Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 961

Liu Yanyu was speechless. Seeing that Fenghua's big hand was about to destroy these fruits, she said in a hurry: "mother, my child is thirsty. Let him eat!"

"Worthless things!" Fenghua took a look at Liu Yanyu and scolded, "I don't know if I'm soft mouthed when I eat people." Although she said that, Fenghua gave the fruit to Liu Yanyu.

Liu Yanyu put the fruit into naxu ring, and took one in her hand to taste it. The taste of the fruit was really strange, but before Liu Yanyu finished, Fenghua said, "this little Huang, who doesn't look at her virtue, dares to compete with Xueer. Xueer is old spring..."

Hearing the word "competing for favors", Liu Yanyu wanted to break a big hole in Yunxia so that she could fall down. The fruit in her mouth tasted like chewing wax.

Let's not say that Liu Yanyu is living like a year, let's just say that in shuojin mountain, the huge space is full of golden light. There are 108 peaks of different styles all over the place. These peaks are dark blue. At a glance, the light of dark blue condenses in Wushang mountain, which looks like a forgotten river.

At this time, at the top of the biyou flame, Liu Yanzhen was lying there quietly. Under her was a deep blue mountain peak. Because it is located at the top of the flame, the green light from each peak will fall into her body more or less, which is naturally a little eccentric.

In shuojin mountain, there is not only a fairy named Liu yanxuan. On the lowest mountain, a female fairy, who is only a few feet tall, sits on her knees. The female fairy is dressed in a neon shirt, with a face as beautiful as jade, and a long eyebrow as charming as Dai. At this time, the fairy didn't meditate. Her long eyelashes trembled slightly. Her eyes were full of divine color. She looked at the fairy with envy.

"I'm sorry..." All of a sudden, there was a sound in the mouth and nose of the lying Liu Yanzhen, and then the dazzling purple and gold light and shadow flashed around Liu Yanzhen, which reflected the whole shuojin mountain. With the light and shadow flashing, the biyou light and flame on all the mountain peaks also soared into the sky. The female fairy was surprised and quickly hid, but her strength was too low to allow her to fly, and the biyou light and flame had already killed her Wrap it up.

"It's killing me!" Liu Yanzhen's voice sounded like thunder, "Xiao Hua, I'm not finished with you!"

"Ah?" After hearing this, the fairy couldn't help shaking her body and exclaimed in a low voice!

"Who?" Hearing this, Liu Yanzhen's body swayed and fell in front of the fairy. At this time, Liu Yanzhen was more than 200 feet tall. She looked down at the fairy like a child and asked, "where is this? You Who are you? "

"Up Shangxian... " Nvxian's body was shaking. She could not stand the breath of Liu Yanzhen. She stammered, "this This is the yingtianque of the Huang family. I My name is Huang... "

Without waiting for the fairy to finish, Liu Yanzhen panicked and said, "this This is the Huang family? Yingtian que? I Why am I here? "

"Up Shangxian... " The fairy answered quickly, "this is shuojin mountain, you..."

"Why?" Liu didn't care about the fairy at all. She patted her eyebrows and said, "what's the matter? Why do I have so many things in my head? oh Am I not possessed? "

"Hee hee, I know. I must be possessed. You sent me to shuojin mountain of Huang family..."

"Is this shuojin mountain? It's not so good. It's not as good as the biyutian of my Liu family... "

Listening to Liu Yanzhen talking to himself, the fairy turned her eyes and said in secret: "Xiao Hua in the fairy's mouth is Is it Xiao Lang? Does she have a grudge against Xiao Lang? But But that's not true. She said she was possessed? Is she secretly in love with Xiao Lang

"Yes Liu Yanzhen looked at the fairy and said, "who are you? How can you stay in shuojin mountain? Shangxian?? Ha ha, I know. You must be the friar the Huang family stole back from the lower world... "

In short, when Liu Yanzhen patted the top door, the sound of "buzzing" came out of her body, and immediately she saw her immortal body shrink slowly. However Liu Yanzhen urged her immortal power, she only shrank to more than 100 Zhang and stopped.

At this time, the fairy sounded timidly with a tentative voice: "evening My name is Huang mengxiang... "

Huang mengxiang? Huang mengxiang of Huang family in Tianmen Mountain! She is Huang Xiaoxiao's son from the lower world!

Xiao Hua didn't know that Huang mengxiang, who was a headache to him, flew to the fairyland without being robbed by thunder. Moreover, he stepped into the threshold of an ancient family to meet Liu Yanzhen.

At this time, Xiao Hua was standing on the immortal boat, looking at the blue clouds surging in the distant sky. He didn't know what to think. Behind him, Zhou Xiaoming drove the boat carefully and recited some words. As for xiaoxiangzi and Che Xiong, they sat on the tail of the immortal boat with their knees crossed, sometimes nervous and sometimes happy. It was obvious that the cultivation of skills had reached the critical point.

