Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 965

"No way! Zhang Xiaohua It's impossible to fight with Xiao now. How can they doubt that? "

"Is this the test of Chen Chong's selection of immortals? Every general who passes through Huoqi beast will be attacked by Huoqi beast? "

"No! These fire birds and fire beasts all have the strength of the five element immortals. How can the immortals who participate in the selection of zhuochong immortals be their opponents

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and compared the purple beads given by Ying Fei. The light purple mist was the same.

"That's all!" Xiao Hua couldn't think of the reason why he wanted to break his head. He simply didn't want to. He said with a smile, "if that's the case, then the water will come and the land will be covered, and the soldiers will stop it!"

Xiao Hua made up his mind, but the old man didn't come again. After that, he was calm for several decades. However, Xiao Hua had a better understanding of the ferocity of Huoping mountain.

No wonder xiaoxiangzi talked about the change of fire color. The fire of huopingshan is really fierce. The deeper the mountains are, the stronger the fire spirit and shadow around the fire are. In the distortion of the fire, the law of fire begins to emerge. If the law of space is fluctuation, the law of wind is cyan light and shadow, and the law of fire is red mountain shadow. The shadow of the mountain is heavy and oppresses Xiao Hua's immortal body. Let Xiao Hua have the strength to gather Yuanxian, and the silver light is also scorched!

Xiao Hua doesn't dare to relax his vigilance, but he still has the immortal trace. There is silver light in the immortal trace in the starry sky. He carefully understands this rare law of fire! And in the law star sky, a law star with the realization of red light, gradually condensed into stars and star halo!

As a matter of fact, there is no ordinary immortal in fairyland who has such urgent cultivation as Xiao Hua? Zhou Xiaoming's unhurried cultivation is the way of ordinary immortals in the fairyland. Xiao Hua is just used to being chased and killed. Let's seize every opportunity to practice!

This first day, Xiao Hua was experiencing the law of fire. Suddenly, the law of fine lines appeared in the mountains.

"Hey, hey, here we go again..." Xiao Hua laughs, claps the eyebrow center to close the immortal mark, big sleeve swings to send out the small silver.

"Mother's mother..." Small silver flies out, the small body of fat Du Du shakes a shake, quite happy to say, "do you have something to look for a child?"

"You..." Xiao Hua looked at Xiaoyin, opened his eyes and said, "are you Xiaoyin?"

"Yes, yes!" Xiaoyin was puzzled. Looking at Xiaohua, she said, "the child is my mother's mother's most obedient and handsome Xiaoyin!"

"It's a good thing to say handsome!" Xiao Hua was a little disgusted and said, "look what you look like

"Mother's mother..." Xiaoyin looked down at himself, and his tail rolled up. He was quite aggrieved and said, "don't blame the child, it's the mother..."

"What about your mother?" Xiao Hua asked with a smile.

"Xiaojin's father gives Xiaojin food, and so does the child's mother." Xiaoyin said with a sad face, "the problem is that Xiaojin can eat, but the child can't..."

Just now, there was a loud "boom" among the mountains in the distance. The top of a mountain with the size of hundreds of miles cracked, and a fire beast with the size of thousands of feet swam out of the mountain like a dragon!

The fire beast was covered with mountain like marks, which gave birth to a brown red flame. The flame was extremely fierce. It not only burned the rocks to pieces, but also burned the void into wisps of light and shadow, almost like a rule!

The fire beast has no head, only a huge ball of meat in front of the beast. On the ball of meat, three Eight Trigram shaped fire balls burn slowly according to different rhythms.

One of the fires suddenly went out and sent out "Wu..." A huge black hole appeared on the meatball, and then a breath comparable to the middle level of the five element fairy surged in!

"Is this testing Xiao's strength?" Xiao Hua had some insight. "He was an immortal beast with immortal power before, and then he was a five element immortal in the early stage, Da Kun Kingdom What's your plan? "

"Haw..." Xiaoyin naturally does not have the strength of the five element fairy. It shrinks fiercely in Xiao Hua's arms!

"No promise!" Xiao Hua scolded, "what are you afraid of? You can kill this fire earthworm. I'll take it home and hold Xiaojin to death!"

"Haw..." Little silver Leng for a while, immediately raised his claws and said, "mother's mother, this is what you said!"

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "naturally, I said it!"

"Good!" Small silver full of energy, the whole body dyed golden brocade hair all up, "whoosh" fell into the sea of fire disappeared.

Xiaoyin is gone, and Xiao Hua immediately displays the art of controlling yuan and transforming smoke, covering nearly thousands of miles!

"Roar, roar..." In a short time, the fire beast that had never been near in the distance began to roar. The three fire groups above the head of the meat spewed out fire pillars and spewed madly into the air. Moreover, the huge body began to bend, and the tail beat hard around.

"Boom boom..."

"Boom boom..."

The sound of roar is endless, the fire is soaring in the space of thousands of miles, and the debris is splashing.

