Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 966

"Ah! Come and protect me Xiao Hua cries out in pain and shouts loudly. Xiao Lei hears it and dares not neglect it. He flies to Xiao Hua's back in a hurry and spreads his wings to protect him.

"Boom..." At the same time, several fire meteorite moths rush on Xiaolei's wings and body, causing severe pain. Xiaolei can't help crying.

"Go..." Xiao Hua makes a quick decision and flies away towards the distance. Naturally, Xiao Lei has been told by Xiao Hua for a long time. He doesn't dare to stay more than half a moment and fly away with Xiao Hua!

"Ha ha..." Looking at the fire meteorite moth chasing Xiao Hua like a cloud, in a rock thousands of miles away, the old man laughed wildly, "I'll tell you, at most, the middle level strength of the five elements depends on Xianchong's rough skin, otherwise the fire meteorite moth will kill him! In this way, I can reply to Yingshuai! "

Xiao Hua flies thousands of Li in a panic, and finally throws off the fire moths. But he also suffers from his own misfortune. He can't find the direction to fly out of Huoping mountain. Looking at the red light and distorted light and shadow, Xiao Hua has no choice but to sacrifice xiangai. Fortunately, xiangai has a sign to listen to the snow. Xiao Hua turns xiangai a little and finds the right direction.

Xiao Hua was not in a hurry. He sent the two headed Huoqi beast out again. He sat cross legged and let the two headed Huoqi beast fly slowly. He narrowed his eyes and thought, "this time, Xiao gave up his face and finally retreated among thousands of fire meteorite moths. Surely the state of Da Kun won't try again?"

"It's also strange that the ghost king had set up an ambush in the bloody desert before. It must be Xiao who had killed him. He was aware of it. In addition to the divination of the spirit princess, he could know the trend of Xiao."

"The state of Da Kun How can we possibly know Xiao's trend and lay ambush in this Huoping mountain ahead of time? "

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly felt a thrill, a kind of creepy feeling from his back, and he cried in his heart: "no, no, absolutely not! Xiao is now Xiao Zhenren, completely different from Zhang Xiaohua before! Da Kun Kingdom I'm afraid I'm not going to do divination for Zhang Xiaohua with the master of Lingfei. The cause and effect of all this must be in immortal Xiao! "

"Since Xiao Cong, he has done nothing but end the cause and effect between Zifei and chongyunqian on Zihuan island! If the state of Da Kun tries to test Xiao, it must be the reason for Zifei. "


The corner of Xiao Hua's eyes slightly jumped, and he thought of a character who had doubted for a long time!

It can't be said that she is a character, because Huanji is not a fairy or a wandering soul. She should be a fairy puppet!

"At the beginning of the opening of Zihuan island sea market, it was arranged by Zifei. Zifei never mentioned Huanji in her words. She only had Zihuan country and qianer in her mouth!"

"On chongyunqian's axe, the dark leaves only recorded the state of Zihuan, Zifei and the head of the state. They never mentioned Zihuan island or Huanji."

"This shows that either chongyunqian or Zifei may not know Huanji at all, or Huanji's identity is too humble for them to mention?"

"And when purple imperial concubine talks, Huan Ji is beside her. Purple imperial concubine is a wandering soul. She can't see Huan Ji, or she doesn't know Huan Ji is an immortal puppet at all!"

"When the spirit of Zifei dissipated, she told Xiao the reward for sending back qian'er's message..." The more Xiao Hua thought about it, the brighter his eyes were. "This reward is not said, but produced in Xiao's mind with secret skills! There was no mention of Huan Ji, no mention of how Chong Yun Qian handled his axe, and no mention of any Keepsake! After that, Huan Ji appeared and not only gave Xiao a keepsake, but also took away chongyunqian's axe. If purple imperial concubine had an arrangement, why didn't she say it in advance? "

"Xiao has a very good impression of Huanji. He thinks that she is Zifei's servant, so he takes it for granted that Huanji's words are Zifei's arrangement. But if they change their perspective, Zifei and chongyunqian don't know that Huanji is an immortal puppet, an immortal puppet It was arranged by Bao Yao who cheated chongyunqian to forget Sichuan. In fact, Huanji's company with Zihuan for so many years has created an illusion that she is Zifei's slave, and her purpose is naturally Zifei's words. They want to listen to the things in Tianxue Liuli, which should be the treasure left by Zihuan For a while, it's not some specific keepsake, so Huanji doesn't dare to act rashly. She can only use a fake keepsake to lure Xiao into cheating, and let Xiao lead them to the glass realm where they listen to Tianxue. As soon as Xiao takes out the keepsake, they will naturally appear, and they will know where Zifei's things are hidden! "

"But it's not right!"

"They don't know that Xiao is going to listen to Tian Xue. How can they ambush in Huoping mountain in advance to test Xiao's strength?"

"Well, there's only one possibility. In fact, they generally know that Zihuan's treasure is listening to Tianxue, but they don't know where Tianxue is listening to, and they don't know the words. Or Huoping mountain is between Zihuan island and Dakun, and they arrange it casually. Of course, maybe they follow Xiao?"

