Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 963

Huoping mountain, as its name suggests, is as straight as a barrier. The flame on the maroon rock gushed out like a roll. As for the inside of the rock, wisps of fire moved like light and shadow. The color of the fire was crimson. It was not so much fire as blood!

Huoping mountain is hundreds of thousands of feet below the continuous rock, no cave, Xiao Hua fly for a long time, this is to see the top of the mountain, and around the top of the mountain, the peak is still high, the soaring flame will burn the sky red.

Xiao Hua stood at the top of the mountain which looked like a gap. He couldn't see anything clearly except the flickering fire and the lingering smoke. Xiao Hua thought a little and said, "xiaoxiangzi, it looks dangerous here, and I'm not familiar with the Buddha fire. I'm afraid you'll miss it when you're outside..."

Xiaoxiangzi understood Xiao Hua's meaning and said with a smile, "if you have any immortal tools, you can bring them in first. It's not too late to let them go after huopingshan."

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughs, "Xiao you, don't worry, I can do it!"

"The elder is similar to an old friend I met before..." Xiaoxiangzi said, "only by the eyes of the elders, the younger generation can rest assured!"

"Damn it Xiao Hua's heart was startled, and he knew what. He only used the secret technique of Qingqiu mountain to cover his appearance, but he didn't pay special attention to the flow of his eyes.

Xiao Hua pretended to be calm and said with a smile: "I have the skill of heaven and earth in my sleeve. I can protect you. You must not resist it!"

With that, Xiao Hua's big sleeve waved xiaoxiangzi into the space.

"Master..." Watching xiaoxiangzi go, Zhou Xiaoming said, "don't be afraid, your secret skill is very wonderful, not to mention the appearance and expression, that is, all the friars in the world have completely changed their eyes which are hard to hide. Xiaoxiangzi just feels that you are old and kind and approachable."

With that, Zhou Xiaoming looked around and said, "it's dangerous here. The master will take his disciples into Kunlun fairyland."

"You're smart!" Xiao Hua looked at Zhou Xiaoming, a little sad and laughing. He didn't tell him the cause and effect between himself and xiaoxiangzi, but Zhou Xiaoming saw that his laziness really needed to be changed, so Xiao Hua said, "I just didn't intend to send you back to Kunlun fairyland. In xiaoxiangzi's eyes, huopingshan is a dangerous place, but in my eyes, you have excellent experience. You should take it with you Let's go

"No, sir!" Zhou Xiaoming looked at the flame in front of his head and said, "xiaoxiangzi is a high-level immortal. He is also a disciple of a famous school. How dare he go in?"

"Aren't you a high-level Louxian? Go to... " Xiao Hua shakes his hand and throws it. Zhou Xiaoming falls into the fire like a bullet.

Zhou Xiaoming has just fallen into the fire. The silver light around him doesn't ignite immediately. Zhou Xiaoming is in a hurry to urge Xianli to resist, but the fire rushes into his body and makes him howl.

Xiao Hua didn't do it. Instead, he followed Zhou Xiaoming with a smile. Zhou Xiaoming hastily offered his crystal talisman to him. With the sound of "brush", the water was shining, and he covered Zhou Xiaoming's immortal body for the time being. Unfortunately, Zhou Xiaoming was just relieved, "Wu..." In the water light, the strange wind suddenly rises, the crimson fire gushes out, and rushes to Zhou Xiaoming. The unspeakable palpitation comes from the bottom of his heart. He can't help shouting: "master, help..."

"Don't think I'll do it!" Xiao Hua's faint voice rang out in his ear, "I want to help myself!"

"All right!" Zhou Xiaoming had no choice but to clap his backhand on his eyebrows. But when the immortal mark opened, the silver with the starlight came out. However, the silver had just fallen, and there had been a red lotus like flame to ignite the silver!

"Red lotus industry" Zhou Xiaoming was surprised. He couldn't help crying out, "I thought it was the fire of Buddhism!"

"Nonsense!" Xiao Hua couldn't help cursing, "is what others say? You don't have brains of your own? "

As a matter of fact, before he flew into Huoping mountain, Xiao Hua had noticed that the flame was different. He knew that the flame was not pure Buddha fire as xiaoxiangzi said. There was a little dark fire in the Buddha fire. Buddha fire burns reincarnation, and fire sacrifices refine the spirit! This is why ordinary immortals dare not easily break into Huoping mountain.

Since Zhou Xiaoming knew that it was Ming fire, he also had a way to deal with it. He closed the immortal scar and opened his mouth to sacrifice the star cloud crown.

"Boom..." In the sound of the sound, the cloud crown gives birth to starlight, which blocks the flame and protects Zhou Xiaoming's immortal body. As Zhou Xiaoming urges Xianli, the starlight forms a battle armor and falls on himself.

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming let the cloud crown turn into a Taoist crown and fall to the top door. Some of them looked at Xiao Hua and asked, "how about this?"

"Not so much!" Xiao Hua kicked Zhou Xiaoming on the back and said, "what have you been doing? Fly fast and find my way

"Hee hee, yes, sir!" Zhou Xiaoming smiles, and a nebula emerges under his feet, carrying his immortal body to rush into the fire.