Xiao Hua turned to look at the two immortals. He shook his head slightly. On the first day of the year, he promised to talk about the cultivation of the lost immortals, but he did not dare to say more. Even so, Zhou Xiaoming and other three people were intoxicated. When Xiao Hua finished speaking, they closed the door at the same time. Zhou Xiaoming realized it on the fourth or fifth day, but xiaoxiangzi and Che Xiong were closed all the time, Now more than three yuan days, it can be seen that the qualification of Zhou Xiaoming far exceeds that of xiaoxiangzi and Che Xiong."Master..." Seeing that Xiao Hua turned his head, Zhou Xiaoming said in a hurry, "half a day ago, he had missed a transmission immortal array. The next transmission immortal array should be two days later."

"Well..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "don't worry. Let them understand. I also have a key to understand. It's hard for you to hold the boat!"

"Shut up, master!" Zhou Xiaoming said with a smile, "I don't have any hard work."

Xiao Hua sat down with his knees crossed, and his mind went into the space and turned into a yudie. After Xiao Hua, he went straight down to the demon alliance space. At this time, Fengwu, the yudie, with a smile on his face, stood in the place of a flying passage, where thunder was surging, and waves of stars were splashing like fireworks.

Seeing Xiao Hua coming over, Feng Wu said with a smile, "Daoyou, who will be the first one to rise?"

Xiaohua also laughed and looked at Longyu space and said, "who else can there be?"

Xiao Hua's voice just landed, "boom..." The light and shadow of the incomplete star mark in the flying passage suddenly broke, and a demon clan with flashing stars burst out. The demon clan had just fallen into the demon League, and the stars had not dissipated, and the eyes had not opened. It had already called out: "good master, good master, I'm late, I'm late..."

Yudie Fengwu can't help laughing. Xiaohua's face is a little ugly. Isn't the rising demon clan black bear spirit?

The black bear spirit fell in the air, and there were some thunder flashes in the tattered parts of his body. However, the black bear spirit couldn't clean up, so he quickly opened his eyes and looked around. While looking at it, he said tentatively: "big mother? Is that you? I see you old. Hey, don't tease me! "

"Why? Is it the second mother? Don't tease me. I know you are the best... "

The black bear spirit said for a moment, but no one answered. Then he looked up and looked around. When the stars were shining, he suddenly woke up and said with a long smile: "ha ha ha, this should be the demon League. It's where our demon clan soared. They have soared to the fairyland and heaven. Ha ha, I don't need to be angry with them any more, ha..."

While saying that, the black bear spirit was rolling in mid air.

Xiao Hua is angry and funny. He almost fans black bear spirit when he raises his hand.

However, just as Xiao Hua raised his hand, the black bear spirit suddenly stood in the air, his eyes suddenly burst into tears, knelt down in the air and cried: "Oh, master, black bear wants to kill you! Black bear thinks that you will be old when you fly up, but who knows that little one has arrived at the demon League? What can I do? Master, I will never see you again... "

Looking at the black bear spirit cry sad, jade die Xiao Hua's hand how also fan not to go down!

Moreover, looking at the black bear spirit, the image of the fire ape suddenly appeared in his mind, especially the appearance of the fire ape kneeling down to worship his master: "Oh, I don't know him How about now! "

The reincarnation of the fire ape was arranged by the Tathagata Buddha himself, and even Xiao Hua did not know.

The black bear spirit cried for a moment, and then the whole body of thunder slowly disappeared, as if tired. The black bear spirit fell on the ground and curled up to sleep. When he fell asleep, he whispered: "master, master, you have spirit in the fairyland, let me dream of you! I really miss you... "

Xiao Hua almost burst into tears when he heard the jade die!

"Alas Xiao Hua sighed and raised his hand to imprison the black bear spirit. He wanted to send his hand to the Dragon space.

However, looking at the Zixia princess, Hongxia fairy and Qingqing princess with dragon patterns flashing all over the Longyu space, Xiao Hua is not willing to send the loyal black bear to them again.

"Just..." Xiao Hua pondered a little, turned his head and looked at other spaces. When his eyes fell on the Buddha Kingdom, he moved in his heart and whispered a few words to the light Buddha Guangming Buddha, who was the jade die Buddha inside. Then he raised his hand and sent the black bear spirit into the Buddha Kingdom space.

"Daoyou..." The jade die Feng Wu is greatly surprised, hurried to shout a way, "isn't this come to divulge the riddle of you and I space?"

"Not necessarily..." Yu die Xiao Hua said with a mysterious smile.

Sure enough, the place where the black bear's Spirit fell was just at the foot of the jade ultimatum Xiao Hua's great mercy, Guanyin Bodhisattva Buddha. The Ding Guang Buddha Guangming Buddha didn't notice anything!

"Oh?" Yuji Fengwu was a little surprised. He thought for a moment and nodded, "it seems that the poor way is concerned, but it's chaotic!"

"Black bear spirit was born as a demon, but he was loyal..." "If he can endure the light of the Buddha, he may not be able to give birth to Huigen," said Xiao Hua

"I don't understand what you think." Yudie Fengwu said with a bitter smile, "I called my friends in, but I was just thinking about how to make a great fortune for the first demon clan who rose to the demon League, but I never thought that this great fortune would be the light of Buddha in the Buddhist kingdom!"

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Huang mengxiang and black bear are also here. Fairyland is more and more lively