Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 971

"Why? Strange... " Xiaoxiangzi flying down, look at the depression, strange way, "younger generation remember here is a stone tablet, how disappeared?"

Xiao Hua was surprised, and his vest could not help sweating. It was so strange. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "what's the stone tablet like?"

"A green monument..." Xiaoxiangzi said without hesitation, "it's carried by a basaltic weapon. When the immortal force urges it, there is a blue flame on it!"

Xiao Hua was puzzled: "why didn't you take it away?"

"It's not that the younger generation won't take it!" Xiaoxiangzi said with a bitter smile, "younger generation and shuobing tried their best to take it away, so we can only give it up!"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and asked, "how many people know about canxingjing?"

"Many immortals know, but not many can come in!" Xiaoxiangzi didn't understand why Xiao Hua asked, thought about it for a while and said, "it's very easy to get lost just by the fork in the road. The younger generation also spent a lot of money on Jingcai's way to buy it, as well as the pithy formula to enter..."

"Pithy formula?" Xiao Hua was surprised again and asked, "what formula?"

"When you really enter the secret place for a while, you need a formula!" Xiaoxiangzi explained, "if the elder needs it, the younger generation will give it to the elder!"

"No, no..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "you can remember by yourself. Let's go."

Xiaoxiangzi continued to fly in front of him. After crossing the mountain, the power of the stars became stronger and stronger, and the smell of the demon League also increased. Xiaoxiangzi's air belt began to rotate slowly to eliminate the corrosion of the fog.

Xiao Xiangzi was worried about Xiao Hua and looked at Xiao Hua's body. But he saw that Xiao Hua's body was surrounded by thin silver light. The silver light condensed into clouds. There were thousands of tiny runes in the clouds, and the corrosive fog turned into a sword when he touched the silver light. Xiao Xiangzi couldn't help praising Xiao Hua's magical power.

Xiao Hua didn't pay attention to xiaoxiangzi's eyes. He was a bit obsessed. After all, he took the Qingbei, and heard from the fallen feather flaw fairy that the Qingbei was from Tianxue. If not expected, the Qingbei that the feather flaw fairy got was the Qingbei that xiaoxiangzi and shuobing had entered. At that time, the Qingbei was on the stone beam behind her! Such a coincidence Xiao Hua had to be alert. The immortal realm is so big, how could the Yuxia fairy take the Qingbei and bump into his eyes? And listen to Tianxue six days seventy-two boundary, how did he get to the stone beam before?

There is also the pithy formula that purple imperial concubine sent to her mind. Xiao Hua has already remembered the obscure pithy formula. Even Xiao Hua has tried it in the space. This pithy formula has no immortal power at all. Xiao Hua always thought it was some tips and recited it carefully for a long time. Now it seems that the function of pithy formula is totally different from what he thought!

"Master, it should be this way!" Xiaoxiangzi looked at the four different shapes in front of him, and pointed to one of them carefully.

"Well..." Xiao Hua glanced up and answered carelessly, but just as xiaoxiangzi was about to fly in, he suddenly cried, "don't worry!"

"What's the matter, master?"

"Not this!" Xiao Hua squinted for a moment, pointed to the other one and said, "it's this!"

"This one?" Xiaoxiangzi was stunned and asked, "can you confirm that? This passage is the one in my memory! "

"That's right!" Xiao Hua felt slightly and said, "this is it!"

"That's strange!" Although xiaoxiangzi flew into it, he was still a little surprised, "some of them were on the contrary before, but now they are right again, isn't it..." Only a part of this space passage is flipped? "

Listening to xiaoxiangzi talking about this, he thought of the disordered light silk he saw in his eyes, and said with a smile: "if there is no accident, it should be so!"

"If you say that, you and shuobing are really lucky!" Xiaoxiangzi sighed, "last time we came in exactly according to what Mo Xiantong said..."

For a little half an hour later, as xiaoxiangzi said, some of the space passages rotated, and some did not. If Xiao Hua had not followed, xiaoxiangzi would have been lost in the space passage.

After passing a space passage of flashing thunder light, xiaoxiangzi said in a low voice: "master, if you remember correctly, this passage is followed by a stone beam..."

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was surprised. He interrupted xiaoxiangzi and said, "is there a green tablet on the stone beam?"

"No!" Xiaoxiangzi shook his head and said, "if there is one, I told you before. There is only one stone beam behind this passage. Is there any mark on it? I didn't look carefully, because there are three real mysteries behind the stone beam!"

"Three?" Xiao Hua had heard xiaoxiangzi about Tianxue for a long time, but at this time he could only hold his nose to pretend that he had never heard of it and asked, "what are the three mysteries? I thought it was one! "

"I'll teach you..." Xiaoxiangzi explained, "the younger generation and shuobing wanted to enter the biggest secret place in the middle together at the beginning, but the fire, wind and thunder were so fierce that we couldn't get close at all, so we went back to the second place and found two smaller secret places, but the secret place only allowed one person to pass through. We discussed it for a while and simply entered one by one person!""I see!" Xiao Hua smile, not more said, after all, such mutual fear is the real way to get along.

