Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 964

"How can this guy be my favorite Xiao Hua sniffed and said, "but just Yanxian's strength!"

Zhou Xiaoming is full of black lines. He opens his mouth and is embarrassed to say anything more!

After fighting with the deer fire beast for half an hour, Xiao Hua raised his big sleeve and sacrificed the bronze arm and gold tooth beast!

When the bronze armed golden toothed beast fell into the air, it immediately made a "click" sound, which was obviously caused by the water light and the flame.

"Roar..." With a low roar, the bronze armed golden toothed beast pounced on the deer fire beast. The deer fire beast disdained the bronze armed golden toothed beast, and there was a false shadow of the fire beast flying out of the spot on its neck. But the copper armed golden toothed beast attack is different from the double headed fire Qi beast. It has rough skin and thick flesh. It is not afraid of the false shadow of the fire beast, nor is it afraid of the fire pillar sprayed by the mouth of the deer fire beast. It often attacks the body of the deer fire beast!

Seeing the bronze armed golden toothed beast fighting together, the double headed fire Qi beast was also brave. For a moment, the water cloud and fire flashed in the air, and the sound of explosion was as continuous as firecrackers!

"Ouch..." But after a cup of tea, the deer fire beast began to howl. The shape of the deer fire beast was like a deer, and its body was not as good as that of the bronze armed golden toothed beast. However, it was hit hard by close quarters for several times, and its body had already gushed blood. There was a flash of fire wire in the bloodstain, and the splash stuck to the double headed Huoqi beast, which made the double headed Huoqi beast more excited

"roar..." Regardless of the damage to his body, the double headed Huoqi beast frantically pours out, and finally takes advantage of the deer fire beast to resist the bronze armed golden toothed beast. The horn on the top of the head "poof" pokes into the deer fire beast's body!

"Oh..." When the horn pierces in, the deer fire beast raises its head and roars, and sees the blood color mixed with red light rushing into the horn of the double headed fire Qi beast!

Seeing the blood light, Xiao Hua frowned slightly, but when the deer fire beast looked up and roared, his eyes even looked at the flying place, which made Xiao Hua more surprised.

"Master..." After hesitating for a long time, Zhou Xiaoming finally spoke again and asked, "isn't this water beast your old fairy pet?"

"Of course!" Xiao Hua closed his eyes and answered without hesitation, "it's not really!"

"All right!" Zhou Xiaoming shut up.

As he spoke, the two biggest marks on the neck of the deer fire beast suddenly flashed, and two whirlpools of fire shadow flew out from the inside. As soon as the whirlpool fell into the air, the twisted lights all around fell down one after another. Without waiting for the copper armed golden toothed beast and double headed fire Qi beast to escape, the whirlpool covered them like a meteor!

"Oh..." Looking at the flame burning on the two beasts, the deer fire beast didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, but roared and turned to flee. Xiao Hua could see clearly that when the deer fire beast flew away, his legs wanted to tremble, even the fire cloud under his feet was as thin as paper!

"Roar..." The bronze armed golden toothed beast and the double headed fire Qi beast came out of the flame vortex and roared to chase them out again.

"Come back!" Xiao Hua waved the two beasts back with a smile.

The two beasts flew to Xiao Hua's side and rubbed against him. Xiao Hua saw that they were more and more like Xiaoyin. He didn't know that Xiaoyin had trained them!

"Well, not bad!" Xiao Hua wrapped the two beasts in a roll of Taoist robe and said with a smile, "go back and practice well!"

After receiving the two beasts, Xiao Hua looked at Zhou Xiaoming and said, "and you, also need to practice well!"

"Yes, sir!" Zhou Xiaoming's face is strange. It's like eating the most sour orange in the fairyland. His strength is not as good as that of the immortal beast under Xiao Hua's seat. He's not so good. He doesn't want to practice!

Later, Zhou Xiaoming urged the star cloud crown. This time, he did not let the star light turn into armor. While flying, he directly sacrificed the flame of the star light attacking Pingshan.

As Xiao Hua thought, Zhou Xiaoming's immortal power is more pure, and Xingyun's coronal sacrifice is more heartfelt.

"People, they are all forced out!" Looking at Zhou Xiaoming's progress, Xiao Hua sighed, "it's no wonder that both monks and immortals are willing to experience. Only in difficulties, or between life and death, can we stimulate people's potential!"

Just thinking, "boom..." The dark red sky seemed to be broken, and there were blood red fire waves pouring down. Before the fire waves came near, Xiao Hua felt that the surrounding space suddenly stagnated, and inexplicable strange light and shadow ran about!

Light and shadow like red lotus, clusters of white bones and sea of blood in the red lotus virtual shadow flashing impact line of sight!

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming's voice trembled. Xiao Hua looked at Zhou Xiaoming and felt that his eyes were a little scattered. He knew that he could no longer endure the fire of Honglian industry in huopingshan, so he was no longer reluctant. With a wave of his big sleeve, he was also included in the space.

Zhou Xiaoming just disappeared, "ga..." In the blood red wave of fire, the sound of birds singing in the sky was heard. Xiao Hua looked up and saw an equally strange fairy bird flying out from the crack of the sky.

This fairy bird is as green as the sea, and its wings are spread out, which is thousands of feet, but its body, which should be full of feathers, is as dry as bone. But it's this bone like animal body, countless scarlet totems engraved, these totems of different sizes, each totem has a flame like silk gushing out!

