Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 969

In a moment, Xiao Hua, like other immortals, sat cross legged in the air, waiting quietly.

Instead of sitting down, xiaoxiangzi raised her head and looked into the distance. Her eyes fell on the huge snow flakes of Tianxue. Her mouth turned slightly up and she was wearing a mysterious smile.

"All sick..." Zhou Xiaoming whispered in secret, with his hands on his back, like an idle man. Look here, look there!

After a long time, qiuhao moon falls and guihun moon rises. The snow color of Tianxue is more gorgeous under the ice crystal and Yuehua. At this time, Yuanben and other three kingdoms immortal generals also fly over. They listen to the other corner of Tianxue and look at the immortal generals in other directions.

When the soul of the laurel falls in the West and the white moon rises in the East, the two moons fall. Listening to the snow in the sky, suddenly the world is silent, "brush brush brush..." Listen to the snow that huge flakes, countless ice crystal snowflakes began to fall.

Zhou Xiaoming exclaimed: "next Is it snowing

However, when Zhou Xiaoming opened his mouth, his voice could not be heard at all. There was nothing else in Xiao Hua's ears except the sound of snowflakes!

"Ha ha, Xiao understands!" Xiao Hua suddenly said in secret, "this is the origin of listening to Tian Xue!"

However, when Xiao Hua looked at xiaoxiangzi, xiaoxiangzi still stood there and even closed his eyes.

Xiao Hua nahan, just about to ask, suddenly felt that there were Yan Nian sweeping out all around.

Xiao Hua naturally released Yannian, but it should be in the night sky, "brush..." One after another, the snowfall first rings in Yannian, and then, the inexplicable melody rings in the snowfall, shaking Xiao Hua's heart and soul. At this moment, Xiao Hua feels that everything is quiet and that everything is integrated into the sounds of nature that he has never heard before!

Maybe for a long time, Xiao Hua could hardly feel the change of time, but when he woke up from the beauty, his head was covered with snow flakes, and when he looked at the night sky beyond the snowflakes, GUI Hun moon and Zhan Bai moon were still shining, but for a moment!

"Master..." Xiaoxiangzi's voice is also clearly trembling, asked, "how do you always feel?"

"Listen to the snow Xiao Hua sighed, "the name is true!"

"Then..." Xiaoxiangzi arched his hand and said, "goodbye, young man!"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment and said in a hurry, "what are you doing?"

"Snowflakes are falling, listen to the snow, walk all the way, there will be a different..." Xiaoxiangzi pointed to the ice crystal halo where the snowflakes were falling and said, "master Xiao, now the six day seventy-two realm has been opened. You can go to the heaven realm you want to go to, and you also have to go to the Canxing realm to find opportunities. You are grateful for your care all the way, and you will be rewarded later."

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said with a smile, "I came to listen to Tian Xue. It's not urgent. Along the way, I think you have a good character, and you are going to Canxingjing helps other fairies to find opportunities. I'm afraid it's not easy for you. I have nothing to do in my spare time. I don't want to let you have a look! "

Xiaoxiangzi was stunned on the spot. He couldn't believe his ears. Zhou Xiaoming poked his arm and said in a low voice, "don't you thank my master? If you were not a disciple of a famous school, I don't think the master would accept you as a disciple! "

"Master..." Xiaoxiangzi woke up, knelt in the air, kowtowed and said, "younger generation Younger generation... "

Although xiaoxiangzi was not grateful, his thanks were blocked in his throat and he could not say anything. Xiaoxiangzi himself knew that he was just a Louxian. Although he was a disciple of Xiaoyun temple, he was a famous school, but he didn't know how many times he was in Xiaoyun temple. Only he knew how hard his cultivation was. If it was easy, he couldn't listen to Tianxue to take risks.

Xiaoxiangzi didn't know the origin of this elder Xiao, but what he knew was that this elder Xiao was a five element immortal, and his strength was far beyond his own five element immortal uncle! All the way, the elder favored him. He not only taught the Dharma, but also made his disciples exchange the cultivation income with him, and even made his disciples indirectly teach the art of incantation!

Xiaoxiangzi thought to himself how he made Xiaohua treat him so differently. He even thought a lot of things, and sometimes he was a little wary. But in so many days, Xiao Hua's generosity, kindness, gentleness and openness were not his dirty thoughts?

Previously in Huoping mountain, Xiao Hua turned to save the immortal generals of the Three Kingdoms without saying a word. Xiaoxiangzi was filled with a kind of feeling that he understood something. Today, on the first day of the year, Xiao Hua directly pointed out that he had to help himself first. He didn't understand. This is the elder Xiao of the five element fairy. He appreciated himself and returned to listen to Tianxue for the sake of shuobing. He was afraid that he would fall in the snow. So he gave up important things to help himself. This kind of aboveboard elder is the only one in his life!

How can xiaoxiangzi not be moved?

