable breath condensed into strands, all over the sky.

"If Xiao didn't expect, this would be the space fault between Huang Zengtian and Yu Wantian. When Xiao just used the technique of light escape, he should have crossed the space fault, that is to say, Xiao could cross the interface barrier of heaven!" Instead of looking around anxiously, Xiao Hua pinched his chin and thought, "of course, Guangdun just now is different from before. Xiao sensed the variation of space law, and the variation of space law is just within Xiao's comprehension..."

Just think of here, you can see a faint star flickering in the distance, a meteor like shadow falling from the sky!

"Boom..." It's also a coincidence that the starlight just burst in front of Xiao Hua, and a human figure inside tumbled out.

Isn't it xiaoxiangzi?

"Before Senior Xiaoxiangzi stood still in mid air. He saw Xiaohua frowning and cried out.

However, when xiaoxiangzi finished shouting, he quickly looked back and asked, "yes, is it the elder?"

"Who else can I be?" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "where's Zhou Xiaoming?"

"Wu..." Xiao Hua's voice has not yet landed, another weak star appears, the direction is this side, but the meteor burst place is far away!

Zhou Xiaoming Yannian swept, immediately saw Xiao Hua and Xiao Xiangzi, quickly flew over, said with a smile: "master, how did you get here first?"

"No It's impossible Xiaoxiangzi was still surprised and said, "listen to the entrance of Tianxue, only one immortal can pass through. The elder can't surpass the younger, but And I didn't see my elder in the passage! "

"Xiaoxiang fairy friend..." Zhou Xiaoming said with a smile, "my master has great powers, but he entered Tianxue half a step earlier than you and me. What's so strange about that?"

"Yes, yes!" Xiaoxiangzi was a little embarrassed and said with a quick smile, "don't blame me, elder. When I came with shuobing, I met other fairy friends. I heard them talk about the strange entrance of Tianxue, and I've tried it, so I'm surprised to see elder's magic power."

"No harm..." Xiao Hua said, "when you get to the five element immortal, you should be able to have some supernatural powers that other immortals don't know!"

"Five element immortals!" Xiaoxiangzi said bitterly, "I don't know when I will be able to set foot on Yanxian."

"Why don't you come to my master's seat Zhou Xiaoming egged on, "my master guarantees that you will set foot in the five elements fairy!"

"This..." Xiaoxiangzi's face was a little coy, and he said in a low voice, "how can this be guaranteed?"

"Ha ha, don't dally!" Xiao Hua looked at Zhou Xiaoming and said, "let xiaoxiangzi explore the way."

"Please come with me, master..." Xiaoxiangzi quickly pointed to a direction and said, "the secret place Shuo Bing entered is there."

Xiaoxiangzi has been flying for several hours. Xiao Hua is a little anxious, but he doesn't dare to urge him. He knows that this is the fault of heaven. Of course, there is no space law. If he flies fast, nothing will happen.

With the flight of xiaoxiangzi, the stars in the sky began to appear. The stars had different colors and different breath. But these breath fell on Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua's face changed slightly.

"This It's like the spirit of the demon alliance! "

If previously, Xiao Hua may not be able to detect the origin of this breath, now the demon alliance space is formed, and the power of the stars and the moon breeds thousands of demon families, how can Xiao Hua not detect it?

In order to confirm, Xiao Hua cautiously went into the space once, and when he got back to his original position, he let out Yan Nian and swept around, saying in secret: "yes, this is the spirit alliance breath. Although this breath is very thin, it can explain why there are channeling demon species here!"

"Master..." Xiaoxiangzi finally stopped under a star and said, "this is it!""This one?" Xiao Hua looked up and saw that the star was like a crab, and there was a faint halo flashing at the place where the star was shining.

"Yes Xiaoxiangzi affirmed, "although the entrance of this secret place is a little offset, it's almost the same, and the shape of the entrance of secret place is strange..."

Just speaking of this, there are some human light and shadow flashing in the distance, as if there were other immortals flying.

"I'll go first." Xiaoxiangzi hesitated for a moment and reminded him.

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and motioned xiaoxiangzi to go ahead.

