Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 968

"Ha ha, that's true!" Yuan Ben replied, "the previous tests are baffling. It's the same with Tianxue."

"I'm afraid it's not just Xuan Yi, Mo Qing and Ji Pan who took part in the election of Taichong immortal." Asked Zhou Xiaoming.

"Of course..." Yuan Ben pointed to nearly a hundred immortals in Taoist robes in the distance and said, "I used to think that only the Three Kingdoms immortals such as us would have the chance to participate in the selection of immortals. Who thought about Yihuo mountain before he found out that there were other small sects, disciples of small aristocratic families who participated in the selection of immortals..."

"No, no..." Zhou Xiaoming said with a smile, "Zhou doesn't mean that. Li yuxianyou has said that before, does Zhou mean that there will be fairies from other countries?"

"There must be!" Yuan Ben said with a smile, "it's impossible for us to be the only three countries under the jurisdiction of Da Kun state, and if there were no other countries, why did we rush here for a long time? Isn't it enough to choose around the Three Kingdoms? "

Xiaoxiangzi hesitated and asked, "commander yuan, I have a question. If the commander is willing to answer it, I will answer it. If not, I will say nothing."

"Ha ha, fairy friend, please tell me..." Xiaoxiangzi didn't have a common name at this time. How could Yuanben not know that xiaoxiangzi was arrogant? He nodded with a smile.

"I don't know much about your country and the other two countries, but I've learned a lot recently. In fact, fundamentally speaking, your country is not much different from a little fairy family..." Xiaoxiangzi asked, "well, what about the state of Da Kun? What does it look like? I dare not say that I know a lot about the enlightenment continent, but from the records of the sect and the immortal pictures, it seems that there is no such state as Da Kun. If I had not seen commander yuan, I would not have known that there was still such a famous country! "

"This..." Yuan Ben was embarrassed and said in a low voice, "little friend, can I say I don't know myself?"

"How can it be!" Not to mention xiaoxiangzi, even Zhou Xiaoming was surprised, "you are a vassal state of Da Kun. How can you not even know what da Kun looks like? What about the immortal generals who used to participate in the immortal election? "

"No fairy will ever come back..." Yuan Ben explained, "of course, maybe they're back. We don't know!"

When Zhou Xiaoming looked at xiaoxiangzi, there was a kind of doubt in their eyes.

Xiao Hua is listening. These doubts are also his previous doubts. Even xiaoxiangzi and other famous disciples don't know about the state of Da Kun, so the army of Da Kun must be safe enough! But that was Xiao Hua's choice before he condensed. Now Xiao Hua doesn't need it.

"Commander yuan..." Xiao Hua spoke.

Yuan Ben didn't dare to neglect him. He quickly bowed and said, "please tell me, master!"

"Since we have arrived near Tianxue, you and I should be separated..." Xiao Hua said, "I wish you all the best when you wait for Xianxuan and get what you want as soon as possible."

"Thank you for your kind words..." Yuan Ben didn't expect Xiao Hua to say goodbye at this time. He said in a hurry, "there's still a long way to go to listen to Tian Xue..."

"Ha ha, why bother with such a little distance?" Xiao Hua's figure soared up. Waving his Taoist robe with his right hand, he rolled up Zhou Xiaoming and Xiao Xiangzi and said with a smile, "sooner or later, there will be a difference. Goodbye!"

"Master, please give me the immortal number..." Yuan Ben cried in a hurry, "we'll keep that in mind!"

"No need!" Xiao Hua had already gone up to the sky and said, "I'll see you later."

"Thank you, master..." When the immortals saw Xiao Hua go, they all stopped and bowed to thank him.

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming looked away and said with a smile, "commander yuan didn't plan to use the master's means. His disciples have just reminded him."

"It doesn't matter if you have it or not!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "it's time to listen to Tianxue. Let's go our way."

"Master Xiao is kind-hearted!" Xiaoxiangzi also said, "it's best to go at this time. If they really want to fight with the immortal generals of other countries, master Xiao said they can't do it!"

Although Xiao Hua's Dunshu is not the method of light Dunshu, it's much faster than the ordinary five elements immortal. It's only half a cup of tea. I hear that the sky snow is already in sight!

At this time, listen to the sky snow from a piece of snow into a huge snowflake, this crystal clear snowflake floating under the moonlight is so holy, it will cover the world with dark green, even can't dye the snowflake half silk, and the white halo of the snowflake sprinkles on the space, with the dark green and dark night where the handover, a heavy palm size snowflake gushing out, looks beautiful It's beautiful.

When Xiao Hua was close, he could see clearly that the snowflake was more than ten thousand li in size, floating slowly in the night sky. There were hundreds of immortals sitting on their knees around the snowflake. On the other side opposite to Xiao Hua, there were hundreds of immortals in battle armor. These immortals would walk in groups and slowly approach the snowflake!