"Get up, get up..." Xiao Hua didn't expect that xiaoxiangzi's reaction was so great. Before xiaoxiangzi could kneel down completely, he immediately lifted him up and said, "how can you be so outspoken?"

"Master Xiao..." Xiaoxiangzi bit his lip and said, "I really didn't expect that the elder would be like this."

"Ha ha, why can't I do that?" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "the matter of shuobing has nothing to do with you, but you come to listen to Tianxue with guilt because of the loss of your words. Why can't I see you well and come to listen to Tianxue to help you? You have to believe that there is justice in the way of heaven, and the way of heaven will never forget what is in your heart Good and good"Yes..." Xiaoxiangzi's eyes were a little hazy for no reason. All the immortals who knew about it said that xiaoxiangzi was stupid. They thought that xiaoxiangzi did such stupid things because he loved shuobing. Only Xiao Hua encouraged you so much and pointed out xiaoxiangzi's original intention to the point.

As they speak, the immortals in the distance have moved their bodies and rushed to listen to the snow light around the sky. They can see that their bodies are hundreds of feet, gradually shrinking to tens of feet, entering the whirlpool and distorted halo. Even when they touch the falling snow, their bodies turn into hundreds of parts. Xiao Hua knows that there must be interface rules around the sky.

Zhou Xiaoming laughed and said, "let's go, Xiaoxiang fairy friend. Which is canxingjing?"

"The entrance of shaoshentian is like a star, which is canxingjing..." Xiaoxiangzi did not dare to neglect. He pointed to a piece of snow petal in the distance and said, "but there are too many immortals in this time, so If you mix with them with your predecessors' strength, it is easy to cause entrance distortion, and you may enter other spaces by mistake. Don't wait! "

Zhou Xiaoming strange way: "this listen to the sky snow space channel so fragile?"

"It's fragile..." Xiaoxiangzi explained, "it should be said that it is sensitive. The passages may be too close, and the breath of high-level immortals will affect each other."

Hearing the influence of the five element immortals, Xiao Hua is more and more afraid to act rashly. He is a high-level Er Qi immortal. He has the strength to gather yuan immortal!

"By the way..." Xiao Hua asked, "listen to the snow, what are the 72 scenes in the six days?"

"It's hard for me, Xiao!" Xiaoxiangzi laughs and says, "I only know that the six days of listening to Tianxue are the days of eliminating delusion, breaking rest, eliminating dust, eliminating thoughts, shaoshen and Qingyu. The seventy-two realms only know the realm of water and flowers, the realm of Canxing, the realm of Yaohe and the realm of white night..."

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming reminds a way in the side, "those who participate in the immortal election will begin to enter!"

"They seem to be going to the same heaven..." Xiaoxiangzi glanced and said, "in this way, they spend a lot of time. We may miss the best time to enter Canxing."

"Xiaoxiangzi..." Xiao Hua also looked at the distance and asked, "what are your plans after entering the Canxing realm?"

Xiaoxiangzi shook his head slightly and said: "to tell you the truth, I don't have any special rules in my mind. I only remember that when I got the demon seed, there was something strange beside it. It seemed that this thing had a kind of restraint on the demon seed. I searched all the classics in the clan and thought that if I had a sacrifice, it might be useful for shuobing..."

Xiao Hua didn't say anything. Zhou Xiaoming was surprised and said, "just Just because of that strange thing, you went to listen to Tianxue again? Also Or the kind that doesn't kill you? "

Xiaoxiangzi light said: "I just want a clear conscience!"

"The loss of a word has provoked such demons..." Xiao Hua sighed and said, "if you say too much, you will lose, but that's true!"

Xiao Hua sighed and watched the array in the distance to listen to the snow.

Unfortunately, he didn't see Li Moyi's shadow until the immortal generals entered, so Li Moyi must not have come!

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming said in a low voice, "let's go in, too!"

"Good..." Xiao Hua nods. Xiaoxiangzi urges him to fly to another snowflake with Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua uses Yuanhua's smoke technique to fly to the entrance of Xiao Hua's flying star realm. He can't see anything strange around him. Xiao Hua laughs. "It seems that huopingshan is really a misunderstanding. Xiao is a bit like a bird in a fright."

After receiving Yannian, Xiao Hua looks up at the entrance of canxingjing. It's a spatial fault where light and shadow overlap like snow. A lot of ice crystals bloom in milky white. The fluffy snowflakes seep out from the milky white and fall. At this time, there is no sound as pure as water before, but the long snowflakes still make Xiao Hua feel reluctant to part.

Snowflakes fall on the body, a little bit of cold into the body, like raindrops, Xiao Hua raised his left hand to see, snowflakes touch his palm and disappear into light, completely different from Zhou Xiaoming and xiaoxiangzi. Snowflakes fall on the silver light of their body protection, and they are all bounced away, as if the silver light is immortal.

Xiaoxiangzi entered first, the milky white of the entrance rippled, xiaoxiangzi's back turned into a snowflake and disappeared

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Snow also has sound? And it sounds so strange. Why is fairyland so wonderful!