Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 967

"Two fairy friends, please..." One of the leading immortal generals came forward, arched his hand and said, "I'm Li Yu. I don't know if the two immortal friends are in the fire..."

Without waiting for Li Yu to finish, another immortal general called out: "there are still people, there are still people..."

So Xiao Hua flew out of the double headed fire beast, and saw Xiao Hua's nearly 500 Zhang immortal body. All the Immortals' faces changed slightly, and they were all quiet. They all bowed and said, "I've seen you before..."

Xiao Hua's eyes swept all the immortals, some of them had seen in the war, but at this time their strength could not fall into Xiao Hua's eyes. Xiao Hua raised his hand, lifted the immortals up, and said faintly, "get up!"

Although Xiao Hua didn't release the pressure of spirit, he was surrounded by flames. Red light flashed in the eyes of the two headed fire beast, and his power came to his face. These immortals were afraid from the bottom of their hearts. They quickly replied, "thank you, master!"

Zhou Xiaoming peeks at Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua's eyes are closed. He says to Li Yu: "I'm xiazhou Xiaoming. I'm a disciple of my master. I dare to ask Li Xianyou, who are you waiting for..."

"The Fairy Friends of haojiaozhou know..." Li Yu didn't dare to neglect him, so she quickly told him about the selection of the immortals, and at the same time, she peeped at Xiao Hua.

After all, Xiao Hua put too much pressure on him!

"Listen to the snow?" At last, xiaoxiangzi was stunned and said strangely, "listen to Tianxue, when is it so busy? Are you going too?"

"Are fairy friends going to listen to Tian Xue, too?" Li Yu was overjoyed. She asked while rubbing her hands.

Zhou Xiaoming nodded and said, "sure! I will accompany my master to listen to Tianxue.... "

"Can we go with our predecessors?" Li Yu extremely its careful ask a way, after not enough finish saying, he chat up a way, "Li Mou is bold, still hope state fairy friend understanding!"

"Ha ha, what's the point!" Zhou Xiaoming laughed heartily and said, "it's only tens of millions of miles away, so we'll go with each other!"

"Thank you Zhou Xianyou, thank you Xianyou, thank you elder..." Li Yu couldn't shut her mouth with a smile.

Xiaoxiangzi asked, "isn't Li Xianyou going to listen to Tianxue? Why are so many immortal generals here? "

"Oh, yes!" Li Yu was anxious to talk about the selection of zhuochong immortals, but she didn't mention huopingshan. At this time, she said in a hurry, "it took us several generations to participate in the selection of zhuochong immortals, and we can't help but relax. This Huoping mountain is still normal when we fly into it. There is no flame. Who knows that when we fly to the most part of it, we suddenly burst out of the mountain A lot of people can't escape, so they stay in the fire! I'm waiting to get out in a hurry, so I gather here to see if there's any other way out... "

"Oh..." Xiaoxiangzi had some insight and nodded, "I understand. It's a test for you to wait for Xianxuan."

"Or Maybe... " Li Yu hesitated and did not deny it.

"No wonder..." Xiaoxiangzi said with a bitter smile, "I've been here to listen to Tianxue before. At that time, I especially explored the situation of huopingshan. According to what I know before, there will be no fire in huopingshan at this time. If it wasn't for your Xuanchong immortal selection, how could there be a fire suddenly?"

"That may not be..." Li Yu next to an immortal will carefully explain the way, "jichong immortal selection only the test of the destination, did not say there is a test on the way..."

Xiaoxiangzi said with a smile, "if there is a fire before you enter huopingshan, which one can pass through huopingshan?"

"I'm afraid there are few..." Li yuruo has some thoughts.

"If you have just entered Huoping mountain, how many can pass through?"

The immortal general next to him said: "there are not many..."

"So..." Xiaoxiangzi said, "it's only after you've been flying most of the way that the flame comes out. It can guarantee the purpose of selecting immortals and release most of the immortals."

Zhou Xiaoming asked in a hurry: "by the way, did you meet the fire beast?"

"Met, met..." Li Yu exclaimed, "there's more than one. If we didn't practice immortal array and know how to attack together, I'm afraid none of them would be able to escape!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hua dispelled his doubts and said in secret: "well, it seems that Xiao is suspicious! This Huoping mountain should be a test for the selection of Xuanchong immortals. After all, the selection of Xuanchong immortals belongs to the state of Da Kun. It's normal to have the light purple fog here. The immortal should be the one to arrange the test! "

During Li Yu's parting, more than a dozen immortal generals dressed as leaders also gathered to discuss in a low voice. As they spoke, they looked at Xiao Hua with closed eyes. When Li Yu finished speaking, one of the flying generals came over and arched: "Zhou Xiaoyou, in the next season, pan Guo's deputy leader yuan Ben..."

Yuanben is Yanxian. Zhou Xiaoming dares not to neglect him. He hastily replies, "I've seen the commander of yuan, but I don't know what the commander has to say?"

"Among the immortal generals of the Three Kingdoms, there are three out of ten stops. The immortal generals have not come out of Huoping mountain..." Yuan Ben said with a smile, "I don't know if Xiaoyou saw them?"

