Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 962

Don't say that Fengwu doesn't understand the yudie, but Xiaohua's idea is temporary. Xiaohua can't tell exactly what the fate is.

Fengwu leaves the space, and Xiaohua flies to the celestial world to explore the space. In the space, most of the disciples of Zaohua sect have repaired the Taoist foundation and began to practice. As for the ascending disciples, there is no problem of Daoji. They may have realized it, or they may contact with the disciples of the heaven heaven and practice under the arrangement of the disciples of the heaven.

Looking at everything in order, Xiao Hua smiles out of the space.

About half a yuan later, Xiao Xiangzi and Che Xiong went out of the pass. They saluted Xiao Hua respectfully. Then they took Xianzhou and asked Zhou Xiaoming to have a rest.

After that, Xiao Hua stopped talking. He just listened to Xiao Xiangzi and Che Xiong tell some interesting stories. When he got the immortal array, all the immortals gave up their boats to join the array. In this way, it took him half a lifetime to get to Tianxue.

On the first day of this year, the immortals flew out of the transmission immortal array. Facing them, they saw a volcano standing in front of them, which was like a barrier between heaven and earth. Xiaoxiangzi lost his voice and cried out, "bitter! Why is this Huoping mountain suddenly on fire

"Yes, yes!" Che Xiong's face also changed slightly. He quickly took out Mo Xiantong from the bag and looked at it for a moment. He said, "according to the records of Mo Xiantong, it's not the time when Huoping mountain is on fire. There must be something wrong inside."

"We don't care what happens!" Xiaoxiangzi said with a bitter smile, "the problem is that this fire is burning together in Pingshan mountain. Generally, it will burn for ten life years. I'm afraid it's not good to pass with our strength."

Zhou Xiaoming looked at the immortal map and understood what he had learned. He asked, "if you go around Huoping mountain, it will take several months. Besides, there is Chongxing lake on the left and Jiuyun peak on the right. It's as dangerous as Huoping mountain!"

"Yes!" xiaoxiangzi nodded, "if we go around again I don't have to listen to the snow when I wait. "

"Well..." Zhou Xiaoming said with a smile, "brother Xiaoxiang and Che Xianyou have a big match in the door. It's a great event in the door. You can't help participating in it..."

With that, Zhou Xiaoming looks at Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua certainly understood Zhou Xiaoming's meaning, but he still frowned and said, "if you don't want to listen to Tian Xue, why do you want to listen to Tian Xue again?"

"This..." Che Xiong hesitated for a moment, looked at xiaoxiangzi and said, "I have promised Xiaoxiang fairy friend that if he goes, I will go. If he doesn't, I can't go either?"

"And you?" Xiao Hua asked xiaoxiangzi, "it's just going to experience. Why do you have to listen to Tianxue? Where else can't you experience?"

"Alas Xiaoxiangzi sighed, "to tell you the truth, I'm going to listen to Tianxue It's going to pay off the debt! "

"Pay off the debt?" Xiao Hua moved in his heart and looked at xiaoxiangzi with a smile. "What debt do you owe me? Is it a debt of love? "

"I'm joking!" Xiaoxiangzi blushed and said, "it's not a debt of affection. It's the younger generation who inadvertently made a mistake and let a fairy friend be expelled from the fairy gate. The younger generation wants to listen to Tianxue and help this fairy friend..."

Xiaoxiangzi's words are too vague. Che Xiong and Zhou Xiaoming are at a loss, but Xiao Hua's heart is hot again. He understands xiaoxiangzi's mind.

However, without waiting for Xiao Hua to speak, xiaoxiangzi quickly explained to Che Xiong: "of course, because this matter involves the secret of the fairy friend, I didn't tell him clearly, but the experience is true. I told him that the situation is also not false..."

Xiaoxiangzi didn't say it's OK. When he just said this, Che Xiong suddenly asked, "what xiaoxiangxianyou said is Shuo Bing

"Alas..." Xiaoxiangzi heard Che Xiong drink broken, he did not feel is a wry smile, shook his head and said, "this fairyland there is no absolute silence fairy ban, no matter how secret, or others see through!"

"Ha ha..." Che Xiong said with a smile, "there are not many disciples who have been expelled from the four immortals, and Che knows something about the gratitude and resentment between qingyumen and qingxiaoguan. To tell you the truth, when we went to helanque with Molly to find shuobing on the first day of the year, another one who was unlucky was my disciple of zhudanfeng. Che also knows the gratitude and resentment between qingyumen and qingxiaoguan from him..."

"Ah? Is there anyone else? " Xiaoxiangzi was surprised and said, "why haven't I heard of it?"

Xiao Hua eyebrows a Yang, he naturally know that Che Xiong said is the man with Molly fairy. That male immortal escaped with the help of the attack of Qiling mountain on the first day. Up to now, Xiao Hua doesn't know who that male immortal is!

"Of course you haven't heard of..." Che Xiong said with a smile, "that male fairy is Molly's lover. After Molly's death, he wants to find a good friend to help him get revenge. Che is one of the friends he invited. However, before he had discussed with us, the news that shuobing was expelled came from Qingyu gate, and then he fell in an experience, and the revenge was not settled! Speaking of this, you must know who this male immortal is! "

"Hum..." Xiaoxiangzi snorted coldly, "I don't know who Molly's lover is, but when it comes to your good friend, and it's Shuo Bing who fell after being chased, it's Ouyang Zhenhua!"