Xiao Hua was worried about Xiaoyin at first, but he saw that Xiaoyin was extremely flexible. Although the fire beast was powerful, it was like rotten wood in Xiaoyin's eyes. However, after half a cup of tea, little silver had entered and left the fire beast. Xiao Hua was relieved to explore the surroundings.It's a pity that the little blood evil spirit is tiny, and its breath is very similar to the fire breath of honglianye in Huoping mountain. If you know that it's the blood evil spirit who wants to find it, you may be able to find clues. It's impossible to find it just by looking for a needle in a haystack like Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua's exploration failed. He just wanted to open his eyes and said, "roar..." In the distance, the fire beast suddenly whines and rushes straight up into the sky, then "boom..." With a loud crash into the mountain, the fire beast of the five element fairy was beaten away by little silver!

How to let the fire beast escape?

"Haw..." Xiao Yin is roaring. She's going to catch up!

"Come back!" Xiao Hua can't laugh or cry any more. He says in his heart.

"Mother's mother..." Xiaoyin cried back and said, "the fire earthworm has run away..."

"It's OK, it's ok..." Xiao Hua comforted, "Xiaoyin is great. I don't blame you..."

"No..." Xiaoyin said, "I can't choke Xiaojin!"

Not to mention how Xiao Hua sent Xiaoyin back to space, but after Xiao Hua left, the blood ghost flashed deep in the mountain, and the old man flew out again like smoke. Looking at the distant fire beast, he roared: "how many faeries does this immortal have? NND, I've got a fire beast in the middle level of the five element fairy. How Why can't you lead him? Huoping mountain is about to pass. If you can't find out, the fire of Huoping mountain is in vain. Will I not be ridiculed by other shadow guards in Shao shadow mansion? "

"The problem is..." The old man scratched his head hard. "I've got three fire beasts. Do you want to send the fourth one?"?? But if you don't use fire beast and immortal general, then Isn't that a straw scare? NND, I don't believe it. This guy can still have a fourth head. No, he's a fifth head

The old man really underestimates Xiao Hua. He has more than five faeries?

However, the old man was depressed, and Xiao Hua was also a little depressed. The reason why he let Xiaoyin come out instead of Xiaojin was that he tried to show weakness and push the boat with the current. Who knows Xiaoyin tried his best to kill Xiaojin by choking him. He beat the fire beast of the middle level of the five element fairy three times five divided by two. This failed Xiao Hua's plan.

"Just..." Xiao Hua sat on the back of the double headed Huoqi beast with his knees crossed. He said to himself, "if there is another Huoqi beast, Xiao will still let Xiao Lei come out. The skin is rough and the flesh is thick. As for Xiao himself, he has to practice his hands. Otherwise, I'm sorry for the trial again and again, cough, three and four!"

Although Xiao Hua thinks so, he doesn't think there will be a fourth wave of fire beasts coming, because he can't think of the significance of this kind of exploration. But when he saw thousands of fire moths flying down, he couldn't help but stand up from the two headed fire beast and said in a low voice, "did Xiao steal the princess of Da Kun? Why do you have to force Xiao to do it? "

The moth is only ten feet in size. At first glance, it looks like a moth in the world. But this moth is more powerful than moth. I don't know how many times! Not to mention that there are two wings on both sides of the moth's body, and there is a strange sound between the wings. Not to mention that the moth's head is like a ghost's face, and the fire color is bright and blue. But if the silver light stained with the immortal body immediately infiltrates into it, it can't be extinguished. Not to mention that the moth's abdomen is only about ten tentacles, and there is red powder on the tentacles, which falls into the fire Neither Yannian nor the naked eye can see it in the flame. If the powder is touched by the immortal, the immortal's body will rot immediately. The fire meteorite moth is like the body of the meteorite, and it is born with a strange Tianwen title deed. If the fire meteorite moth is like a moth fighting fire, the Tianwen title deed will gush out from the body of the fire meteorite moth, and it will attack the immortal's silver light regardless of the space distance between the rapid rotation Dharma, a non refined immortal body, can't resist at all. There is no other ending except penetrating.

How can Xiao Hua not turn pale at the sight of such a powerful fire moth??

When Xiao Hua flies up, he quickly takes back the fire with two heads. Qi beast sends Xiaolei out!

Xiaolei also felt the extreme threat. He roared, his claws and wings danced wildly, and the thunder rolled on the fire moth! As for Xiao Hua himself, he hastened to sacrifice an immortal weapon. When the immortal power passed, the immortal weapon surged with thunder light and rushed to the fire moth!

After Xiao Hua and Xiao Lei tried their best to support banzhuxiang, the eyes of more than ten fire moths in front of them turned red, and their whole bodies were red and shining. Their bodies circled and turned into stars, then they rushed to Xiao Hua.

Moths flapping at the fire are really powerful, and Xiao Hua can't resist them at all With a few dull sounds, the blood light splashed from Xiao Hua's Taoist robe

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Xiao Hua is tired of trying again and again. Ha ha, there's no way