Zhou Xiaoming grinned bitterly and replied without any secret: "commander yuan really thinks highly of Zhou. Zhou is just an immortal. He just flew into Huoping mountain and couldn't resist it. If he hadn't been brought in by me, he would not have seen the commander at this time. Wait a moment, commander. I'll go to ask my master! ""Thank you, little friend!" Yuan Ben is very happy.

Hearing that many of the Three Kingdoms immortals were occupied in Huoping mountain, Xiao Hua didn't hesitate. He asked yuan Ben a few questions and took yuan ben to fly into the sky!

The immortals will be staring at Xiao Hua's back. They didn't expect Xiao Hua to turn around again! After half a cup of tea, the immortals will wake up and talk to Zhou Xiaoming and xiaoxiangzi in a warm tone.

Xiao Hua takes yuan Ben into Huoping mountain and asks yuan ben to follow the path he flew before. At the same time, he also explores Li Moyi's whereabouts intentionally or unintentionally. It's a pity that Yuanben hasn't met Li Moyi, and doesn't even know about Zhang Xiaohua and Li Moyi.

This makes Xiao Hua somewhat regretful. He knows that his plan to find Li Moyi in jichong Xianxuan has failed.

But fortunately, Xiao Hua took yuan Ben in and out, and spent several yuan days, and really saved more than ten high-level immortal generals! These immortal generals have been unable to move forward, but they are struggling in the flames. If it were not for Xiao Hua and Yuan Ben, they would not be able to hold on for long. Of course, along the way also see more corpses and fairy armour, Xiao Hua carefully clean up, make yuan Ben received!

Looking at Xiao Hua's careful appearance, Yuan Ben and other immortal generals were filled with tears of gratitude.

Flying out of Huoping mountain, with a wave of Xiao Hua's big sleeve, more than ten injured immortals will fall in the air, and all the immortals will cheer.

Hundreds of immortals knelt down in the air and cried out: "I'll give thanks to you..."

"You're welcome..." Xiao Hua lifted up the immortal generals by brushing his sleeves, only uttered two words, and said nothing more.

After that, hundreds of immortals will fly in front of them in a team according to the previous discussion with xiaoxiangzi and Zhou Xiaoming, and Xiao Hua, Zhou Xiaoming and xiaoxiangzi will follow at the end, all the way to listen to Tianxue.

The distance is not a few days, and the danger far exceeds the bend index.

Seeing the dusk of the first day, the red and dark sun setting in the West and the autumn moon hanging in the East, Xiao Hua's unforgettable dark green moonlight became brighter and brighter, and the whole world was immersed in a kind of tranquility. Suddenly, xiaoxiangzi pointed to the intersection of heaven and earth in the distance and said in a low voice: "master, the front is to listen to the snow!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows and looked up. He had heard Shuo Bing talk about Tian Xue since he set foot in the fairyland. Until today's first day, he was a high-level two Qi immortal, and he really came to listen to Tian Xue.

But see that dark green qiuhao moon, a touch of snow, such as ice crystal, like pearls in the dark and green interwoven between burning light! Xiao Hua's eyes swept by. Although he didn't see it clearly, the unspeakable coolness and the unspeakable beauty couldn't help but live in his heart.

"It's a strange place at first sight!" Zhou Xiaoming said coldly, "if it were me, I would never go!"

"That's right, you can train younger martial sister!" Xiao Hua didn't have good spirit of hum a, "or send out Zhao Ting?"

Zhou Xiaoming shrinks his neck and dare not say any more.

Speaking of the younger martial sister, Xiao Hua's heart moves. Zhao ting in the space has woken up, and Xiao Hua has also explored her situation when she enters the space. Zhao Ting's qualification is not good. Maybe even Chi Xiaoxia can't match her, but she wins in hard work. Seeing that Xiao Hua doesn't let her go, she continues to practice Kendo without a word, which is quite different from Zhou Xiaoming's laziness.

Xiaoxiangzi spent some time with Zhou Xiaoming and Xiao Hua. Knowing that the master and his disciples were extremely approachable, he looked at Zhou Xiaoming and said with a smile, "ha ha, it turns out that Zhou Xianyou still has a lovely little sister!"

Zhou Xiaoming had a very good impression of Sisi and Wang Yuebai. Unfortunately, the two little dragon girls were seriously injured at that time, and now they don't know about life and death. He was inevitably depressed. He shook his head and said, "it's all gone!"

"Ouch..." Xiaoxiangzi misunderstood and boasted, "it turns out that Zhou Xianyou also has a story!"

"No, no..." Zhou Xiaoming waved his hand and said, "those are the younger martial sisters before I worship the master. Their life and death are unknown!"

"Sorry, sorry..." Xiaoxiangzi apologized in a hurry.

Between the two people's conversation, there was a fairy general yuan Ben flying over, respectfully said: "master, the front is to listen to the snow."

"Well, I know!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I've heard that Tianxue has six days and seventy-two realms. I don't know which day and which realms you are waiting for to select immortals?"

"I'll tell you..." Yuan Ben said with a smile, "I don't know where to choose immortals. Unless I listen to Tian Xue and take out our imperial edict Jinke, there will be a real place to choose immortals!"

"So..." Xiaoxiangzi also echoed the way, "the elder even don't know how to choose immortal?"

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Listen to the snow finally arrived, six days 72 border It looks like there's some fun!