Before flying thousands of miles, the flames become more and more towering. The surrounding mountains are like ordinary mountains. The undulating lines are like monsters. There is no sky light in the sky, except that the flames are smoke. I don't know when, the light of the surrounding space began to twist, and strands of space cracks of different lengths appeared. This space crack can kill people in the ordinary world, but in the fairyland, it won't be the dust expelled by waving. A little space crack is not in Zhou Xiaoming's eyes, but whether there are rosefinch, Firebird, fire dragon and other fire spirit objects around the space crack is a headache for him!Xiaoming of Xingyun coronation state has not yet sacrificed his heart. From time to time, he has to urge him secretly. Suddenly, the fire spirit comes, which makes him separate. So the flame burns into his immortal body through the armor of stars and moon!

This kind of burning is painful to the heart and soul. Every time there is a flash of fire, Zhou Xiaoming will inevitably cry out.

Xiao Hua curls his lips behind Zhou Xiaoming and doesn't fight. He just wants to govern Zhou Xiaoming's laziness. Zhou Xiaoming and Li Moyi are both rising immortals. Li Moyi is fighting on the battlefield and tearing with the local immortals. At the same time, Zhou Xiaoming is hiding in the sea of dust. He steals the air and trains the little sister of the dragon people. If it's not for the exclusion of the dragon people, it can't be said that this guy is a burden!

Xiao Hua, the star cloud crown, gave it to Zhou Xiaoming. Except for the first sacrifice, Xiao Hua never saw him again. It's natural to warm the body, but where can it compare with such continuous stimulation? Compared with Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi, Xiao Hua doesn't like Zhou Xiaoming very much!

When it comes to Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi, Xiao Hua doesn't miss them. These two disciples are hardworking people, but they are in Xiao Hua's heart.

"Oh..." Just then, in the fire cloud above his head, the roar of the beast came down, and Zhou Xiaoming's face changed greatly. Because the sound of the beast shook his mind, and the pangran breath fell like a mountain!

Zhou Xiaoming peeks at Xiao Hua. Unfortunately, Xiao Hua's face is expressionless. In addition to complaining in secret, Zhou Xiaoming can only raise his hand to pat the top door and take down the star cloud crown! However, with the movement of the nebula corona, the star armour on Zhou Xiaoming immediately collapsed, and the omnipresent flames suddenly poured in again.

However, Zhou Xiaoming had no choice but to distract himself from protecting the immortal body, and then he focused on the roar of the beast.

But I saw that it was a strange looking fairy beast. The fairy beast looked like a deer, but its neck was very thick. There were more than ten huge marks on its neck. The deer and beast stepped on the fire, and there was black smoke gushing from its mouth and nose.

"Roar..." The deer and beast were far away. They raised their heads and roared. With a big mouth open, a raging fire column shot at Zhou Xiaoming. At first, the fire column was not big enough to pass through the space, and the fire spirit objects all around fell into it. So when they got to the top of Zhou Xiaoming's head, they had turned into thousands of feet!

Seeing the dark light running around in the pillar of fire, a breath comparable to Yan Xian suddenly enveloped him. Zhou Xiaoming's face changed suddenly, but he didn't dare to hesitate any more. He rubbed his hands together, and the silver light columns rushed into the star cloud crown.

"Brush..." The star light on the star cloud crown is big, an ellipse star emerges, bumps into the pillar of fire!

"Boom..." Stars hit the pillar of fire, such as boulders into the sea, issued a huge roaring sound, but also the burst of the pillar of fire hit!

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua said behind Zhou Xiaoming, "this blow should have the power of high-level leakage fairy!"

The high-level power of the leaky immortal could not resist the pillar of fire of Yanxian's strength. The star just cracked the pillar of fire, and then the ink colored light had rushed to smash the star.

Xiao Hua's words followed the epicenter of Xiaoming earthquake: "however, you can't even make a fire beast. You have to work hard to make it!"

With Xiao Hua's voice landing, "roar..." When Xiao Hua's big sleeve was raised, the double headed Huoqi beast roared and flew out. The Huoqi beast had only lost its immortal strength before, but now how many chances it has won is different from the past. Seeing the beast fall into the fire, "Wuwu..." The shadow of the fire immediately rushed into its body like wind and waves, "boom..." There are also two pillars of fire between the two heads of fire Qi beast's mouth, one to block the falling pillar of fire, the other to attack the deer beast!

"Boom..." Two pillars of fire collided with nature is earth shaking momentum, the recent hundred miles of space Mars splash, fire distortion!

It seems that the double headed Huoqi beast is weaker, but its body trembles, and its foot steps on the fire cloud to rush to the high altitude.

Deer fire beast is more ferocious, see double head fire Qi beast in a head of the fire column, a scar in its neck suddenly gave birth to a fire shadow, a virtual shadow similar to deer beast put out, it is hit on the fire column, virtual shadow broken in the fire column also disappeared!

"Roar..." Deer fire beast see double head fire Qi beast, it seems to see the enemy, after testing each other match, natural eyes bleeding red, roaring to double head fire Qi beast!

"Master..." Zhou Xiaoming still urges xingyunmian to protect himself. He dodges to Xiaohua's side and says in a low voice, "do you still have Xianchong?"

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Thousands of people, thousands of faces, immortals are also general, even the rising immortals also have their own way!