"Not bad!" Che Xiong nodded, "that's him!"

"If you do more injustice, you will die." Xiaoxiangzi said faintly, then looked at chexiong and said, "things have already been said. I'm going to listen to Tianxue to help shuobing. Chexianyou is a good friend of shuobing's enemy. It's better for chexianyou not to go. Otherwise, I can't talk to other fairy friends in the future!""Alas..." Che Xiong sighed and said, "Che would rather not know!"

"No way!" Xiaoxiangzi replied, "the words have been made clear, you and I can't go back!"

Then xiaoxiangzi took out a bag, handed it to chexiong and said, "this is what I promised to Xianyou. Please accept it!"

"Xiaoxiang Xianyou has seen a car!" Che Xiong waved his hand and said, "Che has never been with Xianyou to listen to Tianxue, and he has never helped Xianyou with any immortal power. What's the reward?"

Then Che Xiong bowed to Xiao Hua respectfully and said, "I'm Che Xiong. I'll thank you if I have a chance in the future."

"Ha ha!" Xiao Hua laughs and raises Che Xiong up and says, "you're welcome. It's fate to meet you!"

"Yes Che Xiong said with a smile, "master Xiao's kindness is in my heart. I hope to see you again in the future!"

"Well, that's right!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "I'll see you later. Go back quickly."

Chexiong also did not drag the mud and water. He arched to xiaoxiangzi and zhouxiaoming and said, "xiaoxiangxianyou, zhouxianyou, goodbye!"

"Goodbye, goodbye!" Zhou Xiaoming also appreciates Che Xiong's freshness.

Looking at Che Xiong flying back to the immortal array, Xiao Hua sighed: "this Che Xiong is a man!"

"It's a pity that he has no fortune!" Zhou Xiaoming shrugged.

"Let's go!" Xiao Hua was not angry and said, "it's his business whether he has good fortune or not. It's none of your business."

Thank you, master Xiao Xiaoxiangzi turned around and bowed again, "I've revealed the truth, and I hope you'll have pity..."

Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "you didn't say anything. What do I pity you for?"

"Alas..." Xiaoxiangzi sighed, "I'll tell you all about it. After all, without the help of my predecessors and Zhou Xianyou, I can't go back all over, let alone find a way to help shuobing!"

"Well, say it!" Xiao Hua looked at the Huoping mountain road in the distance, "there is still a distance between the left and right of Huoping mountain, which is enough for you to say."

Xiao Hua actually has a general understanding of the process of the existence of psychic demon species on shuobing, but he is afraid that he will say something wrong and reveal his identity, which makes xiaoxiangzi say it again.

When xiaoxiangzi finished speaking, they also flew to Huoping mountain. Xiao Hua looked at xiaoxiangzi and said, "are you sure Just feel guilty, if you don't leak the information to Molly, Molly won't go to helanque to find shuobing, which leads to shuobing injured, fused with the demon species, and was expelled by Qingyu gate! Not that you have shuobing in your heart and are willing to find a way for shuobing to restrain the demons? "

Xiaoxiangzi was a little embarrassed. He said with a smile: "it's false to say that my younger generation didn't have any idea about shuobing at first. But after listening to Tian Xue and his party, we can see Shuo Bing's mind. There is no one in their heart. Why do we have to look for Shuo Bing? "

"That's true!" Xiao Hua felt relieved and nodded.

"In fact, younger generation and shuobing almost got the demon seed at the same time!" Xiaoxiangzi explained, "it's just that we got the demon seed in different places, and we don't know what each other took. Since the younger generation can refine the demon species perfectly, shuobing can also. The only reason why she becomes a demon is that she is killed by Molly and When Ouyang Zhenhua joined hands in pursuit, he drank poison to quench thirst and forced the fusion of demon species. Do you think it's not the fault of the younger generation or whose fault

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "in that case, I really want to help you!"

"Thank you, master, thank you Xiaoxiangzi was overjoyed.

"Let's go!" Xiao Hua rolled his robe and said, "I'll take you to Huoping mountain first!"

Xiao Hua's left arm rolled up xiaoxiangzi, and his right arm naturally photographed Zhou Xiaoming. With Xiao Hua's body, he flew up, "Ga......" A faint sound of Qingming came from under his feet. The shadow of Zhuque yuan spirit spread its wings and flew out, carrying Xiao Hua into the sea of fire.

"Master..." Although he felt that there was a red light around him to protect his body, there was no special difference, xiaoxiangzi cautioned carefully, "the fire in huopingshan is not an ordinary immortal fire. It is said that it is similar to the fire of the Buddha's heart. Our immortal bodies can't resist without light."

"Well, I know!" Xiao Hua's body fell into the sea of fire. Yannian had been released for a long time. Unfortunately, the fire here is ordinary, but it's just a common immortal fire. Where is the breath of Buddhist fire?

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Xiao Hua's painstaking efforts still failed. Xiaoxiangzi insisted on going to listen to Tian Xue. I don't know his good or bad luck!