Xiaohua and xiaoxiangzi have passed through the space channel, facing an eagle winged stone beam, on which a lightless green monument is standing at the top!

"Silk..." Xiao Hua and Xiao Xiangzi took a breath at the same time, and their bodies flew to the stone beam.

Xiao Hua's eyes fell on the Qingbei, looked at it carefully for a moment, and then shook his head slightly, because the Qingbei looks similar to the Youji Qingbei, but there are great differences in texture.

Just as Xiao Hua was about to speak, xiaoxiangzi's words made him feel a kind of horror again: "no, this is not the previous green stele. The size of the Xuanwu is the same, but the shape is slightly different!"

The green tablet of yuxianzi is broken. Xiao Hua only takes the upper part, and Zhuang Bi holds the one with Xuanwu in the lower part. Therefore, Xiao Hua is not impressed by the shape of Xuanwu.

Xiao Hua thought a little more, his big hand fell out of thin air, "hum..." There is a roaring sound on the green stele, the green light is flashing, and even the stone beams are shaking.

Shiliang made a stir, "poof..." With a dull sound, a blue thunderbolt fell from the stone beam, and the green monument was held by Xiao Hua.

Xiaoxiangzi was overjoyed and looked at the place where the thunder and lightning flashed in the distance. Unfortunately, until Xiao Hua closed the monument, there was no change in that place.

"Don't look..." Xiao Hua said faintly, "this tablet should be a transmission immortal array. It's transmitted from other places. It has nothing to do with the prohibition here!"

"I see!" Xiaoxiangzi understood and said with a smile, "this is a rare method of transmission in fairyland!"

With that, xiaoxiangzi flew to a long and narrow light and shadow place with dark fog and said, "master, this is the secret place where Shuo Bing went in on the first day of the first year."

"Well, you can cast it!" Xiao Hua nodded, "let's go in and have a look!"

The dark fog is exactly the same as when Shuo Bing changed the demon. Without going in, Xiao Hua knows that this must be where Shuo Bing got the psychic demon seed!

Xiaoxiangzi patted the immortal mark between the eyebrows according to his words, and xuanlongya flew out from the inside! At this time, the xuanlongya was very different from the previous one in Ziya villa. The virtual shadow of the dragon on the xuanlongya came out and rushed to the dark fog to sweep the fog away.

Under the fog, there was a dark light. There were a few stars twinkling in the light and shadow. It looked like a dream. However, when xuanlongya stabbed into the light, the stars burst into pieces one after another and turned into a flood to xuanlongya!

"Buzz..." Xuanlong's teeth were extremely trembling, and there was a dragon roaring out of it. It took half a cup of tea to suppress Xingsha's counterattack. Xingsha was annihilated, and the dark light turned into a twisted and flashing strange texture.

The texture is mottled, like bones and stars. It doesn't look like an immortal or a talisman. Xiaoxiangzi flew to the front, singing the inexplicable formula in his mouth. As the formula fell on the texture, the texture gradually scattered and turned into a heavy filament, which disappeared in a few moments, and a space passage that only allowed one immortal to fly appeared.

Xiao Hua was on guard until the space channel appeared, but there was no danger. Seeing the space channel appeared, Xiao Xiangzi hesitated to fly into it.

"Don't worry!" Xiao Hua stops in a hurry because Yannian sweeps through it and finds that there is another space beyond the space channel, which Yannian can't explore.

"Yes, master!" Xiaoxiangzi stops, Xiaohua's body sways past xiaoxiangzi and enters the space first.

Sure enough, the space passage is only a little bit narrow and twisted. When Xiao Hua flies over, it is like the pressure of a fountain. Obviously, it is a variation of the space law. When Xiao Hua guards to fly out of the passage, he will face a small space.

In the space, the dark fog makes up for the smell. In the dark fog, there are more than a hundred things, big and small, like mountains and rocks, all over the place. These mountain like things have a little bit of green light and shadow, like scales or mucus.

Xiao Huayan scanned the space and saw some tiny cracks at the end of the space. There were sharp waves rushing into the cracks, which immediately turned into smoke and inexplicable particles scattered around.

"Master..." Xiaohua's exploration room, xiaoxiangzi also followed, his whole body of Qi silk issued "zilala" voice, but between a few breath has been extremely thin, xiaoxiangzi some nervous, said, "younger generation did not find anything, elder generation?"

"You go out first!" Xiao Hua knew that xiaoxiangzi could not stop for a long time, and comforted him, "I'll have a look again. I hope I can find something!"

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Finally, what's the adventure between Xiaohua and xiaoxiangzi?