Just as xiaoxiangzi turned around, Xiao Hua opened his eyes, but in his eyes, the crab like stars turned into a mess of light filaments, which were like nebulae, straight into the dark depths. No matter what happened to this star or other places, Xiao Hua didn't find anything special, so he closed his eyes.

Flying near the stars, the stars turned into clouds, and there was a pungent smell in the rolling clouds.

Xiaoxiangzi raised his hand and took out a big chip of palm. Xianli urged him to stick it in a star shape on his chest. After the star shaped chip gushed out the mist in the strip to protect xiaoxiangzi, xiaoxiangzi said with a smile: "elder, there is a strange smell in the secret place, which has a strong corrosion on the immortal body. The younger generation has only one immortal body protector, which can't be given to the elder and Zhou Xianyou!"

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming was very happy and said, "I'm afraid it's not good to resist the corrosive smell."

"Forget it!" Xiao Hua waved his left sleeve and said, "I'll put you in my sleeve first."

"Hee hee, thank you, master!" Zhou Xiaoming finally achieved his wish and returned to space cultivation.

"Lead the way." Xiao Hua accepted Zhou Xiaoming and urged xiaoxiangzi to do so.

Xiaoxiangzi reminds Xiaohua: "don't you use immortal tools to protect your body?"

Xiao Hua didn't figure out what kind of immortal tools he would use to protect his body, so he simply replied, "not for the time being

"OK, ok..." Xiaoxiangzi hesitated for a moment and urged his body to fall into Yunxu, followed by Xiao Hua.

I can see that this is a space passage full of fog. The fog touches the fog of xiaoxiangzi's body protector, making a Zila sound, and sparks are splashing.

Xiao Hua stretched out his hand to see that his skin was not eroded in the fog, so he was relieved.

After walking for a long time, there was a fork in the space passage. Without any hesitation, xiaoxiangzi chose the fork on the left. After another journey, there was a fork in the road. Xiaoxiangzi was familiar with the choice of the middle. After several times, xiaoxiangzi was just about to enter the fork on the right. Xiaohua said: "xiaoxiangzi, wrong, it's time to go to the left..."

"Ah?" Xiaoxiangzi was stunned and said, "have you been here before?"

After that, xiaoxiangzi said with a quick smile: "don't blame me, I don't believe you. This is the route I have taken before. I remember it well, and I went in with shuobing safely last time!"

Xiao Hua looked at the fork road in front of him. Naturally, he had never been here, but as long as he entered the space, he had an unparalleled sense of space direction. He knew that xiaoxiangzi was going in the wrong direction.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "listen to me! I have a secret skill

"All right!" Xiaoxiangzi has some helplessness. He only listens to Xiao Hua's words. This is the advantage of high-level immortal. If Xiao Hua is still an immortal, xiaoxiangzi will have to break the south wall to turn back.

It was only half a fragrant time to enter the space passage, and there were five forks. Xiaoxiangzi turned to look at Xiaohua. Xiaohua pointed to one of them, so there were several forks. When he saw a cloud condensing into a mountain, xiaoxiangzi suddenly lost his voice and said, "ouch..."

Xiaoxiangzi was a little startled, which made Xiaohua jump. He quickly released Yannian to explore the surroundings. Seeing nothing unusual, he asked, "what's the matter?"

"I see, master!" Xiaoxiangzi excitedly said, "just a few forks are in the opposite direction to the forks of memory, that is to say I don't know when this space passage will rotate. You can see that there is one of the peaks in front of me. There is a stone like a cornice on it. After passing this stone, you can walk a few more passages to get to the secret place.... "

Then xiaoxiangzi flew to the peak first. Sure enough, in the middle of the peak, a stone beam like an eagle's wing crossed the sky!

"This..." Xiao Hua's pupils shrink when he sees the stone beam, because the stone beam is very similar to that of Youji. After exploring, Xiao Hua carefully flies to the stone beam.

"Master?" Xiaoxiangzi didn't know why Xiao Hua attached so much importance to Shiliang, so he flew over.

Xiao Hua stood still on the stone beam, but he saw that there was a hollow like a tortoise on the top of the stone beam, which was exactly the same as the Youji stone beam.

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Listen to Tian Xue, there are grooves like xuangui in it. Is there a green tablet here?