Among the immortal birds' wings, there was a flame breaking through the air, and the blood red eyes were staring at Xiao Hua. Even Xiao Hua felt shivering!

"Ga..." For the second time, the fairy bird chirped, and more than ten fire spirits were broken in the surrounding space. The pouring fire stream rushed to Xiaohua with the fairy bird, drowning the void and rushing to Xiaohua."The little beast!" Xiao Hua is a bit too sad to laugh. He is just the initial strength of the five element immortal. How dare he compete with himself?

However, just as Xiao Hua's hands are rubbing, ready to use thunder's big hand to take down the immortal bird, Xiao Hua's heart moves, and the big sleeve waves Xiaolei out.

"Master..." Xiaolei falls into the sea of fire, and his whole body immediately gives birth to thunder to protect his body. His blood red eyes have already seen the arrogance of immortal birds, so Xiaolei says, "is it to let Xiaodi kill this thing?"

Xiao hualue pondered and said, "don't kill! Just run away... "

"Boom..." Xiaolei no longer said more. With his wings unfolded, the thunder surged out and welcomed the Flamingo.

As the wings of the fire bird spread, the bloody flame turned into a fire lotus and rushed to Xiaolei. The totems all over the body also came out one after another, leading the sea of fire to attack Xiaolei. It's a pity that Xiaolei is born to be a thunder beast. How can he be afraid of the so-called red lotus fire? Moreover, Xiaolei's dark body also has thunder patterns and strange totems. When Xiaolei attacks, both thunder patterns and totems give birth to thunder light!

So you come and I go, Xiaolei has already got the upper hand!

Seeing that the Firebird fairy bird is exhausted, Xiaolei's body gives birth to a series of thunder. The light and shadow have already deceived the fairy bird. The dark claws flash like lightning. With a dull sound of "poof", a big hole has been pulled out of the dead body!

"Ga..." Flamingo fairy birds spread their wings and moan, more than ten flaming plumes fly down from the tip of their wings!

At this time, Xiao Hua noticed that when the Firebird fairy bird wailed, he also looked to the sea of fire!

Xiao Hua suddenly flashed into the sea of fire and said angrily, "who is that?"

However, when Xiao Hua was flying, his eyes turned and his figure slowed down a lot. When he fell into the sea of fire, there was nothing different except a trace of light purple smoke!

"Let it go..." Xiao Hua looks around and commands Xiao Lei from the bottom of his heart!

"Roar..." Xiaolei growled in a low voice, and his body was like a meteor, bumping into the Firebird fairy bird, "boom..." Firebird fairy bird obviously didn't expect Xiaolei to be so fierce that he was knocked upside down thousands of feet!

Xiaolei is not willing to see the Firebird fairy bird, smash it, smash it, and fly to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua stroked Xiaolei's head with a smile and said, "it's not bad. It's the middle level strength of the five element fairy. I'm more powerful in cultivation than I am!"

"Hee hee, thank you for your praise!" Xiao Lei doesn't know how modest and happy he is.

"Pride makes people backward, modesty makes people progress..." Xiao Hua just told him that he was happy and said with a smile, "bah bah, he was misled by Wenqu. Xiaolei is not a human race. Why is he modest?"

After Xiaolei was collected, Xiao Hua looked around alertly. His waistcoat gave birth to a kind of shudder, as if he had been watched by others.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Hua sent the two headed fire beast out, sat on it with his knees crossed, and made it fly forward.

Xiao Hua left for about half a cup of tea, and a thread of blood evil spirit, as thin as a needle, flew out of the mountain quietly. The blood evil spirit was so small that it could not be identified. The blood evil spirit fell in the air, and the strange wind howled. Then a smoke shape flew out of the blood evil spirit, "damn..." This body shape just fell in the mid air, low scold a way, "I almost was found!"

With the low curse, the smoke shape gradually plump, and finally turned into an old man. Isn't it the old man Xiao Hua saw in youjiaxuan Pavilion when he killed Yanfei?

The old man stood still and sang in a low voice. As some light purple shadows fell into the void, the Flamingo fairy bird that was ready to fly seemed to have been ordered to spread its wings and fly to other places. As for the old man himself, he pinched his chin and said to himself, "this man is alert and has a lot of faeries. I can't find out his strength after several explorations. But only from the strength of his disciples and immortal pet, it's just the top of the five element fairy

"Alas, it's a pity that this matter is too important to be slighted. I must find out his real strength..." The old man pondered for a moment, and finally sighed, "I only hope I can do it next time, otherwise it will arouse his suspicion again and again!"

With that, the old man's body suddenly turned into smoke and fell into the blood evil spirit again. The blood evil spirit disappeared again. Even if it was the spirit transforming immortal again, I'm afraid I can't find out the location of the blood evil spirit.

"Strange!" Xiao Hua is on the back of the double headed Huoqi beast, and his mind has fallen into space. At this time, Xiao Hua took the light purple smoke in his left hand, and took out the purple beads given by the old man in youjiaxuan Pavilion in his right hand. A trace of incomprehension appeared in his eyes. He said in secret, "what did they attack Xiao for?"

"Is it the discovery of Xiao's secret?"

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Again and again the trial has attracted the attention of Xiao Hua, the old man himself does not know ah!