Xiao Hua's body fell down and put Zhou Xiaoming and xiaoxiangzi down. Xiaoxiangzi looked at snowflake and said, "listen to Tianxue, I'm here again..."

Xiao Hua didn't speak, and he didn't let out his thoughts. He just looked closely. But see this listen to snow and real snowflake similar, was six petal shape. But these six petals are not the same, and they are not very symmetrical, especially between each petal there is a very obvious distortion of light and shadow flashing.But inside each snow petal, there are crystal clear long and short snow crystals condensed. Listen to the crystal light of the sky snow, it is from these snow crystals that the light comes straight into the night sky. As for the gaps between the long and short snow crystals, there are tiny pearlescent light beams, which are different in light and shade. It seems that these gaps are like entrances.

After careful reading, Xiao Hua released Yan Nian, but only after a few breath, his face changed greatly! Because Yannian falls, it seems that Tianxue has nothing to listen to. Yannian can't touch Tianxue in any case!

"If it's not that Tianxue can't detect it, it's that there is a boundary around Tianxue. Yannian sweeps through the world like a thousand, and there's no way to detect it..."

Xiao Hua frowned, and his eyes opened slightly. If he didn't open his eyes, he could not help taking a breath.

In his eyes, the snowflakes in the sky have disappeared. There are dozens of swirls and twists of different sizes in the air. The shapes of these swirls and twists are different. The black and white in them look extremely ugly, just like a big and small animal mouth, or a strange eye.

But in the middle of every vortex and shape, there is a bit of ice crystal color!

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming followed Xiao Hua, but he didn't give any thought at all. Hearing Xiao Hua take a breath of air, he asked quickly, "what's the matter?"

"It looks like a huge space hub to Tianxue!" Xiao Hua closed his eyes, looked at xiaoxiangzi and said meaningfully.

Xiaoxiangzi still had a trace of intoxication and confusion in his eyes. He nodded his head and said, "the elder is good at magic power. I didn't know it before. I didn't know it until I went in. The so-called six days and seventy-two scenes are actually different spaces."

Zhou Xiaoming spat out his tongue and said, "Seventy two spaces converge here? This Isn't that uncanny? "

"More than 72 spaces!" Xiaoxiangzi explained with a smile, "there are hundreds of broken and unformed spaces in the six realms of heaven. Together, I'm afraid there are tens of thousands of different spaces!"

Zhou Xiaoming couldn't help but say, "it's terrible!"

After that, he asked shamelessly: "since it's so powerful, how can so many immortals come to die? Wouldn't it be better to go to other places for training? "

"Ha ha..." Xiaoxiangzi had known Zhou Xiaoming's laziness for a long time, and laughed, "there are many fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland Fair! There may be few immortals going to the especially dangerous sites and forbidden areas, but there are still many immortals willing to enter the ordinary dangerous places. In particular, there are dangerous places like listening to Tianxue and other difficult spaces, and we are willing to cultivate immortals. We can find the space suitable for our strength, experience some difficulties and find some opportunities... "

When Zhou Xiaoming heard that xiaoxiangzi was "hardworking" one by one, he knew the meaning of his words. He turned his lips and said, "even if there are tens of thousands of spaces in Tianxue, there are so many immortals in fairyland. Come here casually and take away these spaces before long?"

"Hee hee, Zhou Xianyou got to the point!" Xiaoxiangzi said with a light smile, "this is also the difference between Tianxue and other places. The space in Tianxue is always changing. Is there any chance to appear in it, or is it an immortal tool, or a skill, or a rare elixir, or Some fairies... "

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment and asked, "why is that so?"

"No one knows!" Xiaoxiangzi blurted out.

"You are wrong!" Zhou Xiaoming shook his head and said, "it's the wise who don't say it, and the ignorant who don't say it!"

Zhou Xiaoming is right. No one knows the truth of Tianxue, and Xiao Hua is the first one who doesn't believe it. But xiaoxiangzi, a Louxian, knows the truth of Tianxue, and Xiao Hua also doesn't believe it. If that's the case, it's impossible for the Taichong immortal selection of Da Kun kingdom to be placed here.

"How to get in?" Xiao Hua looked around and knew that the immortals were waiting for the right time. He asked in a low voice, "is there something else

"Master..." Xiaoxiangzi had a strange look on his face and said, "don't you want to listen to Tianxue? Don't you know how to get in? "

Xiao Hua asked: "Hey, what do you say?"

"Ha ha, I didn't know!" Xiaoxiangzi understood another reason why Xiao Hua wanted to go with him, but he still said with a smile, "in that case, please forgive me for being abrupt. I don't want to explain to you now. Maybe you will know how to get in soon."

"All right!" Xiao Hua became curious and nodded, "I'd like to see what's strange about Tianxue..."

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Listen, Tianxue is actually a space hub, so Where will it lead?