"In that case, the immortal named Bao is interesting. If he didn't fall in the river, he must return to the sun. Where is he? Is that old man his descendant? What is the relationship between the great Kunlun Kingdom and the decaying Zihuan kingdom? ""Of course, it may not matter. What Bao wants is chongyunqian's body and chongjia's blood. He wants to suppress the arms of bloody Guanyin! And the state of Dakun, just like their layout in Xuanyi, is greedy for the treasure of Zihuan. "

"Just, just, don't think about it any more. Fortunately, Xiao has already dealt with it. Let's see..." Xiao Hua is not as curious as jiuxia. After thinking about it for a moment, he gets out of his mind and falls into the space and turns into a jade ultimatum. Then Xiao Hua takes out the light purple petals given by Huanji.

Xiao Hua's eyes swept over the light purple petals, but he didn't realize it was tiny.

But the petal is really a crystal clear keepsake. There is nothing special in it except some mysterious fine lines as signs. In Xiao Hua's eyes, the fine lines flicker slightly, and what emerges is an old man wearing a crown. This old man is seven points similar to chongyunqian, and looks like the Lord in Zifei's memory!

"Strange, is it because I think wrong?" Xiao Hua scratched his head with a jade ultimatum. Just now he secretly caressed his tact, but now he's chatting again.

When Xiao Hua was embarrassed, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and got out of his mind.

"Roar..." Xiao Hua's mind returned to his original position. He just heard the double headed Huoqi beast roaring, but he was very alert to see the double headed Huoqi beast looking into the distance of the sea of fire!

"Damn it Xiao Hua was slightly angry and said in secret, "is there another fire beast to try?"

But when Xiao Hua looked into the distance, he laughed again: "ha ha, it's already at the edge of Huoping mountain, and there are immortals to welcome it. It's really a coincidence that it can't be a book!"

"Let's go!" Xiao Hua patted the double headed Huoqi beast on the top door and said, "don't be afraid, they are old friends of me!"

"Oh..." Double headed fire Qi beast should a, foot fire cloud suddenly bright, extremely fast fly to the distance.

Seeing the flames dwindling, Xiao Hua thought a little more and sent xiaoxiangzi and Zhou Xiaoming out of the space. In order to cover up, he specially gave xiaoxiangzi a space where he couldn't see his fingers. It must be impossible for xiaoxiangzi to contact Kunlun fairyland.

Sure enough, xiaoxiangzi flew out without any doubt. He looked around and said respectfully, "master Xiao, is this going to go too far?"

Xiao Hua didn't answer immediately. Instead, in front of xiaoxiangzi, he threw the other hand's Taoist robe, and Zhou Xiaoming flew out of his sleeve.

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming naturally had the same problem as xiaoxiangzi. He said with a smile, "is this the end of Huoping mountain?"

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded, pointed to the front and said, "there is a fire in Pingshan, but there seems to be other immortals outside. I don't like it. You can deal with it later."

"Yes..." Zhou Xiaoming looked at xiaoxiangzi and bowed to him, "I have disciples to deal with this matter. I don't want to ask the master."

With that, Zhou Xiaoming and xiaoxiangzi urge their bodies to fly in front of them. Xiao Hua sits with two heads and Huoqi beast follows.

Before the three of them could fly out, Xiao Hua heard some immortals saying: "I'm afraid there won't be any more people coming here. I've been waiting for more than ten days..."

"Yes, I heard a deafening noise before. It's very quiet. Even if the trainees get close to them, I'm afraid it's not easy for them to get out of danger."

"Alas, it's too difficult to choose the immortal. We've worked so hard to get here, and we're about to enter Tianxue. Suddenly, this bare mountain is on fire. If we didn't fly fast, we would have died in it!"

"Don't complain, Zhang Xianyou. You and I are lucky. Although we were slow and late to the peak, we didn't delay. Xu Qi of Mo Ching Kingdom shot them much earlier than us. When I flew over the peak, they said that the fire fairies here were full of vitality. They wanted to practice for a while, so that they could finally listen to Tian Xue. Who knows... "

"Yes, even though this strange ground fire suddenly burst out of the mountain, if I hadn't got a fire armor near chenyushan Valley, I would have been engulfed by the ground fire!"

"It seems that the peak is called Huoping mountain. There shouldn't be a flood of ground fire recently..."

"Oh, there are figures inside. It's time for Xu Qi to shoot them. Quick, quick..."

In the chaos, Zhou Xiaoming and xiaoxiangzi fly out of Huoping mountain and meet hundreds of immortal generals in immortal armor and hundreds of other immortals. They either stand in the air in disorder, or form a scattered immortal array together, but hundreds of eyes are fixed on them.

When I saw that they were not immortal generals, the eyes of the immortal generals were either surprised, or secretly pleased, or alert.

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Xiao Hua doubts whether it is reasonable, but also to listen to the snow verification. But Xiao Hua's strength is already strong. Are you afraid of this?